
Comments by Subraman (page 30)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Tom Brady has won more Superbowls than any single NFL franchise...
    "Does everybody except me have a Troll account on this board ?" Ha ha Juice that's great! Pretending we don't all know that's one of your troll accounts 😄 🤣 😂
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    4 years ago
    Dancersmatterto on ig
    Admit it, this contest is actually to see who is the most incoherent. You are going to take 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
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    4 years ago
    Older Colombian dancer Paterson,NJ
    "nice hips too" You already said she was Colombian :)
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    4 years ago
    $40 Dances and The End of Humanity
    I don't do lap dances so I'm relatively more insulated from this. When lap dances went up 50% from $20 to $30 here, VIP dances went up 20% from $100 to $120 for 3 songs. The difference in prices between 3 lappers vs 3 song VIP is getting closer and closer, but the mileage is waaaaay better in the VIP, not even close. Only downside is that you have to commit the full $120 for the VIP, but given that I drink with the girl for quite a while first, it's usually a good bet. So, ITC is for drinking with the girl, VIPs, and getting her to agree to OTC.
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    4 years ago
    Asking for OTC
    Regarding ITC vs OTC, if I went to extras clubs I'd likely try an ITC test drive first, ala gmd. But for over 10 years now, my approach has been strictly no-extras alcohol clubs, no possibility for a test drive other than getting YMMV in the VIP, which is to an extent something I do require. In that sense, I imagine we all have our ways to filter out the high volume girls, the SW types, the "do the least and get the most" girls, etc.
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    4 years ago
    Asking for OTC
    "I don’t want to offend the girl by asking her in case she doesn’t. " If this notion is frightening to you, OTC might not be for you. For the most part, the girls have all heard it before. If she gets offended, either 1. you asked her in an asshole-y way, or 2. she's choosing to be offended. For the record, in decades of doing this, I've had girls turn me down but never anyone act offended, even once, even a little. I don't ask in a chickenshit way (e.g., "do you ever meet your customers outside?"), I just spend time and $ on her, and then, "hey, would you meet me outside the club?" or something similar. If you've treated her well and you ask her respectfully you won't offend her, although she might tell you no.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    OT: spectrum of covid cases that you know of
    * deaths or hospitalizations
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    OT: spectrum of covid cases that you know of
    Only one person who I know directly and firsthand got it. Young healthy person, tough couple of weeks, fatigue a couple more. That said, most of my circle of friends has the luxury of working from home, we all wear masks, don't mix households, etc. I know of a good number of second-hand stories. Nearly all of the stories are the same: multiple deaths in the same family, after a family mixer. One of my best buddies just told me a couple of days ago about multiple deaths in his brother-in-law's family. A good friend of mine has an SB where there have been multiple family deaths. My parents have two friends with deaths in their families. My sister has one. Every single story involves multiple deaths in a single family after some sort of household mixer.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    What kind of customer are you? Stripper Web:
    "Thinking back, vast majority was indeed ITC topics w/the occasional OTC sprinkle. " Right. Same here -- occasional OTC sprinkles, but just as kind of a side note (like I said, I've never even been on a forum before that had an acronym or term for this). I believe Rick when he says the other forum he's on has frequent "takeout" discussion; I'm just saying I've never seen such a thing, even on forums where the culture was VERY detailed TRs, very little OTC discussion. Whereas tuscl doesn't just discuss OTC, OTC discussion is one of the dominant ones here, along with LDK (I agree with the sigh) which I also don't see discussed on most forums. However, ALL PL-oriented forums I've ever been on are heavy on extras and mileage discussion, along with getting the best deals and avoiding ROBs techniques.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Ever wish you took more photos
    100% In fact, it's a thought I've had through my entire life. Everytime I look at old photos, I think, "man I'm glad someone took these. I should take more photos". Then I just go on living in the moment and not taking more photos.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    What kind of customer are you? Stripper Web:
    nice: yes there are a number of stripper reddit subs, they're all anti-extras, but nothing quite approaches SW. I (obviously) didn't know about teh private facebook groups! I've always felt that extras girls are the one group that has absolutely no voice on the internet, but I can see a private group being able to handle extras & nonextras girls mixing
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    What kind of customer are you? Stripper Web:
    I agree, that has always been some set of SC customers seeking OTC. Reverse question -- do you know any other customer sites where OTC is discussed often? I'll give a counterpoint example, for many years my home forum was sfredbook, where the PL ethics were "give as much detail about specific girls as possible, including specific sex acts, the price paid for each, and how good she is at them." Waaaay too far into revealing details about the girls. And even on that forum, VERY little talk of OTC. In fact, so little discussion of OTC that I can't recall ever even seeing the acronym "OTC" on that forum. Occasionally some PL would say "I asked Melody if she'd meet me at a hotel and she said yes for $600" or whatever, but this was not discussed enough that we had an acronym for it. Meanwhile, everyone knew every sexual act every stripper would agree to, and at what price, so it's not like anyone thought this type of discussion was too intrusive.
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    4 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    What kind of customer are you? Stripper Web:
    gmd, I agree, and feel all of those observations can be broadened to: there is no large internet forum that I'm on, for any topic or hobby, where that forum's members represent the average participant in that topic. Big forums tend to generate consensus values and everyone, conscious or subconsciously, drifts towards them; and forum participants tend to become extremely adept at obtaining whatever the forum consensus goals are, far past what an average participant in that hobby does. It is interesting that both stripper and PL forums, as they hit critical mass, all tend to converge. I've been on a number of PL forums over many years, some of which grew quite large, and the topics of discussion and general culture were pretty much just like tuscl. This forum's most unique facet, to me, is the focus on OTC. On most PL forums, this is barely a side topic; perhaps surprisingly, I've even had veteran PLs from other forums ask questions about OTC as if they'd never done it before ("won't you get kicked out for asking?"). Tuscl is the first place I could find a zillion other guys also pursuing OTC Similarly, to an extent most stripper forums tend to converge to similar topics and values. One thing that's absolutely common: eventually all extras girls are driven off every stripper forum, all stripper forums are openly hostile to extras at the club, extras girls, and customers who seek extras [extras girls really don't have a voice almost anywhere]. SW is notable for its level of toxicity and fury, and general disdain for their own customers, but otherwise just an extreme example of what most stripper forums cover and the general values and taboos.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    CJKent: you're saying a bunch of vacuous nonsense, but not addressing the fact that there are very successul ethnic groups who are not white, that people with the same ethnicity have different levels of success (which means the ethnicity itself is not the determining factor). Quoting smart people does not make you smart, nor do quotes override facts.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Rando: the report I read is a couple of decades old, so things could have changed. However, that report broke down many ethnic groups a big differently than that wikipedia article. I can find the data it came from if anyone is interested, but I remember distinctly WASPs #1, ashkenazi Jews #2, and so on. Things could have changed, and/or the previous study is different than today's. Still, even taking that wikipedia article as truth, how you jockey around these groups doesn't change the thrust of my argument: "white privilege" were the sole or even biggest factor, we wouldn't have only 3 white ethnicities in the top ten most successful. If anything, the top 10 list looks like Asian privilege. This is not to say that institutional prejudice isn't a pernicious evil, just that the facts of which ethnic groups are successful in America does not square with white privilege being the biggest driver behind economic success.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    What kind of customer are you? Stripper Web:
    Yeah, it is definitely the case that some dancers smell bad. They're not going to discuss that much on SW :) Armpits, pussy, ass, breath. All need to be attended to before hitting the floor
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    It has been years since I've seen statistics on this, so I'd have to go re-research them all, but there's a few interesting things that need explanation: - East Indians, who are non-white and mostly dark-skinned, as an ethnic group are more economically successful than most white ethnic groups - Some Asian ethnicities, but not all, who are non-white, are more successful than most white ethnic groups - At the time Jews became successful in this country, they were dirt poor and the hatred towards them fairly seethed. Yes, they're white -- but they are another datapoint that a group being actively discriminated against, can succeed in a free country. They are more successful than any white ethnic group except WASPs (the single most successful ethnic group) - A study of (black) Africans showed an interesting dichotomy: they either succeeded to the level of white ethnic groups in a single generation, or remain economically unsuccessful through generations. The study's data seemed to show: Africans arrive to the US with the potential to be successful. They can succeed fast. But if they don't, they settle into, and adopt, black culture and their fortunes become exactly the same. All in all, it would be foolish to deny that there are ethnic groups that are subject to discrimination and that that discrimination causes harm. But the fact that many non-white ethnic groups succeed (especially the African immigrants' "succeed fast or poor forever") shows this is very far from insurmountable... the fact that there are a number of ethnic groups who are more successful than many/most white ethnic groups shows that too. The "white privilege" theory, aside from being intellectual laziness of the highest order, also does everyone a disservice -- if we ignore the deep cultural reasons why some ethnic groups don't succeed, we ignore a huge part of what's going on. The fact that some Asian ethnic groups are supremely successful, and others extremely unsuccessful, despite the fact that none of the rest of us can tell them apart, means there's far more going on here than just prejudice against people with epicanthal folds. What happens as we address the institutional aspects, but ignore the more-important cultural aspects, and nothing changes? Just lean into it more?
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    What kind of customer are you? Stripper Web:
    It's been a looong time since someone imported a fun SW thread into tuscl. If you just don't take it too seriously, it can be a hilarious discussion.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    What's the girl-guy ratio like at clubs you go to?
    I like the deadest part of the deadest shift. 1pm-4pm Monday? Fuck yes. I definitely dislike it when the PLs outnumber the strippers. A good number of my trips, for at least part of the time I'm there, there's less than 3 other customers besides me (and my buddies, if it's a group trip). That great ratio, 3-4 customers for 10 strippers, makes me totally happy. But once CA law changed and the girls became employees, this started to become impossible, the club would only have 3-4 girls on during the slow parts of the shifts... yet another thing that made the clubs in this area worse, and led to me spending more time and $ elsewhere besides the SCs
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Ass Play
    I'm with gmd. At minimum, your finger in her ass. There are other cylindrical shaped bodyparts she might also have been open to
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Ski, I despise the double standard as much as you -- I called it out specifically in my first post, when I noted that yesterday was "rioters", whereas the criminal trash looting, burning, and stealing in blm's name were "protestors". It's been obvious for years that the press has taken sides. That said, I'm with Jimmy, there's few facts yet about the shooting, other than that we knew a large group of people broke into congress. "I view it as murder, as she was shot at very close range" is nonsensical -- the range at which someone is shot is not by itself the test for whether it's murder or not. Hell, I'd be more likely to say it was murder, or negligent, if she were at a very far range.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    The potential somewhat silver lining is that Trump goes out on the disgraceful final note we all knew he would (maybe even with the exciting surprise of his own cabinet invoking the 25th amendment), and an opportunity to flush the Trumpites back out of the Republican party, and with Trump slinking off we can let go of the cult of personality
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Unsurprising ending for the Trumpites. That said, I am also amused that the press is uniformly labeling these guys rioters. The BLM rioters were not rioters, they were protestors. Just so you all know who are the approved rioters and who are the unapproved rioters, according to the press.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
    Now and then, an Angel
    The plot thickens https://www.tmz.com/2021/01/04/tanya-roberts-still-alive-rep-saying-shes-dead-70s-show-bond-girl/
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
    Now and then, an Angel
    First Dawn Wells and now Tanya Roberts? Brutal