How to drink in moderation at the club?
I sometimes get too carried away even when im driving and end up having less fun or not remembering it. Is it better to just stay completely sober and get a water or coke? My ideal amount would be 2-3 drinks but once I get a buzz I want to keep it going.
First, I mostly do my PL time in California clubs, where nude clubs can't serve alcohol.
Next, if I'm at a nude club I'm almost always looking for extras. So I don't want to be encumbered by bad judgement or the adverse affects too much drinking can have on my...Ahem!... "performance."
There are exceptions, of course, as in some places NOT drinking makes you look out of place. But even then, I can nurse a beer for over an hour.
There are other places and times when I drink; a great wine paired with a great steak, a vodka martini (very dry, no olive, with a twist, please) at a business or social dinner, and a good single-malt (neat please!) as a night cap. But when I'm looking to get me some quality time in a club, I want to be sober.
Something to THINK about. Especially before driving on the same roads the rest of us do.
Best thing you can do is pace yourself to not drink more than I alcoholic drink every 35-40 minutes if you need to order a water after each drink and don’t order another drink till you finish the bottle of water.
If I were you and you want to drink - go to a sports bar and have a good time, Uber it home. It will be a lot cheaper than strip club drink prices.
When you want to see some T&A go to the strip climb but don’t drink that way you’ll remember how you spent your money and hopefully remember the good lap dance you got from a hot stripper instead of forgetting everything.
If you get drunk in a club - how can you be a stone cold pimp?
You may need to turn in your pimp card...
It's like the dead squirrel you see on the the road. Little guy no doubt made dozens of successful crossings.
However, I noticed one dancer who seemed to enjoy drinking too much. It was interesting to watch - as she was clearly uncomfortable being on stage (it was a small stage at best) - and she would generally find a customer and make conversation and order beer. One night I saw the manager cut her off - as she had gotten a bit sloppy and uncoordinated.
It’s easier now to notice when a dancer stops by with the smell of marijuana on her. Booze can be less noticeable if they freshen themselves up after downing a few shots.
But I do apologize for interrupting these virtue signaling festivities and by all means please proceed. I'd hate to rain on the self satisfaction parade of dayshift teetotalers who take great pleasure from this sort of exercise. 😁
One of my favorite dancers told me she drank 12-18 drinks a day. No way would I try to outdrink her!
If you can't control yourself after you have that first drink, it seems like the options are: 1. always take uber/taxi/etc to the club, so you don't kill anyone on the way home, or 2. abstain from alcohol at the club.
There's pacing you can do, like promise yourself "one drink every 45 minutes" and program your phone to alert you when you can have your next drink. That might help if all you need is a little pacing. But if you overall completely lack control after that first or second drink, you'll ignore that too.
I love love love drinking with strippers, so I usually take public transit to the club, or just pace things out when I drive my own car. If you drive your own car and drink too much, grab a hotel room and crash.
If you can avoid heavy drinking while clubbing - that is a good thing. Heavy drinking is more dangerous than getting a buzz. A buzz isn't always good either - as the lessened inhibitions can lead to poor choices. If those two dancers want to go otc with you and you are buzzed - you might still recognize red flags - but when you are very intoxicated you might miss everything and end up with no credit cards, a bank account that has been drained, a stolen car, identity stolen, and you could endanger your family too.
Its good to enjoy yourself at the club - I agree. But waking up somewhere and not knowing where you are or how you got there - is especially dangerous if your night began in a strip club.
Younger guys or guys new to this hobby - may not know their limits - and it can lead to many bad experiences.