Strippers Working on Their Birthday?

Former Knight of the Round Table Dance
I've seen strippers advertise on social media that it's their birthday and they're working. Does this hustle really work? By how much? For any of my faves I might buy her a special drink or get an extra dance but that's about the extent of birthday spending on her. For random strippers I wouldn't do anything special.
last commentIt worked at the old Follies. Only one dancer at a time could celebrate it. The house mom kept track. Some of the dancers spent a lot on decorations. Others just brought balloons. The birthday girl would go around the club with a shopping bag asking for birthday contributions. She also go a special birthday dance of stage where customers were encouraged to tip heavily. I've known some popular dancers there that made close to a grand on their birthdays.
I might get a dance from one I had been on the fence about. With a fav I'd likely add a dance or leave a more generous tip.
I can only speak from personal experience, but working on my birthday and having the DJ announce it was my birthday never did much for me income-wise. Shots, liquor, etc - absolutely. But not really money. Maybe a little more in stage tips. But also, I've come to learn that customers don't really believe a word we say, especially if we tell them it's our birthday or what we are really in school for.
"She also go a special birthday dance of stage where customers were encouraged to tip heavily."
In Follies was well as other clubs i have seen where this is a thing, the dancers were also encouraged to tip the birthday girl.
@ Wiffle Waffle, is it frustrating when you tell a customer the truth about something and the customer doesn't believe you? Or have you gotten to a place where you don't care?
Would never do anything special for a rando stripper. Hell at one club I went to, the DJ announced a particular stripper's birthday every time I went that month :)
If it's a CF or better, I will at least get an extra VIP with her and give her an extra good tip. If my buddies come with me to the club, I'll push them to get dances from her, so the eventual payout might be large
On an earlier life PL experience I brought my then ATF an ice cream cake.
I’ll spend extra on a stripper I know fairly well and it really is her birthday. But for every stripper who announced it was her birthday, I’d figure the average age of the gals in the club was about 71.
Yeah as soon as I hear the DJ sound off about a birthday I leave the club and head off to Bloomingdales. I got a mission to accomplish. When my friends ask me what I’m doing I just stare intensely ahead without speaking. Some priorities ultimate precedence and a random stripper at the club’s birthday is and always will be A No.1
For a random stripper in the club, I’ll smile and wish them a Happy Birthday while them a one-time extra $5 or so tip. You never know when a little goodwill and/or karma might be beneficial.
For a current #1 fav when I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it’s her birthday, I’ll give her a card with a significantly larger gift.
I have been to a few clubs that offered "special" dances with the birthday girl. I can recall only two separate clubs where I actually got a "birthday special" dance from a dancer when it was announced by the DJ. The first was at a now long defunct club. The DJ announced $50 off a half hour champagne room, and $125 off an hour. Since the price was less than what 9 dances cost at the club, I got half hour dance from one of my favorites. Only time I was able to get one at that club.
The other club was a club I visited before I moved to for the drive to be too far away. The club didn't have half hour dances, so the birthday girls all gave extra two for one dances after a two for one was announced, up to 3 consecutive 2 for ones. During the five years I visited I would get birthday dances from many different dancers. Although birthday girl wasn't the only excuse they had for multiple consecutive 2 for ones. They also sold a calendar with a different calendar girl for each month, and would offer a similar special with that month's calendar girl one week out of each month. They also had specials during Thanksgiving, Halloween, Fourth of July and Valentines day, and many other holidays.
They usually do it coz of relationship problems or being broke
seems a good number of girls have a lot of birthdays.
It seems to vary club to club and stripper to stripper. Just to use the Pompano clubs in S. Florida as examples because they're fairly popular. At Booby Trap and Cheetah they do an announcement and put the birthday girl on stage in a chair and make a decent fuss. They seem to make fairly good money. From personal experience, I've been at the trap for a fave's birthday party and she was sitting with me after her trip on stage; she got about $350 or so from it. They did it twice that day, once in the early afternoon when I was there and then again in the early evening before she left. Her results seemed typical but I've never sat and counted with any others.
I've also stumbled into birthday parties a few times at the lower end clubs like Porthole & Pink. Those girls seem to be having an actual birthday celebration. They're spending money on decorations and bringing in food or buying low-end catering type stuff. They probably get some extra tips and sell a few more dances, but I can't imagine its a money maker. The club is a part of their lives and they want to have a party.
It seems like it does work, based on what I've seen locally. Like Subraman, never gonna given an extra tip for a rando dancer's birthday, though a favorite will probably get some extra, even if I don't do dances or VIP with her.
"Wiffle Waffle, is it frustrating when you tell a customer the truth about something and the customer doesn't believe you? Or have you gotten to a place where you don't care?"
It used to be frustrating. I'm a mostly brutally honest person - even outside of dancing. But it got to the point where I just evade personal questions now or I turn customer's questions back on them without answering.
Strip clubs are supposed to be fantasy environments, right? So I just roll with whatever is going on. I'll answer something honestly, and if I'm not believes, then I move along with the conversation anyway rather than arguing to get them to believe me.
Yes I do think a certain amount care. Some will ask your birthday just because they want to give a gift at that time. Others in the past (interestingly enough ) are into astrology and want to know your sign because it supposedly means something. I don’t really consider my personality very Leo-like tho so it’s tough to relate to that. I should probably look up the signs more and fabricate a birthday closer to my personality 😅
LMAO nicespice is a wannabe Gemini I bet. 😂
Bd thing their fav hustle / be careful ROB will get u.