
Comments by Subraman (page 187)

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    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    From SW: How to spot a timewaster
    In general, i agree -- if I've gone through the entire rotation with no interest, that's exactly my cue to hit a different club . The thing is, there are other reasons I might have sat through the entire rotation, for example if the two girls I AM interested in, got snapped up or disappeared in the back, or for whatever other reason we didn't hook up -- I might stay in hopes of catching them
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    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Smoking clubs ?
    No smoking indoors in CA. Loooooove it!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    From SW: How to spot a timewaster
    Rick, one of the girls talked about a club where, if a customer sat through the entire rotation of girls without (either tipping or buying dances, couldn't quite tell which), management would ask them to leave. The SW girls *loved* that. I have a hard time believing such a club actually exists though, except in SW consensus reality
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Virginia - Last seen being walked to the door
    Whale "stole" my girl - a counterpoint
    ->"@Papi & @Bj the girl will lose more by ditching an irregular whale than a regular reasonable spender, but we all know that very often logic doesn’t figure into the decision making process of many strippers. " Depending on what kind of person she is, and her emotional IQ, there can also be all kinds of politics at play. That is, if her frenemy stripper gets the whale instead, then the frenemy wins. I have a few times seen that at play! Meanwhile, we have the beej up there being totally reasonable, and figuring out a way that even I would graciously accept a stripper running off. go figure
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Virginia - Last seen being walked to the door
    Whale "stole" my girl - a counterpoint
    BJ, It hadn't even occurred to me that that might be in the cards, I've never had anyone offer anything but apologies. As long as this is a one-time thing, as I said I think I'd happily accept. We would, possibly, have a conversation about how it happened -- that is, most whales make appointments (don't they?), and I always make an appointment, so if she knew we were both coming at the same time, why not just re-schedule me? If it's a one-time surprise, no worries, but if she tells me that he just comes in whenever he feels like it and she is going to leave whenever he's there, we're back to "no hard feelings, but you need to find a great regular who doesn't mind if you need to bolt for your whale even if you have an appointment; and I need to find a great stripper who sticks to her appointments."
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Virginia - Last seen being walked to the door
    Whale "stole" my girl - a counterpoint
    BJ: no one has EVER offered me that much (or actually, anything besides her apology, now that I think about it). I'd have to be in the situation to know for sure, but at least sitting at my keyboard, I'd take the freebie... I might even feel downright good about it. A free several hours with her is a pretty huge consolation prize. I don't even think she'd have to offer that much (I'd feel bad about tying up 4 hours of her time for free) -- I'd likely even feel good about a single $100 VIP, on her.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Virginia - Last seen being walked to the door
    Whale "stole" my girl - a counterpoint
    Ya, I forgot to add that -- very well handled, and great attitude. And you are a lead-by-example to the several guys here who have complained lately about waiting an hour (!!) or two (!!!!!!!) for a stripper. JS69, I do agree, I sympathize also -- it's her job, it's how she pays her bills, supports her kids, and buys equipment for her boyfriend's band. Which is why, as long as there's no outright assholiness (like "be right back" and never returning), I endeavor to make this a "no hard feelings" situation... but, once she indicates to me that she'll be prioritizing the whale over our regular appointment, I'm out to find someone who will do the opposite
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Virginia - Last seen being walked to the door
    Whale "stole" my girl - a counterpoint
    Agree that the fact that she didn't come back to explain was a major asshole move. That would cross her off my list permanently. Beyond that, if she was a CF with whom I'd made an appointment, that would usually cross her off permanently even if she did come back to explain (although as long as she came back to explain, I wouldn't be irritated); I did not take off work, spend as much as 90 minutes each way on the road, make sure my kids were taken care of over my ex's place, set up an appointment, etc., to have her wander off... and if she does it once, no telling how many other times she'll do it. No hard feelings as long as she excused herself and explained why ... but I am going to find a stripper who WILL give me the experience I'm looking for, there are plenty of them. If she's got higher-priority whales and she's unable or unwilling to manage my appointment so we're not there at the same time, then hey, I get it, your business model doesn't match my desired customer experience, sayonara
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Which one would you chose?
    I don't fucking know. I think I'd give up receiving oral. I think if I can get HJ, give her oral, and fuck her in both the pussy and asshole, I can be pretty happy. Literally, the main thing I'd miss in 69ing.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    From SW: How to spot a timewaster
    I'll just leave this one right here: -->"I have found that generally speaking the biggest spenders are NEVER the guys who are dressed the best. The guys in suits generally are timewasters unless it's during lunch times or early evening."
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    From SW: How to spot a timewaster
    -->"Now I just start dancing the second we enter the lapdance room, mid song...and try to time out 3 minutes in my head. That way they get 2 songs for the price of one!" The girl gets angry about walking into the lapdance room mid-song, and having to wait until the next song -- god forbid the guy get 45 seconds with her "for free". This is one of those that seems like 100% straight up stripper posing ... I don't know anything that gets even milksop PLs more furious than feeling ripped off on a lapdance. She's either lying, or she's being generous enough on her "3-minute estimate" that her customers are happy. Or, she has no repeat customers. Just as one of the other strippers calls her out on: Different stripper-->"I have done that before but guys get annoyed and angry because they don't think that we are being honest and end up feeling ripped off. " No no, sweetie, you don't get SW at all -- instead of reflecting reality, you're supposed to lie and say "what? you estimate 3 minutes? I start mid-song, stop at the end of the song, and then demand a tip. And THEN drag them to the VIP!"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Morality and Strippers
    -->"She hasn’t asked for his help, so no need to jump in." I continue to think the key piece of info missing is: "and even if she does ask for his help, he should not jump in. Offer advice, sure, but not 'jump in'".
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Navigating the post-FOSTA apocalypse
    Say my name, say my name
    The vast majority of time they remember my name, because after we've done the full treatment that you mentioned, 80% of the time I got her number, sent her a thank you text right afterwards (that included my strip club name, plus some fun quirky detail of our time together), and then before I went the next time I texted her to let her know I was on my way, and when she looked at the text string, she saw my name there. The other 20%, where I haven't primed the system by sending her a text beforehand -- I don't expect her to remember my name. But I am incredibly shocked and impressed how many do. Again, keep in mind I usually do slow dayshifts, so it's not like a busy nightshift girl who has literally run into scores of guys in the intervening time
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Stories/thoughts on FS upon initial meeting
    Hmmm... in my area, in general there are: 1. extras clubs, where extras are out in the open and everyone knows it 2. non-extras clubs, where there's a 99% chance you won't be getting extras If you go to club type #2, you're not getting extras If you go to club type #1, the whole point is you went there to get extras. "meet dancer, shake hands, have sex" is the way things work by definition (unless she's a repeat, in which case, you met and had sex with her last time). I am guessing that in most areas, things aren't so black and white? Didn't you specifically choose to go to an extras club to pick a stripper to have sex with? Why is it weird to go to an extras strip clubs to have sex, and then be surprised you're having sex? I'm playing a little dumb here, of course -- since you're asking the question, it must be the case that things aren't so black and white in your area, than they are in mine. But in my area, there's no reason to go to the extras club unless you already plan to have sex, and if you don't have a condom then 100% certain she will, and of course there's nothing weird about it. Now, the *first* time I ever got extras, that was a shocker
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Morality and Strippers
    -->"But since this girl is not begging for help you have to stay out of it." I would add to that: "and even if she was begging for help, that help should be limited to the form of advice -- for example, to use the security in the club for what it's there for, cease contact with him, etc." Downright reckless (especially considering you can't trust her real motives) to do anything more than
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    lap dance question
    -->"My question, do you compliment her on this to get her to do it more, or do you tell her you like when she does that, or just ask her to touch herself?" As long as you express yourself without insulting her, there's probably no wrong answer, but more what you're comfortable with (You gotta do you, man). For me, I'd probably "OMG remember when we were in there last time and you started playing with yourself? You drove me crazy! Would you do it again?" Tell her she's awesome, ask her to repeat. Just how I like to do things; the end result probably isn't ever any different at all than if I'd just said "hey would you play with your pussy again, like last time?"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Morality and Strippers
    First of all, if a guy peeks in on my VIP, the manager is hearing about it, in strong terms, immediately. This has nothing to do with her and her stalker -- it has to do with him violating my fucking airspace. Beyond that, if he does nothing to me, I'm happy to give her advice if and only if she asks for it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Is it a good idea to compliment the looks of a dancer?
    Show appreciation for the things she does right for you. It's win-win -- she gets the nice words, and you positively reinforce behavior you'd like to see repeated. Plus, again, it feels nice to say nice things to someone. If she's the type who appreciates some recognition, rather than one who cynically turns everything into a request for more tips, it works out.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stripper phone #
    ^^^ which reminds me, I completely regret giving jackslash my number
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Stripper phone #
    1. Her giving you her # does not say anything about whether or not she does OTC. 2. The more quickly you use her number, the more likely she'll remember who you are and text back. 3. If the text is about business, the more likely she'll text you back. Once a girl is my CF, I expect some amount of social texting is acceptable. Some girls are very accepting of this, it must be part of their business model / marketing outreach, and will even initiate texts. Others not so much. Usually not terrible hard to see who is who
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Is it a good idea to compliment the looks of a dancer?
    Agree with the general thoughts above. They get so many compliments from people they don't care about, that it can become noise. She might vaguely notice it if you compliment something non-obvious... but it's not like that's going to make her want to be your girlfriend or anything. Sometimes I think compliments are, in a way, more often about how they make you feel when complimenting her, than how thrilled she is about it. They're like giving strippers gifts, in that way -- the RIL giving her those roses feels amazing giving them to her, and probably just puts out of his mind the fact that she'll be giving them away to all her friends later (and especially doesn't want to know that she's downright irritated he spent $60 on roses instead of sliding her the cash). Along the lines, I like giving her a compliment here and there, makes me feel nice to acknowledge that she makes me feel nice; whether she really appreciates the compliment, I dunno. I am pretty open about appreciating her in general (assuming I like the way she's treating me), which seems well-received with some girls and just gives her a sense of power in others.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Still one of my favorite threads: 40 questions
    35, if I managed to keep count right... lol. I'm trying to figure out if I'm proud or ashamed :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Some SA Questions for those Experienced
    1. You don't need to give your real name. Don't bother getting a background check. Use a fake handle for your account. Your choice on whether you want to give your real name or handle to your SB. I have pics of myself from the neck down in my public pics; face pic is in my private pics. 2. Don't do background or income checks. 3. Since you're not doing a background check, you can write whatever you want for net worth and allowance offers. I checked "negotiable" for allowance, and low-balled my net worth so expectations wouldn't be too high 4. cash 5. In general, you need to strike while the iron is hot -- once you get a woman's attention, move to meet quickly, or risk her going away. That said, as far as "responding to offers", most unsolicited offers you get will be from escorts; and if you're on SA to meet escorts, why not just save yourself the $75/month and use backpage or whatever? A bunch of guys on tuscl seem to be bottom-feeding SA as if it were backpage, but that just doesn't make sense to me. While there are always exceptions, as a general rule, high quality sugarbabies will let you come to them, which you don't have to do until you're ready. 5. As per 25, do not ever agree to pay for an initial meeting, without intimacy. And, the vast majority of girls will agree to per-meeting payment at first, even if they want to go monthly eventually. Also, you'll notice that many of the girls on SA seem to be irritated at you; that's because there's so many flakes, posers, and time wasters on there. Don't take it personally. But, I do avoid any profiles where the SB vents and complains; if she doesn't have the emotional IQ to control herself on her profile, the place where she's supposed to make herself attractive, in real life she'll be a nightmare