
Comments by Subraman (page 186)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    17 Truths About What It's Like to be a Stripper
    -->"Because I had a boyfriend, I quickly ruled out getting intimate with guests. Before then, I did it with two or three men who I found attractive. I found them cool, so I wanted to do it. Strippers usually do more though. I'd say that 60 percent of the girls would regularly also go to a room with men they didn't like." First time I've ever seen a girl admit to what we all know. No posturing about no sex in the champagne room, no insisting "we're not prostitutes" or posturing about how one should NEVER ask their stripper for sex. She's already 1000% more realistic than the by-rote articles that appear all over, by strippers. Of course, she's in Germany where things are a bit more understood -- most of what she said applies to many American strip clubs, too, we'll just never see an admission of that "But they can still be pretty unpleasant to deal with." The consistent story from girls who have moved from stripping to elsewhere in the sex industry, or vice versa, is that as a group SC customers are the worst. Perhaps street-walking crack whores have worse customers, but beyond that, strippers put up with the worst customers. Not tuscl SCers, of course, we're awesome LOL "There are a few girls with drug and alcohol problems at the club, and they're left alone." Agree with comments above that this is a massive understatement. However, I expect she might have a different definition of "problems" than me. For a strip club, the girl has problems if she can't do her job or she drives customers away or assaults other strippers. For most people, addiction and problematic behavior happens far before those things.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Have you ever stepped back and looked at what we've become?
    -->"@Bj99 - Awesome insight. I have definitely been doing some things wrong. I assumed (from reading the pink forum) that dancers all wanted to move things along as fast as possible." Paul, I've been trying to figure out if you're a nice guy, or one of the regulars came up with an alternative account and this is his "nice guy" persona. This may have tipped things a bit -- it is very difficult for me to believe anyone reads what's said over there and believes or is guided by any of it, given that just a skim shows that so little of what they say matches with what happens in strip clubs. Maybe whoever's account this is overplayed things a bit? :) :) :) lol
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Have you ever stepped back and looked at what we've become?
    -->"As I scanned the room it was a trip checking out all the dudes just sitting there like creepers. Guys just siting in the corners with hoodies on, Guys just gawking with no expressions on their faces, and many with non approachable body language." There's some funny unwritten rules of behavior at strip clubs. If you're alone, you need to have a pokerface at all times. It always cracks me up when a guy is at the tip rail, a gorgeous girl is right in front of him, and he's got one of the two approved single-clubber faces on: either completely blank and stoic, or what I call the "yeah, girl, you want it girl" false confidence face (with smirk accessory). But any hint at a public display that he's genuinely enjoying it is verboten. Exception is guys clubbing in groups -- they are allowed to show they're enjoying it, but it has to be over the top, hooting and hollaring. And of course then you get the rare unicorn, the regular in love who does NOT GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK, he locks eye contact with the dancer and will not waver to look at her tits or pussy because by gum he's different than the rest of us and is going to seduce her with eye contact. If I'm at a new club that's crowded, I tend to stay in my lane and stick with one of the approved modes of behavior above. At less crowded clubs and my regular clubs, I tend to let my face light up and show my appreciation when I appreciate her -- that's right, I'm a fucking PL outlaw (BJ, I apologize, you're probably soaked through right now)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Uncomfortable conversation
    joc-->"Sal said "spending a few hours at a SA girls place" as opposed to "spending a few hours with my SB"." Good catch. I wondered about that too. Most guys here on tuscl who have discovered SA and recounted their stories seem to be using it as a replacement for backpage, and I think bottom trawling is bottom trawling whatever the medium. The chick is obviously a bit crazy for saying something like that, but it's worth a pause to see if she's just saying what other girls are thinking... some of these girls are in pretty desperate situations, and what she described *is* an exit strategy (minus the black, which lands her in trouble; but either way, lands you with 18 years of child support). Sal, any more backstory on this one?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Joc check your messages
    Hit this thread by accident, but ... jeezuss, it smells like sex in here
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Touching a dancers neck, face, hair?
    You misspelled di'int
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Touching a dancers neck, face, hair?
    Yeah, if a stripper recently got her hair did, best not to touch. Especially if she uses the phrase "got my hair did".
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Touching a dancers neck, face, hair?
    -->"In my glass-half-empty PL-mind, I really don't think these girls like all this "romantic shit" w/ guys they're most-likely not attracted to - IMO they'll say, and pretend, they like-it, but IMO they are just tolerating-it and playing-the-part w/ some exceptions" Papi, 100% agree. In fact, I wouldn't even consider that "glass half empty" thinking -- it's just realistic. Hell, I think any other thinking is liable to leave you open to romance hustles and tragic outcomes. To me, at least, this conversation is about: when a stripper puts on a lapdance performance, what do you like? At the risk of some heresy, when a stripper puts on a lapdance performance, I do NOT particularly like her facing away from me and grinding on my dick; I do like her facing me and doing some nuzzling. I'm not under any impression that the stripper is enjoying either one of those -- despite the borderline-insane beliefs of some here that the girls love feeling the guy's erection and orgasm through his pants -- these are just techniques in a performance.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Using SA to find a HJ/LDK hookup?
    -->" In your case, start out by filtering for Minimal lifestyle (yes, girls who list Negotiable or Practical and higher might take lower amounts, but you might as well start with the ones in the range you are looking for). " joc, a lot of really good advice in your post... I think the one place I'd disagree is your advice to stick with Minimal girls. When I first started, the more experienced SDs who were coaching me along told me to ignore the lifestyle requests ... when I eventually listened, I found out they were 100% correct. I'm basically offering Minimal+, and I've found I'm just as likely to find someone to take my offer who is listed at Substantial ($10,000/month lifestyle expectation) as one who is listed as Practical. In short, many of the girls are throwing out wishful thinking numbers but will take $300/date, and there's just as many of those who are listing themselves as Substantial or Moderate girls, are there are Negotiable girls. The Lifestyle Expectation is meaningless and you do yourself a disservice by not exploring them all -- I advise not filtering at all. The one concession I do when I first contact High/Substantial/Moderate girls is that at the end of my very first email, I tell them I cannot meet their >$10,000/$5,000 request, but I'm interested and they should write back if they have some flexibility on that. By contrast, the Minimal tier is relatively more filled with scammers. No matter what you are offering, if you were going to filter out based on lifestyle expectation, it's Minimal that I would ALWAYS filter out -- you will find takers for all allowance levels, at all other lifestyle expectation levels. All, of course, based on my local geography, which a few people here suspect might be different than many others
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Using SA to find a HJ/LDK hookup?
    -->"When I originally went on SA I received a ton of messages from woman that wanted to meet up, some of those were just hookers and a few were just looking for quick cash w/o any intention of being intimate." 25, I've found that 95% of the time, women who contact me first are exactly as you say -- escorts and fake profiles, most often. I don't have any problem with escorts -- assuming they were telling the truth, several of the guys here on tuscl use SA basically as a more expensive backpage (though frankly, I don't think either of the two well-known guys here who were using that model, were doing anything but writing fiction). Just not what I'm looking for. -->"So when I revised my profile I made sure that I put in the about me only interested in a FWB relationship. Funniest shit was a few messages from 20 something’s asking what exactly do I mean by FWB. LOL" Heh, did you get a sense of what they were either intrigued by, or worried about? Was it that they were hoping that FWB implied no intimacy? Or were they worried that FWB implied no allowance? My own profile strategy is to absolutely maximize my chances of getting attention from the women I'm interested in -- I do not do anything to discourage the women I'm not, I simply ignore them.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Smells.....a PSA
    PSA = prostate specific antigen. Evidently, the stripper so loved grand's cologne, she showed her appreciation 3-finger style
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Using SA to find a HJ/LDK hookup?
    -->"But browsing SA there are a ton of girls who have trouble actually bringing themselves to have sex for cash" Paul, I don't find that to be the case at all. Maybe 1 out of every 15 or 20 profiles I look at has "platonic only"? Overall, not many profiles go platonic only. I do think, though, that the high flake rate is at least partially explained by girls who THINK they are willing to have sex, flaking out at the last second. I love being at the strip club as an end in itself, so have trouble sympathizing with your "hate the strip club, love the stripper" point of view, but whatever floats your boat. I will say that if you are willing to settle for a HJ (and I love HJs, so that I do get), both strip clubs and SA are fine places to look for it. In the strip club, make it clear when you ask a stripper OTC, you're fine with just a HJ... as I posted in a previous thread, that sometimes turns "No, I don't do OTC" into yes for me. On SA, you can't be too explicit but you can say something like, "while I'm not interested in platonic-only, I am satisfied with minimal intimacy and am a great choice for beginners" (okay, that sounds corny, but you see the wording -- not explicit but gets the point across).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Touching a dancers neck, face, hair?
    I am most certainly not a "gentle lover", in fact I'm the opposite. But, I still like the face & neck nuzzling, teasing (like she brings her lips in until we're a millimeter away from kissing, then turns her head), etc.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Smells.....a PSA
    -->"Since this has turned into a cologne thread, I would like subra’s recommendation for something better than acqua di gio." If you are specifically looking for an aquatic, like AdG... here are some examples of vaguely similarly-priced, designer aquatics that I think are better: Bvlgari Aqva, Paco Rabanna Invictus Aqua, Montblanc Skywalker. All of those are easy to find in department stores, so you can try them first, they all have that designed-for-mass-appeal vibe that AdG does. If you're willing to take a step up in price, here are examples that I feel all outclass AdG completely: Bois 1920 Oltremare, M. Micallef Osaito, Imaginary Authors Falling Into the Sea But really, AdG is nice, and it's another one that strippers love (and high school girls too, if that's your speed :). If you really like it, you can try AdG Profumo, which is definitely a step up as well
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Stories/thoughts on FS upon initial meeting
    -->"I'd stay the f' away from her for good. I don't like girls who act like whores. I like girls who normally don't do OTC, but will with me if I make them feel comfortable about it." Taxi, you go to non-extras clubs only, then? Not by choice, but by circumstances, I'm a 95% non-extras club goer also
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    For you married or have a SO guys
    I have not. But, some close calls are what led me to adopting an in-club stripper name of my own, years ago, a practice I continue to this day. Just out of inertia I suppose. Anyway, decades ago, I was aware that my then-girlfriend (eventually wife) and I partied in the same general areas as many strippers, because when I small-talked with strippers about their weekend, they mentioned the same clubs we used to go to. Then one day I was speaking with a stripper, she and a bunch of other strippers got to a club about half an hour after my girlfriend and I left that same club. Nothing but luck that my gf and I weren't there at the same time 4 or 5 incredibly drunk rowdy strippers, most of whom I'd had sex with, arrived; even more of a miracle we hadn't passed each other walking through the neighborhood. I was never worried about sober strippers -- I think they would know and keep the code. But drunk strippers? Who knew if they were going to start yelling me real name (Subraman! Subraman!) across the club or whatever. So that's when I adopted my stripper name, juice69; in my paranoid state, I felt like it gave me a tiny bit of extra safety edge. Drunk strippers start yelling "juice69" at me from across the street, I play dumb ("What are those drunk sluts yelling???") and hustle the gf away.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Enjoying lap dances for 15 years and counting...
    Cleaned up after LDK/BJ/FS
    I don't do extras in the club very often anymore, but when I did, I always brought a few wet wipes, folded small in a little plastic ziplok (snack sized ziplock). Go into bathroom stall, wipe dick. Otherwise any residual wetness or stickiness drives me crazy.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    From SW: How to spot a timewaster
    Ya, I think the PL who behaves that way is probably guilty of breaking rule #1 Don't Be An Asshole (because he's treating her disrespectfully) and also rule #2 Don't Be A Little Bitch (because often when guys act this way, it's a front to cover their discomfort). But no reason to assume he doesn't have money, and hard to consider it "time wasting", since the girls can tell in 10 seconds or less that he's not interested.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Stripper legit wants to hang out with you after work
    I've had it happen, and always accepted with offered the invitation. Yes, I'd rather it be drinks and then sex. But even without sex, 30-120 minutes of drinking, bar hopping, swapping club gossip, and just generally carrying on with a gorgeous stripper, "for free" (that is, just for the cost of drinks) is a great time. I've had a few ATFs where we did this occasionally. Always a regular, and she was an ATF or a CF on her way to be promoted :) At least in my experience, the most surprising things happen when you're a favored regular, advice from PUAs notwithstanding.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    My bad
    You know how to play this game. You need to scatter a few hidden easter eggs for her on her phone. A video of you jerking off. A few pictures of your balls resting on various possessions of hers. Calendar events scattered around her calendar, "Give Gawker his prostate exam. Three fingers!!!". Add to her snapchat story, a video of you twerking. "Fun" entries in her diary: "I told Gawker I was leaving him today because he's too cocky. He told me not to let the door hit me in the ass on my way back in." She will love looking for all the easter eggs, I guarantee it