
Comments by Subraman (page 188)

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    7 years ago
    The annoyance of staying with one guy
    I should also add, again, that unless you're talking about Saturday night shift, or some place like Vegas, "whale" is not remotely necessary. On most trips I spend $200 (two VIPs) plus food and drinks; when I'm feeling magnanimous, maybe 3 VIPs instead. That's hardly whale territory... but I'll make up for it by being a good regular, and by timing my visits for her slow shifts when she won't be making much money anyway.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The annoyance of staying with one guy
    -->"If it won't happen on this visit, then at least lay the foundation for you being her whale on a future visit" I always do this. I'll at least go up to the stage when she's up there, and when she comes to collect her tips, "I'm Subra, I notice you're with a customer today, but if you free up this afternoon, I'm interested. Otherwise, would love to get to know you another day". And it is not at all uncommon that she just comes over right away or in the next few minutes, because the guy she was with turned out not to be a regular, but just club furniture she was killing some time with.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The annoyance of staying with one guy
    -->"Anyone else ever get annoyed when a dancer you want to see spends all her time with one guy?" I'm the guy your fave is spending time with, and no, it doesn't annoy me :) I totally get why you're frustrated, but if you want the shoe on the other foot, it's not that hard, and you don't even have to be a whale. A consistent regular who visits her during her slowest time and sets up appointments in advance, is all that's needed. Of course, if you're just a once-in-a-while variety guy, you're just stuck. -->"After about two hours I left because I knew I had no shot" I have to admit, while I absolutely sympathize with the girl you want being tied up, I don't have any sympathy past "I waited 20 minutes". By the time you guys are waiting an hour or two, you're bleeding over into the pathetic. As Huntsman says, be ready to call an audible. It's fair to vent a bit about your girl being tied up, but at the point that you're sitting around pouting for 2 hours, it's time to re-examine your strip club mindset
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    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    This forum should thank the trolls and all they have done
    -->"Trolls are actually blessing in disguise" ... says the evil genius who has actually been pulling the strings all along
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    When a Stripper calls you "Daddy"
    -->"Haven’t been called Daddy before, but that might be because I’m not old enough to be any of their daddy’s yet. I suppose only time will tell." Well, according to us, this has less to do with age (the girl is not actually fantasizing you're her father) than a cultural term of affection, more "Who's your daddy" or "Ay papi chulo" than "watch out dad, you're crushing my smokes". It's definitely the case that latin women will call even young men, or even their sons, papi. There's a funny phrase my latin buddies say when they see a hot young mother with her child: "Que mama mas mami!"
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Nude clubs can't serve alcohol - is as annoying as it gets
    DTS: I'll just re-emphasize that I've only done this with CFs... I feel like offering a random stripper some vodka in a water bottle, is (rightfully) going to get her suspicious that she's going to get roofied. But, with a CF who I know well, no such worries, and we happily sit at the tables and drink together
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I like perfume, but I don't want to smell be able to smell it until we're cuddling at the table or humping in the VIP. If I can smell it while she's sitting next to me or across from me, it's too much. But I really enjoy when she's gotten me all fired up and horny, I haven't smelled any perfume on her, and then she comes in super close, and I'm getting ready to enjoy that and -- oh, what's this, she smells sooo feminine and sexy! -->"Can the scent the girls wearing help sway you into asking her for that dance?" To me, a scent isn't some magical thing that's going to make a girl I'm not attracted to, suddenly become attractive. It's more like icing on the cake. Or, perhaps a better metaphor: I'm watching porn and jerking off, she's getting fucked in the ass and the magic moment is approaching so I grab my tube sock, and then they do a close up of the actress's pussy and... it's an innie!! Hey, listen, I was ready anyway, so even if she had meatcurtains, I was going to violate that tube sock. But a beautiful innie? Rotate my enjoyment dial from 10 to 11, man. That's the right metaphor for perfume. It's not going to make me grab my tube sock, but if I already have it, it can make the whole experience more enjoyable.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Dancer suggestions
    joey, assuming you're for real, glad you understand the code of silence -- especially towards a first-time poster. The best way to ruin the party, is to give too much info to someone who has less-than-honorable intentions towards our princesses LOL... You can get great info on which clubs are fun and which aren't from the reviews, and that's likely as much g2 as is available.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    When a Stripper calls you "Daddy"
    -->"It’s no inherently creepier than calling someone “baby.” It’s just a cultural difference." Right; I'm not passing judgement; just saying I don't like it, and if a stripper I want to spend time with starts saying it, I'll have her call me almost any other term of endearment instead. I'm partial to "Big Mover and Packer", as in, "Hey Big Mover and Packer, I bet you could move my Alu Mattar from Chennai to Jaipur without even breaking a sweat"
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    7 years ago
    Dancer suggestions
    Very proud of my tuscl brethren for keeping to the code. Is it getting a little dusty in here?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    When a Stripper calls you "Daddy"
    To me, fucking creepy incestual. I realize that as Papi says, it's affectionate in latin culture... but one "papi" and I'm asking the girl not to call me that again. My problem, not hers
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    A big Shout out to Founder
    -->"I don’t really understand the purpose of being an online troll, like other than wasting their own time, what do they get out of it? Like do they get off on it or something?" While I suspect you are being ironic :) ... there has in fact been a good amount of research on the psychology of online trolls, and it uniformly paints a pretty horrible miserable picture of what kind of people they are IRL.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Smells.....a PSA
    Did I give you shit about Acqua di Gio? Women love it, even adult civilian women. I think there's much better representations of the genre but I like it too. I might have given you shit just to give you shit :) I was going to ask you where you found Aguascalientes De Gio, I was worried you had out-hipstered me
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    7 years ago
    Smells.....a PSA
    Nevertheless, I maintain strippers love Axe and the girl may well have liked how he smelled, even if she put on a little theater
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    7 years ago
    Smells.....a PSA
    Ya, when it comes to cologne, I'm the equivalent of a bearded, tattoo'ed, tight v-neck, infinity scarf wearing hipster. "Oh, the cologne I'm wearing? ... you probably haven't heard of it" LOL
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    7 years ago
    Smells.....a PSA
    Anyway, my son wore a bunch of Axe and Old Spice bodysprays in middle school and he said that's what the girls liked best. He's in high school now and has switched to what I think of as classic high school scents, which of course high school girls like, but is already branching out a bit.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Smells.....a PSA
    Axe & their variations are one of those "middle school girls, highschool girls, and strippers love it" scents, although often high school girls outgrow it. Cringingly, head-ache inducing synthetic, but VERY well designed to mass appeal to young noses and it is not remotely surprising to me if a stripper liked it. She may have been playing things up with some dramatic theater for your benefit, as some of my compadres above gently and subtly point out, but I have no problem believing she might have liked it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Nude clubs can't serve alcohol - is as annoying as it gets
    As I've related before ... when I get a CF at a nude club, I refill a bottle of water with vodka, and we drink that together. Sometimes her stripper bffs will rotate through with us also, sitting and drinking for a while. In some of the nude clubs, they don't care what you're drinking (that is, it doesn't have to come from their juicebar), and in those cases instead of a water bottle, I'll bring an opaque bottle of some fancy iced tea (Sobe or whatever), and refill that with whatever mixed drink she likes Anyway, though I dislike the "no alcohol w/ nudity" rule, once the girls trust me enough that she'll drink whatever I smuggle in, it downright works to my advantage
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC at a dancer's place?
    Also, by "crack team of scientists", I mean juice. And by "dissect your brain", I mean give you a rusty trombone
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OTC at a dancer's place?
    The general rule is: don't go to her place A smart man knows to follow the rule. A wise man knows when to break it. If you've been seeing her for **years**, and there's absolutely no warning signs that are nagging at you even a little bit, that you're not telling us about ... sure, I'd consider it. On the other other hand, if you counter-offered "let me take you to dinner and then I'll get a hotel room" (or alternatively, if she's worried about discretion, "I'll get a hotel room and we'll order room service and drinks") would she turn that down and insist you go to her house? If so, why? I think the weirdest thing about this story is: you've known her for years, and never had her number??? And never suggested OTC before? We might have to invite you to Tuscl Institute so our crack team of scientists can dissect your brain :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wallet won't close, what's the trick?
    DeclineToState-->"What Subra and Taxi said." Welcome to the keister brotherhood, my friend. We are a small but tight group.