Forgive me for being dense but every so often I have a nice private dance with a girl and she offers me her # to see if she's working. I have texted when going back to those clubs but almost never get a response. Other day I'm with one of my favorites and in the middle of all the fun she says "When are you going to use that # I gave you ?" I will this week I can tell you. Is the # an automatic signal that OTC is on the table. I'm not always looking for it but with some girls I would take advantage of the offer.
Pretty much every stripper that does OTC communicates with customers via text (although I did have one who gave me an email address). But lots of strictly ITC strippers also use text to communicate about when she is working. So it’s not really much of an indication of otc willingness.
About ten years ago, I think a stripper giving out her number often did equate with OTC availability. Now I think giving out the number is just marketing. As far as OTC, it can be handy for that too but I don’t think the fact that she gave it to you necessarily implies that. If you’ve developed a rapport with her, just ask if you’re interested in OTC. She’s had that request many times before.
I find odds of getting a response improve when i discuss business. "Hey how are you" will be ignored. Questions like "I want to get a 15 minute dance, when are you working" or "i just got paid, do you have an hour or two before work tonight" get answered every time
I've got 3 current numbers (with whom I'm semi regular, as in sometimes every few weeks, sometimes every few months), have had other numbers in past. Of the 3 current, 2 of them respond same day regardless of whether its my next time at club or chit chat; one of those 2 is a great marketer, the other is just friendly, and of course it no doubt has to do with my income stream not how groovy I am. The other responds next day. Have been offered OTC by 2 of the 3.
K hit the nail on the head. In everyday life the one thing that I can't stand are text messages that say, "how are you" unless it's a friend or loved one that really cares to know. But when it comes to anything job/business related, I'd rather they get right to the point and tell me exactly what they want. It's too time consuming with the back and forth greetings and the 5-15 minute lag time between texts before we get to the reason why you bothered texting me in the first place.
1. Her giving you her # does not say anything about whether or not she does OTC. 2. The more quickly you use her number, the more likely she'll remember who you are and text back. 3. If the text is about business, the more likely she'll text you back.
Once a girl is my CF, I expect some amount of social texting is acceptable. Some girls are very accepting of this, it must be part of their business model / marketing outreach, and will even initiate texts. Others not so much. Usually not terrible hard to see who is who
Dancers that make it a point to give their # probably give it to every custy - so if you text her 3 days later w/ a "Hi this is Jaco" text, decent-chance she doesn't know who the hell you are.
Additionally - there are some basic things one needs to *understand* and be *conscious* of:
1) it's BUSINE$$
2) they are sex-workers (as derogatory as the term may sound to some)
3) strip-clubs are "bizarro-world", not the "real-world"
One needs to not confuse the real-world w/ strip-club bizarro-world - you are not trying to get these girls to like you, in strip-club bizarro-world it's the other way around, they are trying to get you to like *them* - too many inexperienced SCers are afraid to ask for anything in a strip-club fearing they would "offend the damsel" - dancers are basically selling/using their bodies and sexuality for $$$/profit, and they know this; that's the reality - they are not there to meet "Mr Right", they are there to make-$$$/get-paid - it's a business-transaction pure-and-simple; and def just a business-transaction for the dancers - and as is in any business-transaction one should be clear - i.e. like any other purchase, YOU ASK and negotiate for what you want/need.
i.e. if you want OTC, then just ask her, and if she asks what you have in mind, tell her - not every dancer is gonna be the one to suggest it - IMO it seems most of the time it is the custy that pursuits-it/suggests-it.
Stop looking "for signs" b/c women are hard to read and strippers even more given the bizarro-world nature of the enterprise - and again you don't need "to look for a sign" like at a regular-bar or high-school - you're not gonna offend them b/c they don't like you anyway and have zero-interest in you beyond your $$$ (at best they tolerate us).
Most dancers don't like doing OTC for various reasons - a certain % is always up for it; a certain % may consider it w/ certain custies after they've known them for a while; and a certain % never do it unless they get an offer they can't refu$e (thousand$).
Bottom-line; it's not a dating-game; it's business - state what you want like any other business transaction.
And most of the time a dancer exchanges #s it's to try and get you in the club to spend on her, particularly when things are slow - many dancers like to have a stable of regulars they can sorta depend on.
Thanks all for the responses. I do usually just text if I'm going to the club. Not really looking for OTC for the most part. But once in a while is fun! The recent exchange I spoke of just had me wondering.
She asked you because she wants to make you a regular so that you can visit her often at club . Giving a number means you can text her to see if she is at club or you can inform her what time you would be at the club. If she wants to spend time with you at the club on certain day and you can't go she will be go mad.
I think K’s advice is spot on. It’s for marketing - and availability. If she gets desperate for money - that’s when otc might come up (if she’s not a dancer who does otc frequently).
One of my faves hasn't given me her number, but she did give me her email address. We email a few times a week, and I always let her know when I can come visit.
last comment2. The more quickly you use her number, the more likely she'll remember who you are and text back.
3. If the text is about business, the more likely she'll text you back.
Once a girl is my CF, I expect some amount of social texting is acceptable. Some girls are very accepting of this, it must be part of their business model / marketing outreach, and will even initiate texts. Others not so much. Usually not terrible hard to see who is who
Additionally - there are some basic things one needs to *understand* and be *conscious* of:
1) it's BUSINE$$
2) they are sex-workers (as derogatory as the term may sound to some)
3) strip-clubs are "bizarro-world", not the "real-world"
One needs to not confuse the real-world w/ strip-club bizarro-world - you are not trying to get these girls to like you, in strip-club bizarro-world it's the other way around, they are trying to get you to like *them* - too many inexperienced SCers are afraid to ask for anything in a strip-club fearing they would "offend the damsel" - dancers are basically selling/using their bodies and sexuality for $$$/profit, and they know this; that's the reality - they are not there to meet "Mr Right", they are there to make-$$$/get-paid - it's a business-transaction pure-and-simple; and def just a business-transaction for the dancers - and as is in any business-transaction one should be clear - i.e. like any other purchase, YOU ASK and negotiate for what you want/need.
i.e. if you want OTC, then just ask her, and if she asks what you have in mind, tell her - not every dancer is gonna be the one to suggest it - IMO it seems most of the time it is the custy that pursuits-it/suggests-it.
Stop looking "for signs" b/c women are hard to read and strippers even more given the bizarro-world nature of the enterprise - and again you don't need "to look for a sign" like at a regular-bar or high-school - you're not gonna offend them b/c they don't like you anyway and have zero-interest in you beyond your $$$ (at best they tolerate us).
Most dancers don't like doing OTC for various reasons - a certain % is always up for it; a certain % may consider it w/ certain custies after they've known them for a while; and a certain % never do it unless they get an offer they can't refu$e (thousand$).
Bottom-line; it's not a dating-game; it's business - state what you want like any other business transaction.
And most of the time a dancer exchanges #s it's to try and get you in the club to spend on her, particularly when things are slow - many dancers like to have a stable of regulars they can sorta depend on.
Giving a number means you can text her to see if she is at club or you can inform her what time you would be at the club. If she wants to spend time with you at the club on certain day and you can't go she will be go mad.