
Comments by Subraman (page 180)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    What do you think of Donald Trump as our President ?
    Papi: tuscl humor is no place for the weak and cowardly
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    What do you think of Donald Trump as our President ?
    I'd pay him $75 for a BBBJ, but would not tip him.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Got number but...
    -->"Next time you text attach a pic of a Benjamin with her stage name written on it." Genius! The only way I can think of to improve this is to lay your dick across the bottom. If both Benjamin Franklin and your mighty worm don't entice her, it's a lost cause
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Wall Street
    Seekimg those arrangements
    How much do you tip your CF? Trying to get a gauge on what we're all paying on SA, seems to vary not just by quality (as expected) but region
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Greatest GFE of my life
    I love doing the wine-and-dine them thing. In the back of my mind, I figured there was a good chance that 100% of the increased service was due to the alcohol :) But, I took my ATATF to an awesome restaurant, then we cuddled on a couch at a top-of-the-hotel bar that overlooked the city and drank the next 2 hours. She practically attacked me in the uber on the way to her place. I think she was impressed by my activity choices, and couldn't help herself. But there's that pesky 2 hours of drinking, too LOL
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    Another TUSCL Tagline
    Where guys who don't go to strip clubs come to give bad advice about everything else
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Your ATF
    Proof that your ATF is just like yo momma
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    At the club
    Missing my ATF
    lol Everyone here is a comedian, all of a sudden
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    At the club
    Missing my ATF
    realDougster will protect me from that ne'er-do-well, two-five
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    At the club
    Missing my ATF
    The way I'd answer this for myself is: when I have an ATF, she's an ATF because her service level blows me away. If my buddies are going to the strip club, I'll go too, just to be social -- but solo? No, I'd rather save money and see my ATF twice instead. If I merely have a CF, then sure, I'll head to the club. But, your statement "Should I go to a different club tonight" says to me that you have an unhealthy relationship with your ATF, plus you are likely violating rule #2. I'm not sure what you should do, exactly, but I'd be a bit concerned
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What would you have done - Water Shot
    -->"Dancers I’ve known very well admit there is a code. My ATF told me she ordered light rum and coke which was a code meaning. No rum" My belief is that nearly all alcohol clubs function similarly, with a code of some sort that indicates the dancer wants a no-alcohol shot. The codes can seem barely out of the ordinary, e.g., she orders her shots with a maraschino cherry, or two lemons, or whatever. For me, since drinking with the girls is part of the experience I want, when I catch a girl doing this, I'm through with her permanently and she's perma-banned from my table (that is, my buddies and I all warn each other about her). Among the things you can do are: 1. Get in good with the strippers until one tells you the code(s) 2. Leave the stripper at your table, order the shots yourself from the bartender, bring them back yourself. 3. Order for her -- work out what she wants in advance, and order it ("two shots of tequila") ... she has no reason to say anything, if she jumps in to add in any little detail ("put an umbrella in mind"), that's probably the code 4. Switch shots after the waitress puts them down -- you will have already paid, but at least you'll find out right away if it's a real shot I do 1, 2, and 3 regularly
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    Dushku and Dancers
    Papi: look on the bright side, at least she probably complimented your eyes
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Gynecology student
    The chase
    -->"I go to the SC basically for some T&A - some guys from San Francisco SC as if they were looking for an S.O. :) - we all want/need/look-for different things and depending on what one is looking for it may require more effort/"chasing" WTF? Did Papi just hit me with a zinger??? lol ... agree completely with this statement though -- you and I are looking for entirely different experiences, and I agree that for you, there's little mystery involved ("will you take $75 and a redbull for a BBBJ? No? Okay bye!")... what I"m trying to figure out is why there's total disagreement with guys who ARE looking for similar experiences to me, and with whom I normally agree on most things. And, again, I think at least part of it is that the term "chase" is a trigger here; and I wonder if I say, "I enjoy the uncertainty of what I can get from a stripper, and whether I can talk her into something that she previously refused to offer -- and that actually is a small part of the reasons I enjoy SC over escorts, where there's far less uncertainty". It is, in fact, exactly why I'm on SA instead of pursuing escorts, too. No need to use the word "chase", suggest it's all about game, etc.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Gynecology student
    The chase
    Like I said, I think "chase" has become a bit emotionally loaded here ... but, at least for me, it's not remotely more than what it is to say that there's no guarantee that I'll find a girl I like, who offers the services I want, at a price I'll pay... and on top of that, I'm guessing if a girl won't do what Papi asks for, he simply finds a new one, whereas I've always enjoyed working on them a bit and getting them to open up -- something that pretty much happens in most ATF type relationships, where it seems uncontroversial that at least at the beginning, services open up to you as you go along. I'm okay if "chase" is a trigger-word here -- but I enjoy this aspect of things. It's not different with SA, where I never quite know what she'll look like when she shows up, how fast she'll want ot have sex, how much money she'll take for it ... if I didn't enjoy this part of it, I'd just stick with escorts, where it's a sure thing every time. I don't think it's making it more than it is to say the experience is significantly different -- I am NOT saying there's "game" involved, I am saying the lack of certainty is one of the things I enjoy about it
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Gynecology student
    The chase
    Agree that with your M.O., Papi, there's little chasing, or investigating, or whatever else anyone wants to call it, going on. Same with variety guys for whom "will you take $x for y" is all that's going on
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Gynecology student
    The chase
    25-->"I don’t see it as being much of a chase, I mean really you have money, they want money. I don’t ever remember it being very hard to walk up to a salesperson and get them to sell it to you." 25, I have to admit I still have trouble seeing this comparison as anything but vaguely comparable. I pretty much know what most sales people are selling. When I get to a club, if I don't already have an appointment with my CF, I don't know: - Who is going to be there - Whether I'll be attracted to any of them - Whether I'll like the personality of any that I'm attracted to - What kind of services the ones who I am attracted to and like, will offer - What price they will accept for those services - Whether I'll be able to agree to OTC I realize that there's a by-rote "there's no chase, otherwise you're being over-romantic" reaction to this topic here, since we all want to appear too cool for school. But unless you guys somehow know all the things above in advance, I don't see how there can be an argument over whether it's a chase. Or maybe it's the word "chase" that's objectionable? If "chase" is triggering everyone, call it "investigation" or whatever. There will certainly be more variation in non-extras clubs (where I've gotten everything from barely-any-contact lap dances to extras) than there will be in open extras club/brothels (where you won't have to guess what most girls will offer), so maybe it's the extras clubs guys who think there's no detective work going on? max_starr-->"The [time spent finding the right girl] is exhilarating and fun up and through OTC sex, but then I prefer the OTC experience as long as its exciting over finding a new OTC" Agree
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    Dushku and Dancers
    The variety guys, for whom a different girl is part of the reward itself, will have a different answer. As the ATFing type, if a girl hits my Dushku limit for both looks and service, I'm sticking with her, and reaping the ever-ramping benefits of an ATF/best-PL relationship, for as long as it's ever-ramping. I'm perfectly happy getting to the club, sitting with just my CF for 4 hours straight without trying anyone else, then going home.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    SA vs SC vs AMP's in SW Florida
    Your experience is similar to mine -- SA girls are incredibly flakey, and by far the hottest and most fun girls on SA are strippers, SA is just another way to meet them. AMPs are definitely not my cup of tea -- actually, in general, "in and out" is not my cup of tea... horses for courses, not a criticism.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Compliment you receive from dancers
    25: thanks, you're sweet!
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is it really a fantasy?
    If you guys think that's philosophical, you will love my upcoming article on why ITC BJs are like a box of chocolates
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Compliment you receive from dancers
    A few times I've gotten "you have nice eyes", which is of course the last refuge compliment from a stripper who cannot find ANY redeeming quality about you. Although "you're sweet" might be even worse, now that I think about it -- she can't make herself compliment you on anything physical, so she'll give you the most banal, trite compliment about your personality possible. Sometimes I get compliments from strippers, on things that I also get compliments on from civilians, in which case, I definitely choose to assume that it's a real compliment. I mean, it can't just be a lucky guess, can it?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Opening with a dance request
    In general, if the is such a seller's market where the girls have so much leverage that they can just Wannadance, it's too busy for me and I'm out of there... only exceptions are if I'm out with a bunch of it's-our-yearly-boys-night-out guys. If I'm in a club that's got the better customer-to-stripper ratio I look for, I don't ever EVER accept a Wannadance, but if I'm interested, I do invite her to sit and have a drink first (if it's an alcohol club), etc. Not being a hardass, but a cold-opening Wannadance just isn't close to the experience I'm looking for, or why I'm at a strip club. Totally understand that for you guys who are more just looking for a hot stripper to LDK with, or aren't into talking with strippers, might be fine with it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    How important is Kissing to you ?
    Love kissing, but like george, I keep it off-limits (or try to) in extras clubs. Since I rarely go to extras clubs, this is an easy rule for me to follow; probably way harder for you guys who are lucky enough to have good extras clubs around, but that's not a bad problem to have. Even in non-extras clubs, with exceptions for CFs, I keep it to LK rather than DFK. LK gives most of the thrill and illusion of intimacy, without the actual spit swapping
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is it really a fantasy?
    To the extent that you wanted a blowjob, and got a blowjob, that's reality. To the extent that she didn't behave as if she were disgusted by the entire act, and you in general, that's fantasy :) I'm there for the reality, but I'm thankful for the fantasy LOL
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Feature Dancers vs Everyday Dancers
    I do agree also that the house strippers are usually hotter than the feature dancer. I can count on one hand the number of times that wasn't true