Compliment you receive from dancers

avatar for Darkblue999
Most of the time dancers told me I am sweet.
I don't know on what basis they say that. Do you have any idea why do dancers think we are sweet.I am flattered with that compliment compared to you are cute,you have rock hard dick etc


last comment
avatar for warhawks
7 years ago
Stripper shit mostly.

I don’t believe a word they say.

But that’s ok as long as a guy doesn’t fall for it and knows it’s just part of the game.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^You prolly gave her too much money, therefore you are sweet!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I don't believe anything they say unless they walk me ot the door when I'm ready to leave - then obviously I know it's legit
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I get the soft-hair and hands quite a bit - and I've always been told that by girls since I was a kid - when I was younger I actually did not like those compliments b/c I felt having soft hands was unmanly.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^ Only if they walk you to the door before you pay them. ;)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Also get the "wow your cock is so hard" - and yeah I get very-hard fairly-easily especially when being w/ an ebony (and being commando w/ thin shorts makes my "emotions" more noticeable) - but I don't put any stock into it - just things I've been told often by dancers.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
As far as I'm concerned being told your nice by dancers I equate w/ being an easy-mark/easy-$$$ - a guy which pays-up but does not expect nor demand much and just accepts what the dancer wants to give or not give him.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
I guess the compliment is that they usually don't say anything.
avatar for PeterEaster
7 years ago
I've had dancers say I'm "pleasant" (as they walk me to the door, of course).
avatar for Darkblue999
7 years ago
Papi, you are almost right thats how i am..i dont expect much nor demand much.
avatar for Darkblue999
7 years ago
I think some compliments make sense like you are pleasant,you smell good.
Whenever dancer said you smell good I was wearing nice deo that day.That means they didn't lie.or may be depends on the dancers. Few lie few don't lie.
Obviously these ones are fake
-- you have big dick
-- you are so handsome
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
IME, being told you're nice by a girl, stripper or not, it's usually not a good-compliment - IME most girls don't fuck a guy b/c he's nice, they may like you as a friend, but what good is that when you have a raging-boner,
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Not everything dancers say is shit. Sometimes a girl will genuinely like you, and probably be hoping that you will try to see her outside, on completely civilian terms.

avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Why are y'all so jaded?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I'm not big on cologne and usually don't wear it to the clubs much these days since I usually SC on dayshift and don't like putting on cologne during the day - but I use a cologne that a former GF once gave me and dancers often mention-it when I wear-it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
You tell'm flag - I hate these jaded motherfuckers
avatar for realDougster
7 years ago
"As far as I'm concerned being told your nice by dancers I equate w/ being an easy-mark/easy-$$$"

@Papi - that thing you say you don't do... you're doing it again
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
Soft hands—I get that a lot too. I assume they are implying I’m a pussy.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Soft Hands? No, that's because they deal with lots of guys who do manual labor who have hard and calloused hands. It may be taken to mean that they like you pawing them.


This seems just meant for organ, because it is in three parts. But most of the organ recordings are just way too heavy. And also, organ tuning and piano tuning are completely different, so there is still something lacking. Seems like the best organ music has to be written for organ.

Satie: Gymnopedie #1 on Organ…

Marco Lo Muscio Plays: Erik Satie: Gymnopédie n.1…
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
Thanks realDougster - appreciate you keeping me in line
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
A few times I've gotten "you have nice eyes", which is of course the last refuge compliment from a stripper who cannot find ANY redeeming quality about you. Although "you're sweet" might be even worse, now that I think about it -- she can't make herself compliment you on anything physical, so she'll give you the most banal, trite compliment about your personality possible.

Sometimes I get compliments from strippers, on things that I also get compliments on from civilians, in which case, I definitely choose to assume that it's a real compliment. I mean, it can't just be a lucky guess, can it?
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@Subraman you have nice eyes!

Just couldn’t find any other redeeming qualities about you. ;)
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
SJG: I’ve actually had quite a few say they like the feel of my soft hands on their body as I groped them. Of course, I assume it’s SS (although I don’t really care). As for organ music, nothing beats Bach’s Tocotta and Fugue in D Minor, E. Power Biggs, organist. I think I’ll listen on the drive home.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
25: thanks, you're sweet!
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
And such nice eyes.
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago

When they tell me they like my Benjies being so fresh and clean, I believe it. Not that they are going to get their hands on one unless I'm convinced that it is a good use of the cash. :)
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago
I got the soft hands and that was when I worked with them for a living. Now, they may not exist. :)
avatar for anon4231
7 years ago
Over on SW, one of the big techniques for girls seems to be "figure out how to stroke 'his' ego." Just because a compliment is genuine doesn't mean it's not still SS.
avatar for Cowboy12
7 years ago
My CF was out of town this week, so I spent time with 2 "new to me" strippers.
First one said I have nice eyes, second one was crazy about my hair.

They are just playing to our egos, which is not a problem for me, just part of the game.
avatar for bubba267
7 years ago
I’ve had a good number tell me I’m cute/handsome. Might be just a little bit of SS. :)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
"... Over on SW, one of the big techniques for girls seems to be "figure out how to stroke 'his' ego." Just because a compliment is genuine doesn't mean it's not still SS ..."

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
^ but then again I'm supposedly jaded
avatar for orangepicture
7 years ago
Soft hands I get all the time. Nice eyes is another one. That I'm "a normal guy" or respectful are others. Finally (and I've gotten this in civilian relationships too) is that I am great with my hands; i.e.: finger banging. I have a favorite stripper that specifically requests it from me and gets off multiple times before she gets me off. Tells me repeatedly that I am the best at it.
avatar for K
7 years ago
Ive been told i am the biggest dick they know.
avatar for loper
7 years ago
I get soft hands and good hair, both of which are objectively true. Sweet means I'm not an asshole who doesn't pay any attention to what they like or how they feel. I like to compliment strippers, and I don't have to lie because any that I'm spending time with have some good, probably great, features. Aside from the dick compliments, I assume that any compliment they're giving me are true also -- why not pick some genuine features if you're going to compliment someone than lie to them?
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
"For an old guy you're not that disgusting."
avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
I get the eyes thing a lot......always have........although the comments are not always the same. The other is why don't I look my age--which really is not a compliment as much as one to my parents and genetics.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I was once told I have big balls. I didn't think of it as really a compliment, maybe just an observation. Maybe they just seemed big in comparison to my dick.

avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^you didn’t hear her right she said you were a ball breaker, LOL
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
A black dancer at Follies tells me that I am her favorite white customer. ???
avatar for realDougster
7 years ago
From the Urban dictionary:

"when something is a pain in the ass, it's "big balls". italian-american slang."
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
If you keep hearing the same compliment from almost every stripper, there might be something there. If you hear the same compliment IRL, then there probably IS something there. But in general, strippers know what customers like to hear, and they know what works on certain customers ($). I'm not saying that all strippers are that manipulative, and i do pay slightly, just slightly, more attention to what a baby stripper might say, you know, before they get "jaded".
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
I don’t mind a compliment from a stripper. It might or might not be stripper shit but it’s better than “you need to tip me $20 for that air dance I just gave you” or “I hate it when guys want to cum”.

But I’ve long since stopped trying to figure out if a compliment is sincere, stripper shit or a combination. I don’t feel like expending the mental energy trying to figure that out. The older I get, the more I’m inclined to ask myself one question in the club, namely whether I’m enjoying my experience that day or whether I’ve got better things to do.

I’m not trying to be critical of the OP for his post. It’s just that I haven’t found that compliments or the lack thereof are very indicative of how much fun I will actually have in the club.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
I’ve been told I’m a good gynaecologist.
avatar for orangepicture
7 years ago
Comments made to me are usually by dancers I already have a dance relationship with as opposed to a new dancer trying to tell me what I want to hear to keep me coming back.
avatar for doctorevil
7 years ago
I like hearing them. Who doesn’t? Does it really matter if they’re genuine or not?
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Wow - that’s a lot of cum!

I can’t get your dick back in your pants! It’s too big!

Your finger feels soooo good in my ass! (While I was thinking it was her pussy - and it was getting wet?)

My favorite: You are much less disgusting than the last guy who groped me!
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
So I must be doing something wrong cuz I never get compliments from strippers ITC
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
^ most likely they don't think you need compliments or having your ego stroked
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
God dammit... I'm the biggest narcissist of all definitely need my ego stroked
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
I get “pretty blue eyes” and, now that it’s grown out, “soft, silky hair” comments often enough to believe...that there’s a handbook that all strippers have read about how to compliment uncomplimentable PLs.
avatar for jaredlucas
7 years ago
I always like it when they release junior from my underwear for the first time and say "Wow". Works just as well as a little blue pill.

Hell, if I combined being that with being sweet or nice who knows how much fun SC visits could be ... Something to work on I guess.
avatar for orionsmith
7 years ago
If I hear sweet or gentleman then I think I either overpaid or could have had a whole lot better lap dance and was too hands off.
I'd rather enjoy the lap dance 10 times better rather than hear I was a gentleman or I'd prefer to save 10 to 40 bucks on a set of two or three dances rather than hear how sweet I was. If someone else wants to spend an extra 15 to 40 dollars for 2 or 3 dances and hear how sweet they are, go for it.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
^ Unless she is referring to the taste of your cum when she says you're sweet.
avatar for DrunkPraetorian
7 years ago
They just tell me that I’m a nice guy and I smell good (who knows)
avatar for wallanon
7 years ago
"If I hear sweet or gentleman then I think I either overpaid or could have had a whole lot better lap dance and was too hands off."

The most frequent thing I hear that passes for a compliment is that I'm respectful. I'm ok with that.
avatar for Dominic77
7 years ago
I clubbed this part weekend, a little rusty, review coming soon.

I got the you’re dark and mysterious compliment which meant that I was treating he too much like a civvie on a first date. Got the usual compliment about smelling good. I also received the dreaded gentlemen compliment like 8 or 9 times during the couple dances. Which of course means I was too hands off. And cued me onto perhaps the clubs has higher contact levels now. Thanks for the tip, dancer!

The second and final dancer said she had a crush on me, a compliment of sorts, mentioned it more than once, and was acting odd. Prolly SS but maybe small chance not. Also got the smelling good compliment again. By then it was 2:30 AM, lights were coming on, and time to go. She was the highest mileage dancer I’ve ever been with. Easily top tenth percentile of dancers lifetime for me.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
I cannot figure out my wife after 28 years so I don't even try to figure out dancers. At the non-extras club I go to, one of the hottest dancers, who also has a minimal contact reputation has attached herself to me. No matter who she is with she gets up, comes over, spends a lot of time chatting and gives an off the chart dance. Last time I was there she spent time with me after a CR, sitting with me for 60 minutes and ignoring customers. What does it mean? No idea.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Gentleman is probably one of the best compliments, they tend to say that when someone makes them feel good...

But nice and sweet are usually bad. They mean you're awkward or creepy. They're very non sexual, non manly terms.

Crap like nice hair or nice hands big dick, nice smile are fake compliments

Then there are shallow but sincere ones like if she likes feeling you up and likes your body. like your muscles and shit.

Nice eyes is sincere only if she actually remembers what color they are.

avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I get told Im not an asshole once you get to talk to me
avatar for goldmongerATL
6 years ago
I was told by a Cuban I had la cartera muy gorda. Later found out I had a big fat wallet.
avatar for Vantablack
6 years ago
You can't believe anything they say. If you take it seriously it will only work against you. That's why some boobies (like myself) start to think that strippers actually like them. However in reality every dancer in the club sees you and all the customers as nothing more than walking ATMs.

avatar for dr_lee
6 years ago
I mostly don’t buy anything they’re selling, but there have been a few where I dreamed she’s the one. There was one dancer from a long time ago that always came to me and was really super nice and after she moved away, one of the other dancers came up to me and told me that girl really liked me. THAT, I believed, but generally, it’s all just one big game. My best compliment? They like my package. I’ll take that one everyday and twice on Sunday.
avatar for dr_lee
6 years ago
And after reading through other responses, I get that soft hand compliment as well.
avatar for steeldog65
6 years ago
I smell great,I am funny, cute, and then the obvious ones.
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
I usually don't bother with strippers who give the standard compliments or say standard shit. Sometimes if she's hot I'll call her out on it as a conversation starter. But Im not into their games when they're in that mindset. I also think its kinda lazy of them.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
I used to think I had a small dick, but I get consistent compliments for both its length and girth.
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago
Soft hands. Comes from lack of heavy labor.
avatar for Vantablack
6 years ago

Yeah so not all dancers are like that, but you can bet that the mass majority are. And there's nothing wrong with that because in the end all of this just a job to them. There are a few genuinely good ones in the bunch, but they're hard to come by
avatar for JeffTUSCL
6 years ago
Never been told I'm nice, often been told I look a lot younger than I am which I get from most people, but specifically and often I'm told my humor is sexy. Right, if my humor was that sexy I'd be banging supermodels multiple times a week. I think they just feel like I am fun to talk to and it's the most appropriate comment to make that is close to the truth but also helps them believe they'll make more money with an ego stroke.
avatar for Dominic77
6 years ago
@phatboy99 posted: "Gentleman is probably one of the best compliments, they tend to say that when someone makes them feel good..."

Good to know. Coming from you, I think I tend to believe it.
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 years ago
Soft hands
Not pushy

Not sure where that last one comes from, since I’m totally not shy about asking.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
ever try something on at a boutique and the salesgirl says you look amazing in it?????? thats what compliments from dancers are like lol
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
Most are fake but some are sincere. It depends on her body language, how she says it, your connection with her.
avatar for wellhungsac420
6 years ago
It wasn't in a language I understood but my best was when a Brazilian spinner showed me that my cock was as big as her arm
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