
Dushku and Dancers

954 (South Florida)
Sunday, March 4, 2018 1:23 PM
Back when I made the leap from "guy who SCs" to "SC aficionado" - i.e. 'right around the time I became a TUSCLer - I read an article by Peter Tips in which he explained the idea of the Dushku Limit. Stated succinctly: it's the idea that after a certain level of attractiveness, it really doesn't matter who's above who in that area. I started thinking about this while I was in Savannah's last night, but in a different way. (Before I go any further, Savannah's was lit. The vibe was completely different than I'd ever experienced, there were more fine women - and not the rail-thin types: fine women with curves - than I have ever seen before. This even extended into customers...and even though they were civilians, attractive women are attractive women. Dancers even talked to me. It was like it was a completely different club. There was even a fight after the club closed, so the UFC didn't have a monopoly on the scrap game. There was about as much entertainment to be had last night as the other ~10 visits combined. Anyway, back to the topic.) After moving my pride and standoffishness out of the way, I decided to walk up to the girl who I think is the most attractive one there. For those who know the place, it's the thick white girl with straight brown hair...and you shouldn't need three guesses to know who I mean. Anyway, she somewhat remembered me but asked if she knew me from there or AW. I never knew she danced at AW, and believe me when I say I'd have remembered if I saw her there. Anyway, she gave three dances that had me wanting more. Everything I liked: she looks so good, she dances just the way I like, and pretends to enjoy it convincingly enough that it almost seems like she really does. Here's the thing, especially as it relates to Savannah's: her dances were so good that I'm not sure I ever want to try anyone else. The probability of getting a better dance, particularly there, is low. AW is a LD factory in comparison, and there are only two current dancers I'd trust to give better dances. I know some of us prefer variety, and place a high value on it. That said, most of us also have CFs too - and they got there somehow. Unless you really value variety, the rational (in an econ sense) move is to get as many dances as possible from the best girl there. If a girl's dances...or other...are good enough, is there even a point in trying other girls? Is there a Dushku limit type level for dancers - a level of entertainment a girl can provide that signals to a PL that no one else is worth considering?


  • PeterEaster
    6 years ago
    I generally stick with favs, but will occasinally try a new dancer if they have some outstanding feature - say an extremely pretty face, or really nice full natural breasts - that sets her apart. Even then I mostly return to my favs.
  • PeterEaster
    6 years ago
    Side note: does the Dushku Limit have anything to do with Eliza Dushku?
  • IHearVoices
    6 years ago
    Yeah, she was the inspiration for it.
  • PeterEaster
    6 years ago
    Thanks, Voices. I can understand that - she was a hottie back in the day, loved her in Bring It On and Dollhouse.
  • mjx01
    6 years ago
    @IHV: yes. If she meets my Dusku limit for looks we go for a test drive. If she meets my Dusku limit for entertainment, why risk time and money testing the unknown? IME, dancers tend to 'loosen" up the more familiar they are with you, so 'regular' visits leads to better performance.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Per the comments on TUSCL throughout time it seems more TUSCLers prefer the fave-dancer method over the variety method - SCing is expensive and kinda a crapshoot, sucks to spend $200 on a visit and feel it was just meh - thus it makes sense that many experienced SCers move to the fave-model in order to get consistent ROI on a fairly large inve$ment. In the end, "the right way" is whichever way a particular SCer finds he enjoys it the most and feels his getting the mo$t from it.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    The variety guys, for whom a different girl is part of the reward itself, will have a different answer. As the ATFing type, if a girl hits my Dushku limit for both looks and service, I'm sticking with her, and reaping the ever-ramping benefits of an ATF/best-PL relationship, for as long as it's ever-ramping. I'm perfectly happy getting to the club, sitting with just my CF for 4 hours straight without trying anyone else, then going home.
  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    I with you Subraman....
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    The biggest drawback to not having a fave is of course not being walked to the door when you are ready to leave - but such is life
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Papi: look on the bright side, at least she probably complimented your eyes
  • mjx01
    6 years ago
    This has been said before but... places like Follies and Detroit, where UHM is basically uniform across all dancers, are the anomalies not the rule. IMO, most places are YMMV and IME mileage goes up the more comfortable a dancer is with you. The Fav/Reg arrangement is just better ROI without the crap shoot of unproven talent.
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