
Comments by Subraman (page 167)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Strippers: Employees or Contractors?
    -->"What actually surprises me is that (especially in California) that stripper (I'm sorry, dancers) haven't unionized." Well, I can't resist making a snarky comment about how that would require organization, forethought, etc. Of course, I also think that this is a case where the girls may well know more than we give them credit for. I've seen the girls have intelligent conversations about how unionizing might well make things worse for them, particularly the high earners. I reckon they're right. We did have a unionized strip club in SF; although not just union, but the girls themselves bought out and ran the club itself. It was a disaster, and the club seemed to focus on everything but trying to understand what strip club customers want. They were dismal even in comparison to the unspeakably crappy deja vu clubs around them, and that's saying something
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Is anyone else tired of all the trolls
    -->"The troll situation won't change unless founder alters his "light touch" philosophy regarding the practice. I don't see that happening. Telling people to just ignore them never works... because human nature. I call out those who I think are trolls impersonating legit users (Mtent). I ignore the spoof / satire trolls (mamisan, tj_tim, etc.). " I agree with all of this 1000%. Even though I bang my head against that particular wall myself, I'm not sure I've ever seen a troll get driven away from being ignored. Calling out the most puerile pretend-contributors like Mtent, and ignoring the satire trolls is my general policy, too, though I break that also. Sometimes a pretend-contributor isn't completely puerile, and then I'll respond because, what the hell, he's making decent threads.
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    6 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    Is anyone else tired of all the trolls
    Any minute now, some trolls will respond, and talk about how "funny" the trolls are... with the exception of mamisan, we have the least funny, most tedious trolls I've ever seen. On the upside, all but a couple of the most mean-spirited and prolific trolls are gone now, so it's just un-funny and tedious we have to deal with. I'm guessing nearly all the trolls are alternative handles of a very small handful of tuscl regulars. That said, we also have a bunch of tuscl regulars who should know better, responding to incredibly tedious alternative-handles like Mtent and giving those handles legitimacy.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Question about the DJ
    Never run into a female DJ. I don't know if a female DJ would be any better than a male one, but I can't imagine she could possibly be any worse
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Deez Nutz
    Do PL that get OTC action???
    -->"i would be (a) and also try to make deep eye contact just to creep her, hopefully this makes her evaluate her choices in life" I know I've done something right if I can tell my stripper is thinking, "How exactly did my mis-steps and mis-deeds in life lead up to this moment?" I like to be their rock-bottom.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    When will The HiLiter learn
    -->"Heartbreaking. The fact two topics on Butterfly's departure would immediately pop up on TUSCL is a testament to her talent level and popularity. One of the finest to ever grace the pole." In all seriousness, it's interesting looking at this from the outside. To me, it's an instant no-brainer: a girl brings in her pimp and thug friends to beat up a customer, she should be immediately fired. That's a great call by management. Well handled, congratulations all around. But it sounds like this girl is an amazing stripper who has been delighting PLs for years, without causing trouble -- so I can see how the expectation is that if she feels unsafe from a customer who has over-stepped, it is absurd management didn't step in to sort things out, rather than let things get to this point where they had no choice but to fire her. I get the customer irritation now, and the interpretation that this reflects incredibly badly on management. In other news: -->"Without fail, she worked six days a week, eight hours a day" In my experience, 100% of the strippers who worked this much, where I had some knowledge of their situation, had pimps. That's been one of the surefire pimp detectors
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    When will The HiLiter learn
    I enjoyed this review and I will recommend it to my friends and neighbors. I particularly enjoyed the part where the scumbag who called her pimp got fired. From 1 to 10, I rate this review: potato.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey
    Dancer's teeth
    Oddly enough, I haven't run into an epidemic of bad teeth ... and a lot of strippers I've been acquainted with through the years got invisiline during the time I knew them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    Do you think the patron's looks can affect the mileage they'll receive by a danc
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Cashman: Welcome to tuscl!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    ppwh: the fact that you didn't put "no homo" anywhere in your above post makes me very suspicious.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    It's Brokeback Tuscl up in here again
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    Do you think the patron's looks can affect the mileage they'll receive by a danc
    -->"Man, life must be easy if you're good looking." Okay, I'll tell you one fun story about my buddy, to put things in perspective. I can tell you lots of stories about how women treat him (e.g., the girls at his local starbucks give him his drinks for free). But the really interesting thing I learned -- when you're that handsome, even men treat you differently. I am sure it's completely subconscious, because these aren't gay men ... but on some level, it's clicking. Case in point: one of the strip clubs we frequented always had the classic surly, opposite-of-customer-oriented type dive SC staff. One of the front desk guys was a mean old bastard, I'd guess in his 60s, the best you could hope for any interaction with him is that he didn't notice you at all and just gave you his obviously-forced-friendly speech about the club. So all the regulars just do our best grayman impression (look up grayman theory on google) as we entered. Well, my I don't know how it happened, but the guy just loved my buddy, right from the beginning... my buddy said something or other to him, and instead of being a dick back the old fuck joked back, and from then on, it was smiles and jokes, and anytime we went back to the lobby to look at our phones or whatever, if it wasn't too busy he'd come out from behind the desk and hang out with us. We have pictures with him :) lol ... Anyway, that's not a one-off story, not just young women but older men all reacted to the guy this way. I enjoyed it, I liked to pretend that the starbucks girls gave us our coffees for free because **we** are so hot and flirty, but oddly enough, when I go to that starbucks alone those bitches make me pay, as if I'm just some regular old guy.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I have entirely stopped going to strip clubs on Fri/Sat nights
    Dominic, I suppose this could to some extent be a function of what type of experience you're looking for; the less you care about spending lots of time with her, or getting higher mileage in a lower mileage club, the less you might notice it. I imagine the variety guys, who just grab a girl, aren't interested in conversation, just do a few dances, then go on to the next one, might not notice it as much. For me, even when I first started and barely knew how things worked, I always saw a big difference across the board -- drinks are more expensive at night, the girls will not sit for more than a few minutes without a dance at night, far more bouncers who impose the rules far more often at night (which translates to lower mileage), the semi-private VIP rooms are full of other PLs getting dances at night (which translates to FAR less rule-breaking), the girls try to charge more for everything at night, and the "I don't do lap dances only VIPs" girls exist only at night. As a more experienced PL, the already-stark contrast is even more so
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    I can definitely see the quality varying from club to club . The two clubs that I go to that have buffets, the food is downright decent, and better-than-decent, respectively. I've been to business events where the catered food was no better than those buffets. One of those clubs only does buffets, but the club with the "decent" buffet also has a kitchen, and the food is good. Both of these are what passes for upscale clubs here. I can imagine being more cautious, the divier a club is. I guess I'm not surprised that samsung found poor citation records. Now I'm inspired to see if I can find the records for the clubs I go to
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Asian fix - I would give this one $2400
    A bitch's elbows are too pointy, I'm taking a pass http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/291/121/989.jpg
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Asian fix - I would give this one $2400
    re: her ass, it looks nice because most of the time, she's slightly bent over with her back slightly arched, which gives the illusion there's something there. I have a feeling if she were standing straight up, in a thong, we wouldn't be quite so enamored. But her legs, hips, and midsection trip all my triggers
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I support the naked hustle
    I kind of feel that if LDK wants to up his game, that's about the only activity left
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Asian fix - I would give this one $2400
    BTW, as the Grand High Ass Aficionado -- I mean of real asses, not caricature asses -- my one concern is that most of the time when she's facing away from us, she's bent over a little, so it's hard to see what's going on back there. But the few seconds where she's standing straight up, it looks like she might be afflicted with back ass.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Asian fix - I would give this one $2400
    Incredible body. And if we had sex, I'd hope she'd keep that general facial expression of benign disinterest, "I'm trying to work up some enthusiasm but I just can't be bothered". Keep me from getting too big for my britches.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    -->"So I loaded up on extra shrimp and lobster tails for the dancer" Okay, your SC culinary machismo trumps mine, I don't think I'd touch seafood at the strip club LOL Anyway, I understand why it squicks people -- first, most SCs are filthy; second, the general managerial skills of "management" seem to be very lacking (which is why they're managing a strip club) in general, much less the specific skills needed to oversee a kitchen; third, in general SC employees seem to be out to fuck customers whenever they can, and there's all sorts of ways the cooks can amuse themselves with food. So I had a "no food" policy for years. I first gave in when I started going to a SC with a buffet, I watched management, bouncers, strippers, and even the cooks themselves, come out and partake, and I figured that if it was too too gross in the kitchen, people would know. Buffet was pretty good. I have, of course, swung all the way around -- I am a broken record about buying lunch/dinner for your stripper being the best deal in the SC, if what you want is lots of nearly-free flirting & groping time at your table
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    Do you think the patron's looks can affect the mileage they'll receive by a danc
    -->"^^ the ones making the offers to that young handsome guy were probably fat and ugly and couldn't get a good looking guy in their personal lives." Definitely not the case with my buddy, where there was no real correlation with looks -- ugly strippers threw themselves at him, but so did average and incredibly hot ones. Of course, as I said earlier, there *were* definitely plenty of strippers who bailed once they realized he had little money, but it was clear and obvious that there was a big subset of strippers who put aside their revenue goals to hang out with him. The guy regularly scored 9+s outside the strip club, too. I've also been in the club a zillion times, where there were good looking younger guys, and it was my table full of old guys who had all the girls clustered around us. I mean, this is the norm, not the exception. So I've always wondered if my buddy's experience is more for guys who are past whatever the female equivalent of the Dushku limit is -- regular-guy handsome is trumped by old guy with money, but Dushku handsome is not.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Gynecology student
    The longer you monger...
    Nothing to do with how long I -- well, monger to me = whoremonger, which I've indulged in but don't really enjoy much -- anyway, nothing to do with how long I've been SCing, but in general as I get older, the the broader my tastes are, physically. I'm still most attracted to the slim dancer's body I've always loved, but more and more attracted to athletic, "height-weight proportional" and even slightly curvy women... and when I'm on the fence, personality and sexual freakiness can definitely push me over, but again, that's no different than it ever was
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    I asked a dancer...
    I've gotten extras at incredibly strict non-extras clubs around here. To be clear, in the south bay area, there's absolutely no touching whatsoever, and I'm pretty certain there are no extras going on ITC (no bets on what might be going on in the parking lot when the girls are on their breaks). But in clubs where there's contact and at least semi-private dances, I have no problem believing someone or other is doing extras
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    Do you think the patron's looks can affect the mileage they'll receive by a danc
    For a couple of years there was a very handsome (no homo), younger guy (no homo) who SCed with us (fap fap fap), someone who worked with one of the other guys. The girls fell all over themselves for him. He was younger and spent a lot less than us, but at minimum he got as good, or better, treatment than those of us who were spending 2x-3x as much as him. He sometimes got far more than us (I hesitate to even tell stories, since they'll sound unbelievable). It was funny at first, and then started to annoy the rest of us. I do imagine that this might vary from dancer to dancer, at least in degree; there were definitely girls who immediately walked when they realized he didn't have much to spend, but for each one of those, there were several who'd give him the bonus treatment just for being handsome.