
Do PL that get OTC action???

avatar for Salty.Nutz
Deez Nutz

I was curious if the PL that score OTC action (a) take their time with DFK, Slow deep thrust or (b) just jack hammer away

i would be (a) and also try to make deep eye contact just to creep her, hopefully this makes her evaluate her choices in life


last comment
avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

^^^I always say caring is sharing.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 yrs ago

i used to think kissing strippers was gross, i dont know what happened

avatar for Warrior15
6 yrs ago

Where's SJG. He's the expert on DFK.

avatar for tijuana_tim
6 yrs ago

You should come down and wrap your tongue around one of my A-Team girls like you’re a freakin burrito.

avatar for max_starr
6 yrs ago

I'd rather lfk/dfk in a non extras club thank you....the girl who shoved her finger into her pussy and then my mouth mildly shocked me...I mean it tasted/smelled impeccably clean but the logical scientific computational portion of my brain was reminding me that Id i didn't know what else her finger/pussy had been contact with. though later I got to know her and she was pretty clean and not being dirty with too many...yeah lfk/dfk seems preferable for some reason

avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 yrs ago

Cool experience Max-starr. ever since i stopped watching porn and supplemented with SC visits, i kinda developed cravings for DFk instead of urges of finger banging. All this is happenening im my head because i visit clean clubs

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

I'm going to be perfectly honest and admit that I'm not sure what this thread is really about.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 yrs ago

^^^CIM its about

a) being affectionate, intimate with a stripper (cuddling, DFK, ect...)


b) do you prefer to use strippers as flesh lights.

avatar for Cashman1234
6 yrs ago

I was more interested in kissing whores when I was a younger monger. Now, I like to use the time to pound away. I prefer to pound the whore for the full hour. I’m not great at timing the cum - so I’ll try to cum after 45 minutes - but I sometimes just keep going.

I always ask before we start if she’s booked immediately after. If she’s free - I’ll be paying for overtime rates.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

There's a middle ground between the two extremes. I'm somewhere in there. I don't fall in love with strippers or become truly intimate with them. I also don't treat them like respirating sex dolls.

avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

-->"i would be (a) and also try to make deep eye contact just to creep her, hopefully this makes her evaluate her choices in life"

I know I've done something right if I can tell my stripper is thinking, "How exactly did my mis-steps and mis-deeds in life lead up to this moment?" I like to be their rock-bottom.

avatar for JimGassagain
6 yrs ago

We’re anout an hour and 1/2 away from having our self proclaimed Expert, SJG weighing in on this topic. As predicted it will be DFK front room, getting her softened up for you when your own pants are to come down will you be setting her up for free otc, multiple GFE toda la noche.

Anyone willing to take any bets?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

I don't take bets that I'm certain to lose.

avatar for twentyfive
6 yrs ago

^^^Put him on ignore, what you pay no attention to can’t annoy you, I still say if enough people do this he’ll fade away.

He’s only here because he gets attention.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

Warrior15 wrote, "Where's SJG. He's the expert on DFK."

So when you are in TJ, you don't maximize the DFKing, before arriba?


avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

I like to be their rock-bottom.

I like to fuck their hands and get it all over their fingers with my spermy dick and nutsack.

On second thought, though, maybe I should just stick to LDK. Like glue. Except it isn't really glue. I'll give you a dollar if you taste it and can tell me what it is.

avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

So when you are in TJ, you don't maximize the DFKing, before arriba?

Yes she's Mexican and an oppressed minority as the world goes, but she just isn't that into you, dude. Could you just kiss her hand and tell her she's pretty? The connection might make it feel better when it's time for your own pants to come down and you're fucking her hand.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

My experience with Mexican girls is that they are quite open, accepting, and easy to get along with.

I'm wondering what was the basis for Warrior15's comment, and how he likes to steer it on his TJ trips.


avatar for ppwh
6 yrs ago

My experience with Mexican girls is that they are quite open, accepting, and easy to get along with.

My experience is with one in particular whose spirit could rise up and destroy me. I wish I could see that girl that day again. I might even like her even better than strippers.

avatar for wallanon
6 yrs ago

"I was curious if the PL that score OTC action (a) take their time with DFK, Slow deep thrust or (b) just jack hammer away"

Hypothetically speaking, it would depend on whether MSOG is in play.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

Usually when MSOG is in play, in my experience, there is a great deal of DFKing which occurs in the build up to that second pop. The girl has to play a bigger role in making it happen. So it is not just a quantitative issue, it is a qualitative issue.

But DFKing is also very important before the first pop, need to learn to do it well and just let it happen. Talk and massaging is a big part of the makeout session, need to let both people get very relaxed.

P4P sessions often do not go very well as the mood is not right and they are lacking in the above.


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avatar for Salty.Nutz
6 yrs ago

i personally think many of us have a dark triad personality and theres a guilty pleasure in treating people bad or degrading them. i believed many of us would swing to being the (b) type. strippers gets their kicks by getting the most money by doing less, and PL get our kicks by getting more and paying less.

If you analyze the situation, a PL that tries to build intamicy with DFK, eye contact, cuddling will be creepier than the b guy who tries to finger banger right off the bat. i didnt notice this dynamic till resently.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

It is possible that trying to build intimacy with a woman who does P4P sex is being deceptive and predatory.

But it does not have to be. It can be genuine, and the money can be generous.

But some guys seem to get off on using P4P to denigrate women.


avatar for Mate27
6 yrs ago

^^^ WOW, what a humanitarian SJG is.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

See? I would have lost that bet.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

Similar to Cashman - the older I've gotten it's more about the physical and not so much about the intimacy or an emotional-connection - for me these days sex is more the equivalent of a porno-scene vs a romance-novel.

I do like DFK but it still feels more like a physical/sexual act vs emotional/romantic act (these days).

So yeah - these days it's more about fucking and pounding-away vs looking into Ms Right's eyes.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

DFKing can be quite animalistic. Women often respond whole heartedly to it when it is done that way.

When a guy just really goes for her and makes it happen, it is kind of implied that he is not interested in keeping it in any narrow boundaries, like ITC and P4P only. And so again, the woman is more likely to go for it.

Romance is really something else, only a turn on for the woman in some situations. Sometimes they really just want to be fucked, and they consider aggressive DFKing to be a full part of it.


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avatar for larryfisherman
6 yrs ago

What Wallanon said

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

^^^^ MSOG is not just a quantitative improvement, it is a qualitative improvement.

In AAMPs, cause of RedBook, they went to MSOG offerings. But to make that work, the girl has to do more. For the first round, the guy can just make it happen. But for the second, DFKing seems requisite. The girl has got to really want it.

:) :) :)


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