Question about the DJ

londonguyBreathe, breathe in the air
Is the DJ always male? Any of you guys go to clubs that have a female DJ? If so how do they compare?
Is the DJ always male? Any of you guys go to clubs that have a female DJ? If so how do they compare?
last commentWe've had a bar tender / DJ who is female and I've long liked her.
We've also had one of the most off the hook dancers around, Latina, who became a DJ.
Went into Lido's in Cocoa Beach in the afternoon. The DJ was a girl. It was kind of sad. She would call the dancers up onto the Stage and they would ignore her. It was like she had no respect at all.
I've heard that there are some but I've never run across one.
The female DJ is hotter when I tip her in her pants. By far. They will have to put up a sign saying no customers in the DJ booth or there won't be any music when y'all are getting lapdances. I would definitely lick the underside of the male DJ's penis, but it's not my preference compared to a she. At least, this is my grayman strategy. I actually kind of like him maybe just a little. Don't tell the strippers, though. They talk between themselves and I fear they might judge me.
Of the above two I've mentioned, I liked both of them and gave them tips, flattery, and drinks.
I've listened to Lynn Harrell twice live
Yuja Wang & Lynn Harrell: Rachmaninov Sonata for Cello & Piano in G minor
I’ve not yet seen a female DJ in a strip club yet. It wouldn’t be a bad idea.
That is kinda amusing. The cat fights. LOL
Read a review once of a club with a female-DJ but can't remember which club it was, but I have never noticed one in a club I've visited
Female DJs may be better - I assume they'd be less-annoying, and less egotistical thinking they're the reason a club is good
Never run into a female DJ. I don't know if a female DJ would be any better than a male one, but I can't imagine she could possibly be any worse
I have only seen a few. The last one I remember was at Vanity Factory in San Antonio, TX. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that club is now out of business.
Nope. The DJ I work with when I go to dance in Daytona Beach is a girl, and she's one of the best one I've worked with in terms of dancer requests/tip out/customer song requests/song length in VIP/not talking too much/overall awesomeness.
There was a club i used to go to hears ago that had a female dj, was in northestern PA about 20 yeats ago. She was a previous dancer at the place so knew "what went on in the back". If you were on your way to the back if you slipped her a few bucks she'd play really long songs. She was also known to give a handy in the restroom in between sets. Really miss that place.
I have never, ever seen a female DJ in a strip club. I have also clubbed a lot in regular dance clubs across the USA in large cities and it is extremely, and I mean extremely rare to even see a female DJ there.
It’s kinda like gender roles:
Men: bouncer, DJ, bar back, manager, stage MC
Women: stripper / dancer, waitress, person collecting money at the door
About the only unisex job is the bartender.
Long-time DJ at King of Diamonds in the Twin Cities is a woman. She has a sexy voice but it's hard to hear specifically what she's doesn't cut through the treble of the sound mix well.
There is a female DJ at hiliter in Phoenix. She does a really good job. Good music, very low key. The only reason you notice her initially is her voice. After that, you don't notice her which is good because it means she's not annoying you like so many other DJ's.
my neighborhood SC has no's a computer
Does she have nice tits?
@shailynn Monroe’s in West Palm Beach had a female manager for a while when they opened, she quit after a dispute with the owner, and prior to her becoming a manager she was an extremely popular bartender.
"Does she have nice tits"
I'd bury my face in them.
^^^She actually did she had them done a few years ago and they looked pretty good and felt nice also.
I'd def prefer a computer over a live-DJ.
When I lived in Dallas there was a popular FM-station called Jack-FM that had mo DJs other than some pre-recorded voice once in a while with some pre-recorded comments thay were actually pretty-funny - I liked that station and liked the lack of a DJ.
^ mo = no
^^^i think a no Dj club would be good mojo ;)
Some places let the girls do the DJing themselves.
I like the no DJ idea also. If I want to know a girls name, I will go up and ask her. But someone would have to be responsible for getting the girls onstage. You could always have the club manager do that.
Some places are so laid back that the girls handle all the DJing and the getting on stage.
I'm sure with today's technology it should not be too hard to automate the stage lineup
Oh 25, I remember now, a short lived club on 8 Mile in Detroit had a female manager for a little while.
DJ - in larger clubs they are needed, without them I have no idea how you’d get a group of strippers to remember to go on stage in a specific order.
^^^ It shouldn’t be difficult to set up a rotation, and they could enforce it pretty easily with fines for missing a turn, it’s not like rocket science or anything.
There are several clubs in Minnesota with no dj and I prefer that set up.
I’ve heard a couple of female DJs over the years but can’t recall which clubs. I vaguely recall that they came across as a little less irritating than male DJs.
Tootsies has monitors with the stage lineup - as far as I can recall I don't think I've ever heard the DJ @ Tootsies call dancers to the stage - so it seems to be some type of passive/automated system. Next time @ Tootsies I'll have to ask a dancer how they know when they need to go on stage and how they don't miss their turn (never noticed the stage empty b/c of a late dancer).
^ Tootsies can have 100 dancers on a Fr/Sat eve
This is a few years ago, but Tootsies used to have an electronic board that kept the dancer rotation on it. I don't know if that's how the girls kept track but if a RIL was there, he could know how many dancers before his heartthrob was due up.
Only female DJ I have run across was at Hi Liter in Phoenix. She was good, on a Sunday evening.
I've only seen one female DJ but it looks like she also used to be a dancer there. She isn't a very good DJ as her voice doesn't seem to be at the standard and I found her often repeating the same things
SC's probably could do without DJs and use some kind of automated system. There is occasionally a DJ I think is doing a very good job, though
Only ran into a female DJ once, at a Rhino club in the SFV here in LA. Never got to see what she looked like, tho. She was only a mysterious and sexy voice. It was interesting listening to her announce the dancers on stage, and she wasn't annoying and asking everyone to tip the girls all the time like some DJ's do. It also was a bit odd to hear a woman's voice over the PA announcing that my VIP was over. I liked it. It brought a different feel to the club. I haven't been there in a long time, so I wonder if she is still there.
My club sometimes has female DJs, but that’s super inconvenient bc I prefer to fuck men. :/
I remember one years ago at Shakers in Waverly, NE outside Lincoln. I also remember one at one of the Quad Cities clubs in Iowa. Nothing spectacular about either of the two.
You don't have to demonstrate your knowledge of Ke$ha to be hot, though.
Ha! I’m surprised I hadn’t heard that one! Actually, our djs are pretty professional. I barely notice if there’s a female one announcing, and I’ve never even heard a customer remark when it’s a female.
At the Sunnyvale Brass Rail the main DJ is female, daughter of one of the owning family.
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Stormy Daniels Lawsuit
Daniels is much better to look at than that Karen Huckabee Sanders
I've gone to clubs a couple times that had a female DJ. One was at one of the lower end Providence clubs, Club Fantasies. She was a huge, huge woman, maybe 500 pounds. So I doubt she was a former stripper.
The other was at the Fantasy Ranch out in Missouri. Now this one was definitely a dancer. She was constantly on the mic telling the customers to tip. It was a slow day shift with only 3 or 4 people, and she would single out customers and tell them to give a dollar to the girl on stage. "Yes, you, give her a dollar" "Ok, hi e another one", etc. Super annoying so I didn't stay long.
Nope. Female nightclub DJ's are all I have seen and some pretty good.
Lol@BJ for preferring to fuck males. I can just see the other girls whispering "Now shes fucking her too!?!?" Such a dry wit...
Never seen it
One local club has a part time female DJ. A couple of other clubs have computers which the female bartenders use to play music.
Papi, the daytime dj at the Body Club would probably not play it so fucking loud if he was a female! That guy is balling at the booth and hitting up all the thick dancers asking them what songs they want him to play. You can’t even tell which song is different from the others because they all run together.
I remember someone debating with a dancer over song counts. The PL just told me he tipped her less to settle the argument. At $5/song, why not? That place is unique (Body Club).
Club Pink in broward has had a female DJ a few times when I've been in there. She was every bit as bad as the male one. She was not particularly hot.
A lot of our local clubs don't announce the dancer. Sometimes the girls just program their music, from what is available on a CD Juke Box. It works out.
Some others do have a female DJ, sometimes also the bar tender and shift manager.
For the OP -- you have a few dozen it should always be a dude. But clearly, Strip Club Emcee is one of the first jobs which will be lost to robotics and automation.
@Warrior15 -- this is hilarious and I can totally see it!
@Digitech -- that reminds me of one of my first awkward, confusion strip club experiences in North Beach San Francisco (the worst part of town for SCs) where there was this huge fat woman emcee cackling away talking call me out saying she was going to take me into the backroom. That was a different strip club culture, which was probably the norm up to the 1990s (deprecation of the audience and negatively focused with a lot of "come on you cheapskates" rather than trying to bolster the girls for why you might actually WANT to tip them)
BJ99, will you please send me a PM when a DJ job opens up at your club? Thanks! ;-D
Actually, I haven't met a lot of women who could fail the intelligence test badly enough to qualify to be a DJ......
Most djs at clubs are clowns! If they would keep their mouths closed and just play music would be better for everyone! Its all about the strippers! Nobody wants to hear some dude constantly running off with the mouth when you got a face full of titties!
Bj99 is a goddess!