
Comments by Subraman (page 166)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Just checked out SA/Sugaring - what the fuck?
    -->"Now that SA has been brought up again, I want to ask: what proportion of the women who visit your profile, favorite you, or message you, are real women and not bots? " From what I can tell, most of the average looking (or worse) female visitors are real, or at least their profiles read as real. I don't know for sure since I don't message them back -->"How often do you encounter fake profiles that appear active?" In general, there's an enormous number of fake profiles (and professionals) on SA. There's also a whole lot of "real girls", too. Most of the attractive girls who favorite me are fake profiles or professionals. So are the ones who message me first. Not all, mind you, but for the most part, as in real life, the best looking girls are not lacking for attention. There are some nice looking girls who are more proactive though. -->" I get way more visitors to my profile, favorites, and unsolicited messages from women than I ever did on a normal dating website (OKC, POF, Match, etc.)." Yes, of course; on Match, they're looking for love, on SA, this is basically a revenue-generating opportunity, so the pros and the less attractive girls, and even some of the hotter girls, make the first move
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    6 years ago
    Boxing Discussion
    It depends how "casual" you mean. Canelo is a genuine star who otherwise brings in loads of folks who aren't fans, at least in the latin community (who tend to disproportionately be boxing fans, anyway). Obviously, he's not as big as Pacquiao or Mayweather, but historically I don't think there's always someone that big
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    6 years ago
    Boxing Discussion
    I tuned in late, unfortunately, a few minutes after it ended. Based on the few highlights I saw, GGG looked good and aggressive. Will have to catch it on replay
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    Do you make conversation with SC employees?
    K: "Are a benny?" ??? I vaguely remember when I lived in NJ, "bennies" were what people who lived at the shore called the tourists
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Deez Nutz
    Do you need to be stupid to enjoy SC?
    You don't need to be stupid to enjoy SCing ... but it sure helps :) :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Yoga Pants
    ATAC, I think he's talking specifically about the 3 faux blondes who pop up. For me, at least, those girls are all 9+, two of them 9.5+. And the correct order, based on this one pic and the possibly-misleading angles, is: 1, 3, 2
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Where can I find girls like her on the East Coast?
    Oh! If you narrow it down like that, I'd say try Trollsville
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Bouncer - customer interactions?
    As per the previous thread, I'll have a conversation with the bouncer here and there. But that's not the type of interaction you mean... As far as actual bouncing, I've seen bouncers tell guys to stop taking pics with their phone, tell someone to move their hands during lap dances. I've also seen them kick out guys from time to time. They do their thing, but I imagine the hope of management is the bouncer's mere presence stops most unwanted behavior before it starts
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Yoga Pants
    It isn't often that someone posts a "rate" thread, and the subsequent picture doesn't make me want to burn my eyeballs out. But those girls are foin, and yoga pants are the best invention evah
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Your Friendly Neighborhood Average Guy
    Do you make conversation with SC employees?
    The answer changes depending on whether it's a club I know I'm going to come back to, or even patronize regularly. In which case, the answer is: absolutely, positively, I talk to every single one of the staff you mentioned. There has literally never been a downside to this. Worst case, I have another guy (or sometimes girl, for the bartender) to shoot the shit with when I'm waiting for my girl or whatever. A little "damn I hope the 9ers don't suck this year, who do you think they draft?" convo is a welcome break from all the bantering with 22-year-olds about what they did at Coachella. Best case, here's an example of what happened last time I was at the club: Manager came over to greet me as I walked in, waved me in past the cover charge (which I have not paid in years); bartender gave me a free coke (a $5 value!); bouncer, who is supposed to walk through the VIP once per every song, at no time enters the VIP room when I'm in there (even the stripper I was with noticed he never showed). I know some guys say "I"m there for the strippers, not the manager", and sure enough, that's true for me, too. But unless you're so socially awkward that it's some incredibly stressful event to talk to another guy, it's a pretty effortless interaction that can lead to at least small benefits.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Clipping-an addition to the Glossary
    Not just on TUSCL -- on every strip club forum I've ever been on, whether local to this area or national, ROB is the term used
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
     All your base are belong to us.
    switching between girls
    Paul: my overall philosphy here is that the girls are practically machiavellian, and compared to them I'm a chump at this game, so the best way for me to get what i want is to mostly pursue what I want without trying manipulate them. As a general rule, I've decide uber-confident transparency almost always delivers the experience I want. I personally wouldn't bring up "I hung out with Elle Wednesday", but I might mention that I was at the club, and if she asks who I hung out with, I'm happy to tell her. Regarding your statement, ""Hey I missed seeing you Wednesday. I ended up hooking up with girl2, she is [insert compliment], you guys are friends right?", I imagine it's all about context. If you can work that into a conversation in a way that feels super organic, I think you're on safe ground. But if for any reason it comes off as in-organic, she will immediately suspect you're trying to manipulate her even if you aren't, and that doesn't always lead to good outcomes. So, maybe the answer is, if that kind of statement suits your personal style, I think it's fine
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
     All your base are belong to us.
    switching between girls
    -->"I'm thinking of playing them off of each other a little bit. Telling them that I've been having more fun with girl 3 to see if girl1 or 2 offer to up their games" I'm thinking that if you think this is remotely a good idea, you must be fairly new to strip clubs :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Do you tell them you are married ?
    Years ago, I did not tell the strippers I was married, specifically because "the less they know about my real life, the better". Besides, especially as a variety guy, WTF did it matter if I was married or not? When I switched my SC model to CFing and ATFing, I started telling the girls I was married. Why? Because I found that especially with my ATFs, I enjoyed a "send fun or sex texts to each other during the week" interaction, which both gave me a fun break from my day from time to time, and got me sexed up and looking forward to see her again. But it also let me say up front, "if I don't text you back, it's because my wife is there, I'll get back to you when I can", so she wouldn't get irritated if I disappeared in the middle of texting, or didn't reply back for hours (or until the next day). It also had a nice side effect -- with my ATFs, at least, I sometimes got comfortable enough to do a little venting about my wife when I got drunk, then she would invariably complain about her BF, therapeutic all around :) I do think the "don't tell her you're married because she might have moral qualms about helping you cheat" is... not credible. It would not factor into my thinking one bit. If you CF her and see her often, she will figure it out regardless; I suspect if the stripper has any negative reaction at all, it's more likely around the fact that you're lying about such a dumb thing
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Stripper conversational ability? Or is it just me?
    -->"Some strippers don't seem to be good at asking engaging questions. One theory I have is that hot girls have never needed to learn to be really good at conversation before" While I think there's something to that -- a lot of the girls lean towards the self-centered and self-indulgent. That said, I suspect there's underlying business imperatives here, too. To wit: I suspect the girls know very well that a typical customer -- say, a guy in his 40s, in mid-management, married with kids -- does not lead the most exciting life in the world (he may be enjoying it and it may be satisfying, but it's not super exciting), and many guys get their excitement vicariously through stripper party/drama/sex talk. In short, with most strip club customers, the girls are rewarded for talking about themselves... or when not talking about themselves directly, talking about shallow things like favorite TV shows or whatever, where they can find common ground with you "OMG! I love The Simpsons too!!!". But yes, it does sometimes feel like a therapy session!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    It absolutely depends on the club. No matter where I am, I intend to socialize with the girl a while before we do a dance. If it's at a higher-hustle club, once we've spoken long enough that I know I want her to stay, I'll tell her, "let do a few shots, then you can drag me to the back". In these types of clubs, if I don't let her know fast enough that we'll be going to the back, she'll ask me. If it's during a slow shift at a low-hustle club (that is, my usual), the girls have just accepted that they're going to socialize a long time to get dances; not uncommon for me to hang with her for an hour+ before we go to the VIP (although with drinks and food flowing, that's the hint they need that I'm there to spend).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Stripper conversational ability? Or is it just me?
    Paul, I think what you're experiencing is par for the course. For me, I am either blessed or cursed with enjoying stripper-style party small talk and sex talk, and also -- to a point -- I not just tolerate but enjoy the ridiculous minutiae of their drama-filled lives. At least for the first few times I meet her, I'm fine with that. By the time I've met her a few times and she's my CF, we've usually moved on from partytalk/sextalk/her-life-talk to more interesting things. I enjoy the entire progression... I find that I'm not very interested in weighty conversations when I first meet her.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Austin, TX
    Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?
    I definitely don't get the movie thing either ... if it was arrangement and we'd already met a bunch of times, I can see it. But OTC, it's a non-stop party until we hit the hotel to fuck it off. That said, chairsky should go with whatever experience satisfies him. But even if you do want to take her to a movie, since it's your first time OTC, maybe consider saving that for down the line, and keep things a little more fast-paced and fun on the very first meeting. If you want to make it feel more like a real date for whatever reason, instead of the movies, spoil her with a really good restaurant
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    BJ4015: tough crowd. You should see how wound up these guys get on dick pic night. And forget glory hole night; they're entirely impossible.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Austin, TX
    Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?
    max_starr-->"Just ask her what she wants....I have been charged less for OTC by most because they like me...I am not a hassle...i am generous....and they don't have to tip the house and every damn other person...I've typically paid $200 - $300 for a couple hour otc date...and that is well worth it for me" Max, up until a few years ago I was holding the line at $200-$250, but no do-able anymore, the cost of living finally caught up to OTC :) On the other hand, I'm not sure I've ever had an OTC that lasted only 2 hours... That's about the minimum time for pre-festivity lubrication, before we get to the hotel. Yes, I'm a broken record, but the fact that it's an all-inclusive price for however long she stays, is what makes it such a great value (at least for those of us who like socializing with our strippers; I know for some of you guys, being with a stripper for 6 hours straight is a nightmare lol) One difference in style I have, max, is that I NEVER ask the girl what her price is, the girls here won't blink at starting with $600-$800 (this is SF, after all), and I just find that for me, psychologically, it's pretty tough to counter with $250. Instead, I always name my price -- and my price is always $250 -- which gives me a little room to let her argue me up. I just 1. like being in control and naming my price first, and 2. hate being quoted some outrageous number when I let her quote first. Anyway, just a style thing, do whatever works for you. But I'd counsel OP, don't ask her her price first, figure out what you'd pay and drop it by at least $50 so she can negotiate you up.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Austin, TX
    Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?
    Jim... in my city, at that price you just plain would not ever score OTC, ever. Some cities might be a bit cheaper than mine, but I'd be surprised if anyone was getting $150/hr strippers. Keeping in mind that there's no reason to assume she's worn-out -- I've met some crazy-hot 30+-year-old strippers, and I'm willing to give OP the benefit of the doubt. Also worth nothing that your quote of "$150/hr" might be a continuation of your application of the escort model to OTC. IME Only the most hardcore escort-like strippers quote per-hour -- you hear per-hour, it's time to run. In fact, in a few decades of doing OTC, I don't think I've ever done "per hour", we just agree on price, and however long the OTC lasts, it lasts -- that could be 6 hours, not terribly uncommon that she just stays overnight because she's drunk.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Austin, TX
    Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?
    -->"- Have her meet me in a bar or restaurant-bar. We have some warm-up drinks and food. I've already picked out the hotel, and the bar is within walking distance." A little bit more on my brilliant advice above :) To me, there's strong reasons I deal with the flakiness of a stripper instead of going to a nice reliable escort. And one of the biggest reasons is, I'm not interested in "go to the room for an hour, fuck, go home" experience. If that IS what you're looking for, that's fine, of course, and you can stop reading. But for me a big advantage of a stripper is how unprofessional she is. I can get a stripper to agree to $300, then I tell her to show up at a restaurant, we have dinner and drinks, then we go out bar hopping together, then we finally get to the hotel room ... and we're saying goodbye 5 hours later, all for that same $300. Would have cost me an easy $800-$1200 with an escort. So, anyway, the point is, if you like hanging out and drinking with the stripper, go for it, I've NEVER had one ask me for more money than what we'd already agreed on.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Austin, TX
    Trying to setup first-time OTC, any suggestions?
    -->"1. How much money normally she would expect, assuming she earns $300 from me every club visit. (I don't want to spend tons of money on this, since I want to make OTC regularly with her if it goes well and I don't want to be broken. So not one-time thing.)" Exactly the right attitude of picking something affordable to start, since you want to continue. I don't know what the going rates are in your area, but in most areas, with a 30+ year old, $300 ($350 if she's pretty damn hot for a 30 year old) would usually be fine. -->"2. Someone mentioned it is very dangerous to do OTC, and I remember one thing to do is to text the hotel room number to the dancer only 30 mins before appointment, is that true?" Okay, I personally think you are Nucking Futs to get the hotel room before she gets there. These girls flake early and often. I've confirmed with a girl 2 hours before we were supposed to meet, and then not have her show up. For me, at least, complete sucker's move to get the hotel before she gets there, unless you like giving your money to hotel people. So, that solves your dilemma of when to text her about the room -- you won't have a room before she gets there. I just can't imagine any reason you need to have the room in advance. I usually: - Have her meet me in a bar or restaurant-bar. We have some warm-up drinks and food. I've already picked out the hotel, and the bar is within walking distance. - While we're at the bar, I jump on my phone and book the room. - We walk over to the hotel, the first time either of us find out the room number is when I check in. I send her over to wait for me in the lobby, if I don't want her to hear my real name, see my driver's license and credit card, etc.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Has Katy Perry lost it?
    She's always been a doofball. And wasn't she dating Russell Brand? That guys is full retard in his most lucid moments. Only a wackjob could deal with him
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Strippers: Employees or Contractors?
    Roadworrier, same with one of the clubs here that was forced by a lawsuit (I think it ended in a consent decree) to treat the girls as employees. They are able to add a LOT of rules that the other clubs are staying clear of; in addition, costs for management have gone so sky-high (the girls have health insurance, for example) that they had very little room to maneuver as far as prices, which have since driven the club out of business (or rather, a once-glorious club became a shadow of its former self, and eventually had to sell to Deja Vu). In short: - It was practically an apocalypse for the girls. Their revenue plummeted, they have a ton of work rules no one else in the city had to deal with... but hey, they had healthcare (which I assume cost them a fortune) - It was a disaster for customers. The club that IMO was the best strip club ever to exist in the US, became too expensive to be a reasonable choice for most of us, the subsequent drop in stripper revenue resulted in quality plummeting, and in the end, Deja Vu's corporatized McDonalds-of-strip-clubs horrific customer experience was actually the best choice. Sigh. - It was a disaster for the owners, who had to sell a storied strip club to the evil empire