
Comments by Subraman (page 161)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    When the Bartenders are cuter than the dancers....
    Show me a bartender that's cuter than the dancers, and I'll show you a bartender that will be getting some dick pics from me in the near future
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    6 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Locked down the dancer again
    If you've been following Darkblue, if he's real and not a troll, he's had a long string of misfires, bad luck, and manipulation. He's finally gotten the experience he wanted for so long. You crusty old fucks might not remember what that's like, but again assuming he's real, I get it. He will eventually realize on his own that paying a girl to sit with you is not necessarily a bragging opportunity. At $600 a pop, hopefully that happens soon
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    6 years ago
    Southern California
    Is this stripper down for OTC or am I being strung along?
    Sorry, to answer your question directly: -->"My question is: am I being strung along here, or do I genuinely have a chance at an OTC?" She will string you along if she thinks she can. You do NOT have a genuine chance at OTC unless you assert yourself a whole lot more. Tell her what you want, in whatever fits your personality, but it has to be clear what you're asking for. You cannot come in super super super weak, have her manipulate you, and then draw conclusions about what will happen. Come in direct and confident, then you'll find out if you'll get OTC or not. -->"Also, when she brought up the massage, was that a hint for me to make a move?" She's not a civilian date, there's no move making here. If you like the idea of massaging her, ask her if you can massage her. Just keep in mind that THAT is not an indication of whether you'll get OTC either ... it is, in fact, a way for her to give you a little thrill that will keep you hopeful and appease you for a while, so you can keep coming in and giving her $500
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    6 years ago
    Southern California
    Is this stripper down for OTC or am I being strung along?
    The girls know that once a guy asks for OTC, the end timer on the ITC relationship has started -- it's just a matter of time until she other goes OTC with you, or you move on to another girl. So economically, the smart thing to do is get you confused and hopeful and keep you on the hook and paying her for as long as you'll tolerate it. She did that masterfully, plus she got you to give her a ride home to boot! No idea whether she'll ever go OTC with you. If your OTC consists of taking her to breakfast and then home, I think that might eventually happen -- hell, you've already done half of that already! For $500/week, she'll find a way to let you buy her a Grand Slam breakfast one day. But if you want OTC sex the way all the rest of us do.. I'll tell you what I don't do when I'm pursuing OTC. I don't do namby-pamby "what are you doing after your shift?". I don't give her a lecture about how she shouldn't feel pressured (I assure you she will look after own pressure just fine; besides, she better damn well feel some pressure regarding ANYTHING about a guy giving her $500 a week). She tells me she has to be home at 7:30, "oh, another time when you have more time then, thanks for considering it!". Next time, be a lot more direct -- "would you be willing to meet me for dinner and drinks, I'll grab a hotel room after?" is how I usually start (many of the guys here are much more direct than that and would call my opening line too weak). But all of that makes sense only if you haven't already developed an unhealthy crush on her, which I'm 100% certain you have.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Locked down the dancer again
    You gotta do you, man. My typical SC trip lasts 3-4 hours, and I lock the stripper down the entire time. A short trip for me is 2 hours, and sometimes get out to 5 or 6. It's okay that some guys don't want to hang out with a stripper that long; I love it, and that's all that matters to me. Perhaps the one difference is that I SC with buddies, especially on those long visits, so there's lots more people at the table, group conversation, sometimes doing dances with another guy's stripper, etc. In any case, I definitely resonate with the 5-hour-long stripper party. Just make sure it's stripper party and not stripper crush
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What do you talk about with girls in Tijuana?
    While tuscl may have the least funny, most banal trolls I have ever been subject to, I have to say that mamisan makes me laugh. Hold my reservation Mamisan, Subraman is coming for his yanky wanky!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Locked down the dancer again
    BTW, when she went back to the dressing room? She came out and blew me real quick
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    6 years ago
    Somewhere in the club
    Locked down the dancer again
    Selfish dick, I wanted her all night and you just hogged her. Still, I managed to gather up what little pride I had left, tip her $10, kiss her on the cheek, and say bye bye.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Stripper back up plans when something bad happens
    Keep in mind, we may be discussing a self-selecting group. The kinds of strippers who tusclers like -- girls who give tons of mileage, girls who will go OTC -- might exactly be the kinds of girls who are least likely to have a backup plan. A girl who is going to school and will be graduating in two years, and who is using stripping as a short-term stop-gap, might exactly be the type who tries to negotiate top dollar for the least mileage (that is, a girl we all start yelling "GPS" about), no OTC, no desire to get too close to a man 30 years older than her, is probably a stripper who inhabits a completely different strip club than us -- we, in fact, have dismissed her a few moments after meeting, and never looked at her again, she's interacting with a completely different type of customer
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    6 years ago
    Stripper back up plans when something bad happens
    No stripper I've ever gotten close enough to to know the answer, has had a plan B. I mean, that have some vague theories, like they want to go to cosmetology school or whatever, but not really a "plan"
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    My atf/sugar baby
    -->"Amazingly so far....I've been talking with the two of them her and him and both are being very nice to me...He said he's ok with me being her friend and that he isn't involved with her any more.....How bizarre things are...I don't know what to believe...time will tell." Did gawker introduce you two? Because I'm getting deja vu :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why do dancers come to a club to just sit
    In addition to Papi's: * she's profiled the room and doesn't see any customers who she thinks are high probability for her * she's gathering up her energy for when the club gets busier and more lucrative later * she's already had a few rejections, and needs some time to rebuild her morale (One of the most beautiful strippers I've ever seen once confided in me that there are days where, if she gets 2 or 3 rejections in a row, she goes into the back to sulk for 20 minutes)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Lets discuss this... use of the "N" word in music.
    I agree with Nina, at least to a point. AS I said, number one rule is, just don't say the n-word, there's almost no context where that's ok. Not worth arguing about whether the n-word should deserve this sort of special treatment, where some people can say it and others can't ... I'm one of the least PC people I know, and even I think that for historical reasons, such treatment is justified. It's a completely different argument about Lamar's actions. He is a giant steaming piece of crap for bringing a white girl on stage to sing his song, knowing that in the heart-thumping excitement of it all a smitten very-young woman who he'd personally encouraged to sing along might drop the n-bomb, and then turn the entire crowd against her. She should not have said it (see rule #1 above). He is a steaming pile of crap for engineering the entire situation (probably SPECIFICALLY to get this kind of publicity) and then not issuing a pass but rather fucking up her life.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Why don't dead clubs hire ringers?
    -->"It’s common practice for clubs, mostly corporate clubs, to bring in ringers during the first few weeks of opening. " Yes, back when Deja Vu was still opening new clubs in this area, this is exactly what they did, too. But aside from doing this for new club openings in the big corporate chains, I've never seen this happen to revive a small dead club
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    My atf/sugar baby
    Speaking seriously, if I went to a Chinese restaurant and "A lowlife BF will usually bring additional drama to a dancer's life which can likely negatively-affect one's "relationship" w/ her" was in my fortune cookie, I'd fucking well go back to that Chinese restaurant
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Do Club Owners/Managers read their club reviews?
    On the one hand, the near-universal opinion seems to be that strip club managers are pretty bottom of the barrel, business-wise. On the other hand, I think Papi hit the nail on the head -- we as customers really know jack shit about what's going on behind the scenes. Years (decades) ago, I had an acquaintance who became part owner and managing partner of a small strip club. To whatever extent he had ideas going in of "I'm going to treat the strippers right and with respect, and put a premium on customer service", he got a dose of reality pretty quickly. Sometimes he'd give me a scenario that happened at work and asked me what I'd do. I'd give him a reply, but my replies were likely based on a model of behavior that I have from my adult life working -- that people are reasonable, want to do well, with proper motivation and oversight can be driven to succeed. And then he'd tell me how the strippers respond to such things, why my proposal was a disaster and how only adjusting to insulting patronizing rules gets the behavior he needs. We had a number of these talks and it was pretty eye-opening. In the same way that I don't really understand what it's like to manage a group of strippers, I suppose I really don't know how to maximize profit out of a bunch of pervy SC customers. I think we here on tuscl are the exception, and not the rule, so the club might maximize its profits by treating the usual SC customers like the chumps they are. I dunno
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    My atf/sugar baby
    Papi's talent is completely wasted here. He should be head writer at a fortune cookie factory by now, not casting his pearls before you swine
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    The "you're such a gentlemen" dilemma
    I'm pretty single-minded in pursuing my agenda. Whether it's a genuine compliment, or attempt by the stripper to manipulate me, I'm still going to pursue my thing.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Lets discuss this... use of the "N" word in music.
    I think there's two things here. First, the very simple thing. Not ok for non-black people to say the n-word. There's very few contexts where that's ok. So just don't fucking say it, and you won't get yourself into hot water. Just a simple, nice guideline to follow for life. Following that rule, white girl on stage should not have said it, "I was singing a song" does not trump "don't say the n-word". With that out of the way, we can ALSO discuss "should artists say the n-word in their songs", "should Lamar have brought that white girl on stage, knowing she was singing along?" "why is the n-word always so fucking funny? I mean, I've heard it a thousand times, and it just keeps getting funnier". Etc. Those are all fine discussions to have, but the main question here was answered in my preceding paragraph.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Virginia - Last seen being walked to the door
    Dancer: It makes such a difference when you're dancing for someone you actually
    -->"In reality aren't all strippers nice to every customer at their job?" You know, perhaps this is because I've always SCed with a bunch of friends, over several decades, that I know YMMV is the rule and not the exception. Obviously strippers range from awesome to horrible, but even the great and awesome ones might treat customers slightly (or majorly) different from others, for their own reasons. Hell, I know for a fact that a particular stripper might treat two friends sitting right next to each other (and who I'm sure she might suspect will compare notes someday) a bit differently. YMMV seems to be an accepted fact (and it IS a fact, at least in my experience) everywhere but here, sometimes. Of course, I also strongly agree that "Compliments are always nice but it’s nearly impossible to determine sincerity". I figure compliments are the stripper giving me what I paid for -- the illusion she's not totally disgusted by me :)
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    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Why I love SA... but why it's nonetheless probably not good for me
    Warren: I would maintain B.Ho doesn't need any defense; he's doing exactly what any of us would do, if we were looking for the experience he is. And like it or not, there are lots of pros on SA who are specifically looking for B.Ho type johns, I get contacted by pros constantly so I know there's a ton out there. To the extent I might raise an eyebrow at all, perhaps it's at this: -->"they don't seem to understand that this might only be a one-and-done kind of thing. Not a day goes by that I don't get a text message from at least one of them (and sometimes all of them) asking when we can hang out again". IF you purposely come off like an SD, then a potential SB has every reason to assume she's dealing with a guy who is an SD and looking for an arrangement; the fact that these girls are re-contacting him asking to hang again might mean he's presenting himself as an SD rather than a john, and now they're confused as to why he's split, and just taking advantage of newer girls who don't know how to screen their potentials, which I do think is a bit unethical. If a guy presents himself as an SD and not a john, then potential SBs *should* assume that he's not after a one-and-done thing but taking steps to pursue an arrangement. Of course, you might incidentally end up with a one-and-done: I once had a decent meet and greet, then moved on to the next meeting w/ sex, and the sex was meh so I moved on, but my intentions all along were that if we had a great time, I might spin her up to an arrangement.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Why I love SA... but why it's nonetheless probably not good for me
    -->"I can't really say that I'm scamming any of them. I haven't really led any of them to believe that I would ever pay them a monthly allowance and "take them away from all this." " B.Ho, again with no criticism intended, just clarification: whether or not you are paying monthly allowance or "taking them away from all this" has nothing to do with why we've said you're more like a john than an SD. A john's relationship with the girls is just like he had an escort -- there's nothing ongoing, he hires her (and probably lots of other girls, too) whenever he feels like it, the relationship is entirely sex-for-money transactional and there's nothing else to it. You're using SA as an alternative to backpage. By contrast,Whether it's PPM or monthly, you can still be an SD; whether you "take her away from all this" or just get her extra spending money, you can still be an SD.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    What i want my stripper name to be.dont read if you dont want to.
    Ya, amma keep using it.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Why I love SA... but why it's nonetheless probably not good for me
    Ya, this is a Tragedy of the Commons thing. I don't blame you B.Ho, if I wanted what you wanted, I'd be doing exactly the same thing. As it is, you're the reason so many legit SBs are annoyed with everyone LOL... although, actually, you have to wonder whether sometimes it doesn't work in my favor, the girls might be annoyed that they keep running into johns, and so may appreciate it more when they run into an SD. I dunno, maybe you should just keep it up!
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Sugaring per SW
    I haven't read any SW sugaring threads in a bit, but their view absolutely reflects the classic SW outlook: it's us vs them, it's a zero sum game, hustle and manipulate for everything you can. And, of course, there's no sex required, plenty of girls there are making thousands a month with no sex given to the SD. LOL, at least their little fantasy world is consistent