
Sugaring per SW

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Monday, May 21, 2018 3:38 PM
"... I just broke it off with my best customer after a year of spending every Friday together at the club. The money was great- if I had been more wise I could've easily bought a mid-tier Lexus. *sigh* live and you learn. Now that I'm back to hustling, I remember just how much I hate small talk and lap hoping. Spoiled maybe?? Idk. But I've started to think being a sugar baby would be a better fit for me. I love connecting with just one person and offering them everything they could possibly want emotionally (praise, admiration, handmade gifts). I got an account on seeking arrangements to see what the hubbub was about. This may be an unpopular opinion, but I now feel like the whole sugar relationship thing is just escorting... CHEAP escorting. I'm a little confused why these girls dont just become dancers if they're charging 200 for the whole shbang. At my club, $500 shifts are super average, no extras needed. It also seems like a big waste with the first meet nearly guaranteed to be unpaid and a ton of time used texting, sending photos, creating a profile, and crossing your fingers that you'll be "chosen." Not to mention the safety issues and men who dont follow through with payment. I really hope I'm missing something here; why is SA so friggin popular? Have any of you had good experiences and can vouch for the site/ sugar experience?? ..." [view link]


  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    One of the interesting comments: "... That's what SA is - desperate, naive girls and cheap johns. No sane man would show his face on that site, and lots of the men on there make $100,000 a year and can't afford to be sugar daddies. Who are they going to spoil on that salary? A chihuahua? Your best bet is to learn to network and connect with the wealthy in real life be it through traveling, education, memberships (country clubs, yacht clubs, golf clubs), the arts, local political parties, sports (skiing, golf, sailing, badminton, tennis, etc), galas, charity events, auctions, upscale restaurants, hotels, and lounges, etc. They will be less suspicious of you if you meet them organically, anyway. SA is popular and oversaturated with faux sugar babies and sugar daddies because it has been plastered all over the media. On YouTube you can find segments about the site from virtually every major news channel and talk show (Bethany Frankel and Dr. Phil to name a few), and these videos have millions and millions of views. It is not popular because it is a worthwhile site ..."
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Man if you believe the comments that those pink site poseurs make I've got a bridge over the Miami River for sale........
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ how much?
  • PeterEaster
    6 years ago
    Yes, but, damn....handmade gifts! :-)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ maybe she means a HJ
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Papi $500. per night, you can put up a toll both and make a profit ;)
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Despite the horseshit in that SW thread, there are plenty of strippers on SA (I've seen this firsthand) who would love to have one, clean, professional guy over grinding on random dicks all night. SW is a cesspool. Reddit "sugar lifestyle" is good place for accurate info.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    There does seem to be a lot of angst over the current SA landscape over at the pink forum. A lot of girls there seem to only want the classic "worship and buy me a house" style of sugaring which doesn't seem to be where the sugar market is heading.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    As @25 alluded; there's often a lot of posing and/or wishful-thinking on SW
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    I haven't read any SW sugaring threads in a bit, but their view absolutely reflects the classic SW outlook: it's us vs them, it's a zero sum game, hustle and manipulate for everything you can. And, of course, there's no sex required, plenty of girls there are making thousands a month with no sex given to the SD. LOL, at least their little fantasy world is consistent
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    ^^^ ha I see it over here too, some of the horseshit guys post up. I’m not brave enough to go over there and browse but from what Papi and others post over here (SW cliff notes) it amazes me how disillusioned many of these strippers are. Out of curiosity I looked up how many people earn $100k or more in the US. It’s just 8%. Set aside specifically males and it jumps to 12%. So technically every 25 men walk through that strippers clubs doors, only 3 of them make $100k or more. How is that any different than a normal girl weeding through guys on SA? Granted if this girl works in a club near a wealthy suburb or in a large touristy city such as San Fran or Vegas the incomes of customers walking in will be more highly skewed when it comes to income. If that bitch was working in Dayton Ohio, she’d be lucky to talk to 3 guys out of 100 in a more rural area.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    "I see it over here too, some of the horseshit guys post up." ================= This, perhaps, aimed at me @Shailynn? If so, you should expand. I try to be dead honest with my posts about the sugaring scene. It would be very hard to sugar on $100K pre-tax salary in most metro areas without spending your last time. I would say that comfortable sugaring starts at about the top 2% by net worth (not salary). It's mostly for the older guys that have been investing for decades.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
  • joc13
    6 years ago
    Or were part of two different Internet IPOs. :-)
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ "So technically every 25 men walk through that strippers clubs doors, only 3 of them make $100k or more." There is a serious flaw in that logic. It's like saying that if 10% of the male population is gay, technically 90% of male florists and hairdressers are straight. There is a selection bias that has to be taken into account.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Listen to flagooner - he knows a lot about being gay
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    I'm a de facto sugar daddy with what I spend on my atf....
  • AmeliaSmith
    6 years ago
    I've come to learn not to believe everything that I read on the internet Especially if it comes from a stripper/escort's mouth. There are a lot of women on SW that believe Sugaring is easier than stripping but that's unrealistic. IME, most guys are looking for GFE for a practical price in Dallas. Its pretty average to find men that'll spend between 300-500 for 3-5 hours a [view link] @Papi said, only 12% make over 100K but you have to take into account how much of that these men actually budget for SBs. A man could make $200k but takes a lot of family trips, lives up to his means, or funnels the money into other things vs someone making 100k but is willing to give 2k a month. Honestly, I loved the men who were married because there was a smaller chance of them looking for a GF and the money was always consistent. Most married guys pay for discretion and perfer consistency. Its not too draining because we are really only communicating when you are at work so its not much energy that is being used with texting. Technically, one could have several SDs but that's not Realistic. I always lift an eyebrow when I hear about girls making over 5K a month if they aren't in a major area (Vegas, Miami, Houston, ect) or if they claim there were no sexual activities involved.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    @Papi I know you are, but what am I?
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    1. Random, there’s an enormous amount of horseshit thrown on this site. I wasn’t referring to anyone’s SA claims at all. Just go back and read some of the ridiculous antics from guys like imamutt and doses3000. My point was we can laugh at the wild claims over on SW, but there’s several outlandish claims here as well. I agree with $100k in a metro area being hard to pull off being a sugar daddy, but in the Midwest (my stomping grounds) in many smaller towns a guy pulling $100k a year is like a millionaire. Where a girl in large metro area would expect a minimum of $500 for a date, a girl in a small midwestern town would be thrilled with $100. I also agree with your statement about true sugar daddies, about a decade ago hanging in Vegas a lot, the only guys I knew who had sugar babies were extremely wealthy guys, mostly who were surgeons. Today, because of a few websites people like Juice now claim they are Sugar Daddies, not quite the same thing, but neither are the sugar babies either. 2. Flagooner - I seriously think my statement very much depends on the club location. In your world, I’m sure there’s clubs where not one single guy walks in that makes less than $100k, but I could pass a dozen clubs along I70 on any given night lucky to find 1 guy making over 100k in any of them. That dancer needs to focus more on not what a guy makes, but what he is willing to spend. Sorry, her rant just got under my skin a little. Isn’t twentyfive a florist?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^I lift both eyebrows when I hear girls talking about making $5K a month even in most major metro areas,it's way inconsistent with the way most strippers and/or Sugar Babies live, most have phones that they can't even keep on 3 months in a row, drive cars that are either beaters or a day or two away from being repoed, and I've yet to know of more than a few that aren't in arrears in their rent. I have known a few, but many seem to have these problems with regularity, so all claims to the contrary I very rarely believe it.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ that was to @AmeliaSmith
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    @Shailynn I prefer the clubs where blue collar guys can enjoy themselves. There are the clubs you describe in SoFla and in the Tampa area.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    No @shailynn I told you to get off my lawn, I'm a whoreticulturist mofo ! ;)
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Twentyfive and Flagooner: [view link] Mic drop.... o~~~
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Jealousy butterfinger cant even handle a mike lol
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    It appears that strippers regard SA with the same animosity / resentment that the traditional taxi companies have for Uber / Lyft.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    25 and flag are always more fun when they come down from their balcony seats.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    What the girl in the original post says, is kinda what I wonder also. 500 is a pretty typical shift, but it’s a lot for one sugar daddy to support. Even if a girl wanted to go that route, she would be better off dancing and meeting customers for regular otc at the club. That way, it would be extra income, and the sorting process would be easier.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Damn [view link].ishmael provides yet another excellent analogy.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    I didn’t think she sounded resentful. Just kinda confused ab why girls bother. I don’t think dancers realize that not all girls can handle stripping. It’s easier for us, but many women just can’t do it, and would rather escort. It’s hard for me to imagine bc stripping seems so easy, but I see attractive girls fail at it all of the time.
  • joc13
    6 years ago
    And just like many guys go the SB route to provide the illusion to themselves that they are not paying for sex (or, at least, not paying a prostitute/escort for sex), many women go the SB route to provide the illusion to themselves that they are not sex workers. They would consider stripping to be a type of sex work they just wouldn't do. Another reason some women who will sugar, but won't strip, is self body image issues. They have a misconception that all strippers have perfect bodies and don't think theirs live up to the expectation. Being a successful stripper is as much about attitude and personality as it is about looks.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    The more threads like this that I read the more I just want to stay home and no longer go clubbing. Then again where else could I get confirmation that being married is way better than all of this.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    ^^^ I echo those sentiments. Having normal relationships is way better than going down the rabbit hole of trying to do otc with a prostitute, uh stripper.
  • 623
    6 years ago
    "I lift both eyebrows when I hear girls talking about making $5K a month" Regardless of the fact that strippers are often broke, if they are any good at all they easily make over 1,000 a week if they show up most days. Not being able to manage money to the point of being current with all your bills and having a bit of savings is no indication of earnings. A quote I read once, and I wish I could remember by whom, stuck with me when trying to teach my kids about money, "It's not what you make but what you spend". They always thought that if they could just get a raise they would be OK. BTW, I have known plenty of dancers who routinely made $500 (usually after tax money or rather without tax money) in a 6-hour shift. Most would easily crack $1k a day if they hustled and worked a few extra hours.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    I average 550 or day, so it can’t be uncommon for girls who work nights, and weekend nights, do make that. I usually work four days per week.
  • minnow
    6 years ago
    @ shailynn- Where did you get your 8% figure from on over $100K income people ? Just for grins, I typed in the $100K question into search engine. One source cites a 2013 US Census Data figure of 20% of US HOUSEHOLDS making $100K or more income. Undoubtedly, some of those households needed 2 earners filing joint income return to crack the $100K figure. Although husband may not make $100K in his job, he may well feel the same as a single guy making $100K. Add in the probable number of illicit unreported incomes making over $100K, and the number of "household units" walking into club making $100K or more could be more like 25%, or 1 in 4 club customers. I was also directed to a [view link] site which stated that 8.5% of INDIVIDUAL workers made $100K or more. I wonder if they considered retirees with a 6-figure pension (or pension plus Social Security plus 401K withdrawals) as part of their study ? The actual number of strip club patrons above $100K may very well be a bit above that 8.5% figure. So called studies have enough Swiss Cheese holes in them to lean on too heavily for surgical precision accuracy. What really matters to strippers is your willingness to spend the money that you bring to a club that night.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    SWers are overstating everything, for 2 reasons. 1. Any sucker that reads it might actually believe them and 2. as a sly way to undercut each other. If girls can get other girls to believe the SB market should be 10k, it means the bottom feeders will have less competition for 200... It's similar to when a extras girl throws out 1k+(or SWers 10k+) and a guy counters and she accepts 220. These numbers are what she wants, big difference vs the numbers she actually gets.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    And then of course, there's the posturing.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    @minnow [view link] According to the US Census Bureau in 2016, about 9.15% of individuals made over $100k. So about 6% men probably made over $100k a year. Interestingly, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has higher figures for median income than the Census Bureau, so i don't know which one is more accurate. I'm leaning more toward the BLS. According to the census, less than 30% of all individuals make more than $50k a year which sounds low.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    ^ oops, 6 percentage points of those 9.15% of individuals would extrapolate to about 12% of men and about 6% of women.
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