Why do dancers come to a club to just sit

avatar for laplap1974
I've always been curious, in the dmv there is a fee a dancer pays to dance at a spot so why would you pay a fee just to come and sit around waiting or talking to dancers. You already minus 40 to 60 yet you doing that well that you can just sit and chat lol?


last comment
Go and buy a dance from her!
^^^ depending on where he is at, he may not be able to do that. No lapdances allowed in the DC area. That's all you can do...drink, sit, stare, and ogle.
Pick the girl you like and approach her yourself.

Maybe they don’t have chairs at home. ;)
Maybe the dancers would rather sit and not get paid - instead of listening to SJG trying to talk them into front room DFK - and still not getting paid.
Lmao cash. Dancers are human and human beings sometimes don't work at work. I am doing that now.
Trying to talk a girl into DFKing is really stupid. If you like her, just try to set the mood and watch how she opens up, then just kiss her.

There are lots of reasons a dancer might just sit there instead of circulating. Maybe, for example, she has a whale coming to see her and she’s satisfied with his money and isn’t in the mood to pick up a few xtra bucks by rubbing against random guys dicks. Or maybe she is afraid of being busy when her sugar daddy arrives and she wants to pounce on his money the moment he walks thru the door. Or maybe she’s just too ducked up at the moment to stand up.

When I was new at strip clubbing this used to bother me. I’d see women that I desperately wanted to fondle but they just sit there. I kept wondering why they didn’t read my mind and know that I had money to spend on her. But the solution is simple. If you want to play with her just go ask. I will never understand guys who are too shy to approach a sex worker. Odds are she will be your friend if you ask, at least until any regulars of hers show up and outspend you.
^And I’m sure some are fine people;)
If a dancer is sitting but refuses to engage with someone, there could be many reasons, but the mostly likely is that she does not like that person.

There are guys that pay for the girls to sit with them......I've seen it in clubs from NJ to IN and the oddity more times than not it isn't the better looking women that do it.
Who knows, can be multiple reasons:

* she mostly relies on regulars

* she prefers to only hustle for a certain amount of time (e.g. last 2-hours of her shift, etc) and prefers to kick back the rest of the time

* she may not need the $$$ that much (stripping may just be extra/side $$$ and may nit be her main income source)

* the club may force her to work a certain amount of shifts or a particular shift and she doesn't feel like being there or need to be there

* she's not good with rejection and either just deals with regulars or custies that approach her
It's futile to try and get into most strippers' heads - you can control you but you can't control them - a custy should take it upon himself to have the best most-productive visit possible instead of leaving it up to flaky-strippers or flaky-clubs
In addition to Papi's:
* she's profiled the room and doesn't see any customers who she thinks are high probability for her

* she's gathering up her energy for when the club gets busier and more lucrative later

* she's already had a few rejections, and needs some time to rebuild her morale (One of the most beautiful strippers I've ever seen once confided in me that there are days where, if she gets 2 or 3 rejections in a row, she goes into the back to sulk for 20 minutes)
The only reason that strip clubs are possible is that the women can decide who they engage with and go from one guy to another as they like, and with zero justifications being given.

So you can't lecture to them about how they are just losing money.

You have to accept it the way it is. Women usually do things without explaining their real reasons.

avatar for Lone_Wolf
7 years ago
Yea like JS said. At BSC in Phoenix the honeys will sit and wait for their whales to show up. Even giving them a tangible tip on stage won't bring them over.
^^^^^ Any experience with Eve's ( membership - nude ?) with Chicas or with VLIVE ( Black )

The points made seem to make logical sense. It’s possible those are reasons for the dancers not engaging with customers.

I’m sure there are less logical reasons - based in SS - that might leave us scratching our heads.
Anyone have experience with Skin Cabaret in Scottsdale?

Sounds like just one dancer on day shift, some don't like her looks.

avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
^ Lots of skin flute experience above, a bathhouse connoisseur! Lol
^ At night time under his lamp post, and otherwise in the bath house, but he still won't admit that he is gay.

avatar for wiffle shwaffle
wiffle shwaffle
7 years ago
There are SO many reasons why we may sit around from time to time. A lot of good examples have already been mentioned. Instead of sulking and wondering why she's sitting, get off your ass and go ask her yourself. Or just wait for someone to approach you instead.
I usually assume that they're waiting for a regular or a whale. I don't think I have a problem with a dancer sitting around when there are little to no patrons in the establishment. I've never stroked up a conversation with a dancer that was sitting with her phone out, however. You can best be sure that these are the same kind of people that would be on their phone all day working a retail job
They are looking for me to pray over them and splash them with the spirit
There are times when while I'm getting a lap from a dancer there would be dancers just sitting there playing on their phone. Sometimes dancers don't make it seem like they really want to be there. You can tell the ones that came to work so I would be more interested in them than the ones that give the "I don't care" factor. When you getting a lap dance it would nice to see a dancer in a good mood but thats just me lol
"* she's profiled the room and doesn't see any customers who she thinks are high probability for her"

This is the #1 I hear all the time when a dancer is sitting with me. Whether its a fave I'm done spending on or one of her friends just hanging or whatever. I'll mention something to indicate they aren't losing any money if they leave, when they say they often make that comment. I also get the same response if I ask why they were just sitting alone at the bar when I got there, especially if I haven't made arrangements to see them in advance.
Skibum makes a valid point. Being at work - even when you need to hustle to earn - can still make distractions seem more interesting!
Papi_Chulo provided the best list. In my area, they sit because:

- They're lazy
- They're lazy
- They're immature and lazy
- They're waiting to get off their asses at the beginning or end of month when the bills are due.

We don't have many whales in my area or guys who pay to sit and talk, especially at the dive clubs I visit. I've noticed in some clubs I can grab a VIP with a dancer, drop a chunk of money and still have her ignore me and everyone else the next time I visit. I honestly believe that if you explained to these girls, and provided proof, of all the money and business they were losing they still wouldn't get it or care.
"... Sometimes dancers don't make it seem like they really want to be there ..."

I get the sense this is the biggest reason - a lot of people don't like their job and will slack-off if they can.

One would assume that like most-women, dancers don't enjoy being groped by strangers - having to "be in character" all the time can probably be tiring; i.e. pretending to be all cheery and "so happy to see us" and pretend "we're so interesting" ... basically playing a part and probably having to be who they really aren't - plus at its core stripping is a people-job and not everyone, perhaps most people, are not good nor comfortable dealing w/ people/strangers.
Maybe she is recovering from a particularly energetic VIP session.

It's also plausible that perhaps they are "recharging" their battery, so to speak. I really can't see how some of these dancers make any money. They're paying house fees to sit around most of the time. These dancers are usually around a high 6 to low 7 (meaning they're by no means ugly but definitely not one of the more attractive dancers in the building). They're better off finding a retail job or being a waitress
That is in reference to Papi_Chulo's comment
"... I really can't see how some of these dancers make any money ... They're better off finding a retail job or being a waitress ..."

In another type of job they would likely not be able to sit around and work when/if they wanted to
I've seen tons of retail positions where employees are on their phones for personal use. It really depends on where you're working
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