
Stripper back up plans when something bad happens

Thursday, May 24, 2018 3:24 AM
I know this is none of my business and I know that dancers barely get fired but have you guys come across dancers that have a back-up plan if they ever get fired or if their club shuts down? Or are they just dancers for life? I ask this because throughout my sc career I have seen a dancer who is hot and young (23yrs), has been working as a dancer for more than 3 years. She started dancing at an all black sc then moved to a gentlemen's club when it shut down. She later got fired at that gentlemen's club and moved to another sc to work. She said she likes the work conditions and management at the new sc. Other dancers I knew just traveled to the nearest club to work. I know that this job makes money but doesn't give any marketable skills in the real world. If you have exp of this what happens to dancers if their club shuts down or if they are not making as much money as they wanted, or if their loyal regulars leave? Does any have a plan B?


  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    I've posed the question to a few...Some want to finish school up...Others will look for jobs in sales, management, business, etc. And there are some who tell me they must dance at a club or else go to rehab. There is nowhere else that would take them.
  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    I've posed the question to a few...Some want to finish school up...Others will look for jobs in sales, management, business, etc. And there are some who tell me they must dance at a club or else go to rehab. There is nowhere else that would take them.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I don't think most of them have a plan "B". If they stay more than 2 or 3 years, they will probably stay until nobody wants them anymore. I know one that always told me that she would go back to real estate when she got too old. She is in her early 40's now and I've been told that she is now doing phone sex.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    If you are asking this question of strippers you are too involved
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Few strippers have plans. Well, some of them say they plan to go to school to become nurses or cosmetologists, but they never follow up. They wait until they're fired, and then they go to another club. Or they try to cam. Or they become escorts or waitresses. Strippers think that Plan B is a pill.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Dude I don’t even really have a solid plan b!!!
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    All have access to Plan B at your local pharmacy.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    No stripper I've ever gotten close enough to to know the answer, has had a plan B. I mean, that have some vague theories, like they want to go to cosmetology school or whatever, but not really a "plan"
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    This is a broad generalization, but people who are good at planning don't wind up working in strip clubs. For a lot of dancers, *we* are plan B.
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    I think most (although far from all) have some semblance of a plan. At least they do in their own mind. But it often goes no further than “I’ll go to school and get a degree in something.”
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    In my view - there are different types of strippers. There are strippers - who’ve made poor decisions - and have gotten into the lifestyle because their poor choices have put them in a position where they need the money. These strippers are going to be strippers as long as they can hack it. The next step for these girls is hooking. They don’t have business skills - but they develop drug habits - and they have a constant need for drug money. The other category of stripper is the girl who wants to make some easy money to help as she’s in school. They are temporarily in the lifestyle. However - they can become permanent - if they fall into many job traps. The worst thing these girls can do is to become accustomed to easy money - and expensive items. That’s when they can become part of the group I mentioned previously. The more dependent a dancer gets on easy fast money - and consumption - the harder it is to get out.
  • WillMunny
    6 years ago
    Ishmael summed it up well. I've known several exceptions to the rule that "got out" on their own terms - several that got married (to non-customers), others that really were in school and moved on to careers, and one that went from dancing to becoming a commissioned officer in the military. But for the vast majority, moving to another club or finding a "sugar daddy" are the only options they may have.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Keep in mind, we may be discussing a self-selecting group. The kinds of strippers who tusclers like -- girls who give tons of mileage, girls who will go OTC -- might exactly be the kinds of girls who are least likely to have a backup plan. A girl who is going to school and will be graduating in two years, and who is using stripping as a short-term stop-gap, might exactly be the type who tries to negotiate top dollar for the least mileage (that is, a girl we all start yelling "GPS" about), no OTC, no desire to get too close to a man 30 years older than her, is probably a stripper who inhabits a completely different strip club than us -- we, in fact, have dismissed her a few moments after meeting, and never looked at her again, she's interacting with a completely different type of customer
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    ^^^ He's not wrong.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Subraman makes a good observation. I’ve heard those types exist - but they must be in those classy gentlemen’s clubs - with real chairs and no folding tables!
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Yeah the type of stripper subraman talks about hangs around Bavarian, since he’s always complaining about not getting laid.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    I can only think of one dancer who had a solid exit plan: she danced all the way from undergrad through law school and was ready to retire from dancing at age 26. Good thing, too, because she wasn't anything to look at in street clothes and normal lighting. I probably find this topic more depressing than the average TUSCLer; there's nothing glamorous about girls trapped in this toxic lifestyle. It's yet another reason to go online and find girls that are the product of good parenting and who have a viable career path. It's not that you can't find the same thing in a strip club -- it's just orders-of-magnitude harder.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    From our perspective, strip clubs satisfy an immediate need. SA is not that.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    Subraman makes a good point. The strippers I have known well were all DTF and many had alcohol or drug problems. Perhaps there are dancers with realistic plans for the future, but they don't want anything to do with me, nor I them.
  • Lanechange
    6 years ago
    I got close with a stripper for a whilr when i first got into all this sc stuff. She was definitely past her prime. She claimed tjat she wanted to go back to cosnwtology school. I had an offer to pay for her books but i wanted it on my card with me along, and she never seemed to get around to it. Just sayin, trust actions more than words, especially with strippers. As it turned out, if actions speak the truth, her actual plan b involved getting arrested on heroin poasession and sent to rehab. I hope it worked out for her, but i have my doubts. And i will never really know.
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    Dancers whose sole job is dancing, I've never met one who had a legit exit plan or in process of achieving one, which is a shame because some I've gotten to know are cool and I'd like to see them succeed beyond the SC world they're good at. Of those sole-job dancers, about 25% say they're in school and if they share what field (usually saying nursing or some biological science or paralegal) and I know something about the field and ask questions that anyone legit in the field would know answers to (not being a dick, just making conversation), every one of em gave me a DUH uninformed answer that made it clear they're not in school. Of the girls who dance 1 or 2 nights a week and say they've got day jobs (usually saying something in marketing or admin), when I ask questions most of em have legit responses that cause me to believe em.
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    I rarely believe it when a dancer says that they're in school. It's probably a very small percentage of them that are in school
  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
    Like most women, their unstated plan b is to marry that beta male she whines to about the loser boyfriend she's fucking.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "I know that this job makes money but doesn't give any marketable skills in the real world." ^Not in a literal sense, meaning, I can't put "stripper" on a résumé as sales experience. But, if you take the job as a stripper seriously, it can actually be very helpful in gaining sales experience. When I started dancing, I was very introverted, and quite frankly, passive. But after dancing, I was able to get shit done, be assertive, etc. I went from sitting in the back row of all my classes, to stripping and going back to school and sitting in the front row getting all the participation points. That's just one example. Also, I worked at a lot of extras clubs. I didn't do extras, but I was a top earner. The club I work at now is non-extras, and I make even more. I'm just saying I can sell ice to an Eskimo. I can't put that on a résumé, but that's why it is helpful to NETWORK when you're a slippery, as well as do a side hustle like real estate so you can have sales skills on a résumé without saying, "I was a stripper!"
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Most of them do seem to have second career plans. But also, in some venues, the dancers really focus on lining up OTC regulars, as they know some kinds of clubs are short term. I've encoutered this in AMPs too, like a girl asking for "work telephone numbers", as she knows most guys are married and she knows that her AMP might not last that long, and it is not her's. SJG
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago
    @RandomMember, I understand why a person might find the SC world to be a little depressing. But don't you find SA to be a tiny bit depressing, too? Doesn't it make you "feel your age," somewhat? At best, we're going to be a footnote in the lives of these girls. I think ultimately it's the transitory nature of all sex work that I find, if not sad and depressing, at least bittersweet and wistful. Most of them can only do what they do for a limited time, and then one day, they're gone from our lives and we usually never know what happened to them. The best case scenario is that they have a happy ending with a guy who most definitely is not one of us. I always think that some day I'll run into one of the hookers or dancers I've been with, like maybe in some cinematic location, perhaps at the top of the Empire State Building, or at a roadside diner in the desert between Vegas and LA while we're both passing through on our way somewhere. And we would say hi and hug and catch up for a few minutes, and I would find out that she's doing fine and settled down. But I never do. Because that shit hardly ever happens. Because they're all a bunch of totally fucked up people, at the end of the day. And so are most of us, if we're being honest. Anyway, in answer to the OP, of the hundreds of sex workers I've interacted with in my life, I've known of exactly five strippers and two escorts who had anything like a credible backup plan and executed it. One escort and two of the strippers got married and had at least one baby. As far as I know, the husband wasn't a John in any of those cases (but I could be wrong). I only know about this at all because Facebook lists them as people I may know, which makes it easy for me to see what former aquaintances are up to. I have no clue whether any of them still work/strip at all. The other escort claims to be a licensed cosmetologist and a crypto-currency trader, among other things. I'm not sure whether I believe her entirely. Among the other three strippers: one is a part-time realtor, another does medical billing, and a third one (the only one with a good shot at long-term success) used her income from stripping to buy some rental real estate and some small businesses. As for the hundreds of others I've met? They're all gone with the wind.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Most moralisms about money are also moralisms about sex, and vice versa. Social Darwinism is justified sexually. Sexual moralisms are justified financially. In France they have a pyramidal educational system and a history of aristocracy, so bohemianism revolves around financial issues. In the US we have a history with Calvinism, and a myth of classlessness, so bohemianism revolves around sexual issues. SJG
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    +1 to Subraman’s comment. Also, Nina makes a good point.
  • orangepicture
    6 years ago
    One of my favorite dancers owns 3 commercial properties that total 20+ apartment units and 4 commercial storefronts, one of which she runs her own business out of when not dancing. I realize she is the exception to the rule, but being a Landlord is her exit plan.
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