A dancer I go see didn’t show up. How should I respond in a classy way?

avatar for BlondeGirlLover
So this may not be what it seems. I’ve been seeing an ATF for about a year, about 1-2 times per month. I drive over an hour to the club. We keep in touch so I know when she’s coming in. We talk about a lot of things.

What made me frustrated was that she told me she’d be there that night. It was around noon. I got there around 9 pm and it’s a long drive and she knows that. She wasn’t there and I never got a text from her. She also works another job and I’m respectful of her time.

But I didn’t get a text. Later on she says that she had to work and her wi fi was bad, so no text. She texted me the next day about personal things going on and acted like nothing happened.

My friends say she’s playing me and probably doesn’t want to see me. That’s why she doesn’t show but only wants to text personal stuff for validation. I don’t know what to do. I gotta have some self respect. It’s not right for me to drive so far if she never intended on coming.

Overall she’s had a good record and lets me know when she can’t make it. She has even told me not to overspend and wants to make sure I have enough money to get home. I just wish I could get an apology or something otherwise I feel like it’s not right.

Of course she’s not my wife, so I have no business in making demands. But I was exhausted after that drive. Is it okay to maybe ask for a discount or at least a light apology? Yes it’s a strip club but even customers deserve some respect and we should respect ourselves.

Again, I respect her time. It’s just usually I expect a text when someone cancels. My gas and time was burned. Gas is pretty high now. A text at some point would have been nice. I feel if I don’t being this up, I have no self respect and am being a doormat.

Honestly how would you handle it as a man? A gentleman with class?


last comment
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
If you have an ATF dancer who is 90% dependable then consider yourself lucky. Many dancers aren't that dependable. Personal opinion ... you're making this into a bigger deal than it needs to be. Wires got crossed. It happens.

Also, if you found yourself in a strip club absent your ATF, then that was an opportunity to try other dancers. You can have fun with more than one dancer. If I had to drive a long distance, then that's what I'd do. I mean, you're still in a building filled with hot nearly-naked women. It shouldn't be a struggle to make lemons into lemonade in this situation.

[On that note, a while back I had a dancer not show up on a night she said she'd be there. When we next chatted, she was explaining why she didn't text me and I basically said, "Don't worry about it. I had a great time with (Dancer Name)." Her communication skills seemed to improve from that point on. Funny how that works...]

Try this... the next time you're supposed to meet at the club, text to her "I'm planning to start the drive to the club soon. Just want to confirm that you're going to be there before I get on the road." If you don't hear from her, then don't go. Or, go and have fun with other dancers.

But I wouldn't get hung up on apologies and such.

avatar for BlondeGirlLover
3 years ago

Seems like an encouraging post. Maybe I was getting worked up. Even though it's not the same thing as a date, I still believe that people follow through with people or customers.

I did get a dance with her friend actually.

My friend thinks that she is BSing me. Do you think it's possible she couldn't text me cuz of the wifi at her work? She's texted me before at her work. It seems odd.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Just ignore it, and have fun with another dancer, that's the nice part about city buses, miss one and a few minutes later another comes along.
avatar for misterorange
3 years ago
Based on three conversations you've started since joining 48 hours ago, you sound like a whiney little puke who needs a psychiatrist rather than advice from a strip club site.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I wouldn’t get worked up over one no show. She’s a dancer who you like - nothing more.

You were in a strip club full of sex half naked girls and you are upset about that? Think about that and realize how silly you sound.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
The OP doesn't understand strip clubs or strippers. Find another.
avatar for BlondeGirlLover
3 years ago
See the thing about some of your replies is it seems almost as if the club has superseded reality. You're giving them permission to behave this way. I'm not talking in terms of treating you like a king. You realize that in the real world it costs gas and time to go to the club. Just because they're a stripper doesn't mean they aren't human.

If someone were to do this do you 10 times would you say it's no big deal? Just try to have some perspective. Just because a girl is naked, doesn't mean human concepts disappear.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ sounds to me like you’re fixated on this girl, if you don’t watch yourself you’ll end up broke and, dealing with problems you don’t appear equipped to handle.
avatar for BlondeGirlLover
3 years ago

It's not that. If I lived close by it wouldn't be the same deal. I like well over an hour away. That cost gas and time. Time is one of the most precious things that we have. Gas is a lot these days. This is about having some self-respect, don't you agree?
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
That really has nothing to do with her, that’s your own personal preference as far as she’s concerned you’re just another customer so like I said just find another person to play with.
avatar for whodey
3 years ago
As I said on another thread this isn't the right hobby for you. You can't handle pressure from dancers, you think it is way too expensive, you expect strippers to act like employees at other jobs and now you are upset about a particular dancer not showing up after you drove to the club to see her. Find a different hobby.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Blonde - we get it; you do not. No matter what any customer may think, you/I/we mean nothing to the dancers. You might have been nothing more than a back-up plan to her OTC date. Trying to create an actual relationship with someone you pay for is like trying to determine the roundest grain of sand at the beach: not worth it, because it will never happen. If you want ice cream, don't eat fucking lo-cal ice cream, eat the real thing. If you want a relationship, don't pay someone to like you; find the real thing.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "A dancer I go see didn’t show up. How should I respond in a classy way?"

You don't, you just move on. One of the biggest reasons that some girls dance is precisely because they can decide to show up or not on any given night. Lesson learned about driving long distances just to see one particular girl in a strip club.
avatar for jackslash
3 years ago
If these girls were dependable, reliable and considerate, they wouldn't be strippers. They would be working at a vanilla job and in a long-term relationship with a boyfriend or husband.

Where was she? Who knows? She might have been out having fun with her boyfriend or drugged up in a crack house or banging some customer OTC. Could she have texted to let you know not to come? Sure. But she's a stripper.

She still wants to see you. She still wants your money. If you call her out for her inappropriate behavior, she will come up with some BS excuse like she didn't have wi-fi. I have heard some wildly unlikely excuses over the years. You can either drop this dancer or overlook her unacceptable behavior.

avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
An hour drive? Holy shit. I drive that far just to get to a good strip club.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Here’s what I would do, but this only works if you haven’t already whined to her about not showing up.

Go into the club on a night you knows she’s working but don’t tell her. When she gets snippy about you not letting her know tell her you didn’t realize it was a big deal since you came last time and she wasn’t there. Tell her it worked out good, you still had a good time and got several dances from some other dancers.

Tit for tat buddy.
avatar for Dolfan
3 years ago
I'll pile on, I wouldn't respond any further. You must have already said something, because you said she acknowledged it, she said WiFi was bad. If you genuinely find that response unacceptable, stop seeing her. If its a minor thing, you've already said your peace move on and resume. Don't harp on it and bring it up repeatedly expecting some profuse apology. It's not okay to ask for a discount either. At most, you could change your MO a bit. Instead of checking in 8 hours in advance, cut it down to 1 or 2. And if you don't get a conformation, don't go.

Some of the stuff you're saying is worrisome. How is she "playing you" ? Do you guys have a clearly defined relationship where you understand you're a customer and she's an entertainer? Or do you think she's your friend and she thinks you're her customer? It's easy for the line to get blurred and each party have a different view. From your posts, you're either a troll or you're struggling to understand the nature of these relationships. Most likely, this girl thinks of you as a customer. You seem to know that, but you're expecting her to be your friend too. Understand that she's an entertainer, and she's going to provide spotty service sometimes. Even the best actors put out a dud of a movie now and again.
avatar for DeclineToState
3 years ago
This OP = troll alter ego of new troll alphapol.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Her missing work has nothing to do with you. Youre just her customer. Yiu can't get that clingy with her. It's a bad sign. If this hurts you so much. Just wait....
avatar for rockie
3 years ago
I'm an old jaded fuck, but it's just a coincidence that we get 2 "troll posers" that joined TUSCL this week from San Francisco! #2 Poser - Buy a self driven Tesla and take a nap while it takes you and from your no show ATF.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I think you are getting hurt for no legitimate reason.

The guys here, who have clubbed for many years, will tell you how unreliable strippers really are. You should stop acting hurt, and listen to the reality of dealing with strippers.

If you look at a list ranking the most unreliable employees - strippers and homeless folks will be near the top of that list.

Don’t whine about the rising cost of gas or the amount of time it took to drive to the club - as those things don’t matter to a stripper - and she will think you are a needy little boy.

Tell me - what type of car do you drive? How old are you? In what area do you live?

If you tell me that you drive a Ford Excursion and you are a Disabled Vietnam veteran widower - who lives in a remote area of North Dakota - and you need to drive through knee deep snow drifts to see this girl - I would understand your plight.

But, if you drive a Prius and it takes about 50 minutes to get to your preferred strip club - because you have a fetish for Asian dancers with large natural tits - and you are 29 years old in Southern California - then this is a learning experience - and stop whining!
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
To clear things up - you are a strip club customer posting on a site where customers call themselves Pathetic Losers - so keeping it classy left the building a loooong time ago…
avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 years ago
Mr. Rockie said => “I'm an old jaded fuck, but it's just a coincidence that we get 2 "troll posers" that joined TUSCL this week from San Francisco! #2 Poser - Buy a self driven Tesla and take a nap while it takes you and from your no show ATF”

Although you have a point, I’m going to give some advice: just sit back with a bag of popcorn and enjoy the show.

I mean really, there are some good stories about crazy shit on here. But there are also a lot of lame circle jerks about politics and weirdos who get all obsessed with other members.

I’m going to be honest about trolling folks: it is funny because people freak out an don’t know the basic rule of not feeding the trolls. Take the original Dr. Phil. That guy was a serious douche. I saw his shit and thought it would be funny to post weird happy bullshit with his name. But let me tell you something… it’s addictive to actually be a douche. I try to only be a douche to the serious douches, but I see the attraction.

Here’s the issue: there are serious douches on here. Mr. Dugan is exhibit #1. I used to think that there was a small chance he was some demented pervert/family man that weirdly brought up his kids on a board for demented perverts. But the there was the incident where he chickened out of the fight with Mr. Daddillac because his wife left him sole caregiver for his kids.

Tell me that making up a family and then using them as an excuse ain’t serious doucebaggery. It is funny douchebaggery, but it is definitely douchebaggery. This guy is just asking silly questions. Actually, what I am I saying… Mr. BlondeLover, you need to step your trolling up. Read some Dugan posts and put your own spin on ‘em.

You’re welcome!
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Regarding the trying other dancers, i don’t agree. Some clubs only have a couple or 3-4 hot dancers, and they may not all be there together on the same shift and day. A club may only have 2-3 hot dancers out of 40

She may not want to see you but would still want to for money

One very unreliable dancer was that way because she had a boyfriend she was stripping secretly from
So she had no schedule or idea of when she would be coming in next
avatar for Subraman
3 years ago
I have it on good authority that Keeping It Classy is behind the building with Dignity, smoking crack. 🤣

The friend is probably not an SCer; he's interpreting stripper flakiness through vanilla dating eyes. So we know we can ignore him.

Agree on stripper flakiness in general. Hell, I've had an ATF who I'd text two hours before her shift, she'd assure me she'll be there, and she doesn't show up lol. Always with a crazy reason, but she made such poor choices regularly, I had to believe it. I eventually got to either asking her to text me when she got to the club, or just going with the intention of finding another CF if she didn't make it.

The "no wifi" excuse is also interesting, and common. I've gotten the sense that some strippers I knew didn't have a mobile plan, or at least once in a while they'd got dropped (failure to pay)... because for a few weeks they'd want me to communicate only through an app, then one day back to texting again.

As far as asking for a discount, IME that won't go over well. Either she'll make up for it on her own, or you drop her, or you make adjustments like not heading to the club until she texts you she's there and/or going to the club with the mindset you'll have fun with another stripper if she's not there

avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Subraman could you discuss how to get OTC how does it work is it safe...
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Whats the problem with mr Dugan
What did he do?
avatar for BlondeGirlLover
3 years ago
So guys let me ask you. If your ATF did this, how would you respond? Still keep her on your pedestal or just ignore her and see other girls and she becomes just another dancer? You guys do have ATF cuz you use the references.

I would think that if you have self respect, you wouldn’t just treat her like a Queen.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
How old are you?
What model of car do you drive?
Where is this club?

Unless you live in a remote location - why drive over an hour?

Do you have specific preferences that make it difficult to find strip clubs nearby?
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Subraman always gets mad when his date doesn’t show up to the San Francisco bathhouse. He goes in with his head down saying “well I guess nobody is going to touch me wiener today.”

Lol - good to see you posting here!!!!

avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I can understand Subraman’s sadness, as a good tug job is always fun!

But for a young dude to be so whiny - and not being man enough to move on - this is a sad day in Millennial-ville! All those poor snowflakes not feeling so special…
avatar for rattdog
3 years ago
unfucking real. you're complaining about gas prices. hello!!!!!!!!! newsflash: everybody is paying more for everything so don't act like your the only one. yeah you're so special.

if i was in your shoes (and thank god i'm not) i would have a set of clubs to go to. the club that your fave works at would be at the bottom of the list. as far as the rest of the clubs try and see if each club you find one or two girls you feel are your type and and is willing to meet your needs/wants.

i only will give a fave 3 strikes. no foul balls and still alive at the plate - my rules a foul ball strike 3 is an out. once she's out the search for a replacement fave commences.
avatar for BlondeGirlLover
3 years ago

So you’re saying it’s better to take the loss than to stand up for yourself? Who has more self respect then?
avatar for Subraman
3 years ago
Shailynn: if you text me to tell me you'll be on the other side of the glory hole in stall #2, I expect you to be there. Basic respect man
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
@ shailynn
Subraman says be on time got damn
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
A few things towards the OP...

1. This is an expensive activity, and though no one likes to waste money, it's also true that you need to accept that some of your money will be wasted. On some nights, a lot of money will be wasted. Be it on gas, a new dancer that doesn't give great dances, an ATF who doesn't show up. Whatever. If you're on a tight budget, then you need to club somewhere that is less expensive *OR* don't go to strip clubs until you're earning more money (or win the lottery).

2. This thing where you feel like you need to get an apology, respect, or a pound of flesh because a dancer didn't show up at the club is the wrong perspective (my opinion). You're investing way to much emotion into what is essentially a superficial relationship (and if you see the relationship as being more than superficial, then that's a whole other issue). No one is asking you to be a doormat. If this one-time instance becomes habit, then go find another dancer. But you need to discard the drama and hurt feelings. Most of us deal with hurt feelings and drama outside of our club lives. Let the strip club be an oasis away from all of that dumb horseshit.

3. The best you can do is text her before you head out to the club to confirm that she'll be there. That's not foolproof, but it should help. Customers and dancers discard each other all the time for a bunch of reasons. So, if you get tired of her, or she gets tired of you, then it is what it is. Move on and don't complain.

Also, to a bunch of guys commenting here, this thing where we expect every single new strip club customer to be a nascent Don Draper from "Mad Men" isn't realistic. Some guys come into this more awkward and less jaded than others. It's fine.

With regard to this being a fake profile... sure, maybe. But as I said in the other thread, if someone wants to "troll" the board with relevant, on-topic discussions, I'd rather that over another thread about COVID vaccines.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
There's no stripper flakiness. She just has something else she'd rather do and doesn't have to tell you coz she just sees you as a customer trick Mark whatever.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ Rapist
avatar for whodey
3 years ago
"Who has more self respect then?"

@BlondeGirlLover self respect went out the window as soon as you (or me or any of us) started paying women to satisfy our sexual fantasies. By the time you are driving an hour away for an appointment to pay a specific woman to satisfy your sexual fantasies (and then complain to random strangers about it) your self respect is so far behind you that you will likely never find it again.
avatar for Subraman
3 years ago
Self Respect is out in the back with Keeping It Classy and Dignity, ODing on fentanyl
avatar for BlondeGirlLover
3 years ago
@ whodey

So you are saying you don't even have self-respect for yourself? You believe we are all pathetic, including yourself?
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
"Self Respect is out in the back with Keeping It Classy and Dignity, ODing on fentanyl"

Could this statement not be more true? I mean c'mon people, all self respect for myself ends when I get out of the cab or pull into the parking lot. No matter how nice a type of car I roll up in even the valets look at all of us like "losers" it's even more humiliating when the valet is a girl! lol
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Blonde girl lover - answer my questions.

Lol! Self respect? I’m an old guy who enjoys fucking filthy strippers in rooms about the size of a broom closet!

Hold on to that self respect you think you have - and confront a girl in lingerie about disrespecting you - and let me know how it goes!

Did all your self respect at least get her real name? Lol!
avatar for K
3 years ago
"So you’re saying it’s better to take the loss than to stand up for yourself?" if you consider it a loss, you already lost. Why embarrass yourself with anything other than finding a different dancer?

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Blondegirllover you think self respect is confronting a hooker who ditched you so she could do something she thought was worth more her time than fucking you for money?
avatar for BlondeGirlLover
3 years ago

She always keeps in contact. She would even text me at 2 am about how she’s feeling about things going in her life. Long texts too. So she could at least let me know she wasn’t coming. Or just say sorry. Saying sorry would make me give her more money.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Mr cashman lets talk on dm please sir
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
That's the way I always call, it self respect, being intimidated by a little girl in her underwear LOL
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
But she didn't do that. Just ask her why or let it go
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
"Honestly how would you handle it as a man? A gentleman with class?"

You're sounding like an RIL (regular in love).
Never tolerate disrespect.
Find a different girl.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
You switch to a less pesky dancer. If there isn't another who is roughly as appealing, you'll have to start driving further when clubbing, to somewhere you can find multiple appealing dancers. If it's too long of a trip, sorry, relocate or live with the blue balls. If live in a large city that's reasonably friendly to adult entertainment, but are still inclined to take shit from a dancer instead of finding a nicer one, you are looking for something that's not on offer in a strip club. You are setting yourself up to get played, toughen up.
avatar for whodey
3 years ago
"So you are saying you don't even have self-respect for yourself? You believe we are all pathetic, including yourself?"

@BlondeGirlLover I have no sense of self respect with regards to what I do in a strip club or other forms of p4p. I know I am pathetic for paying women to have sex with me and I made my peace with that almost two decades ago. If you are looking for a sense of self respect out of this hobby than this isn't the right hobby for you.
avatar for caseyx
3 years ago
Don't treat an ATF like a "queen". Treat her like a provider who gives good dances.

When you go to the club always have a backup plan. That way you don't get bent out of shape over Plan A, whether that's because she doesn't show up, because she is busy with some whale the whole time or because she just blows you off.

If a stripper is sending you long texts at 2am to bitch about her life then you're probably doing strip clubbing wrong. Create some boundaries or else try to move the relationship into a real dating/FWB situation.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
What makes regulars fall in love? How do the in love customers act? I thought i was in love with an atf, then this extremely hot brazilian showed up and gave me a dance unlike any before. Licked my ears all over like a dog. Now im in love with two atfs
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
RILs are men who can't fathom social cues and can't understand they're paying for a fantasy
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
I havent been ablr to review everything
Whats the no wii excuse? She didnt answer texts due to no wifi?

Do dancers get jealous or feel bad if you dont get a dance from them but get a dance from another dancer
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
No. They may resent not getting your money though.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Do you think most dancers are open to OTC
What kind of look of dancer do you go for
If you dont get a dance from one but do get it from another doesnt t mean you rejected the first one, shes either not hot enough or nice enough as the other one
avatar for DeclineToState
3 years ago
Jeez. 3 trolls in 1.

alphapol = sirachabob = BlondeGirlLover

Adios. Ignore.
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
What rickdugan and Subraman said. This isn't the same as other service industries. It just isn't. And that's not likely to change any time soon, as in, never.

@BlondeGirLover: "If your ATF did this, how would you respond?"

My ATF did that numerous times. She probably flaked 75% of the time, whether I was meeting her at the club or at the hotel. Being a single mother can have that affect.

What did I do. I said, "OK, see ya next time."

If she's good enough, and you can put up with it, you'll do something similar. If you can't put up with that, you'll find someone else to spend your money on.

If you're a large enough percentage of her income, you can <em>try</em> to ask her, politely, to be better. She <em>might</em> respond positively, but I think it's more likely she'll find some other PL. I assure you, there's a line.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Isnt blondegirl lover the guy who paid a lot for otc? I dont see how you include me in your Posting

Man im trying to get legit advice from strip club veterans who have experience with otc and many clubs. On every thread theres some nonsense drama going on and trolling and complaining. I cant believe people think asking questions is equal to trolling. If you have a problem with someone just ignore them. You dont need to announce your ignoring of them either
avatar for wld4tatas
3 years ago
Something similar happened to me a few weeks ago. I have an ATF I see every week and she's at the club on certain days almost like clockwork. Then one day I arrived and she wasn't there, and she hadn't texted me to let me know either. I was temporarily bummed and bewildered, but quickly formulated Plan B to see a hottie at another club who I hadn't seen for a long time. Took her VIP and had a blast. What could have been a bad night turned into a good night. As for the ATF it was a blip and we are back on schedule.

Always have self respect and always have a Plan B. In your case she already explained her situation and there's no need to make anything more of it. Get back to having fun.
avatar for gSteph
3 years ago
1st, get some class.
avatar for loper
3 years ago
BGL, it seems that you're unwilling to learn from the experienced and wise posters here, so why keep repeating the same BS?
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
How did you guys set up the first otc
How many dances did you get with a dancer before going OTC
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Twentyfive you mentioned him possibly ending up broke and unequipped

What do you mean. Due to his attachments to this one dancer, he’ll spend all his money on her?
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ It's not like it hasn't happened to smarter men, than him.
avatar for K
3 years ago
"How did you guys set up the first otc" - i asked her
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I’m starting to think BGL and sirachabob are the same troll. They both post very sophomoric questions and they refuse to listen to reason.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
With people who do meet otc, is it usually required to use protection? How common is it to have unprotected OTC available

Cashman we spoke on dm before... I have limited strip club experience...
but you encouraged me to do it raw I don’t know if you were kidding
avatar for BlondeGirlLover
3 years ago

No I don’t know who the other accounts are. Not me. I am listening through but I might have mild autism.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Sirachabob I must have been joking about hitting it raw. I recently mentioned that uncovered sex with strippers is a bad idea. So, you can pick and choose my comments, and string together a very odd web of garbage.

Or, you can act like a reasonable adult and learn from what you read.

Either you have limited understanding of English, and are unable to discern what is meant to be humor - or you have limited interaction with other people, and that has caused you to misunderstand what others are saying.

To reiterate - don’t fuck strippers uncovered - don’t fall in love with a stripper - attempt to learn to separate facetious comments from legitimate advice.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
BGL there are challenges when a customer goes to a strip club with mild autism. The interpretation of a dancer’s interest in you can be different than the dancer’s intent.

Strip clubs can present challenges for non-autism spectrum adults. The world of a strip club is pure fantasy. A boring middle-age man steps inside a strip club and he becomes sexy and suddenly selling widgets is the hottest profession on the planet! As long as a guy has money - he’s a hot commodity inside a strip club.

It is important to understand - the dancers want a relationship with your wallet - not you.

Any perceived relationship exists only for a dancer to get a customer to spend more money. There is no attraction or love interest between a dancer and customer.
avatar for BlondeGirlLover
3 years ago
@Cashman1234 if you believe they only want your money, then why do you go? Once you realize that, it’s best you stay away.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
@BGL if you don't believe what Cashman is telling you, you have problems. These girls are selling a fantasy, smarten up before you get into trouble.
avatar for BlondeGirlLover
3 years ago
@25 but you only. go if you're sold on the fantasy. Deep down that is the reason why all of us go.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Bgl every business only wants your money and you still go.

A strip club sells a fantasy. Thats what you pay for. You don't pay for real human connections. Enjoy it for what it is. Understand those boundaries and respect them or you'll just end up hurt.
avatar for whodey
3 years ago
BGL most of the people on this site aren't sold on the fantasy that any stripper is interested in us for anything other than our money. We don't go because we believe in that fantasy, we go because we like to look at feel and (depending on the club) have sex with young beautiful naked women.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
The girl who ditched you doesn't owe you anything. Just let it go.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You can pick up strippers but not by being a customer
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
@BGL: "but you only. go if you're sold on the fantasy. Deep down that is the reason why all of us go."

Um, speak for yourself. I got to fuck hot women who wouldn't give me the time of day if we were to meet on the street.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
George do you also have a microdong?

Cashman i see, you mentioned being into filth and you said brazilians would likely let me fuck raw. I did take it literally and would have fucked that braziliaj ear licker raw... i likely still would...

I thought your love of filth meant you would actually fuck them raw style

How come there can’t be attraction between a customer and dancer? This must happen sometimes? Even some posts on r/stripper mention dancers seeing super hot customers.

Just the other day there was some long haired thor look alike in the club and I would think the dancer he was with actually liked him
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
===> "@25 but you only. go if you're sold on the fantasy. Deep down that is the reason why all of us go."

Speak for yourself BGL. I go because I like young tits and ass and some ridiculous shit I do with girls half my age.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
There are plenty of jobs where you are attracted to customers or vice versa

It becomes harder to determine with jobs like escortd or strippers, but i am sure there are some clients they genuinely like
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
The fantasy is that most strippers are some special sort of breed apart, and stripping is easy or natural for them. Compared to all the smoking beautiful women who'd rather be broke af than strip.
avatar for Estafador
3 years ago
honestly if I were in your shoes, I'd just be straight up. You're mature, gotta lay it down like an adult.

"hey, we've been back and forth with missed dates. Are you even interested in meeting up anymore or what. I don't want to waste your time or bug you so let me know the deal so I can be respectful and let you do you from then on."

Something like that. That's my opinion. Let her know you got options (which you do, there are plenty of fish in the sea) and both you and her time's valuble and you don't want to waste either.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
@BGL you came on here like you wanted advice and it was given, between the mongers that imparted some knowledge there must be thousands of years of experience, take it or don't, you don't like the advice you've been given, fine. It's enough, the fact is we can lead a horse to water, but we can't make him drink;
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
@sirachabob: "George do you also have a microdong?"

Were you <em>born</em> stupid, or has all the siracha turned your brain to mush?
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
George, that’s a nonsense thing to say, you clearly lack morals

I don’t know if your name is meant to be a troll name or if the joke is you have a microdong but still get with strippers despite it or something

You cant expect us to read your mind, especially when your mind isnt as smart as ours

Its not a funny joke regardless

avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
@sirachabob: "you clearly lack morals"

Even if that were true, it's still orders of magnitude better than your lack of reading comprehension.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
^^ (Once again) regarding sirachabob, look at this guy's posting history, or just what he has posted to this thread.

His weird troll gimmick is asking a never-ending series of increasingly inane questions to string people along.

If you think I'm wrong (or if it's fun for you), then keep indulging him. But I don't believe I'm wrong.
avatar for JeffJefferson
3 years ago
>> If someone were to do this do you 10 times would you say it's no big deal? <<

It hadn't, not yet anyway.

If the other connections you and she have had are worthwhile, consider yourself fortunate! That one missed event needs to be ignored, and should not cloud your internal attitude.

If she no-shows 4x or 6x, then you can decide if you are going to keep at it long enough to see if you what to "risk" getting to #8, let alone "10 times".
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Georg microdong, see you dont get it, you have an extremely limited understanding of reading comprehension

Your name is georgmicrodong sure, but that doesn’t mean your intent is to be literal. Your name may be mocking someone or something, or it may be literal.

There is no way for a lack of morals to be “better” than a lack of reading comprehension. The two aren’t comparable, that doesnt make sense and you once again demonstrate lack of reading comprehension

Regarding the thread topic and people claiming strippers only like money, this isn’t true. There’s multiple posts on r stripper talking about attractive customers some even mentioned being willing to date those customers. Simply being at work doesnt mean you can’t be attracted to customers. Obviously most customers won’t be hot, but most guys aren’t hot in general anyway.

I haven’t trolled anywhere here, asking questions or disagreeing doesn’t equate to trolling. On the other hand I’ve seen like 10+ threads involving different users where call me Ishmael posts on the thread just to accuse someone of trolling. Its absolute insanity, its insane someone would spend hours daily doing that online, and he’s essentially calling everyone else dumb. If trolling is so obvious than it shouldn’t even need to be mentioned.

Asking lots of questions doesn’t equate to trolling, its impossible. On the other hand, accusing people of trolling, particularly when you don’t have evidence and particularly if that’s all you do on every single thread, is literally a form of trolling in itself. I don’t know if Ishmael is your real name but you should change that cause you’re doing a horrible job representing people with that name.

I did have some questions on otc in some threads, I’ll continue to ask if something pops up. If you genuinely think something is trolling you’re supposed to ignore it not drsw attention. Trolls want attention and want drama. Ishmael, you post on every thread looking for attention, looking to start drama, and looking to give more attention to people you apparently consider trolls. Since you have so much time, why not dm people to discuss whos a troll? You could fulfill your apparent desire of being an upstanding citizen heroically warning people about evil trolls, all without giving any attention to those trolls publicly.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Cim is one of the biggest trolls here. His only contribution is derailing threads calling people he disagrees with or who call him out trolls and moralizing about how he's an ethical trick.
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
@sirachabob: "Your name is georgmicrodong sure, but that doesn’t mean your intent is to be literal. Your name may be mocking someone or something, or it may be literal."

If you're really interested, I can send you the link to my OnlyFans. "Ugly Fat Guy Fucks Hot Chicks." It's an entirely reasonable subscription cost.

"There is no way for a lack of morals to be 'better' than a lack of reading comprehension."

It is when one person doesn't understand what "morals" are.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Yes i would like to see that onlyfans
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
Sirachabob I recommend you give it a break. It’s obvious you lack the ability to interact with strip club customers. I think you also are unable to understand the interactions that occur in most strip clubs (between dancers and customers).

If you are a troll, then you’ve done a great job trolling experienced strip club customers with your odd interpretations of strip club interactions. As long as you have money, and you aren’t a total creep, you will likely enjoy life inside strip clubs.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
One thing that would help is for sirachabob to post a review.

He could still be a troll, but that might show he’s been to a strip club.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Cashman youve provided no evidence for that claim

Its obvious how strip clubs work

Youre mistaken when you say something never happens or when you say strippers are never attracted to clients genuinely

There are numerous scenarios of strippers actually being attracted to clients

Of course, her asking you for a dance isn’t evidence of that. You have to go a little deeper, and I suspect many simply wouldn’t understand how that works

Cashman if ive said something which is an “odd interpretation of strip club interactions” do you want to post specifically what youre referring to

Youre mistaken, not everything is centered around your personal experience, in fact even if thousands gather in a group sharing their experiences it still doesnt mean the same applies to everyone.

A stripper could be attracted to one customer but not another, just like anyone else in any other industry

George, post the onlyfans here if you have it
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Cashman you have to be careful and mindful of how you use words. Same with the georgmicrodong guy... you guys seem to get triggered far too easily and outright angry over something which is supposed to be a general back and forth discussion

For instance, me simply asking George if he actually had a microdong was enough to send him into a tirade of asking if eating siracha turned my brain to mush. My question was not meant to be offensive, yet his response was quite angry.

Cashman, i disagree with you that strippers are never attracted to customers. Maybe the majority of times they arent, but this changes with regulars as well as with customers they are attracted to. A regular is different than a random guu theyre meeting for the first time. Even if its p4p, you will develop some kind of relationship with people you get dances with or sleep with regularly.

Me disagreeing with your point doesn’t mean you get to claim i apparently have trouble interacting with strip club customers or trouble understanding the stripper and customer interactions and dynamics. That’s not how things work. If i had said most strippers genuinely like their customers, yoi could make that claim at that point. But I didn’t say that.

I did try posting a review and it didn’t go through. I obviously didnt include dancers name or details but mentioned I could touch her pussy. I think it wasn’t approved for some reason.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Strippers are attracted to guys they see at work. But when they're attracted they don't treat you like a customer
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I understand there is a possibility that a dancer can be attracted to a customer. But, the probability of a dancer being attracted to a customer is quite low.

Also, there is a difference between attraction and simply not being repulsed.

It can also be easy to allow yourself to believe a stripper likes you, as it’s much easier than believing she wants nothing to do with you, except for wanting your money.

As you’ve mentioned a few times, I encouraged you to fuck a stripper bareback. This shows me that you have difficulty separating humorous comments from honest advice.

You’ve also mentioned you thought you were falling in love with a stripper, and I attempted to dispel that emotion. In my experience, very little good comes from thinking you are in love with a stripper. In my view, it is mostly always lust and it is also very expensive.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Cashman you're 100% right. That's how it is most of the time. And even if a stripper is attracted to a guy she's at work. Getting his money takes precedence over that. She won't waste her time on a guy she's attracted to who doesn't spend.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Yes, well i thought it was both humorous and also true. I thought you did often fuck strippers raw

I am in love with one or two strippers, but can’t date them or marry them. I would like to have one of them as a long term secondary and secret relationship.

Yeah that is true, even if stripoers are attracted to guys, they wont be wasting their time flirting with them while on the job, cause theyre missing out on income then

What percentage of strippers do you think meet OTC?

Of the strippers who do otc, or do extras ITC, what percentage do you think have boyfriends or husbands?

Then of that percentage who have boyfriends or husbands, what percentage do you think actually know about the OTC and itc extras stuff
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Is it considered being a weak man or a cuck, to remain in a relationship with a stripper, or escort, or pornstar...?
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ What do you think ?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
Well, I know that I'm feeling pretty vindicated right now.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ Seriously Ish you want to take a bow, for calling an obvious troll, a troll, would you also like a gold star and a participation trophy....?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
A minority hoe.

Seducing strippers is an art but yhe main component is luck.

avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Twentyfive i dont know
I mean i have heard it is, but i dont want to say it is simply because other people say so
There are strippers with boyfriends and husbands who dont look all weak and nerdy and like a typical cuck stereotype

The thing is if her husband or boyfriend is a cuck it means she may not actually like him. I don’t think cucks are genuinely liked... theyre just tolerated and taken advantage of

And if their partner is a cuck that may mean the strippers and escorts have more respect for their clients who p4p than their own partners

It would mean the escort or stripper basically likes all her clients more than her partner

avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Hey man i need some help and advice please
Ive already spent a few thousand on dances
Im not sure if im getting the best bang for the buck
Its $400 for 30 minutes of vip.

And while it is fun, its not that crazy. Its the typical ass grinding, just alongside some pussy rubbing
Apparently you cant even finger because of bacterial concerns or maybe they think fingering is too intimate
Im not sure if im getting my moneys worth. I know there’s a lot of escorts much hotter than the strip club women, available for $400+ an hour

The concern is the riskiness of seeing an escort, whereas a strip club is a much safer environment, no catfishing, no robbing...
avatar for BlondeGirlLover
3 years ago
Sirachabob, that’s a good point… strippers do have boyfriends. And most high value guys don’t want a stripper because they can do better. Which makes me think that it’s the macho jerks who get them.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Why would a dancer start kissing you often after the third dance? Instead of after the first or second
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Blondegirllover you'll pay to fuck them fall in love with them and whine about feeling dejected on tuscl. But claim guys can do better and don't want them 🤡🤡🤡🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭
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