Online Female Escort Advertisements: The Cost of Sex

avatar for TheEckster
Interesting study I just found.….

Female escorts represent an occupational group that charges a fee for sex, which can be regarded as an extreme form of short-term mating. The present study examined if the fees charged by escorts are related to traits typically associated with female short-term mate value. A total of 2,925 advertisements for female escorts offering sexual services in the United States were examined, as a customized software program was used to download all the advertisements from an online escort directory. The advertisement content was coded, and relationships between advertised physical characteristics and the hourly rate charged by female escorts were examined. The analyses showed that higher fees were associated with female escorts who advertised a waist-to-hip ratio near 0.7, lower weight and body mass index, younger age, and photographic displays of breast and buttocks nudity. The findings provide evidence that evolutionarily relevant traits associated with female short-term mate value are systematically related to fees charged for sexual services.

Escorts’ information was obtained from an online escort directory. This site was chosen because of the large number of advertisements and the consistent and well-formed structure of the data (i.e., each profile was designed to allow a women’s measurements, pictures, and biographical information to be presented in a standardized online template). A total of 3,599 female escort advertisements were collected for this study. After controlling for duplicates, the final sample of escort advertisements was 2,925. These duplicates were a result of the website allowing escorts to advertise in different states and cities which created multiple advertisements for those escorts. The escorts were all females offering services in the United States with ages ranging from 18 to 70, with a median age of 26. Participants were predominately in the age range of 18 to 29 (67.2%) with the remaining being 30–49 (31.2%) and 50–70 (1.6%). Participants were predominantly Caucasian (64.9%) followed by mixed (10.4%), Asian (8.1%), Hispanic (8.0%), Black (7.0%), and Other (1.5%).


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" The analyses showed that higher fees were associated with female escorts who advertised a waist-to-hip ratio near 0.7, lower weight and body mass index, younger age, and photographic displays of breast and buttocks nudity. "

Given this absolutely shocking result, SJG and I are going to need an emergency meeting to completely re-think our strategy of cellute-ridden, grill-wearing, tattoo-covered ghetto skanks for our Organization. It's as if we had no idea what men actually like! Lower weight and body mass and younger age, who could have seen that coming? Huh.
Studies take the fun out of everything.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
I saw a study once that showed that the price escorts can charge drops by half every ten years. For example, 30-year-old escorts charge half of what twenty year olds charge and forty-year-old escorts charge half of what thirty year olds charge. Youth is highly important to their sexual market value.

The sexual market value of women appears to fall faster than men. Up to the age of 45 more women than men are married but after 45 more men than women are married. In my personal experience, many older women are not aware of this. I can remember one time when I was fifty, I was talking to a female of my same age. She said she was puzzled that she had lots of males being friendly to her when she was a 20-year-old in college but not as a fifty-year-old woman.
While they were at it, they should have seen if there's price differences based on ethnicity. I can hear the Buzzfeed and Vice newsrooms in an uproar already lol
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