Stripper subreddit LDK topic

avatar for TFP
Adventures of Assjobman

I enjoy reading the stripper subreddit, much more so than stripperweb. As a lot of us know, on stripperweb apparently every girl makes bank doing only air dances and extras are the devil. On the stripper subreddit however you see different perspectives expressed. You can't comment as a customer however, as they will down vote you into oblivion and ban you from the sub.

One recent thread was an open letter from a dancer to guys who try to cum in their pants during dances. It simply said, she knows what we're trying to do. She's actively working against us. And she hates us.

Now if that were a post on stripperweb I could imagine it'd be full of replies in extreme agreement. Which would have you believing that all dancers are extremely against it.

On that thread however, there was just some agreement. And then there was a dancer who flat out disagreed. Saying she doesn't mind bringing customers to orgasm at all as long as they get a certain number of dances and don't get any jizz on her. And that comment surprisingly got a lot of upvotes, although those upvotes could have very well come from a bunch of lurking customers like myself.

It was refreshing to see that convo not turn into an echo chamber of contempt for LDKers. Especially since I've had so many lapgasms from different dancers (shout out MrDeuce!). Surely those dancers also knew what I was up to and didn't feel like the OP of that reddit thread.

BTW I have no problem with any dancer that does feel like that OP. Everyone has their boundaries and I wouldn't want to cross any. I'd hope I would likely be able to tell from her dances that she wasn't down with any LDK action and it'd be one and done if I did pick her for a dance.

Link to Reddit thread:


last comment
avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

Yeah, r/stripper I think is the best discussion area for strippers. Or at least the best discussion area where one doesn’t have to be invited+approved in to participate.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

It's not clear whether she's always anti-LDK, or not liking it that somebody's restraining her without permission.

Sounds like she may be one of those super weird dancers who's not even down for FRMO.

I think you can't tell much from up or down votes on a forum.

Go by your experiences in yhe clubs you frequent. That's the most relevant info for you

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

Yeah…if I cut a dance short, then not only will I get paid, I’m also going to get in his face and demand a tip on top of that. BUT caveat I don’t act like that over a customer jizzing in his pants. It’s for something like him pulling it out and I have to dodge out of the way. Ugh 😑

avatar for TFP
2 yrs ago

@illbaicnl she didn't mention any restraining, that was another poster. And I do agree that there shouldn't be any restraining whatsoever.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

It does seem very very naive if a dancer grinds but then is scandalized that PLs want to nut from that. If you're not down with (sanitary) LDK, just don't grind.

For those who are into LDK, do you have any opinions about what's a reasonable tip for getting you to nut? Any advice as to how strippers can avoid getting ripped off by LDK freeloaders?

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

Erm, for strippers to avoid the LDK crowd, I guess when grinding keep it to five seconds at a time max and then get off the lap and change positions. Shake ass in the face or something. Wait maybe like 20 seconds minimum before grinding again.

Or refuse to do floor dances and you only do VIP. Or if the club has no vip, then they have something like 3/$100 only—refuse to sell individual songs. That’s not my style but some dancers do that, and do it pretty well.

@heaving Ah, makes sense 😁

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

Dancers and PLs on avg will often see things differently if not at polar-opposites – from a PL’s POV an LDK seems pretty-harmless but I would assume it’s different from most dancers’ POV and I assume many fear the jizz will make contact w/ them – so IDK what the protocol should be w.r.t. LDKation and if it’s something that should be discussed w/ a dancer upfront.

I can see a dancer inducing-an-LDK as going above-and-beyond and I think a tip is in order but there are dancers that try to browbeat a custy and make him feel like he committed murder and then use the situation to demand a tip while browbeating him – personally I think that’s out-of-line – this would be similar to a custy brow-beating a dancer b/c she did not make him cum in VIP and then the custy demanding a discount – an LDK is something that is a possibility when giving a dance just like for some guys not-cumming is a possibility even when getting extras.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

Nicespice also believes that, when you order Chicken McNuggets at McDonalds, they should let you eat one, and then slap the rest out of you hand, cause actually don't want you to be eating that shit.

avatar for Subraman
2 yrs ago

In general, just like online customer forums are waaaay more focused on extras and OTC than the average SC customer, online stripper forums are waaaay more hostile to extras and even LDK than in real life. Seems to me that it's common for some strippers to be anti-LDK, some to tolerate it as long as they get paid, others to be fine with it (but they also want to get paid), whereas on most stripper forums, it's reviled.

Paul has become a mod of r/strippers, which is about half the size of r/stripper, but still pretty big at 35k members. r/strippers does allow customers (though I'd tread lightly) and is not totally extras unfriendly

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

Idk what to make of the males on r/strippers so far. It gets pointed out “hey, fellow patrons can probably be more helpful on this particular topic you have created” And usually the reply to that is “nope, I don’t care” If one just likes female attention, I think there’s better areas for that idk…

avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

Man that thread sucks.

As a stripper hoe whisperer. I think for a lot of girls. Its repulsive because the guy has no pride. At least that's how a lot of Latinas see it. The second part is when girls are indifferent to it and he doesn't tip extra it pisses them off.

It's also the cheapness of the ldk crowd I'm general. Everyone knows what the guys who come in don't buy drinks. Get 1 or 2 dances and leave.

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

—>“Nicespice also believes that, when you order Chicken McNuggets at McDonalds, they should let you eat one, and then slap the rest out of you hand, cause actually don't want you to be eating that shit.”

What I said would be more comparable to “no,you can’t order off the dollar menu, buy a combo or gtfo” Also, I wasn’t citing my own personal beliefs there. I’m not against the LDK customer crowd, just that if a dancer really does despise that, then it’s how to manage and avoid that. You are the one who used the strongly worded question of “how strippers can avoid getting ripped off by LDK freeloaders”

Nice spice would be 9rdering liver nuggets.... and pretending to read 😭

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

Yeah I still think it's better to simply not grind if LDK skeeves you. Don't rub the lamp at all if you don't want the evil gooey genie to pop out. But, I think that would be par for the course, if dancers stop grinding pre-nut and indicate the need for their minimum tip for LDK.

We all know you travel so much cause you're fleeing bench warrant for McNugget hand slapouts. They give you the needle for that in TX.

avatar for Subraman
2 yrs ago

“hey, fellow patrons can probably be more helpful on this particular topic you have created” And usually the reply to that is “nope, I don’t care” If one just likes female attention

Yep! I have to think that guys who post questions there often are looking for some stripper attention, maybe do a little kowtowing to get some praise. Eh, just a little online simping, no harm done lol

avatar for 623
2 yrs ago

I have had several girls ask if I wanted to pop. And if I say no I need to stay tidy for a meeting I’m headed to or anything like that they act disappointed. I think there is a significant number of dancers who get off on the fact that they have such a hold over guys if they’re good dancers. I wouldn’t be completely surprised to find them comparing counts at the end of the shift, how many guys did they get off etc.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

They want to drain our swimmers, so no child support will get skimmed off before they take all our $.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

TJ BGs are reluctant about LDK, cause they're Catholic:

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Buying Dances is a Chump's Game.

Pick the one you want, and showing generosity and charm, make something happen with her.

Front Room Make Out Session and then back room FS, then out the door with her to go continue on a mattress somewhere.


Mona Lisa Twins

avatar for TFP
2 yrs ago

Being all post is a chump's game.

No need to regurgitate memories of visits from 20 years ago. Have some experiences in the strip club in this day and age. Then come and share about your visits with the members of this forum. You know, like all the rest of us do.

What sjg is really saying

Solicit prostitution Some hookers will have you kiss them as a test if you're LE If you pass she'll fuck you in vip Then try to get her to do outcast service next time

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

"Being all post is a chump's game."

Duh, yeah, it's not FRMO.

avatar for PaulDrake
2 yrs ago

I think there will always be a contingent of anti LDK dancers who see stripping as an inherently feminist act. They make money teasing guys. If they choose to do extras it's their choice. Where a guy who can LDK can do that without their consent. The power dynamic is reversed.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

I don't think "LDK without consent" us a viable long term strategy. You'll end up getting walked pass all night a lot. Unless you only go to the clubbing once or twice a month, and find a new dancer you are attracted to, who you can splooge-blindside. So yeah, if you're happy only nutting once or twice a month, it could work.

People define feminist differently, I don't see it as a synonym for cocktease. A feminist will logically feel like she's got the same rights to mack on you as you have to mack on her. But even so, she may decide that playing those games is not living her best life.

avatar for BubbleYum
2 yrs ago

I personally hate posting or commenting on there because my opinion and perception of the job is much different, so I'm constantly down voted or "attacked by the mob".

I see r/stripper as far worse than StripperWeb. StripperWeb is a more diverse website with a history of providing help and ideas for strippers at varying points in their careers. R/stripper seems to be a congregation of mostly female dancers who hate men and many hate stripping. The overall theme and vibe of that subReddit is negative with a tinge of delusion. It's fine to complain about customers, who doesn't do that in any job of course... But to go on the internet and whine about your job and what it's becoming or things about it you dislike (extras and extras dancers) and expect any real change to come from that is not how to go about making that or any other change happen. They post photos on there, a public forum, and complain to and blame the moderator because men message them in response to the photos. The moderator has no control over that and yet they still whine about it because they feel they shouldn't have to change their message settings. Extras will always be a part of club culture and many there are blind to that reality due to their negativity and closed mindedness.

I simply don't understand how they can be so anti-men and hate the customers and job so much and still dance.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

Just tells me that many strippers don’t have a clue, I’ve never heard of a business that hates it’s customers, I hear many employees say they hate their customers, but in most business models strippers are expected to be on the business side of the equation and yet they make posts like this. SMH

Other businesses don't have customers 6rying to pull the shit sc customers do....

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ I’m never surprised by how stupid you really are I have come to expect it.

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

Ooh goodness, I guess I just don’t notice the manhating because when I first started dancing, stripper tumblr was still going strong. THAT was some serious hatred there! 🫣 No other social media or forum community since then has even come close to that vitriol.

avatar for BubbleYum
2 yrs ago

Men (and sometimes women or couples) are the reason stripping exists. Our survival in this industry is reliant on our paying customers. It seriously irks me that these idiot girls hate those they simultaneously rely on so much. Like... Make it make sense. 🤯

There was a post on r/strippers recently where another girl was asking about working without being touched. It is literally impossible to be a stripper with the expectation of never being touched - even at air dance clubs.

It's like they want to go backwards in time to when stripping wasn't so mainstream and was taboo. Most of those girls should work at a peep show bar with a plastic wall dividing them from the customers - problem solved.

Those are just my opinions though from actually interacting with them on the two stripper subReddits. Extras are and will ALWAYS be a part of clubs. And it's not the dancers doing it. It's the managers and club stuff allowing extras to happen. Yelling at extras dancers on a subReddit is not going to make them go away.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

Men and women will often see things differently; even more-so dsncers vs custies - we are wired-differently, and have different reasons for being in the club - i.e. a website with both custies and dancers will usually turn into a shit-show soonwr than later.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

A lot of people, both dancers and custies, often don't have a clear, or more-so realistic, view of strip clubs and often their view is what's portrayed in television or movies or music-videos.

There are girls that are in-love with the "glamorous aspect" of stripping often portrayed and think they will make tons of money by basically just showing a little skin or that guys are such desperate-PLs they will pay them hundreds or thousands just to sit and talk to them.

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

—> “i.e. a website with both custies and dancers will usually turn into a shit-show soonwr than later.”

On the plus side, at least I haven’t gotten banned off r/stripclubs yet 🥳

avatar for BubbleYum
2 yrs ago

^ I'm expecting the dancers of r/stripper to eventually rally and demand for my ban since I always try to reason with and explain my stance regarding extras.

R/strippers just gained a new mod though. 🥳🎉

avatar for BubbleYum
2 yrs ago

"There are girls that are in-love with the "glamorous aspect" of stripping often portrayed and think they will make tons of money by basically just showing a little skin or that guys are such desperate-PLs they will pay them hundreds or thousands just to sit and talk to them."

100% could not agree more. Social media and Stripper TikTok (StripTok) are not helping and are only glamorizing stripping. It is not a job that should ever be glamorized.

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

Just double checked your comment history. If comparing that to mine, I’m pretty sure that if bans start happening I’ll be gone before you are. 😂

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

Well, it's not like we don't see a lot of knee-jerk animosity by PLs against dancers on TUSCL. So it's a classic case of two groups with entrenched mutual animosity, that's been going on as long as anyone can remember. Hatfields and McCoys, Crips and Bloods, etc.

I'm always mystified by PLs who get such a phone pole up the ass about strippers trying to bullshit them out of $. They come across like nobody else has done this to them. Do they NOT have a boss? Do they NOT have a doctor? Do they NOT have any loser parasite relatives? Have they NEVER bought a car or a house? It's the way of the world, and I'm not pure myself. I shy away from the bullshitting, but that's why my employer would never let me work on a sales team (and they shy away from letting me talk to interviewees). So effectively I'm just getting of with letting others do the bullshitting for me.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

@heaving congrats on finding a company with unscammy bosses, I've had no such luck.

I think I would strategically retreat if a stripper large enough to pin me to a chair was advancing on my. I don't think she could sneak up on me, I'd feel the ground vibrating.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

You guys got is wrong. I don't solicit prostitution and I don't recommend it.

But that is not why buying dances is a chump's game and that is not why the FRMOS is so important.

You want to get the girl opened up to relate to you in a perfectly ordinary way.

Just as a show of respect she still gets good money, but that money is not motivating her or buying her.


avatar for TFP
2 yrs ago

@Bubbleyum TBH when I was speaking about how different viewpoints are accepted in the reddit thread I had a lot of your own posts there in mind. I like the way you post candidly and don't sugar coat anything.

Which is why I'm surprised you say that stripperweb is better in your opinion. I would think if you made those type of posts on stripperweb the herd would be even worse than they are on Reddit in replying to you. The things you said about the dancers on r/strippers, I felt exactly the same way about the girls on stripperweb. I haven't visited stripperweb in a while though, maybe it's changed.

Yeah I see some cringe posts on Reddit though, I was tripping out about the girl complaining about being touched also. But I did like the advice she got. It wasn't just an echo chamber of 'yeah I can't stand these gropey ass men!'. Instead, a lot of dancers chimed in and said 'if you can't handle guys touching you, this job ain't for you'.

Anyhow, I think the thread that is stickied to the top of r/stripper titled 'so you think you can dance?' is one of the realest pieces ever written about dancing. And tbh I could have sworn that was you @Bubbleyum who wrote it. But I guess not, unless that's your alternate profile. The writing style was pretty similar.

avatar for BubbleYum
2 yrs ago

I feel like this is an industry where things should not be sugar coated. If others want sugar coating, then they can do pole sport. Stripping can be a vile and vicious industry where the truth is necessary in most situations.

The girl who wrote that thread is a straight up bitch. I've had unkind interactions with her on both stripper subReddits. She's very anti-extras and extremely anti-men. I, personally, don't think she should be a stripper with her mindset. There was a post a long time ago on r/strippers of a porn scene taking place at a strip club. The actress was giving a bj on the salesfloor of the club. That bitch replied saying "hope she gets fired." I countered, hopefully embarrassing her, informing her it was a porn scene given the film quality and the watermark. And then we got into about how she believes extras girls should just escort and are ruining the industry. And then I told her to come to Detroit and work. Find out how not safe escorting is and why extras girls choose to do ITC instead. And then she accused me of not being a real stripper because I am extras friendly. To which I informed her that extras friendly clubs do exist and they are not brothels and why. I had more interactions with her, but none as extreme as what I already spoke of. But, in short, fuck that cunt. That's how much I can't stand her.

I haven't been on StripperWeb in ages. First, I can't log in for whatever reason. Whenever I do, it logs me out right away. I tried for a while on multiple devices/browsers and even created new accounts. So I gave up. Also, most of the information on there is dated and stripper Reddit is far more mainstream given it shows up way higher in Google searches.

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

—>“I haven't been on StripperWeb in ages. First, I can't log in for whatever reason. Whenever I do, it logs me out right away. I tried for a while on multiple devices/browsers and even created new accounts.”

When you log in, you have to select the box nearby to indicate that you want to stay logged in or else it will do that. I made a second account too before I figured that out. 🙄

avatar for TFP
2 yrs ago

@Bubbleyum damn I guess I got that all wrong then. That exchange you had with her, can you link it?

But I swear from reading her last couple months of posts she didn't give off any indication that she was against extras girls or clubs.

avatar for BubbleYum
2 yrs ago

That exchange was removed when r/strippers was taken over. It was spammed with porn and Only Fans links and taken over and now moderated better. All posts before the that take over are gone. That's where I had that interaction with her. If I link anything, it'll give me way though and I don't want that.

avatar for Subraman
2 yrs ago

"R/strippers just gained a new mod though. 🥳🎉"

Let's hope the new mod is extras friendly!

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