Mr. San Jose

avatar for DoctorPhil.
Mr. San Jose gets a lot shit on this board and keeps on posting. That takes some grit and determination. Even if you don’t like the shit he posts you’ve got to admire that. I don’t really know what Mr. San Jose believes since he writes so damn much and who has the time to read all of that stuff unless they’re sure it has a good punch line, but even if some of it is kind of creepy I’m sure you’re just blowing off steam.

Besides, accusations of creepiness coming from a guy who insults any breed of dog should be taken with a grain of salt. Dogs are loyal and noble creatures. Be they Chihuahuas or be they Great Danes. Answer me this: have you ever met a dog that wasn’t charming? Those of you who break into houses and get your ass bit by the Bouvier des Flandres guarding its the sleeping family all I can say is y’all got what you deserved. But other dogs…totally charming.

Anyway, the point is that dogs are cool and Mr. San Jose is a harmless weirdo. Probably. Watch this video and substitute “San Jose Guy” for “Britney”…


Point of clarification. Technically, shouldn't you be referring to him as Mr. Jose Guy?
Their obsession with him makes them look creepier
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