
Dancers fishing for compliments.

Atlanta suburb
I hear it a lot. Do you like my hair this way or do you like my new outfit, etc? If she is hot, my usual response is "I'd fuck ya". That at least gets a smile.


  • jackslash
    2 years ago
    Women in general fish for compliments. It took me many years of my young adult life to realize that when a woman asks "Does this make me look fat?" the only answer is No.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    It's not fishing for compliments. More like flirty attempts at conversation
  • GoddessZora
    2 years ago
    Not fishing at all, definitely conversation starters.
    “Do you like my new outfit?” The sole purpose of that question is to get you to check her out. We’re dancers. It’s part of the gig, big guy.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    My first rule is to not waste a dancer's time. My second rule is to say nice things to the dancer as long as the dancer is being nice to me.

    So, if a dancer asks me a question like that, I say something nice and don't try to be clever about it. What I think is clever might not go over well with the dancer, and I don't like drama in the club.
  • doctorevil
    2 years ago
    Yes, I guess we all get the “do you like my outfit” question a lot. I have two basic responses. If it’s coming from a girl I’m not really interested in who just intruded on my space, I will just smile and say yes, it’s very nice. Even if I think it looks like shit. I will find a polite way to let her know very soon I’m not interested in her so I don’t waste her time (or my time and money).

    If it’s a girl I’m interested in, I’ll say yes, but I like what’s in it better. Obviously, this quickly leads to a dance. Or sometimes I’ll say yes, it looks good on you, but I bet it would look better on the floor, which is actually a line I got from a dancer quite a while ago which I thought was kind of amusing.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    Yes I like your outfit, it would look best on the floor in the VIP area.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    What about questions like
    Do you love me
    Did you come looking for me the other day
    Who’s your favorite, second favorite dancer
    Whats my name

    The dancer wants her ego stroked?
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    She's playing you as a ril
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Why ask thise questions? Seems like she wants a feel for how much I like her?

    This is not my atf btw its a dancer i got two dances with

    What kinds of things are done to RIL do strippers pretend to be in love with some guys
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    When it comes to the stuff I’m honest Abe. I also have a fetish of being jumped by gangs of strippers so it works out
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    I think those questions are simply conversation starters.

    They are phrased as questions, in order to get you talking and possibly find out what you like.

    The responses are largely compliments. But, you can add your preferences to your replies, so that she understands what you like in a dancer/dance.

    If you have no interest in her, you can let her know politely too.
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    I have noooothing witty to say in response to this thread. I must never be able to engage in repartee with people ever…

    -nervously glances around the metaphorical room in this thread-
  • Subraman
    2 years ago
    I always say something nice, regardless. Doesn't cost me anything. Sometimes I then ask her back if she likes my strip club outfit. This leads to a humorous interaction that makes me seem like a normal person.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    I get this question every so often but almost never from someone I just met. It's almost always from someone I either previously met or who has been sitting with me for a while.

    I'm sure that there are all sorts of reasons for it. Also why does it have to be a singular choice? Maybe she is seeking any combination of affirmation, conversation fodder and getting your attention on her assets.

    It doesn't cost me anything to give a compliment so why not? Unless the outfit is truly awful, for which I just tell her that she always looks good but I liked her last one better.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    They're just having fun, want to get you looking at them.

    I always try to give a sincere compliment, even though it might not be exactly what they were expecting.


    Joe Bonamassa
  • grand1511
    2 years ago
    The question I hate from a dancer that I've just met for 10 minutes or less..."What are you thinking?" 99 times out of a 100 they don't want to know the real answer.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    You never say anything bad to them.

    Some women will ask, "Do you think I'm too fat?"

    You never in any way say yes.

    You never guess how old they are either.

    Once at the home of a friend a woman asked me how old I though she was. I told her 30. She started screaming. I really felt bad.

    Turns out she was 29. But what I had really thought was she was probably 35.

    I was 22, so it was hard to tell.

    But now I know, you never go along with that, too fat, or how old they are.

    It all goes to show you, women can be easy to manipulate, to get into bed.


    Maggie May, original
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    No offense grand1511 - but that would be a dangerous for a dancer to ask a strip club customer.

    If certain guys answer honestly, they could easily get their face slapped!
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    SJg what if they want to tell you the truth?
    And why cant you tell the truth? Sure they may be offended, but lying doesnt always feel right
    It would depend on the situation. But in some cases it may be fine to tell the truth
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    That kind of stuff, too fat, or age, you cannot tell the truth, no matter how much they want it.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    They're making small talk getting your attention. Seeing if you're into them. They're not looking for validation from strangers at work. Not being able to read social cues is how guys end up acting too creepy in clubs.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Women often do look for validation from strangers. But you can't ever tell them they are fat or how old they look.


  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "Not being able to read social cues is how guys end up acting too creepy in clubs."

    Well, I'll agree and disagree. I've never once met a grown man who used the term "social cues" who wasn't a beta bitch pussy. But I agree that guys who struggle to interact with women often come across as creepy ITC.
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    Yesterday at my favorite club I ran into a dancer that I have previously done 3 VIPs with. She is petite. She asked if her top made her boobs look bigger. She can barely fill a "B" cup. This was not an ice breaker question. I told her "No. Just nice and perky". She smiled at my response and then we went to VIP again. :)
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    Shadowcat I’m no aware of that translation - but I like it anyway.

    Does this top make my boobs look big? = You ready to take me to VIP?

    Maybe I should update my google translate - stripper speak edition!
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