Ever film yourself fucking a stripper or prostitute?

avatar for JamesSD

And did she charge extra for it?

I'm curious what the general protocol and going rate is. A lot of my civvy FWB have been ok with or wantEd documentation of our fuck.


last comment
avatar for georgmicrodong
6 yrs ago

I nearly always ask. I don’t pay extra for it though. I don’t recall anyone ever saying anything but “sure!” or “no.”

avatar for Subraman
6 yrs ago

I've done it a few times, with both strippers and fbsm girls. In all cases, I was a very good regular before I asked; most just specified that they don't want their face in the video. Never been asked to pay extra (again, probably because I was a good regular anyway)

avatar for Icey
6 yrs ago

i think since nudes are so common nowadays, filming sex is just the next step...

avatar for doctorevil
6 yrs ago

A couple of times. Haven’t paid extra. First time OTCs. Like most things, just ask and you will get your answer. If you don’t ask, you’ll never know If she would have been up for it. I rarely ask for videos, but ask to take photos frequently. Most girls say yes to that.

avatar for JamesSD
6 yrs ago

Thanks dudes

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

I prefer a courtroom sketch artist.

But that's just me, maybe.

avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 yrs ago

I don't ask for it but I did have a regular SB that wanted me to POV her fucking her doggy and then unloading on her back and ass. Neither one of us had our faces shown and I obliged her a couple of times. She sent me the vids too.

avatar for Warrior15
6 yrs ago

Why would you want incriminating evidence ?

avatar for NJBalla
6 yrs ago

Never, I dont even take dick pics. Maybe im old fashioned or have made too many "send" mistakes in the past.

avatar for gawker
6 yrs ago

Many times. I’m a part time voyeur and enjoy historical studies. I’ve even got one friend who sends me videos of her fucking other guys.

avatar for TrapBaby304
6 yrs ago

anyone who lets you is stupid

avatar for jackslash
6 yrs ago

I have photos and videos of strippers blowing me or getting fucked, either in my home or the stripper's. I always ask and they seldom refuse. I have not had to pay extra for this service. The ones who agree have never minded their faces being shown. I had a 3-way once where one of the strippers was taking her own videos and photos with her iPhone. I hope she enjoys watching me having sex with her and her friend.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

No. Not my thing.

Also, the only person who has made a sex tape into a career is Kim Kardashian. For everyone else, it's a colossal fuck up. For me, not worth the risk.

avatar for JeffTUSCL
6 yrs ago

Only once, she asked, recorded it on her phone, but was just a POV blowjob. I did the recording. Never knew why she wanted to do that but my guess is she was trying to make her boyfriend jealous. She wasn't a prostitute or stripper, just a fwb open minded girl who was into doing a regular arrangement.

avatar for rickdugan
6 yrs ago

No. Never have and never will.

avatar for pistola
6 yrs ago

What Dugan said.

avatar for bubba267
6 yrs ago

Yes, I just playfully act like I'm going to try to gauge response. Most have been into it but most want to avoid face shots until they really trust that they aren't going to be posted on the Internet.

avatar for Cristobal
6 yrs ago

I have the best recordings in my memory.

avatar for JamesSD
6 yrs ago

See, I really wish I had videos of the girls I was banging 15 years ago. memories only take you so far

avatar for dancewdcpa
6 yrs ago

My personal favorite porn category is amateur..

So taking pics whenever she allows is perfect for fond memories...or getting excited for next time.

I have done this often enough with civies so asking during an otc has worked well for me...pics not vids..

Good luck!

avatar for whodey
6 yrs ago

I have a few times OTC and only one asked for extra for it. I even had one stripper offer it unprompted ITC but she wanted double the FS tip to do so and that was just crazy.

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