I'm recently asking a stripper in LA for OTC. The price she offers me is 1000, which is too expensive. From other boards, I noticed that someone can get OTC with only 500. I understand the price may vary in different city. Does anyone know whether 1000 is a reasonable price in Los Angeles? Or if there's still space I can bargain, what is the lowest price I can expect according to the market in LA?
What do mid to upper tier hookers go for on an hourly basis in the area?
When I’m going out here, it usually ends up being about 75-100% of the mid tier escort hourly rate, or maybe around the median hour long VIP price in her club. But that’s for however long we take, which is usually longer than an hour. Often, quite a bit *longer* than an hour.
Since this is flyover country, I’m not sure that formula necessarily applies to the People’s Republic of California though.
First impression... Los Angeles is an expensive market, but $1000 is high. She's likely hoping that your hornier than you are sensible.
Is that for a set amount of time or wide open? What are you expecting from your OTC experience, and have you communicated that to her *clearly*?
When dancers quote that high, I rarely even try to negotiate. If there's a huge margin between what she wants and what you want to pay, then the chances for a fun encounter are hair thin.
Best to not ask her how much and for you to know the going-rate ahead of time and propose something in the neighborhood - asking a dancer how much is like asking a car salesman how much the car is and going w/ what he tells you - i.e. it's way more common dancers quote sky-high vs a reasonable-price since there's a chump walking thru the SC doors ever day.
I would not pay more than $500 unless she's Victoria Secret model caliber which rarely any dancer is - and even then I wouldn't pay it - I wouldn't even pay $500 unless she's a "can't pass up" chick or I want her for an entire-day.
Perhaps more importantly than location is the caliber of club she dances at - if it's a midtier club likely she'll be more-open to a reasonable offer - if it's one of the top-clubs w/ whales then it's a different animal - I don't OTC much but I would not wanna pay more than $300 maybe $400 it being LA.
I have a regular OTC in Vegas from one of the top tier clubs. She’s probably a 9 looks and a 10 performance and we do OTC for $300 which includes at least an hour or more social time. I think $500 even for LA is a bit aggressive particularly for an unknown entity performance wise.
I used to abide by $1,000 being a limit for Vegas and L.A., but these days I think I’ve found enough for $500 to be the limit. $500 is generally my max for anywhere.
Guys..... I lived in Vegas and SoCal. You do NoT escort out there. You SA it. Vegas SA is $400-600 for foxes for a few hours. Cali is cheaper bc cost of living and the sheer amount.
DC next time you wanna wank something besides your Xbox controller, go browse the SA LA girls, you will think you’re in heaven.
All you gotta do is send a message to ten hotties on SA in a span of 5 minutes. Like, ‘Staying at the mgm, looking for company at 8pm for 4 roses. Text me #####.’ So throw in the cost of a burner app too. Lol
Cali cheaper than Nevada???? NO WAY! You stay in the nicest parts of Las Vegas for the price you'd pay in the ghetto in Los Angeles!!!
$500 is the average in Los Angeles, unless you go to some place like Van Nuys, which will be $300 at the lowest.
$700 in Las Vegas just because of the sheer volume of tricks and because girls can get away with charging that much.
Many will quote a higher price simply because they can.
$1000 isn't unreasonable depending on the location. A lot of money moves through LA and LV and men will pay. Its a reasonable rate at nicer clubs.
$100 today is maybe worth what $20 was 5 years ago. The dollar doesn't buy much these days. $300 is not a lot of money LMFAO That's like lunch, getting your nails done and a pair of shoes marked down like 50% LMAO
One thing you also need to realize is that a lot of girls who can demand high rates will tell you that's their booking fee for appearing outside the club. They'll charge you extra for sex if that's what you're thinking lol
@Trap I agree with the rates FOR CLUB GALS in those areas. You can believe me or not, tons of trim on SA for half that, hot coed types. And $300 is a lot of money to a coed or ft student in Cali. Ain’t gonna argue with you. Unless you show us some titties lol
If you want a wannabe model/actress you can get full service for as low as $150. If you pick them up at a regular club around $200-$300.
I can believe it, but they don't know their value then lol They probably figure that if they charge less because of competition they can get more guys so it evens out. Otherwise it doesn't seem worth it.
$200-300 for casual 1-2 hours is the normal max for any hottie in LA. Some get more because they are called using an escort ad (which is a bad idea) and others get more because they ask and a guy pays without thinking. Anyone paying over $400 for about an hour of time better be getting a Scarlett Johansson lookalike who swallows or be rich and $400 is like loose change in the couch.
I have slept with over 50 LA girls p4p (maybe close to 100), most hotties, and I can count on one hand the number where the agreement was over $300 per visit, but never $400 or more. Most were $200-250 and many repeats. During the economic slump, $100-160 was the norm. Most were nice girls, some airheads. no ROBs.
@everyone Thanks for all of your opinions and suggestions. I've never bought OTC before, but now I have got some idea about how much the regular price of OTC is supposed to be.
@Call.Me.Ishmael Yes it's wide opened. But I actually don't need whole night, just an hour or two. All I'm expecting is meeting, have sex, then leave. You reminded me, I just assumed that she knows what I mean. I should make it clear at first or she may charge me extra.
A lot of guys are some version of shy, wary, or afraid to say out loud exactly what they expect. Some dancers use this to their advantage. Others don't, but it still opens the door to miscommunication and frustration.
For something like this and for that amount of money, you both need to be on the same page.
To me a qoute of $1,000 is basically her kind way of declining the offer while hoping I will still pay her for dances at the club. That price is something I would never even try to negotiate down because it is just too far out of the ballpark. My experience is that you will almost never get a quality girl to go to less than half her original offer. That's why I don't even bother negotiating if she qoutes above $500 because here in the midwest I am usedto paying $150-250 per session and I have never gone above $300.
OTC isn't such a scarce resource that you should pay above average market rates. I'm sure LA is more expensive but don't go beyond either average escort prices or the price of a 1 hour VIP + tip for the area.
The OP mentioned the club she dances at is one of the $50/dance LA clubs, so I would not be too surprised at the $1K asking price - these clubs seem to have above avg hot dancers many of whom seem like sharks - it's an expensive club.
I would still stick to $300 if all you want is 1 or 2 hours - do $400 if she won't budge - and $500 if you just have to have her (vs just wanting to try OTC with someone) - if u see this as a one-time thing with her, then overpaying a *bit* is not that bad, but if you'd like it to be an ongoing thing then overpaying at first will often lock u in at that higher-price.
As in any business transaction, one needs to be able to walk away if not comfortable with the terms (she's not the only dancer in LA) - I also tend to be wary of dancers that ask for very big $$$ bc often times they are full of themselves (GPS) and may not provide a worthwhile experience.
You're best off getting your advice from someone who actually partakes in that market, like Jefftuscl, rather htan empty speculation. I'll tell you in SF, which is another hyper-expensive market, $1000 is waaaaay too much; not that there aren't girls asking and getting that at times, from guys who don't know any better or who have enough scratch not to care.
Papi Chulpo made a comment with which I very strongly agree -- do not open the negotiation by asking the girl what she charges. If you do, you can just expect to be quoted these outrageous prices regularly. Just like if she quotes $1000, she's depending on you being squeamish about counter-offering $300 since it's so low, generally speaking if you start with $300, she's not going to counter with $1000 -- she'll either walk, or counter with something reasonable. Different people have different negotiating strategies, but for me, that absolute key to getting a fair deal for both sides, is me always naming the initial price, NEVER asking her what she charges. NEver ever ever never.
@Pistola: "All you gotta do is send a message to ten hotties on SA in a span of 5 minutes. Like, ‘Staying at the mgm, looking for company at 8pm for 4 roses. Text me #####.’" ______________ I'm amazed that the AI on SA hasn't banned your account or that one of these girls hasn't reported you for using escort terminology. Also your statement that " SA in LA is $100-300 max for absolute hotties." sounds ludicrous in the LA area. Some of these hot college girls get hundreds of messages and they're not looking to go to your hotel room for a quickie.
m amazed that the AI on SA hasn't banned your account or that one of these girls hasn't reported you for using escort terminology. Also your statement that " SA in LA is $100-300 max for absolute hotties." sounds ludicrous in the LA area. Some of these hot college girls get hundreds of messages and they're not looking to go to your hotel room for a quickie. —-
@ RM - Believe what you want. Maybe you’re doing it wrong. What’s ludicrous is you not realizing how many people are in LA and the sheer amount of trim, it’s simole supply and demand. Proof is below if you wanna up your SA game. So, read it, thx for playing, and kindly STFU.
to be honest being hot in LA isn't a big deal. There are hot girls everywhere. I know for a fact that wannabe models and actresses will easily fuck for $150 to $300. The way they look at it is fast hassle free money. They're not full on pros so they don't usually want to go through the bs that higher paid escorts go through.
I’ve heard there are Persian strippers in LA and Vegas that do bbbj’s and bbfs for 10 cents, of course they’re the fugly ones the better looking ones charge less than a dollar lol
The going rate often has to do with the type of club - extras will usually not be the same price at a dive in Detroit like Bogarts vs an upscale club like Flight Club.
IMO $300 at Bogarts is overpaying but $300 at Flight Club is not necessarily overpaying.
Thanks papi chulo. Yes that's my experience $300 at flight club/coliseum/penthouse. $100-200 at Bogart's/cricket. But how is it just $300 for OTC as they're saying in this thread. I thought that would be more.
- we are kinda conditioned in the civilian world that pussy is very hard to get especially from any girl any time - then pussy is made available in strip clubs and one thinks/feels they have to pay a premium for it since it's often such a scarce resource in civilian world - i.e. the avg guy can't get laid whenever he wants from whomever he wants, so they go into an extras-club and they sorta feel they gotta have it no-matter the cost (within reason) since it's being offered
- many people are not comfortable negotiating/haggling - so they will often just go w/ what the dancer states or work-down a little from the dancer's price vs working -up a little from the custy's price
- many inexperienced SCers look at the dancer's price as set in stone and thus many pay it as if it was the going-rate
Many SCers feel they gotta pay top-dollar to get a particular dancer - that may be the case for some dancers but not most in a club IMO - for the most-part it's not that easy to get a custy to cough-up hundreds of dollars for VIP not to mention dancers losing out to other dancers via competition - i.e. a dancer has a lot to lose by turning down a reasonable offer and just waiting for top-$$$ - sure some dancers can get away w/ not budging from top-$$$, but many if not most will accept a fair offer if one is willing to think w/ their big head.
There are certain clubs known for expensive extras yet there are TUSCLers that are patient and prudent and end-up getting fairer value vs just assuming they have to pay the high price others pay or that dancers quote - it's just f'ing sex, one is not asking them for one of their organs yet many dancers ask, and many custies pay, like if the dancer was selling them one of their organs.
Also - during peak-times (Fr/Sat) eves, it can be more of a seller's market - a dancer feels she can turn down more offers and can afford to wait for the highest offers - i.e. going during slower times (weeknights, dayshift) can often help getting a fairer deal - also, often times one can get a fairer-deal near the end of a shift as the dancer may be more apt to make a quick score either b/c she hasn't done as well as she'd hoped or just to make some quick extra cash b/f calling it a shift.
None of these are foolproof "techniques" but there's some value to them - as in many things in life, at the strip-club patience can also be a virtue (not that I follow my own advice 100% of the time b/c my dick often takes over in the club) - it's probably best to have a game-plan going in rather than try to think straight when a half-naked chick is in front of you and you already have some pre-cum on your dick.
I'm not sure it's reasonable using a rule-of-thumb that OTC should somehow equal what a dancer can make working at the club - i.e. the thinking a dancer can make "$X" in her shift at the club, so why do OTC for less than "$X".
IMO OTC is side/extra $$$, and it's sure-$$$, and where she does not have to go in the club and also pay the club fees - OTC should not equal her shift-$$$ anymore than a dancer thinking one custy should supply all of her ITC $$$ during a shift.
OTC equaling ITC VIP $$$ is perhaps a good rule of thumb as long as one is not overpaying ITC to begin with.
Being patient/prudent will likely cause one to miss on certain opportunities - so it's up to each PL as to what is more important, getting a fair-value most of the time and missing out on a few, or paying top-dollar to not miss out most of the time.
@pb - for straight escorts or pros, it is. There are other avenues, like SA or running the proper game on your club gals to get the booty for cheaper. And pricing is all over the board, so if you’re successful and happy with what you’re paying, great.
Los Angeles is a large and expensive market, if you venture out to COI you might find some dancers willing to OTC for about a FS VIP session (low end from $$ to $$$).
When I go to Vegas the last couple of times I look for a "tour guide" with benefits. She can stay overnight if she likes or leave and come back especially on the days I have something to do work related. 2 K for 5-6 days and nights.
Both of the women have been very attractive and a lot of fun to be around. On days I am not working it pretty much is typical pool time-private time-out for dinner/drinks/show/ and more private time. I got Merry Christmas text from both of them.....also wanting to know if I would be back out in Vegas in 2019....so the money must be okay for them and I'm happy with the arrangement.
I used to overpay...$500 - 700 for all night or at least 3 -4 hours in the beginning...I am getting away with $100-200 now for 2-3 hours with a 7-8 nearly anywhere...Sure a lot of girls will try for $1,000 at first. Why not? But once you realize how readily sex is available and that these girls will compete you can easily pay less. If you feel bad buy her dinner and drinks at least she'll get something worthwhile out of it.
So many OTC experts... I would assume the price would be somewhat determined by location, quality of girls and the type of girl or as RD likes to say low or high volume. That is if the girl is basically an escort working at the SC, expect escort rates for OTC, which usually run about $200-$500 but you can get away with less as most escorts don't keep all of that rate. Or about how much an hour or so of VIP time for the girl's cut and her tip will cost. If the girl is a SB working at the SC, expect SB date prices. Again based on quality. Probably a similar rate, but SBs aren't as vigilant about time. If the girls is someone reluctant to the OTC at any price than you might eventually have to work out what she might take home after a shift to "convince" her. So again depending on the location, quality and popularity of the girl, probably a bit more than the other two examples.
last commentWhen I’m going out here, it usually ends up being about 75-100% of the mid tier escort hourly rate, or maybe around the median hour long VIP price in her club. But that’s for however long we take, which is usually longer than an hour. Often, quite a bit *longer* than an hour.
Since this is flyover country, I’m not sure that formula necessarily applies to the People’s Republic of California though.
Is that for a set amount of time or wide open? What are you expecting from your OTC experience, and have you communicated that to her *clearly*?
When dancers quote that high, I rarely even try to negotiate. If there's a huge margin between what she wants and what you want to pay, then the chances for a fun encounter are hair thin.
I would not pay more than $500 unless she's Victoria Secret model caliber which rarely any dancer is - and even then I wouldn't pay it - I wouldn't even pay $500 unless she's a "can't pass up" chick or I want her for an entire-day.
Perhaps more importantly than location is the caliber of club she dances at - if it's a midtier club likely she'll be more-open to a reasonable offer - if it's one of the top-clubs w/ whales then it's a different animal - I don't OTC much but I would not wanna pay more than $300 maybe $400 it being LA.
What club does she dance at?
1) money is no issue for them whatsoever
2) they don't know any better
Honestly that is almost a leave me alone quote.
DC next time you wanna wank something besides your Xbox controller, go browse the SA LA girls, you will think you’re in heaven.
$500 is the average in Los Angeles, unless you go to some place like Van Nuys, which will be $300 at the lowest.
$700 in Las Vegas just because of the sheer volume of tricks and because girls can get away with charging that much.
Many will quote a higher price simply because they can.
$1000 isn't unreasonable depending on the location. A lot of money moves through LA and LV and men will pay. Its a reasonable rate at nicer clubs.
$100 today is maybe worth what $20 was 5 years ago. The dollar doesn't buy much these days. $300 is not a lot of money LMFAO That's like lunch, getting your nails done and a pair of shoes marked down like 50% LMAO
I can believe it, but they don't know their value then lol They probably figure that if they charge less because of competition they can get more guys so it evens out. Otherwise it doesn't seem worth it.
I have slept with over 50 LA girls p4p (maybe close to 100), most hotties, and I can count on one hand the number where the agreement was over $300 per visit, but never $400 or more. Most were $200-250 and many repeats. During the economic slump, $100-160 was the norm. Most were nice girls, some airheads. no ROBs.
Thanks for all of your opinions and suggestions. I've never bought OTC before, but now I have got some idea about how much the regular price of OTC is supposed to be.
Yes it's wide opened. But I actually don't need whole night, just an hour or two. All I'm expecting is meeting, have sex, then leave. You reminded me, I just assumed that she knows what I mean. I should make it clear at first or she may charge me extra.
not sure about rate of upper tier, maybe 300?
A club which charge 50 for one lap dance.
For something like this and for that amount of money, you both need to be on the same page.
OTC isn't such a scarce resource that you should pay above average market rates. I'm sure LA is more expensive but don't go beyond either average escort prices or the price of a 1 hour VIP + tip for the area.
I would still stick to $300 if all you want is 1 or 2 hours - do $400 if she won't budge - and $500 if you just have to have her (vs just wanting to try OTC with someone) - if u see this as a one-time thing with her, then overpaying a *bit* is not that bad, but if you'd like it to be an ongoing thing then overpaying at first will often lock u in at that higher-price.
As in any business transaction, one needs to be able to walk away if not comfortable with the terms (she's not the only dancer in LA) - I also tend to be wary of dancers that ask for very big $$$ bc often times they are full of themselves (GPS) and may not provide a worthwhile experience.
Hiw are her dances - hot, avg, mild?
Papi Chulpo made a comment with which I very strongly agree -- do not open the negotiation by asking the girl what she charges. If you do, you can just expect to be quoted these outrageous prices regularly. Just like if she quotes $1000, she's depending on you being squeamish about counter-offering $300 since it's so low, generally speaking if you start with $300, she's not going to counter with $1000 -- she'll either walk, or counter with something reasonable. Different people have different negotiating strategies, but for me, that absolute key to getting a fair deal for both sides, is me always naming the initial price, NEVER asking her what she charges. NEver ever ever never.
I'm amazed that the AI on SA hasn't banned your account or that one of these girls hasn't reported you for using escort terminology. Also your statement that " SA in LA is $100-300 max for absolute hotties." sounds ludicrous in the LA area. Some of these hot college girls get hundreds of messages and they're not looking to go to your hotel room for a quickie.
There's just too many profiles, fakes, etc.
@ RM - Believe what you want. Maybe you’re doing it wrong. What’s ludicrous is you not realizing how many people are in LA and the sheer amount of trim, it’s simole supply and demand. Proof is below if you wanna up your SA game. So, read it, thx for playing, and kindly STFU.
$300 for OTC? That's usually what I pay for ITC(FS). Am I paying too much?
IMO $300 at Bogarts is overpaying but $300 at Flight Club is not necessarily overpaying.
(if your employer hasn’t provided you with one.)
- we are kinda conditioned in the civilian world that pussy is very hard to get especially from any girl any time - then pussy is made available in strip clubs and one thinks/feels they have to pay a premium for it since it's often such a scarce resource in civilian world - i.e. the avg guy can't get laid whenever he wants from whomever he wants, so they go into an extras-club and they sorta feel they gotta have it no-matter the cost (within reason) since it's being offered
- many people are not comfortable negotiating/haggling - so they will often just go w/ what the dancer states or work-down a little from the dancer's price vs working -up a little from the custy's price
- many inexperienced SCers look at the dancer's price as set in stone and thus many pay it as if it was the going-rate
Many SCers feel they gotta pay top-dollar to get a particular dancer - that may be the case for some dancers but not most in a club IMO - for the most-part it's not that easy to get a custy to cough-up hundreds of dollars for VIP not to mention dancers losing out to other dancers via competition - i.e. a dancer has a lot to lose by turning down a reasonable offer and just waiting for top-$$$ - sure some dancers can get away w/ not budging from top-$$$, but many if not most will accept a fair offer if one is willing to think w/ their big head.
There are certain clubs known for expensive extras yet there are TUSCLers that are patient and prudent and end-up getting fairer value vs just assuming they have to pay the high price others pay or that dancers quote - it's just f'ing sex, one is not asking them for one of their organs yet many dancers ask, and many custies pay, like if the dancer was selling them one of their organs.
Also - during peak-times (Fr/Sat) eves, it can be more of a seller's market - a dancer feels she can turn down more offers and can afford to wait for the highest offers - i.e. going during slower times (weeknights, dayshift) can often help getting a fairer deal - also, often times one can get a fairer-deal near the end of a shift as the dancer may be more apt to make a quick score either b/c she hasn't done as well as she'd hoped or just to make some quick extra cash b/f calling it a shift.
None of these are foolproof "techniques" but there's some value to them - as in many things in life, at the strip-club patience can also be a virtue (not that I follow my own advice 100% of the time b/c my dick often takes over in the club) - it's probably best to have a game-plan going in rather than try to think straight when a half-naked chick is in front of you and you already have some pre-cum on your dick.
IMO OTC is side/extra $$$, and it's sure-$$$, and where she does not have to go in the club and also pay the club fees - OTC should not equal her shift-$$$ anymore than a dancer thinking one custy should supply all of her ITC $$$ during a shift.
OTC equaling ITC VIP $$$ is perhaps a good rule of thumb as long as one is not overpaying ITC to begin with.
Both of the women have been very attractive and a lot of fun to be around. On days I am not working it pretty much is typical pool time-private time-out for dinner/drinks/show/ and more private time. I got Merry Christmas text from both of them.....also wanting to know if I would be back out in Vegas in 2019....so the money must be okay for them and I'm happy with the arrangement.
I would assume the price would be somewhat determined by location, quality of girls and the type of girl or as RD likes to say low or high volume. That is if the girl is basically an escort working at the SC, expect escort rates for OTC, which usually run about $200-$500 but you can get away with less as most escorts don't keep all of that rate. Or about how much an hour or so of VIP time for the girl's cut and her tip will cost. If the girl is a SB working at the SC, expect SB date prices. Again based on quality. Probably a similar rate, but SBs aren't as vigilant about time. If the girls is someone reluctant to the OTC at any price than you might eventually have to work out what she might take home after a shift to "convince" her. So again depending on the location, quality and popularity of the girl, probably a bit more than the other two examples.