Letting an older and well versed sugar baby teach me the ways

avatar for JuiceBox69
Strip club game and sugar baby game is 100% different set of skills

So im getting a girl on to be my coach

What yall think ?


last comment
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Honestly I think it’s another bad idea Juice.
avatar for Muddy
6 years ago
Honestly I think it’s another bad idea Juice.
avatar for JuiceBox69
6 years ago
Yet again men say i have bad ideas and yet my game keeps expanding to a level most y'all can't even comprehend.

Whatever's guys

Just remember i keep meeting you guys and the reports are how does he do it lol

avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
But you’re not coming to Miami next week?
avatar for JuiceBox69
6 years ago
Yeah because my engine locked up.. My bad that my fortune sucks

At least i got a dependable car to keep up my busy schedule

I apologise for being responsible
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 years ago
"So im getting a girl on to be my coach"

What does that mean?

You're hiring a woman from outside SA to coach you on SA? You're looking for an SA girl to coach you on SA in addition to being a SB?
avatar for Warrenboy75
6 years ago
Don't overthink things. SA is pretty simple --find someone you think will be fun. Decide if you are looking 1 to 1 or you are going to use the site as an escort board. Realize that life is going to come up at times and be flexible if you can. Set expectations with the SB. Don't settle and if she doesn't keep her part of the arrangement move on.
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
"SA is not so great lately ..... thumbs down"

So you're getting messages from a guy you never met stating: "Staying at the mgm, looking for company at 8pm for 4 $100. Text me #####.’"

What kind of lucky girl would refuse a romantic offer like that?
avatar for RandomMember
6 years ago
"Strip club game and sugar baby game is 100% different set of skills"
Sort of an interesting question and depends on what kind of SB you're going after. To first-order, strippers are professional hustlers and are masters at manipulating men. So it's a matter of cutting through the horseshit and not getting ripped off. OTOH, some inexperienced college girl online will need to feel reassured and safe. So yeah, very different skill set.
avatar for MackTruck
6 years ago
Juice gets it done
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
Juices ad:

"Looking for SB past her prime to teach me how to get younger and hotter SBs."

I agree this is a whole other skill set that requires highly skilled game. And lolz at RM above, that's how you get laid quickly, that's not how to land a real SB.... He is just butthurt as he has been paying these gals too much money sounds like.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
SBs are mostly pros or semi pro hoes. Dancers sell a fantasy thats our job.
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
I don't necessarily think you need any special skillz to use SA the way you and B.Ho and others have in the past -- that is, as just a way to find and bang escorts, or to hit-it-and-quit-it naive SBs who don't know how to identify john behavior and are easily victimized. If you're looking for an actual sugar baby for a regular sugar arrangement, in all honesty the vast majority of what I learned is more around things like: how to quickly identify scammers, escorts, and other wastes of time, how to deal with the insane amount of flakiness. When it comes to the SBs themselves, mostly it's about approaching them right when you messaging them, quickly building trust, and driving swiftly to an initial ** unpaid ** ** platonic ** meet and greet.
avatar for pistola
6 years ago
@Subra - I’ve used it for both, but mainly for the SB style. My married friends have the game down on how to zip and get girls fast. Text 10, get responses from 5-6, a few messages elimate the pool down to 2-3, set up meeting with 2-3 bc 1-2 are going to flake. That said, yes finding a real SB with realistic expectations which you have to persuade her are realistic takes a certain skill and moxie. You have the unpaid platonic m&g right as a critical step!
avatar for likes2look
6 years ago
Y’all don’t understand. Juice mane wants to be a SB with a well heeled sugar mama taking care of him!
avatar for Subraman
6 years ago
Ha, now it all makes total sense!
avatar for Icey
6 years ago
A semi pro is a pro in the making. You're dealing with hookers. Cut the euphemisms. There's nothing to it, you're paying them for a service that they're delivering...
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