
Comments by Subraman (page 113)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your experiences with stripper employee status in CA so far
    On the contrary, you do not know a fraction of what I know. But like most blowhards, you love TALKING about how much you know LOL
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Wrong about Vegas - Palomino kinda rocks
    pistola: what does "behind the curtain at SR dayshift" cost? Is this a $100 VIP type of thing? I figured that a smart local who knows how to work the system can always get more than a tourist -- I have engineered some fun outcomes here, too, otherwise I would have stopped SCing. But as a tourist, you won't be likely to have tons of fun in SF
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your experiences with stripper employee status in CA so far
    There financial structure -- e.g., first $150 goes to the club, 70/30 (club 70) split of the next $200 (I think it is, need to go back on check), etc. It's elementary arithmetic to see the club is taking a bigger cut versus the previous. It's a fact that hours are being restricted. Again, that's just my local area. I believe other actual SC customers -- e.g., JamesSD -- that there hasn't been this impact where he is. I don't have an axe to grind, and in a management vs the girls fight, I'm 100% of the side of the girls. But also not giving any credence to a persona controlled by someone who doesn't go to strip clubs or talk to strippers, who has dreamt up a position for political reasons, and for whom no amount of first-hand discussion will change. I hope it works out for the girls, it's just not doing that locally. I'm very interested in hearing other first hand reports
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your experiences with stripper employee status in CA so far
    No idea about AZ or NV, I'm not going to dream up explanations about things I know nothing about. I just know -- being a real actual person, who has spoken to actual strippers and a club manager -- what I'm reporting here: that it is a fact that the new financial structure means the girls are taking home less out of their earnings (especially tough on dayshift), that it is a fact that there's been a mini-exodus from the local clubs, that it is a fact that the girls are being very limited in hours.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Wrong about Vegas - Palomino kinda rocks
    Papi: It's outside Vegas proper, as far as I know, so outside the insane regulation level Warrior15: No, didn't ask, since I didn't even do any privates and not sure if or when I'll be back
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How DC and her stupid topics promote violence in society today
    Daddillac: you think DC is ...?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your experiences with stripper employee status in CA so far
    It also protects them from retaining relatively more of the money they earn, working more than 32 hours, working doubles, picking their own shifts, etc.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Is there a good way to get a dancer to allow you to touch her pussy?
    I recently had my first trip to Palomino and ... am surprised you are having this 'problem' at Palomino
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your experiences with stripper employee status in CA so far
    Ya... every time there's some big change, the girls get fucked. The clubs are always going to adapt to ensure their revenue stream; and change is an opportunity
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    OTC guide: Short stay hotels and other suggestions
    ^^ In San Francisco, that kind of hotel could easily cost me $250-$700, hence my enthusiasm for Recharge, day rate hotel apps, etc.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Pigs likes getting dirty
    Real time roll calls?
    Bullz: many clubs have policies against giving out the entire current lineup, and if you ask "Is Porsche there", they just always say yes to get you in. It's not a viable method to get accurate lineup info
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Pigs likes getting dirty
    Real time roll calls?
    Real time roll calls would be fabulous. I don't necessarily think the forums should be clogged with them, for the reasons above. But I think it would be a nice service to those poor schlubs who do not have their CFs phone # for whatever reasons
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    How to open an otc discussion: a helpful guide for those who are concerned.
    -->"In my experience THEY generally bring it up." Maybe this varies by area, club, or PL hunkness. My experience is that the girls bring it up very rarely -- at least until I started my "SA sugardaddy" rap, now sometimes I see their eyes turn into dollar signs like in the cartoons, and they ask me. But, keep in mind my hunting grounds are high end, low-contact strip clubs; the girls there have specifically chosen to not provide much contact, or they could have worked elsewhere. I nearly always (barring the recent SA talk) have to bring it up, which I usually do after I've seen her a couple of times. Unlike timothyjames55, who has never been turned down, I get either turned down sometimes or waffling, although this is happening less and less often as the local SC economy goes to shit even as the general economy is scorching hot; I have, multiple times, eventually gotten a girl who is waffling to a yes -- or in other words, my experience is directly against the belief here that "every stripper either OTCs with everyone, or doesn't do OTC at all; and if she does not say "hell yes", then it's a permanent no". I'd have missed out on some amazing experiences if I bothered to believe any of that.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    So has the split discussion sections worked out? Just curious.
    and mamisan, of course. and sanjosegay was funny the first 30 times he posted, but the joke got old after he posted a zillion times. Even the council of ricks (at least the concept of all ricks taking over the forum) was vaguely amusing ... once. I think other than mamisan, many of the funny trolls wear their joke thin quickly.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your experiences with stripper employee status in CA so far
    I should add, and it is a fact many girls are so unhappy that they've moved on to other clubs -- even the manager confirmed that. I'll leave it up to the reading audience as to whether it's just right wingers who don't like it, or whether it's more likely strippers would be unhappy with lower revenue per shift, fewer allowable shifts, few benefits but more rules.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    Your experiences with stripper employee status in CA so far
    Just my experience as a customer: 100% bitch about it if you ask them about it, 0% wanted this, nearly all hate it for reasons that are specific and reasonable -- the club is taking a bigger share of their revenue, for no visible benefit. That's just a slice of customer/stripper conversation in one city, but again, I actually did talk to strippers about it, I'm not a persona
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    So has the split discussion sections worked out? Just curious.
    -->"I appreciate the lack of spoof trolls clogging up threads. Most of them are obviously created to entertain the person running them, and not anyone else really (personal opinion). The only possible exception was 'mamisan', but she vanished at roughly the same time as shailynn. So.." Agree completely. We are cursed with the least funny spoof trolls of any forum I've ever been on.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    OTC guide: Short stay hotels and other suggestions
    There are a host of dayrate apps out there these days, on top of Recharge and Airbnb. Know what's around in your area. Very worst case, the "luxury" hot tubs I only take strippers I know really well -- ATF status -- to my home
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    So has the split discussion sections worked out? Just curious.
    Signal to noise ratio has improved radically, especially in VIP, but in Front Room as well to some extent. But at least it's not a free-for-all. DC, I get it that you enjoy a troll-dominated, low signal-to-noise forum, and perhaps aren't aware that in the past couple of decades there have been plenty of strip club forums that aren't overrun with trolls. Dougster was the same way, he said many times he enjoys it when the forum is being fucked up, enjoys the trolls, etc. You're just looking for a different sort of forum than the rest of us -- we just want to talk about strip clubs, with other strip clubbers rather than trolls; and we'd like the forum to be enlightening enough that potential new contributors won't run away screaming that it's taken over by, say, fake pimps animated by miserable people, reams of attack threads, irrelevant ramblings, etc
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Get Verified
    I am not passing up an opportunity to send founder a dick pic
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    So has the split discussion sections worked out? Just curious.
    Too early to come to any conclusions, but right now it's working pretty nicely IMO. I spend relatively more time here -- the topics are more interesting, but more importantly, the conversation is more interesting -- but plenty of time in the Front Room, too. Some of the usual suspect trolls reacted to this by immediately trying to set up a divisive, us-vs-them between the rooms, I guess troll tactics 101, but both have their place so far
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Your drink of choice (and what to do when not drinking)
    Also, on days I'm not drinking, I just drink coke or seltzer.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Your drink of choice (and what to do when not drinking)
    I do shots, typically of whatever the stripper likes (within reason). I'm fine with vodka, tequila, whisky, and the occasional Fireball, Fernet, etc.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Charlotte, NC
    Super Bowl Impact
    When the superbowl was here, the local clubs jacked up prices quite a bit, made most tables bottleservice only, etc. In short, it became the perfect time not to go to strip clubs. There's also a huge convergence of escorts from all around the country, if that's you're bag, baby.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Smoking Hot Tattoo Model
    The tats are atrocious, borderline criminal, but she's hot enough that if I met her in the club I might invite her to the table anyway ... if not for the septum piercing. Septum piercings tend to be no-exception deal-killers for me, just too gross looking