
Seeking arrangement app

Monday, February 18, 2019 3:30 AM
i was looking through my iphone last night and i noticed the sa app was missing. did FOSTA get to them?


  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    The app probably updated and needs to be re-added from your installed apps back to your home screen. Sometimes happens with apps.
  • joewebber
    6 years ago
    not in app store
  • playfulsteve
    6 years ago
    based upon their website, its been re-branded as just "Seeking", and only has the android app available.....
  • joewebber
    6 years ago
    Seems like Apple deleted it
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    The app was pulled, you'll have to use the website from iphone. App still available on Android
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Seems Apple is taking some kinda political stand
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ or maybe they're concerned about some possible liability whether legal or in the court of public opinion (#MeToo)
  • JeffTUSCL
    6 years ago
    If it's Apple then it is more like #iToo
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Apple has a long history of not allowing apps that specifically promote or enable sex and gambling.
  • Uprightcitizen
    6 years ago
    I find the app to be restrictive and does not have the features on the website. I deleted it some time ago.
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