I was desperate. I was feeling like crap with headaches, and just muscle tightness all over. I heard this guy was the best massaeuse in town. So I went.
And I got admit although it felt a little gay a times the guy was good at his job. I feel great right now. But I can’t help but wonder should have sought out the hot chick who is not as good? Now I don’t know. It’s one of those situations where my dick and the rest of my body are about square off with each other. What would you do?
If it feels gay, it’s gay. Congratulations on your coming out.
OT, I’ve never had long lasting results from massages for muscle tightness and I think it was because inflammation was the cause of the tightness. I recently did a 3 day fast, just drinking water, and I think that flushed out all the inflammation caused by my crap diet. Felt incredible just 2 days in and everything was moving effortlessly.
If it's for therapeutic purposes then go with the best - it takes strength and strong hands to give a good massage - my brother would get massages from a large AA lady who had big strong hands and he would rave about how good her massages were
-->"I feel like it'd be very awkward though to go into a massage place and "request" that a girl massage you and they'd think you were a pervert. "
DC, I have to admit I can't figure out if you're a really good persona, or for real; I just struggle with "for real"... But, just in case:
1. If what you want is a girl massaging you, who cares what anyone thinks? You'll pay $100 to be uncomfortable getting massaged by a guy, just because you can't ask?
2. You do realize that an enormous % of guys request female masseuses. It's not like it's remotely uncommon for guys not to want other guys massaging them; it's the rule, not the exception.
-->" I think a lot of other guys feel similarly, so it just feels like yet another example of feminists trying to give bullshit solutions to male problems by ignoring our biology and trying to act like men and women are exactly the same and because girls can enjoy touching other girls then guys should too."
No one's trying to do that. No one will bat an eyelash if you request a female masseuse. This entire struggle only exists in your head, man!
My wife has given me a "Fathers Day" gift of a massage at Massage Envy a few times. When you sign up, they ask if you have a preference of male or female. Even though there is nothing sexual about it, I still would never want a guy giving me a massage. Just not right.
Now the perfect day is go to Massage Envy in the afternoon, then go get a good steak dinner, then on to the club for more " massages " !!!!
I actually haven't done the massage thing myself - thinking about it I guess it would feel a bit odd having a dude do it - but if he had a rep for being very-good I don't think him being a dude would deter me from getting the massage.
AFAIK professional athletes get them all the time from male trainers.
Papi: in all seriousness, there's nothing gay about it, and lots of people prefer men for their stronger hands, etc. I think it's just us casual massage fans who don't like them from other men. But, I give no fucks. I don't care if it's a big fat 60-year-old lady (which I've gotten before), she just has to be female.
In other news, you guys who haven't gotten massages are crazy, you are missing out. Once you find a really good masseuse, it really is a fantastic indulgence
Very suspect. I never get massages from guys and when im at the airport I ask the female TSA agent to frisk me. I was getting tired of the male TSA agents asking to frisk me because the scanner picked up an "Abnormality" in my crotch area.
NJ I never understood why you always wrap the cucumber in foil before putting it down your pants. It doesn’t really make sense, and it’s totally the reason you always get stopped at metal detectors
the consequence of lifting weight at the level i lift at is that i get headaches. at the moment i have pretty chinese woman do it and she does an excellent job. in addition to the massage she lets me suck on her tits while she jerks me off. that being said i've had men massage me. the main reason i'm there is to get my traps and delts loose enough that the pain goes away. and i lift so i can smash fuckers skulls if need be. nothing gay about that.
@boring, well when you cock is as big as mine you need to wrap it in cucumber to keep it cool during long trips. The tin foil on the other hand is just for flair
I guess I’m just sexist because I prefer the touch of a pretty woman that really knows how to give a good massage. (and yes I have had some good massages that don’t include a happy ending.)
last commentOT, I’ve never had long lasting results from massages for muscle tightness and I think it was because inflammation was the cause of the tightness. I recently did a 3 day fast, just drinking water, and I think that flushed out all the inflammation caused by my crap diet. Felt incredible just 2 days in and everything was moving effortlessly.
DC, I have to admit I can't figure out if you're a really good persona, or for real; I just struggle with "for real"... But, just in case:
1. If what you want is a girl massaging you, who cares what anyone thinks? You'll pay $100 to be uncomfortable getting massaged by a guy, just because you can't ask?
2. You do realize that an enormous % of guys request female masseuses. It's not like it's remotely uncommon for guys not to want other guys massaging them; it's the rule, not the exception.
-->" I think a lot of other guys feel similarly, so it just feels like yet another example of feminists trying to give bullshit solutions to male problems by ignoring our biology and trying to act like men and women are exactly the same and because girls can enjoy touching other girls then guys should too."
No one's trying to do that. No one will bat an eyelash if you request a female masseuse. This entire struggle only exists in your head, man!
Now the perfect day is go to Massage Envy in the afternoon, then go get a good steak dinner, then on to the club for more " massages " !!!!
AFAIK professional athletes get them all the time from male trainers.
In other news, you guys who haven't gotten massages are crazy, you are missing out. Once you find a really good masseuse, it really is a fantastic indulgence