
Comments by ReiDetroit

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit News!
    Truth has been trying to open but the city keeps stopping it. It's is the same owners as Pantheion, yes. Everyone at Legends is talking about it because the restroom mom was hired as the house mom at Truth and was trying to recruit girls. Everyone thinks it will fail like Scores and Silver Rain did (if it ever even opens).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Who has met Mother and Daughter dancers at the same club
    There was a mother/daughter duo at Legends in Detroit until the daughter got fired for​ fighting another dancer last weekend.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Downriver/Detroit Michigan
    Good clubs in the Detroit area to work
    Hi Bree, I've worked in Detroit for over 4 years and know a lot about local clubs. NinaBambina on here also knows her shit. Please PM either of us with what you are looking for in a club and we can inform you better. :)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Armageddon hits Downtown Detroit
    I can guarantee Legends is not and will never be anything like Bouzouki. I highly doubt Bouzouki can manage to stay open for another year or two due to their other internal issues going on. They bought a $72,000 stage (the female manager there was proud to let that price be known) when I asked her what their plans were to prevent more girls going to Legends. Unfortunately, that stage has yet to be set up due to the fines from the raids. Legends is and will always be ahead of Bouzouki and putting them after that heap of a garbage club is nearly insulting. Bouzouki, Loco's, and Niki's have cockroaches. Legends does preventative spraying every week. Legends aired the big fight. Bouzouki whined and cried because they didn't get business that night. Legends posts daily on Facebook and Instagram. Bouzouki bought an Instagram page and the waiter from the restaurant who works as a manager on Saturday nights and runs the page can't manage a social media account worth shit. Bouzouki will charge you full price for a half ounce of liquor because they have automatic pourers. Legends free pours and gives you your moneys worth. While Legends may sound like a waste of time to you, you are entitled to that opinion. I can promise it is still the same fun, lively atmosphere is has been known as outside of the VIP area though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit City Strip Club Ordinance
    Absolutely. I've studied the ordinance and know a lot about it. I frequently post on TwoSheds and have worked all over metro Detroit as well; so I'm not a stranger to the scene. I lurk here often, but rarely post. I've known Nina for a long time and she and I share info between each other.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Armageddon hits Downtown Detroit
    One more comment and I'll be done: most people seem to hypothesize over why vice is being so harsh. I highly doubt any of you have ever read through the Detroit City Ordinance, so I have provided a link at the end of this comment. It is a lengthy read. And while I don't want a ticket, I also understand vice is just enforcing this. Customers get tickets along with the dancer they are with. It is a misdemeanor charge that is usually written off with a few months of probation (the probation is literally no police contact for x amount of days/months). Avoid more tickets, and the charge goes away like it never happened. I got one in 2013, paid my fine, avoided further trouble, and then it was all good after 90 days. Ordinance: https://library.municode.com/mi/detroit/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=PTIIICICO_CH5AM_ARTVIICA&showChanges=true
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Armageddon hits Downtown Detroit
    Also, the booths at Bouzouki were removed late last year. The club got a ticket for having them up. And I mad an error. The day shift girls at Bouzouki were getting away with BJs and HJs. HJs and undercutting dancers giving $10 dances were becoming too popular on night shift for me to stick around. Even with management knowing about the $10 dances, they didn't care. And Nina is right. There is too much gossip there. I could never walk in without one house mom asking me shit about my personal life and the other just talking shit about me and everyone else. The managers don't believe in confidentiality and will tell anyone's business to anyone. The aggression came with lack of business and the complete vibe you feel when you are there. It was just... awful. I truly feel bad for any new hires they have had. I had wanted to move to Legends for a while, but was always afraid of trying it because of the $500 fine. My only regret is fearing that fine and not having switched clubs at the beginning of the year.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Armageddon hits Downtown Detroit
    I work at Legends and can confirm everything. The person who wrote those posts was not lying and everything they wrote was accurate. Bouzouki is a terrible club. The management stopped reprimanding girls for hand jobs (it used to be $100 fine) because girls began to leave or refused to pay tip out. So they installed cameras in the VIPs to deter girls from HJs or handies (day shift). I was run out of there due to the aggressive environment. My safety became an issue, and the lack of communication between the FIVE managers and "security" provided an unstable and unsafe place to be in. There were several reasons why I left, but I rank harassment and safety as being the primary reasons. Bouzouki fines their ladies if they work at Legends. They say we can work anywhere except for Legends. They have no non-compete contracts for us to sign, but we are not allowed to return to Bouzouki without paying a $500 fine for working at Legends. Four of my Bouzouki friends all went to Legends one weekend. They were literally fed up with the negative environment. I went and joined them the next weekend. Nina joined us a few weeks ago after contacting me about what happened to her there. Other Bouzouki girls have also gone to Legends since I started June 30th. Legends had VIP rooms with curtains. The curtains were cleaned weekly (albeit stained and gross). For those of you who have seen the previous set up, imagine the stalls were literally cut in half. You have a stall, but it doesn't go up as high - maybe 3-4 feet or so? There are rails on the sides and no door or curtain. If you stand up you can see down the row. The chairs are the same. There are little stands to put belongings on that were there before as well. There used to be lights above every seat, but those are now gone. Contrary to what you think, it is still dark in there. The further from the entrance, the darker it gets. The very end of the row has two booths that are above the rest. If you're coming for extras, tip your VIP host more and ask for one of those. The hosts know who the clean girls are and are more likely to put them toward the entrance. Also, there is a second VIP room here. The second floor champagne room is used as a VIP when it is not rented out. The windows were recently removed though because a club cannot have an obstructed view into their VIPs (it's in the ordinance). The poles from both champagne rooms were removed briefly, but put back in last week. Any pole has to be on a platform of 18 inches or taller (and now they are). One of the bouncers told me they were told to shut down or revamp the VIPs. I believe him. Centerfold got the same notice last year and also complied. Everything that customer wrote on USA Sex Guide is true about both places. That customer comes into Legends a lot now, but still goes to Bouzouki. I guess the girls they are hiring are 4-6 range and definitely not prime lookers (that is hearsay from him though). Management still has stuff up their asses and I guess it is still being run terribly. The stopped their Metro Times ads and bought an Instagram that had zero photos and 10k followers. Most of their ads have typos and desperately need to be run through a spell check. Their Instagram is still set to private and it is not linked to their Facebook Like page, so the updates don't post to their Facebook page at all. Nina can vouch for me on how they fucked me over really bad after 4 years of loyalty and she also knows I have no problem dishing that club's business. They were broken into twice this year and there was no alarm to notify anyone. At least a dozen cabaret licenses belonging to staff and dancers were stolen. Those cards have personal information on them including real names and addresses. Mine was not stolen, but I've asked for mine back FIVE times and they give me excuses every time. I hate them with a passion, so I filed a report with the police for theft. Oopsie. Bouzouki was raided twice in August. The first time, 37-40 tickets were given. It was around 1:15am on a Saturday night/Sunday morning. Vice went to the nightclub above the strip club and through the building (the hallways lead into different businesses there) into Bouzouki. Nobody in Bouzouki knew vice was in the building, so nobody had any warning to cover up or get out of VIP. They were rough on the girls and some were yanked off of stage or pushed up against walls. Some girls got multiple tickets, some only got one. The 60+ pages of the city ordinance outlines various reasons why someone can receive multiple tickets. And about two weeks ago, they were raided again. They took the Michigan Liquor License Commission with them. Loco's, next door, got their third ticket for serving a minor earlier in August, so they might just be targeting Dennis, the slumlord owner. Earlier this year, the city tried to shut down the Russell Industrial Center, which he co-owns. Also, the bouncers at Legends told me vice is having other clubs revamp their VIPs as well. My boss at my other job goes to Penthouse and was bitching last night that the curtains were down, but I don't know. It could have just been a one night thing. If you have any other questions about the VIP at Legends or the bs from Bouzouki, I am happy to answer them. :)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New Law Could Force Detroit Clubs to Shut Down (or something like that)
    Here is the footage from the meeting: http://www.detroitmi.gov/Government/City-Council/Meeting-Video-Archives/ArticleID/1096/Detroit-City-Council-Public-Health-and-Safety-10-24-16
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New Law Could Force Detroit Clubs to Shut Down (or something like that)
    Omg, I hate using mobile. Apologies for my typos. *yell at you *anybody *it sucks
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New Law Could Force Detroit Clubs to Shut Down (or something like that)
    There really is so much more to Detroit than what the media portrays. Downtown is a beautiful area (with a lot of awful drivers though lol). The crime that is reported in the media is usually in the same geographical areas. Serious crime in downtown is rare or goes unreported. At worst, homeless and panhandlers yell atnypu for not giving them money. Cat callers all over in downtown. I'm armed when I'm out and about, but I also never give anybithe opportunity to bother me either. When I say good things about Detroit, I'm saying them about downtown. This city really does suck. It sicks so bad, it uses its teeth with barely any lube (haha). Given all of the revenue gained from cabaret licenses, the city would be making a HUGE mistake of they were to close down or abolish SCs. I'm attending that meeting on Monday with managers, staff, and dancers from my club. I'm not sure if other clubs will be making themselves known at the meeting. However, I will report backwith news if there is anything to report on. Also, so Detroit guys know, all of the clubs with curtains and VIP booths received notices from the city to either close down for business or take down the curtains/walls. This is why curtains are disappearing and VIPs are opening up in most clubs. Some clubs (like mine) were grandfathered into the law. Clubs that opened after these laws were established are the primary targets.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New Law Could Force Detroit Clubs to Shut Down (or something like that)
    Nina, Since we work together, have you seen the info about this in the locker room? There was a mass text sent out last night and our day shift manager is organizing for those interested to meet at work and walk over to the courthouse Monday morning. If I don't see you this weekend at work, message me on Facebook if you want the info for Monday (if you want to head over with us). :) Also, were you there during the last two raids? I don't remember. During the last one, only one girl was ticketed and it was for just BEING in vip. A customer was back there but they were far away apart and she was covered and clothed, so her ticket should not have even been written.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The auditions I've witnessed they do. And Deja Vu here makes the auditioners do two songs, which the second is nude. Now, I have heard of one of the managers at Coliseum making girls strip down nude in the office who come in and audition outside of using an agent. That could just be a rumor because I could never confirm it, but given it's Coliseum, I wouldn't doubt it.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I gathered that after rereading your post. I saw your username and skimmed your post. After I response I was like, "oh derp..." But... at least you know. :)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I usually call the club and ask when is best to audition. Most will say to just come in and do stage set and the manager gives you a yes or no. Some clubs work with agents and the agents handle the audition on behalf of the club. My best advice is to just call whichever club you are interested in and ask them about auditioning.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New Law Could Force Detroit Clubs to Shut Down (or something like that)
    Each cabaret card costs about $175/year. That is so much money the city could lose. There are a lot of crime ridden clubs though. Erotic City was shut down in Feb. or March due to, basically, drugs and crime going in and out of that place. I heard "the feds" were involved in one of the "inspections" last month. Nobody would tell me which "feds" or why though, so I assumed it was a rumor and nothing more.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip club manager faces sex crime charges
    Awww this was my first club. I worked there when it first opened. The mangers there did treat us like shit at the time.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Deja Vu in Highland Park (near Detroit) gets shut down
    Just a mile or so down the road from DJV in Highland Park is a known streetwalker hub and numerous rinky dink (probably hourly) motels. And 8 Mile is about two or three miles further down anyway. Those girls have several career options lol. However, most of those SWs are trans though, so at least their local competition is hardly competition for them.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Deja Vu in Highland Park (near Detroit) gets shut down
    I think the article is automatically transcribed from the video. This site often has grammatical errors in their articles. However, yes. Somebody should proof the articles before posting indeed. But, ehh, it's Detroit. ;)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Proper etiquette for titty sucking
    Just simply ask. Some girls are okay with it and some girls aren't. Motor boating is the norm at my club, so I always tell guys when they ask "There have been like 20 faces in my tits tonight, but if you're okay with that, then go ahead."
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    She does have a twin! I've met her. Her twin was hanging out at Bouzouki one night while Nina and I were working and it fucked with my head for a second when I saw her twin hanging out in VIP in street clothes when I'd just saw Nina songs before in dancer clothes. But then, knowing the twin existed, I put it together.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Motor city: Detroit
    Everybody listed a lot of great suggestions for things to do. However, I recommend visiting the Detroit subreddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/Detroit/ . There's a specific list of things to do on the right side. Belle Isle is also fun. You can get a tour of downtown as well. Campus Martius is fun. I live in downtown roughly 6 blocks from Bouzouki. Downtown can be a lot of fun to live in and visit. It just depends on what you're into. Greektown is always a giant block party. The casino there is a little ghetto (as in gross), but mostly because of it's location and popularity with the young crowd. Legends is slated to reopen this month sometime as well, so Bouzouki would not be your only option of SC to visit.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Pole Dancers Using the #NotAStripper Hashtag Get Well-Deserved Pushback From Str
    I strip and also do pole fitness. I, too, want to compete one day. The argument between polers and strippers is never ending and completely pointless. Guys go to strip clubs to see tits. Women go to strip clubs to see fits, judge the ladie negatively, and do enjoy the pole work more than often. I enjoy stripping and pole dancing, so I try to enjoy both. Even if I don't get tipped what I feel I deserve, I still perform the shit out of my stage shows because I love the tricks.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Clubs on New Year's Eve
    My club is in downtown Detroit in Greektown, surrounded by numerous regular bars and a casino. Tomorrow will be my first NYE working, but this will be my last weekend working for several months. I've heard the previous years were awesome, so here's to hoping.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Pole tricks
    Are you sure it wasn't liquid chalk? I use liquid chalk (I do competitive pole outside of SCs) and put it on the pole sometimes. It probably was liquid chalk or some other type of pole grip. No dancer in her right mind would put lotion on a pole. She's just asking to get her ass beat by the girls who actually pole.