
Comments by deboinair (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Black Dancer Backlash
    @booty_lover92. You are right. Huge disadvantage at a mixed club. I don't understand why they would want to put themselves in a position like that. The dive clubs they excel at. Why not just to them? They are plenty of them in most states.
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    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Black Dancer Backlash
    I have to agree with gammanu95. It seems like finding a skinny AA dancer is like finding a needle in a hay stick. They seem to be either fat, pudgy or ridiculous voluptuous with BBL's. For the life of me, how can they not see this. Especially when they work with so many dancers that are not like that.
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    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Black Dancer Backlash
    Well I'm from Miami. I'm black and I tend not to get dances from white or black American women. The Latinas, black and white from different countries are so much more fun IMO. I ALWAYS go to mixed clubs. Not interested in any clubs that are solely one race. There have been a flurry of reasons why these mixed clubs don't want Black American dancers I've heard over the years: 1. Attitude - Some can be very funky acting, immature, combative and self entitled. 2. Drama - Some clubs have experienced more unnecessary drama when hiring them. Jealousy of other dancers making money is the top one regardless of race. 3.Weight - A lot of clubs don't want the super thick dancers. I like spinners so not my thing either 4. Customers- Unfortunately if a lot of clubs don't want to hire a lot of American BW because they think a "ghetto crowd" will start coming and shooting. Of course not all American BW dancers are like this, but sadly the majority are. Nobody wants to deal with any BS at the strip club. I equate it the strip club to a place of joy, relaxation, and fun. Yes it's definitely true that the clubs would higher light skin and mixed black dancers over dark or brown black dancers. But it's not based entirely on race. Those girls typically don't act like the described above.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Dancers Royal Cocoa Beach
    Sounds like one of the workers did this lame review. This is hands down the worst club in Cocoa Beach. It STAYS EMPTY! Rightfully so. The talent isn't great and there isn't much of it. Dances are $20 and you have to pay additional $10 for a semi not so private dance. I wish that idiot would sell this club already.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Gene the owner is an idiot. I will never go back to Dancer's. He ruined it. I wish someone will make another Inner Room here.
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    2 years ago
    Being Black and Dancing in PA
    I suggest just looking searching for clubs that have mostly black dancers. The other clubs stop hiring at a certain quota and only want a certain type which you described to a tee.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    All About the Extras
    Not Bad for a Dry Tuesday
    You won't find a club in Cocoa Beach that doesn't do $20 dances now. It doesn't exist. I really miss Inner Room. Dances were $10 all day and all night. Cheaters used to be $10 during the day. Once that fruitcake Gene the owner from Dancer's Royale changed to $20, the strip club has been failing. I've never saw these clubs so empty during the day like it is now. I'd really like to put my foot in Gene's ass, for ruining a great thing.
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    Does an Extras Girl Ruin it for Everyone Else?
    @desertcrub. You're not going to get any pussy being a white knight. You fucking clown. LOL
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    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    111 Rules for Strip Clubbing
    Great list. I don't tip though. I mean I tip the staff, but not the dancers. It's dances, dances with extras, or nothing. Tipping too many times the stripper doesn't come back to you, so it's a waste of money. My tip money goes to the staff. It comes in handy whenever you get that unruly stripper. I just had a crazy experience a few months ago where a stripper butted in a conversation I was having with friends. She started getting crazy and yelling especially after I cursed her out and told her she was shaped like a pear. LOL I screamed for the bouncer but little did she know the bouncer especially this day I was cool with. I always tip him and we talk sports all the time. He told me to have a seat and relax and sent the dancer home.
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    3 years ago
    My Trip Report on Colombia Mongering
    I can't believe I haven't been to Colombia in almost a damn decade!. Must do for next year. Although I just typically go to Medellin and stay at the Mansion hotel.
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    Does an Extras Girl Ruin it for Everyone Else?
    @Curvylibra Please get over yourself. You are typical fat stripper that gets mad when the petite dancers get all the customers. Same fat stripper begging for dances. Same fat stripper begging not to pay house fee. You have all those side hustles just to make ends meat. You not fooling anyone here. Fat strippers are the least desired. So it's the lowest class of men that are asking you for extras.
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    3 years ago
    Does an Extras Girl Ruin it for Everyone Else?
    I'm from Miami and all of the South FL the women are doing extras. It wasn't till I visited other strip clubs in different states when I knew we had it great. To answer your question. Yes you girls are less valuable and will be overlooked for the ones that are doing extras. Dances get old quick. If there is an opportunity for extras the overwhelming majority of men are going to go for that dancer vs the "just dance" and "talk" to get money type.
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    3 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    Former Stripper: Why I Love Cam Modeling
    Just the stock market, it will crash in due time. The pandemic had people camming like it was 1998 again, but I think it will die down when things get back to normal.
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    3 years ago
    What is it About Strip Clubs?
    Personally it's a great place to watch sports so you don't have to deal with drunk assholes at sporst bars. Besides sports I'd rather go to a Strip Club than see a bunch of dudes at a regular bar. It's also a stress reliever and a great place for hooking up when you're in-between girl friends. The strip club has kept many men sane. I can't see myself going anywhere else to get away from life for a few years and have peace.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Lots of new faces
    So grateful for these reviews. I was figuring out where to go in Detroit during my stay in a few weeks. Looks like I'll be skipping the strip club. From what I read. It's either high end or low class strippers in Detroit. No in between. So for me it's cheaper to get a hot escort and hang out at the Casino. Coming from SOuth FL where mostly all the clubs have hot chicks, I can't see paying the exuberant prices. But I can see why some do, because very beautiful women are scarce in the area.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Dancers Was Disappointing
    This an extremely accurate review. When it was Inner Room. You could go there even on a dry ass Tuesday and get 10 to 20 girls in the afternoon! Now it's about four and like only one is attractive. Even at night there aren't many girls and they even had a fat one on stage at night. This place has tanked. Dancers is a wannabe South, FL strip club with the upgrades. The owner really didn't seem to know that Brevard County will never be on the level of South, FL. People don't spend money at strip clubs like that here. Dances when from $10 to you have to negotiate. Some dancers only want $20 per dance. The drink prices went up also. Save yourself sometime and money and just go to Cheaters or Lido's. RIP Inner Room you are surely missed. The best thing that could happen is somebody buys it and changes it back to Inner Room.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Covid times: All cuban girls but overall good experience
    I used to frequent this club about 7 years ago when I lived in South, FL. It used to be mixed with all races. The 3 song fucking was cheaper too. Then it turned into all Cuban over night. I think it went down hill from there. I don't even go there when I visit.
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    4 years ago
    Resistance is futile
    Do and Don't of Strip Club Etiquette. The girls point of view.
    Some good advice, but I'm glad I did my strip club experience in South Florida. I'm definitely the Gym shorts guy free balling lol. Strippers do not care what you wear at all as long as you have money and smell good. I treat strippers well like...Strippers. I was never much for long conversations with them. It's a transaction to me. A lot of strippers love for you to get straight to the point in a non creepy way. Especially if they know you are getting a dance from them. I never tip on stage or tip in general, I think it's wasted dollars that can be going towards a dance. I only tip bouncers and bar staff. I'm usually at the bar scouting which girl I want. Any stripper that comes up to me that I'm not interested in I always say "I'm waiting on someone". Some times you have the hard head stripper that can't take no for answer. This is why I tip bouncers. I just don't believe in wasting their time if I'm not interested and no I do not feel sorry for them. They chose to strip and not get a regular job. I don't advise in buying strippers drinks unless she did above and beyond for you. They will be like stray cats every time you come if they know you will buy them multiple drinks. Also keep it about business, too many men get suckered in by them and fall in love. These are strippers, their goal is to make money. They don't care about you. Plus that behavior makes some strippers have the "self entitled" attitude thinking every guy is going to waste money on them for doing nothing.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you intend to get a COVID vaccine?
    I won't be getting it. Just like I never got the flu shot. If I had a weak immune system then yes.
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    4 years ago
    Are breastaurants dead?
    Yeah never got the point of breasturants. I'd rather go to a strip club to watch games with broads that are actually naked.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Best cities to dance in Florida right now??
    Are you willing to fuck? If not stay out of South FL (PB, FLL, MIA) area. You could make money in Tampa, Orlando and Cocoa Beach if you are really pretty.
  • article comment
    4 years ago
    Strip Clubs: How to Get The Bang Out of Your Buck
    Great advice, but I don't ever tip the girls on stage. The #1 thing you do in strip club is buy drinks. The club makes money mostly off of that. So I'd rather give my ones to the bartender for good tips. #2 Build a rapport with staff, this is key. Use the ones not only the bartenders, but tip the bouncers. The reason why this is key is that they will be more than happy to give advice on the girls. Also if you ever get into an altercation with a stripper. Your chances are very low in getting kicked out, if you actually didn't do anything. Oh also get to know the managers. #3 If you are sitting at the bar getting drinks, there will always be regulars. They will tell you who is fucking or not. In general most will tell you who to stay away from also. #4 Definitely stay away from the VIP champagne rooms. If a girl does OTC, you can negotiate that in the private dances.
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    4 years ago
    washington dc
    The rise of Private parties in the DMV area
    I always wondered about the DMV clubs. My wife is from there and we visit often. I wanted to break away but I didn't see anything good as reviews on other forums. Your post explains why. lol As an outsider, where do you got to get these invites and fliers?
  • article comment
    5 years ago
    The Downside of Becoming Friends with a Stripper
    Guys that always "befriend" strippers are fucking up the strip club scene. You guys are part of of the reason why these broads want to get paid to do absolutely nothing. They ARE NOT your friend. Some of you are so pathetic and can't see that they just want money or for you to do something for them. It's just not smart to engage with strippers other than strictly business. I had one recently that was a dependable OTC. She text me asking for some money because she had to pay tickets and that if I gave her money she could take her daughter to the fair. I said I only pay for services in person. Haven't heard from her since. Oh well. On to the next. I was kind of shocked because she has been reliable over a year. But I guess when they encounter so many simps they try their antics on you.