
Comments by Papi_Chulo (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Papi_Chulo MIA
    Thanks for the concern @shadowcat (and others). Things are alright on my end. In the past I would also get concerned when a regular/frequent Discussion-Board member would go MIA all of a sudden for an extended period of time and I’d be concerned/fear-the-worst (given many of us TUSCL-regs are not exactly spring-chickens 😊) – but w/ time on the Discussion-Board I came to realize/accept many regulars decide to quit TUSCL at some point (and sometimes quit SCing-altogether), for various reasons. For many of us that got the “SCing bug”, finding TUSCL at some point in our PL-career was often “fun and exciting” (finding others of a like-mind) – no doubt I, and many others, learned a lot about SCing from TUSCL and TUSCL helped many of us in taking our SCing to a whole other level. But … after a while … one has pretty-much learned a lot/most of what TUSCL has to offer … and after a while it can become kinda repetitive … and I assume this is when some/many TUSCLers start dropping-out (at some point the juice/time-commitment starts to feel like it’s not worth the squeeze).
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Papi_Chulo MIA
    The following posts are one of my patented-longwinded-PL-novels kinda breaking-down “my absence from the game” (both SCing and TUSCLing) – nothing “earth shattering” in these posts thus consider that b/f making the time-commitment to read thru them. [probably would have been-better to put this in a TUSCL-article but since the OP/thread was about-me I thought I’d just put-it here]
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Great and Themed Club!
    More helpful if u describe the dancer-crew in more detail and describe the dance-mileage.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Going to the strip club when dealing with personal tragedy
    Sometimes doing something fun/social is what may prevent the person from going/heading into a deep-depression - loneliness/isolation is def not the healthy way to go
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Living in a Red State vs Blue
    ^ you forgot the most important thing ... better strip clubs in Florida
  • article comment
    a year ago
    Going commando at the strip club
    As a great-American once said ... "Give me commando or give me death" ... or something like that
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    adding listing
    AFAIK adding a club is not an automatic process - adding it just alerts @Founder to create a TUSCL-page for it. In the past my M.O. was to contact @Founder a week after I added it to remind him although in the past he's been aware of the addition but has been busy with other stuff - it's also summer-time so decent-chance @Founder may be "away from the TUSCL office" and may not currently have the time to tend ti non-urgent TUSCL-stuff.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Circumsized vs Uncircumsized
    It'd be interesting to know if there is an LDK-connection to circ vs-non-circ; or if it's just random (I assume the latter/random but maybe there's a connection?)
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Miami stripper boozes up patron, steals credit cards for $62K spending spree
    I rather use the club's ATM and take the large cash-advance-hit b/f I ever hand over my CC to a strip-club - even as a newbie I knew better than that
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Left versus Right
    DeSantis-PAC Ad: https://twitter.com/NvrBackDown24/status/1668778020788740097/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1668778020788740097&currentTweetUser=NvrBackDown24
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Greatest TV show opening theme song
    Hardcastle and McCormick: https://youtu.be/DZqFlzpfYL8
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Is Pin Ups closed?
    I wonder how long this club has been around – seems like a good-while. I first visited this club in 2011 b/f joining TUSCL – sometime in the mid-2000s I recall seeing a short-segment about the club in some tv-show late at night (I think it was some kinda late-night hiphop tv show; can’t remember) – I made a mental-note of the club at that time but didn’t get around to visiting-it till 2011 since I didn’t live in ATL. In that mid-2000s tv-show I seem to recall the owner being interviewed (an AA-guy maybe in his 30s or early-40s at the time) – I wonder if that guy had/has been the owner all-along or if the club has changed ownership over time?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Chat GPT writes a review of Follies
    ^ wow - that was horrible
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Tucker Carlson
    Kevin McCarthy breaks-it-down to a CNN “reporter” how corrupt the media/her-network is: https://youtu.be/YpVX_8xVTo0
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Tucker Carlson
    Trump coming-to-power in 2016 was less about Trump and more about what many Americans thought/felt about the current political-system. The state of our political-system and what many Americans think about-it is also the reason why someone like Bernie Sanders was an inch from being the Democrat-nominee b/f the Democrat-machine kneecapped-him. These two factors in particular IMO have opened the eyes of many American people w.r.t. how corrupt the current political-system is along w/ how corrupt many of the government institutions currently are; not to mention the sold-out media which is supposed to call balls-and-strikes vs lie-up-their-ass to protect one political-party while perpetuating-lies about the other. If anything; Trump’s-election served to bring the governmental-rut out into the open.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Greatest TV show opening theme song
    Cannonball Movie Intro: [not a tv show but I remember as an 11 /o kid walking into the theater w/ my 14 y/o brother and 13 y/o male-cousin just as the movie was starting and the first thing we see is that awesome black Lamborghini Countach – this was in 1981 when one didn’t see cars like that] https://youtu.be/Ju5F-Y585YQ
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Greatest TV show opening theme song
    BJ and The Bear: https://youtu.be/Rcozed_BJWM
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Greatest TV show opening theme song
    Magnum P.I.: https://youtu.be/LBIgXhiOpeQ
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Greatest TV show opening theme song
    CHiPs: https://youtu.be/59cxuFEzGQc
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Greatest TV show opening theme song
    The Dukes Of Hazard: https://youtu.be/v01J-6BJKx4
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Greatest TV show opening theme song
    Miami Vice: https://youtu.be/dEjXPY9jOx8
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Best excuse to go strip clubbing
    ^ I assume @misterorange meant a motorcycle not a bicycle
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Best excuse to go strip clubbing
    To do research for your Masters thesis
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Best excuse to go strip clubbing
    The club is open
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Left versus Right
    "Christian Korean Women-Only Spa Ordered To Admit Naked Trans Clients" A federal judge ordered a Korean-American women’s spa with compulsory nudity to admit men who identify as women, even if they have intact penises, in a decision on Monday. Olympus Spa attempted to sue the Washington State Human Rights Commission (WSHRC) after being ordered to remove any mention of “biological women” from their website and to admit transgender men without question. Senior District Judge Barbara Rothstein dismissed the lawsuit, upholding the WSHRC’s orders as legal and requiring the spa to comply. Haven Wilvich, a man who identifies as a woman, complained to the WSHRC in 2020 and claimed the spa declined his membership request. Wilvich alleged that the spa said, “transgender women without surgery are not welcome.” The spa disputed this claim, stating they had no record of an application. The family-owned spa is modeled on jjimjilbang — traditional sex-segregated bathhouses in Korea. The spa only admitted trans-identified men if they had “gone through post-operative sex confirmation surgery.”  In March 2021, the WSHRC served spa owner Myoon Woon Lee with a Notice of Complaint of Discrimination. The spa’s president, Sun Lee, explained to the commission that Olympus was a family-owned “women’s Korean traditional health spa” that required nudity for certain treatments. “We firmly believe it is essential for the safety, legal protection, and well-being of our customers and employees that we maintain adherence to this adaptation of a females-only rule,” Lee wrote. The president also educated the board on the traditions of Jjimjilbang, arguing that the spa had “worked so hard over many years to build and preserve, simply for the sake of promoting gender neutrality.” Both the owner and the president said they were Christian and cited their faith — the Christian belief in modesty between the sexes — as a reason why they did not wish to accept biological males into the women’s nude spa. Employees also involved in the suit — all of whom were women — refused to perform body scrubs on naked men, citing Christian principles as well. The District Court rejected their religious liberty claim. CLICK HERE TO GET THE DAILYWIRE+ APP The court upheld the WSHRC’s requirement that the spa removes all references to biological women from their site and subject their staff to “inclusivity” training. The spa challenged this as “compelled speech” in violation of the First Amendment, which Rothstein also rejected. The court rejected the spa’s third argument, which claimed that the WSHRC’s requirement of admitting men violated the right of association. After the WSHRC ruling in 2021, Wilvich celebrated on social media, saying the order allowed “all self-identified women access regardless of surgery and genitals.” “I realized something important today. I‘m more woman than any TERF [trans-exclusionary radical feminist] will be because I am an intentional woman whereas they are only incidental,” Wilvich also said. Before Wilvich began to transition, he sat on the board of the Seattle Nonbinary Collective, describing himself as a “tall, bearded, transfemme, King County native,” according to the Daily Mail. https://www.dailywire.com/news/christian-korean-women-only-spa-ordered-to-admit-naked-trans-clients