Papi_Chulo MIA

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb

No posts in at least 10 days and no reply to my wellness check text message. Anybody have any info?


last comment
avatar for jmiddle30234
1 yr ago

I hope he’s ok

avatar for gammanu95
1 yr ago

I'd noticed his absence as well, and checked his profile to see that he had logged in during July. I also hope that he is okay.

I wonder, and I am projecting here, if he feels that the site has changed too much for the worse. The profile pics from dancers, longball, and others made a big difference. The site can be really lagging, making feeds almost unusable. There are a lot of crap posts filling up the forums like some garbage reddit sub. While trolls like SJG, scrub, and Icee are gone, the forums still feel "off" - like the camaraderie is no longer there.

Or maybe the heat is too much and he's taking some wellness time in the AC at home. No one would blame him.

avatar for wildRover
1 yr ago

I know he’s mentioned that he’s tending to some elderly relatives. Hope everything is ok on that front.

avatar for wld4tatas
1 yr ago

Maybe he finally went to Mongolia

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

Yeah I was wondering where’s he been. Hopefully he’s all good just taking a break. I know he’s been burning out on the SCs in recent years

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

I hope he's doing okay. I know he might be frustrated a bit with this new format like I am. (i prefer the previous format.)

avatar for docsavage
1 yr ago

I hope he is ok too. I like the old site better. I try not to complain about it because I appreciate the owner making this website available. If I saw a comment I liked, I could formerly click on the name of the commenter and read his other comments. If you can do that now, I haven't been able to figure it.

There are fewer posts and more crap posts because of a slowly declining interest in strip clubs in general. Someone here once said they have been keeping track and the number of strip clubs listed here have dropped by about a third in the last 15 years. Things in my local strip clubs haven't felt the same since the extended Covid lockdowns. There are still customers, but they are the type that spend less money so fewer attractive females are showing up to work as strippers. I often go out to a strip club on a Saturday night but decided to just stay home tonight.

avatar for rickthelion
1 yr ago

Okay…Imma break character on this one. TUSCL has changed for the worse and that might be why Papi is MIA.

I don’t know what Founder took down the dancer photos. Maybe he explained and I missed it. But my suspicion is that it was because some weirdo was acting all stalker-ish and a dancer complained and he didn’t want to deal with any fallout. If so, one turd in the punch bowl ruined the fun for everybody else.

Regardless, TUSCL used to be (mostly) joyful and fun. It has gotten worse. You guys know what made it worse? I say two things. Too much complaining about trolling and too many political posts intruding on the front room.

Here’s the thing: most people liked Juice when he posted. Why wasn’t he viewed as a troll? Simple. He said a lot of shit but it was never mean spirited. The real trolls are guys who really try to stir shit. Not a clown like Juice who said weird shit for laughs.

Now I do have a running gag with the council of ricks, but I have no interest in being mean spirited. dugan seems like he is actually a nice enough guy. But you have to admit he says shit that is self-aggrandizing and borderline over the top. Not that there is anything wrong with that. This is a frickin’ internet board about titty bars after all, not the Algonquin round table. I just take shit dugan says and turn it up to frickin’ 11 for laughs. Have some fun!

You want to make TUSCL more enjoyable? Simple. Post more about titty bars, leave the politics in the frickin’ politics room, and complain less about trolls. You know what actual trolls like? Not people joking around but real trolls. Not harmless weirdos that post weird shit because they’re weirdos. I’m talking about real trolls. What real trolls want is for people to engage. Even if engaging means complaining about them. Just don’t feed the trolls people, and you’ll have less trolling.

And keep anything political in the politics room!

Back to the lion character… ROAR!!!

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

^I get what you're saying. Poker tourney started at 6; knocked out by 9:30 and instead of a beer and a naked dancer; I went home to get a good nights sleep before golf. Wife asked me 6 times if I was ok because I apparently hadn't been home before 10 on a poker night since 1997.

avatar for drewcareypnw
1 yr ago

The site is fine. A few features could use a tweak, and the speed is too slow. But really, it works fine for what it needs to do.

Discourse here often leans toward the “it’s all going down the tubes”, I guess because we are a bunch of old men and that’s what old men talk about sometimes.

Papi may be taking a break, he admits to not clubbing much in recent years. He may also be unwell (I hope not), it’s happened here before.

Controversially, I will add that on this site, trolls drive up participation. There’s not a lot new to talk about in the flesh game, who really cares about “what are your favorite tits sizes” for the 100th time? Icee, SJG, and others brought folks in to either smack them down or see what the latest drama was. I don’t miss them in the least, but without them there is just less to post and read.

The main job of this site isn’t the comments section, it’s reviews. There are plenty in my area, though I don’t know the broader stats. I’ll assume it’s going well elsewhere unless I see otherwise.

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

I would like to clarify my opinion of preferring the older format. it had many features that I liked that are not available now. (but I will say that the new format is very nice and clean looking.)

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

My best guess is he’s fine, just taking a break from the silliness here.

avatar for rickthelion
1 yr ago

Drew Carey, I disagree that SJG…er…San Jose Ape…was a troll.

Being a troll implies that somebody has a good idea that they are saying shit that will piss somebody off. Icee knew that the shit he said was inflammatory, and he fished his targets in. SJG was most likely a harmless weirdo.

Now I’m not going to defend SJG’s whole “Imma staple your asshole closed” or glue or sew or whatever the fuck he claimed he wanted to do with his opponents asshole. That was some weird shit.

But let’s be real. SJG was like the weird kid in 5th grade that was still eating paste and telling stories about his teddy bear. I’m sure there was some disturbing shit in some of his posts but I have one question for those who found said disturbing shit: why the fuck were you reading SJG’s posts in that detail? I mean really, SJG wrote frickin’ novels. I wasn’t going to dive into paragraphs of crazy shit.

There were a few people who were constantly on SJG’s case. The OSU guy was one of them, if I remember correctly. Those were the real trolls. I mean really, what kind of normal kid goes to the corner of the playground and kicks sand at the paste-eating kid? If somebody is going to be a bully they should at least have to guts to pick on somebody semi-normal.

Just my 2 lion-y cents. ROAR!!!

avatar for drewcareypnw
1 yr ago

@Rick (temporary non lion version): yeah I get your point Icee was certainly more focused on deliberate provocation than SJG. The SJG fed on the constant posts, but more in the 2nd order Troll sense that you ascribe to the folks that were on his case. All are members of the Troll clade in my book, but there are differences. I never got to experience Dougster, but he's on some extinct branch of that tree as well. More interesting to me is that we don't really have as much to talk about since there are no obvious mega-assholes to pile onto or witness melting down. Maybe there needs to be an AI-provocateur tuscl plugin.... JUST KIDDING.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
1 yr ago

If the discussion boards are less active, then go do other things. There are other things to do.

I don't equate drama with quality. Though less active, I still think it's better minus Icee, SJG, and desertscrub.

Regarding Papi, I hope he's doing good. Lots of people here take breaks. Some longer than others. Life happens.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
1 yr ago

The following posts are one of my patented-longwinded-PL-novels kinda breaking-down “my absence from the game” (both SCing and TUSCLing) – nothing “earth shattering” in these posts thus consider that b/f making the time-commitment to read thru them. [probably would have been-better to put this in a TUSCL-article but since the OP/thread was about-me I thought I’d just put-it here]

avatar for Papi_Chulo
1 yr ago

Thanks for the concern @shadowcat (and others).

Things are alright on my end.

In the past I would also get concerned when a regular/frequent Discussion-Board member would go MIA all of a sudden for an extended period of time and I’d be concerned/fear-the-worst (given many of us TUSCL-regs are not exactly spring-chickens 😊) – but w/ time on the Discussion-Board I came to realize/accept many regulars decide to quit TUSCL at some point (and sometimes quit SCing-altogether), for various reasons.

For many of us that got the “SCing bug”, finding TUSCL at some point in our PL-career was often “fun and exciting” (finding others of a like-mind) – no doubt I, and many others, learned a lot about SCing from TUSCL and TUSCL helped many of us in taking our SCing to a whole other level.

But … after a while … one has pretty-much learned a lot/most of what TUSCL has to offer … and after a while it can become kinda repetitive … and I assume this is when some/many TUSCLers start dropping-out (at some point the juice/time-commitment starts to feel like it’s not worth the squeeze).

avatar for Papi_Chulo
1 yr ago

As for me personally – I had started posting several years ago (even b/f Covid), that I was starting to get burned-out w/ SCing – looking-back I assume this was b/c, as I’ve often posted in the past, I’m a variety-SCer – for most of my SCing-career I would get more-excited when I was in a new/different club (as long as the club to my liking), vs hitting the same-club over-and-over again even if it was a club I liked – and similarly, I would get more excited when being w/ new (to me) dancers (as long as they were my type) vs being w/ the same/repeat dancers on most visits even if I liked those dancers.

I guess after a while, and w/ as much SCing as I was-doing/have-done, there wasn’t much “newness” to experience and I guess this is part of what started making SCing feel kind meh/same-ole-same-ole for me.

By 2018/early-2019 I kinda accepted SCing wasn’t doing it for me as much as in the past and I started to wind-down my SCing a bit (at least as compared to previous-years) – part of that wind-down was decreasing my local-SCing and taking some SC-trips to clubs that had been on my PL-bucketlist and I hadn’t gotten around to (or had not been to in a while).

I kinda did that in 2019 although I didn’t get around to doing all the bucketlist SCs (I only had so much time and funds to do SC-trips) – then Covid came along and kinda threw things off track.

I stopped SCing in early-2020 b/c of Covid, and didn’t start SCing again till about April 2021 (after my 2nd Covid vax) – IMO the small-black-dives I used to mostly hit (and enjoy) had a harder time getting back to their pre-Covid levels vs the big/popular mixed-clubs (e.g. the Pompano big-3; etc) – thus I wasn’t enjoying my post-Covid 2021 SCing I assume in part b/c I didn’t find my local-black-dives as good as pre-Covid.

Post-Covid I SCed from ‘April till late September of 2021 – and I had started to hit the mixed-clubs more since my local-black-dives were not doing it for me post-Covid – Cheetah-Hallandale started to sorta become my go-to in 2021 post-Covid b/c IMO/IME it had the best-dance-mileage and IMO pretty-good dancer variety (small girls; thick girls; etc).

Then in late-September 2021 I was at Cheetah-Hallandale on a late-weekday-afternoon and I got into-it w/ a Cuban-ROB – she got the bouncer involved – he told me to pay-up or leave; I chose the latter – by this time I was feeling like the SCing-juice was starting to feel not worth the squeeze (the negatives of SCing (ROBs; expen$e; etc) were starting to feel like they were outweighing the positives).

After the Cheetah-Hallandale ROB-experience in September-2021 I decided to shut-it-down for the rest of the year and take a break – then in 2022 I started having some health-issues that kinda made me feel like SCing even less - my health-issues were not major/life-threatening, just multiple things that took-away from me feeling my best and that further took-away my desire for SCing.

The longer I went w/o SCing actually the less-desire I had for it – I had not SCed since late-September-2021 till a couple of weeks ago when I was driving home south-on-95 on a late-Saturday-afternoon and decided to finally hit a club to see if a visit would “re-spark my SCing-interest” – I didn’t really enjoy it and I kinda felt like a fish-out-of-water and that visit kinda cemented the fact that at least for now SCing is not doing it for me (seems more of a me-thing vs something being wrong w/ the clubs).

avatar for Papi_Chulo
1 yr ago

Even w/ my lack of SCing-interest since late-2021, I kinda still kept posting on TUSCL mainly out-of-habit – but w/ my lack of SCing-interest, TUSCLing started to feel more and more like a moot-point/endeavor – but I kinda kept doing-it out-of-habit.

As @wildRover pointed above, it’s fallen to me to look-after my 86 y/o aunt – my aunt had lived w/ us (my immediate family) since the mid-80s after she got divorced but she never had children – she had been living w/ my mom till my mom passed-away in 2021 – now my aunt lives-alone for the first time and I look-after all her affairs including going by her apartment a few times per week usually around dinner-time b/c she kinda needs the company (I live 8-blocks from her so it’s doable).

Anyway – there have been some issues w/ my aunt that needed extra attention/time in the last month or so and that was the main-reason I stepped away from TUSCL for a bit to tend to those things – but this TUSCL-break was good so I could “break the TUSCL habit” and I’ll likely not-post-much going-forward for the time-being – I have a hard-time w/ moderation and if I post “just a little” on TUSCL, knowing-me I’ll probably get sucked-into over-posting as in the past.

Anyway – when I stopped SCing in late-2021, it was meant to be a break vs quitting SCing altogether (SCing retirement) – but as is stands right-now IDK when, or if, I’ll become an SCer again … and the same kinda goes for TUSCLing (time for a new-generation of PLs to pick-up-the-mantle 😎).

avatar for shadowcat
1 yr ago

Thanks for letting us know what is going on. I understand where you are coming from and I respect that. If you're ever in the mood, you're welcome to come back.

avatar for Dolfan
1 yr ago

Glad to hear things are alright at least, best of luck with whatever it is you find yourself doing in place of strip clubbing & family/friends as well.

I guess for the time being every time I'm in a south Florida club and see a white looking Cuban guy getting a bunch of dances from big bootied black girls, I can stop wondering if it's you.

avatar for Muddy
1 yr ago

It sucks to hear Papi won't be around these parts as much as he is one of the dudes that makes this place awesome. But shooting the shit about OT stuff, really you don't even have to mention strip clubs, just daily on goings in the world.

I think the question on everybody's mind though is, who will now lead the miami chapter of the big booty fan club?

avatar for misterorange
1 yr ago

You're a good man Papi. Wish you all the best.

avatar for skibum609
1 yr ago

Glad you're ok. Long life, good health and much happiness to ya Papi.

avatar for twentyfive
1 yr ago

Good to know you’re ok, when and if you’re ready, don’t forget you do have friends here too.

avatar for snowtime
1 yr ago

Glad to hear you are ok. Even though our taste in dancers was about as far apart as you can be, I always enjoyed your well written and detailed reviews. And your comments on other aspects of this hobby were equally helpful.

Best of luck in whatever direction you go.

avatar for Cheo_D
1 yr ago

Let me join the choir here in being glad to see you and wishing you all good things as life moves along. It is also good to see this sense of community concern.

But yeah, I dig, been there myself in my journey, with other interests that I could not allow to continue taking up so much of my attention, some times because Real Life demanded it, some times because I myself noticed I was burning out, and some times because the activity itself and how I enjoyed it changed.

(I was never ever anywhere close to the level of Papi or others here, but I myself had a virtual dropoff here because life circumstances led to a period of staying put and not exploring, so there was nothing really to add.)

Nuevamente, me alegró saber de ti y te deseo todo lo mejor.

avatar for minnow
1 yr ago

Papi: Thanks for the update, and best wishes to you and your aunt. As a minnow, I'm sorry to hear that you felt like a fish out of water on your recent club visit. A mitigating factor may be that Sat. afternoons aren't the strongest time to visit club.

It's good to take a break if you're not mentally/emotionally into it. Much like a too much sugar or caffeine let down. One upside is that the 1st club visit after a long dry spell have been among my best, IME.

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

is there life after strippers? i guess we'll all find out eventually.

avatar for Dolfan
1 yr ago

^ Are there strippers in the afterlife?

avatar for TheeOSU
1 yr ago

Papi, live your life how you see fit, you do you.

avatar for stainglass
1 yr ago

@papi_chulo More power to you. Life has its own turns and may yours shower you with the best. Your thoughts and messages have always been powerful and worth learning from, including the detailed SoFL & past experiences articles that you have done.

Best wishes

avatar for Jascoi
1 yr ago

papi. when you're ready for Tijuana let me know.

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