Tucker Carlson

We are beginning to see what an unleashed Tucker Carlson might be like on Twitter. In his most recent video, seen by 40 Million people, he said Obama led a “ creepy” life, implying he was gay. That’s a rumor that has floated around for years but no public person would even hint at it.
Tucker could become “must see” TV for no other reason than to see liberals heads explode.
last commentDoes Tucker write AI code?
It was pretty well known Obama is gay to people in Illinois who knew him as a state senator before he blew up on the national scene. The media did a good job ignoring it. He was would trade sex for drugs with old white men as a young man in Hawaii. He was having sex and doing coke with the choir director at Reverend Wright's church, Donald Young. Mysteriously, when Obama decided to run for president, Young was murdered, and the crime remains unsolved. Another one of Obama's lovers, Lawrence Sinclair, wrote a book about his affair with Obama. They were doing a lot of crack cocaine and homoerotic stuff at the Comfort Inn in Gurnee.
Obama really didn't seem gay... well except that he's married to a man.
And all this time I thought “Sinclair” stood for a gas station lol!!!!!
I never really really watched the talking heads on cable too too much just clips sometimes but I agree with Dave Smith here https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=93bKqX7PgwM&pp=ygURZGF2ZSBzbWl0aCB0dWNrZXI%3D that while you may not agree with Tucker he atleast out some out of the box opinions you just never see on cable. And I’ll give him credit during the George Floyd stuff he was calling out a lot of bullshit during that time. This is probably the best thing to happen to him anyway, corporate media needs to go the way of the dinosaur.
Tucker who?
What indictment?
Lawyers quitting? What?
Data, not hear say bitches.
Tucker was not a team player. He was perfectly willing to criticize the Republicans when he thought they were wrong. I tend to distrust media people who take the position that either the Republican party or Democrat party is always right. They aren't thinking. They are just conformists mindlessly cheering for the Red team or the Blue team.
I'm no moderate - I am firmly convinced that one side of the political aisle is wrong about 99.9% of the time and should never be in positions of power. But I still want my side to be criticized when they do something wrong. Part of that is simple ethics. But it's also because calling out bad behavior is one way to reduce bad behavior. I'm sick and tired of both sides circling the wagons around their bad actors.
Tucker unleashed, LOL. That whack job is just shakier now. I am no liberal but I doubt their heads will explode. Just laughing and mocking him most likely
“Another one of Obama’s lovers, Lawrence Sinclair,”…
Sinclair, it appears you know a lot about this past. How did you come privy to Obama’s other side?
Late at night, when his OTC (3rd tier) is sleeping.....he pulls out the little hanky that still has the tail end of the first spew spasm of Obama.....and thinks....the ebay seller said this was 99.8% likely his.
During his Presidency, Obama politicized the Government. He ousted conservatives and promoted progressives who were willing to use the power of government against political opponents. This included the IRS, FBI, DOJ, CIA, State Department, and DOD.
Most of those people are still in those agencies.
Of course, liberals will mock him, as they mock everything and everyone normal. Scratch a liberal and out pops Josef Stalin, their idol, who murdered over 20 million people.
I'll second what mark wrote. It is documented fact that after Trump won the election, Obama and his staff went on a blitz hiring, promoting, terminating, and shuffling personnel that would be loyal to Obama and Hillary and actively work to continue the expansion of government, destruction of the American republic, and undermine the new administration. Had I been Donald Trump, I would have requested a list of all executive appointments and staffing throughout the prior seven years, created a special office to review every placement and hire through the executive branch working backwards through the past eight years, and begun terminating, demoting, and torching entire offices and departments as necessary to ensure that the democrat party's infiltration of globalists and communists into our government would be undone.
Actually, Trump cleaned house and made his own appointments, just like every President does. The idea that only Democrats staff the government to their liking, and that most of Obama's appointees are still there, is laughable. This example of right wing misinformation gets a "pants on fire" rating.
IRS- Charles Paul Rettig, appointed by Trump in 2018 FBI- Christopher Wray, appointed by Trump in 2017 DOJ- Jeff Sessions, appointed by Trump in 2017 DOJ- William Barr, appointed by Trump in 2019 CIA- Mike Pompeo, appointed by Trump in 2017 CIA- Gina Haspel, appointed by Trump in 2018 SOS- Rex Tillerson, appointed by Trump in 2017 SOS- Mike Pompeo, appointed by Trump in 2019 DOD- Jim Mattis, appointed by Trump in 2017 DOD- Mark T. Esper, appointed by Trump in 2019
wld4cocks thinks that cabinet level positions are the only ones controlled by the executive branch. Typical idiot liberal.
The cabinet level, and (to a lesser extent) other positions the President controls, run things and determine policy.
mark and gammanu would have us believe there were still lower-level staffers in these departments, carry-overs from Obama, that continued to expand government, further left wing objectives and obstruct right wing objectives, despite reporting into Trump-appointed, Republican leadership. And somehow, Trump was unable to stop it.
Care to share a couple of examples?
Fiona hill Alexander Vindman Lois Lerner
Plus a thousand more but you only asked for a couple
Also keep in mind: The only reason anyone knows the names Peter Strzok and Lisa Page is because they got caught and exposed for unethical behavior during the bogus Mueller investigation. There are plenty more lowlife scumbags like them still flying under the radar, who wake up every morning with the intention to undermine democracy and shift power to the commie-Democrats.
I think most of these corrupt bureaucrats are motivated by personal ambition. If they support the liberal agenda, especially if they are willing to bend corners, they know they will get promoted.
The term Nazi is used far too much, but that’s how the majority of Germans came to support Hitler. If they wanted jobs, they had to support Hitler. So, they did. And, they turned a blind eye to his atrocities.
It was the same with Japan during WWII and the Soviet Union.
The liberal agenda has captured the Federal government, news media, Hollywood, grade schools, high schools, and college. And, now ( Bud Light, Target ), it is capturing other businesses.
^ So you don’t think anyone that commits the bad acts that Trump is accused of deserves punishment if they are convicted, and your counter argument is that they did it too, only means there’s no standard of behavior that any president should be not allowed. SMH.
^ that's his biggest non sequitur in a long time
Support for transgender rights is the Shibboleth of the progressive Democrat party.
Support for Trump style politics is the Shibboleth of the Freedom Cockus branch of the Republican party.
Tucker’s 2 videos on Twitter have 150 million views. His program on Fox averaged 3 million viewers.
What those on the left have always gotten wrong is that the populist platform embraced by Trump preceded him. Remember the Tea Party ?
The idea of smaller government and personal freedom is the Shibboleth. Trump is just someone we trust to support these values.
Trump did not invent populist conservatism. Populist conservatism invented Trump.
Trump coming-to-power in 2016 was less about Trump and more about what many Americans thought/felt about the current political-system.
The state of our political-system and what many Americans think about-it is also the reason why someone like Bernie Sanders was an inch from being the Democrat-nominee b/f the Democrat-machine kneecapped-him.
These two factors in particular IMO have opened the eyes of many American people w.r.t. how corrupt the current political-system is along w/ how corrupt many of the government institutions currently are; not to mention the sold-out media which is supposed to call balls-and-strikes vs lie-up-their-ass to protect one political-party while perpetuating-lies about the other.
If anything; Trump’s-election served to bring the governmental-rut out into the open.
Kevin McCarthy breaks-it-down to a CNN “reporter” how corrupt the media/her-network is:
Fiona Hill, Alexander Vindman, Lois Lerner - Mark I had to do some googling on those names to get their stories straight. Turns out the first two were Trump appointees or hires, that later became critical of him, like countless other Trump appointees did. Lerner never worked under Trump.
As expected, the notion from Mark and gammanu that Obama carryovers obstructed right wing objectives and worked to expand government under Trump is all right wing horseshit, if these are the best examples they got.