
Circumsized vs Uncircumsized

Saturday, June 17, 2023 7:21 PM
This is a strange question and i'm sure I'll be made fun by a few, but who cares. Do you think LDs are better if you are uncircumsized. I have a buddy from England who says it's extremely easy for him to LDK - and he thinks the difference b/w me and him is that is not circumsized. No, we don't show eachother's cocks lol but were talking openly one day. In fact, he found it bizarre how any one can enjoy LDs at all if they are circumsized. He was going on about how the tip is the most sensitive, especially over the pants. Any thoughts on this. I know an odd question to throw out there but it's better than the posts about politics or the economy I sometimes see lol!


  • etsutwigg222
    a year ago
    When the head is down the throat, the turtle will come out of the shell !!!
  • gSteph
    a year ago
    Ya play with what you got.
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    Your buddy from England is just a premature ejaculator. If he whipped it out for a CBJ or CFS, he'd shoot the works before she even got the rubber on him.
  • Sgtsnowman
    a year ago
    Circumcision does not cut the head off, it just trims the foreskin. That makes the circumcised member less sensitive over time, as the frenulum where all that fine action truly matters more constantly exposed. Thus giving the "edge" in sensitivity to the uncircumcised in most cases. The downside for the uncircumcised (more likely a downside for her really) is that if you ain't thorough with the morning ablutions, your junk has more funk beneath the surface. If your looking for civvie action, that will be potentially a deal breaker. I imagine even in a more businesslike relationship too much odor would be an issue.
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    I didn’t realize I had a choice. It’s not liking picking either Tiffany or Amber
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    I always wondered, just because the little guy won't remember it when he grows up, does that mean it's not an act of barbarism? Fuck me man, that must hurt like hell. I'll bet if you had some uncircumcised dude and wanted to make him talk, you just get the tools set up and he'll sing like a fuckin canary.
  • Papi_Chulo
    a year ago
    It'd be interesting to know if there is an LDK-connection to circ vs-non-circ; or if it's just random (I assume the latter/random but maybe there's a connection?)
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    ^ There is a cancer connection between them though, I don’t quite remember the details, but uncut were much more at risk.
  • caseyx
    a year ago
    I have a relative who had to get circumcised as an adult for medical reasons. He said it was the most pain he every felt in his life.
  • Jdo11
    a year ago
    Lmao. I'm uncircumcised and I still wear condoms to ldk. I'm certain I'd be getting a free circumcision if I tried to ldk without a condom.
  • Myoman
    a year ago
    Wait I dont understand, a condom to LDK? Why would that be necessary? Is that a thing?
  • funonthaside
    a year ago
    A dancer once told me that guys put on condoms prior to getting LDs, to avoid making a mess. Lest you think it's for the dancer's benefit, though, it's actually to avoid ruining HIS clothing. Of course, for some of us slobs, we wear athletic pants/shorts, so we don't care.
  • CJKent_band
    a year ago
    @Myoman I will play along and comment on your discussion. I seems to me that you people are in denial about the UNDENIABLE REALITY: Circumcision doesn't offer any real health benefits. Circumcision and female genital mutilation are ‘the cruellest of cuts’ inflicted upon defenseless babies.
  • georgebailey
    a year ago
    "A circumcision is usually performed within 48 hours of birth by an obstetrician or pediatrician in the hospital, or on the eighth day after birth for the Jewish ritual, called brit milah or bris. The baby is restrained, then the layer of tissue that covers the tip of the penis is surgically removed. It should take no more than five minutes in skilled hands. When weighing the pros and cons of circumcising your baby, the most clear-cut medical benefits of circumcision are a four- to 10-fold decrease in the risk of urinary-tract infections during the first year of life, and a three-fold reduction in the risk of penile cancer among adult men." Anyone can Google this.
  • misterorange
    a year ago
    ^^ Jesus H Christ, FIVE MINUTES??? I always imagined it was some kind of circular medical instrument that once placed in the ready position it was just like "SNAP" and it's over.
  • Pussylicker2
    a year ago
    In traditional jewish circumcision, the mohel sucks the infants penis after cutting the foreskin. Jewish babies in new york often contract herpes from this perverse practice (google it). Circumcision is done to reduce sexual pleasure. The foreskin is there for a reason. The skin of the penis is designed to slide back and forth, the head of the penis is supposed to always be moist, like the inside of the mouth. The gunk under the foreskin is called smegma, circumcised men can't produce smegma. Infant circumcision is an evil practiced that should be outlawed.
  • gammanu95
    a year ago
    Circumcised men do produce smegma. It's just pre-cum without a foreskin to collect in. Another reason in favor of circumcision: researchers discovered that the HIV virus evolved to transmit to men specifically through the cella of the foreskin. you can still get it if you're cut, but consider it an additional level of protection.
  • ArtCollege
    a year ago
    To answer the question, one of you uncut guys needs to have the procedure and report back. It's called taking one for the team.
  • georgmicrodong
    a year ago
    How would I know?
  • Jdo11
    a year ago
    The protection from HIV argument for getting circumcisions make as much sense as cutting off your tits to reduce the risks of getting breast cancer xD. It's some outdated buklshit doctor bros came up with to keep the status quo. Nowadays if any man is stupid enough to stick his dick into a hole without wearing a condom, he deserves to contract space aids.
  • chugwa
    a year ago
    Circumcision is mutilation. In biblical times they did not radically remove the entire foreskin, they just cut a notch in it so it was mostly still there. It's been shown to cause brain trauma in infants. It's basically cutting off the a structure that is homologous to the clitorus. There is no good reason to do it, even for religious people, the modern circumcision is completely barbaric.
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