avatar for SquareCastle

Comments by SquareCastle

review comment
4 months ago
avatar for xeasy80
Single lap dances better than Private dance
The Rhinos all suck now. You’re wasting your money. Head to Synn instead. 40 plus girls the other night.
review comment
8 months ago
avatar for BQws2
Quick Fun Night
These kind of reviews are just one reason I don’t visit this site as much anymore
discussion comment
9 months ago
avatar for scatterbrain
Brush offs...
You’re not dating her or looking to date her. This is all business, even if they don’t take it that way. Just say, “no, I’m fine - thank you”. And be done with it. It ain’t rocket science.
discussion comment
9 months ago
avatar for Grjax
I don’t understand the context in which you’re using the word “ass”? Do you mean ass as an idiom of sorts , meaning why do these clubs suck? Or do you mean “ass” as in there are a bunch of phat asses roaming the club, hence the reason you used the word “ass”? There are many positive and negative connotations associated with the word “ass”…..
discussion comment
9 months ago
avatar for rickthelion
Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
Professor rickthevulture
microdong aka rick the lion aka whatever your current handle is at any given time, that isn’t funny.
discussion comment
9 months ago
avatar for Mr Monger
Mr Monger
Why are strippers so afraid of extras ?
They aren’t afraid of extras in the US, they’re just selective of who they give extras to because they have more monetary options. If they gave dealt their bodies to everyone, then they’d have to deal with significant emotional and psychological windfalls/risks. So they have to discern who’s worth it and why it’s worth it. It’s a free market for them the same way it’s a free market for us. In other countries, especially economically impoverished ones, they don’t have the privilege of being selective and self preservation comes before any detriments that might emanate from sex work. The median monthly salary in Mexico is $1,600 and it’s probably worse for women. Buying an Apple Computer and creating an OF’s account is just not an option.
discussion comment
9 months ago
avatar for docsavage
Strippers who dislike the customers
I’d say most, if not all of my regulars are indifferent to me in general and that’s exactly how I want it. They do love my money though and that’s the whole point. Most of them know I’m with someone in the real world, either through conversation (I’m usually asked if I have a wife or gf) or peripheral gossip as I’m cool with many of the bouncers and DJs who know a bit of my backstory. I have boundaries like they have boundaries and that translates to having boundaries when fostering emotional connections - which I do not do. As a result, I’m rather tone deaf when it comes to being able to delineate whether they like me or not because I meet their monetary expectations and they meet my ITC needs. In other words, I could care less as long as they do what they promise to do. And they could care less as I pay them well. A better question would be if you think dancers are good enough “actresses” to provide you with great service in spite of their disdain for any said customer.
discussion comment
9 months ago
avatar for IWantHerOnMe
I'd live this way again
Strippers Being Called Hustlers Make Me Uncomfortable
Who cares about all of the semantics and why she does/doesn’t do what she does for money. I could care less about why she does it, how she does it and the overall psychology behind her doing it. It’s of no concern to me. As long as she’s not being forced to do it, and as long as she provides what I need, then she can envision herself as Eleanor fuckin Roosevelt for all I care. Life is short, just crack open your wallet and have fun. You don’t regret the things you did in life, it’s the shit you didn’t do said many wise men on their death beds.
discussion comment
9 months ago
avatar for twentyfive
Living well and enjoying my retirement
O. J. Simpson dead at 76
Anyone ever see The People vs OJ Simpson with Cuba Gooding? It was a phenomenal series. Highly recommend it.
discussion comment
10 months ago
avatar for SquareCastle
Dancers Leaving The Clubs For Sugar Daddy Benefactors
@Wise/RJ - Ya, I just can’t get on board with any of that at all. Interesting, the link to the ad RJ posted mentioned they (SBs) make a median of $1,000 just to go on a date but it doesn’t really specify what that entails. Even if it entailed the means to the end, which would be the room, I would never pay for the company of a beautiful woman even if I were desperate. I mean, I wouldn’t sit across from 99% of these dancers on a dinner date for free. I’ve done that already once begrudgingly and it was agonizing, even though I got what I wanted afterwards. ITC and the occasional room if she fits the criteria is the way to go in my opinion.
review comment
10 months ago
avatar for wonot
Weird Club - used to be great now not so much
I agree, this club and Blue Zebra might be the worst two clubs I’ve ever been to. And I’ve been to a lot of clubs in my days. Foreign and domestic. Their pathetic dweeb of a manager is running this place into the ground. And that may be a good thing.
discussion comment
10 months ago
avatar for SquareCastle
Dancers Leaving The Clubs For Sugar Daddy Benefactors
@eor- ya, i get the offers a lot but it’s always gotta be a “date” at a restaurant or a shopping expenditure first or no room afterwards. Sorry, not doing that. If I wanted to date, I’d easily get a civvi chick and risk the entanglement factor. I’m not going on a pseudo date because you can’t compartmentalize in the first place. Just take my money and buy/eat whatever you want alone or with your boyfriend/side dude. I don’t need to be involved in that equation.
discussion comment
10 months ago
avatar for SquareCastle
Dancers Leaving The Clubs For Sugar Daddy Benefactors
Every dancer thinks their God’s gift until they realize their sexual marketplace value wanes/precipitates everyday. it’s just like being an athlete in some ways, as there’s always new draft picks (domestic and international) that’ll push their value down even more. It’s a cruel churn em and burn em business. And apparently, with college girls (not working girls) joining the sugaring mix to help pay off tuition- the markets even more cluttered. And not in their favor.
discussion comment
10 months ago
avatar for SquareCastle
Dancers Leaving The Clubs For Sugar Daddy Benefactors
I understand the concept of sugaring and the psychology behind it on both sides but it doesn’t fit me nor is it conducive to what I’m looking for. I don’t mean that in a patronizing sense, and more power to anyone that does it but once you include the pseudo dating elements into the equation, you can count me out. Sorry but it’s hard enough to engage in thoughtful and intelligent conversations with most dancers as it is and slightly more bearable if they are super hot. Only 1 will ever have me in that aspect and I’m fulfilled in that category anyways. I just want to pay them to leave as the great Charlie Sheen once said, not engage in any pragmatic discussions about money, food and instagram as a pre requisite to what I’m truly there for.
review comment
10 months ago
avatar for BQws2
I love this place
Afternoons at this place are straight trash - and the evenings aren’t much better. Most of the dancers that work here now are leftovers from other clubs or other Rhinos. When are they hiring new dancers?
discussion comment
10 months ago
avatar for SquareCastle
Dancers Leaving The Clubs For Sugar Daddy Benefactors
@Board - anyone else get sporadic racist spam from rickmicrodick? I’m not going to waste precious seconds of my life responding to his drivel even though his words aren’t even worth the shit stains on his mother’s thong. How many user names does this guy have? Geez.
discussion comment
10 months ago
avatar for SquareCastle
Dancers Leaving The Clubs For Sugar Daddy Benefactors
@Mate- I’m in finance and I’m not sold on bitcoin, even with its most recent spike which is more or less due to the SEC recently sanctioning it as an ETF rather than just a superfluous, volatile investment. In other words, they (our financial institutions) will try and regulate its value on minute by minute basis. I’m somewhat biased however because I’m a slight conservationist and don’t believe in mining due to environmental risks. Anyways, back to pussy. Which is still far more valuable than bitcoin in my estimation. I only have 1 dopamine dealer left, which means I have to mine for more stress relievers, which is stressful in and of itself based on my criteria. Even Miami clubs are thinning due to these sugaring sites. Hopefully these dancers see the light, get stood up/bait and switched a few times, and come back to the circuit.
discussion comment
10 months ago
avatar for SquareCastle
Dancers Leaving The Clubs For Sugar Daddy Benefactors
^No shit microdick/rickthelion that’s not what I was asking but thanks for the prolific bit of intel. And save the white supremacist private messaging for the 4chan community boards.
discussion comment
10 months ago
avatar for iaceshighi
In most west coast states, undercover cops usually act/rely on inside tips from jaded dancers or ex dancers. I know a cop who just retired from the force and he mentioned to me that most tips that led to undercover busts and/or arrests in strip clips surprisingly came from jaded dancers or ex employees of the club they were raiding. And yes, they can go after PLs who they suspect are “soliciting”. Although he said most of the cases were eventually dropped. As for STDs, you have to be careful in any social arena you dabble in. Most sex workers are cleaner than their civilian counterparts because their livelihood depends on being clean. Yes be careful, but the odds of getting a serious STD in a sc are actually quite low in comparison with say taking a girl home from a nightclub. Also, one common myth is that if a girl is providing you with extras, she is with everyone else. This is also false. Most high end dancers who provide extras are actually quite selective with who they do what with. Are you the only guy, no. Does she do the same thing with every single guy, probably not. Do they charge every one commensurately, I’ve been doing this long enough that they absolutely don’t. They’re human beings with their own set of standards and internal biases. Just go there, tip well, and have fun. There’s nothing to be nervous about.
review comment
10 months ago
avatar for BQws2
I love this place
Club ad. Probably from their female manager.
review comment
10 months ago
avatar for mule7
Los Angeles
Baited and Switched
^@WoodD- going to have to respectfully disagree with you on Synn, COI. IMO they probably have the best stable of dancers right now and the best bang for your buck. Even I myself was shocked at the variety they had there recently. It used to be known as the bargain basement spot for low hanging fruit. Seems like they’ve upped their game for the time being. Good/Bad Management can really make or break a club.
discussion comment
10 months ago
avatar for Mr Monger
Mr Monger
Why is it so hard ?
^about as clear cut as it gets. Thank you Ron.
review comment
10 months ago
avatar for mule7
Los Angeles
Baited and Switched
Also know a dancer who used to work here, who’s now at Jet Strip and she mentioned that the reason for the clubs downturn is because of their current regional manager from Vegas who also still manages a few clubs up there as well. He’s basically a no nonsense, numbers guy who’s all about the bottom line and doesn’t care about the customer experience at all. Nor does he care about the dancers, who he apparently sees as numbers/expendable. House fees were 60 percent when she left in December, which is beyond gouging. Implemented the rule that any dancer caught accepting tips via Zelle or Venmo will immediately be fired and blacklisted from any club he manages in the future. Basically a solid gold asshole. I won’t be coming here until the regime changes. Which may not be for a while.