I’ve been to strip clubs all around the world and one thing I’ve observed of how US strippers will do everything but the one thing us men truly want which is to pound them into oblivion. I’ve read a lot of stripper forums and it’s like they’re mad or surprised that men want sex. It’s not like your already nude dancing on my jock but me sticking it in is where we draw the line lol.
Take HK for an example them hoes do any and everything you desire for a price of course, they have no problem taking hard meat for our pleasure. But in my hometown you’ll be lucky to get a full contact dance let alone a BJ. Why won’t our strippers go all the way ? I mean it’s just sex right
Social norms and conventions. In North America, you're "dirty" if you open your pussy, you're not if you simply grind on his lap, etc.. We're hypocrites, "omigod I would never do THAT" is applied inconsistently. Similarly, I have heard that the traditional Thai upbringing and experience generally has different assumptions, that include the fact that sex is really just a bodily function and therefore doesn't have as much negative associated with it, whereas dining together is really a big deal that implies a type of romantic connection. And for a long while in Japan there were really no rules about pornography, none of it was illegal, as long as you didn't show any pubic hair, so I heard.
I’d say in the US women can be strippers and still make money without having to be pounded into oblivion.
The other countries you’ve visited, I’d imagine those “strippers” don’t have that option.
As mentioned above too, sex is such a “taboo” compared to other countries. It’s been mentioned before by people in other counties when watching American television, “why does America have such a hard time with nudity and sex but is obsessed with sensationalizing violence so much?”
Hey don’t get me wrong I’m all for US cities having brothels available like a lot of other counties!!!
First of all, that's a pretty big line to cross. When it's crossed, health concerns come into play (STIs). Safety in an intimate setting is also a factor.
But your question is indicative of a broader societal shift in power dynamics between men and women, where women seem to have all the choice and power when it comes to sex.
The reason for _that_ is because the vast majority of men have simped themselves into uselessness. Your own wording above shows how you view sex as HER giving YOU something. And that attitude, in a nutshell, is the answer to your question.
Put yourself in her shoes. If you were a 7 female, and you had a third to half of all men check you out when you went to the grocery store, how compelled would you feel to oblige any of them in any way? Many women think of men as almost disposable, despite their biological leaning to be submissive to and dominated by men. Modern women have been told that by virtue of being a women, they're outstanding. You have 5's and 6's who are overweight, average looking, have no skills, can't hold an intelligent conversation, but who have been told they're 10s, because ... well, just because.
A lot of this lies squarely at the foot of many modern males, who have been emasculated and shamed into being less masculine, which renders them less attractive to most women, regardless of what those women say. They've been told they're not valuable, and their self confidence is deflated. So, they stumble all over themselves and each other to get a whiff of pussy, if they're ever lucky enough to be in that position. It's their fault for letting this happen to them.
So in a nutshell, she has a lot of choices, and you have few choices. She, like any other human, looks out for her self interests, and is not in the business of doing herself a disservice for your benefit. So, she has no motivation to entertain those she's not really interested in. Other men who she can choose from will have money for her, and she'll go with them.
It's pure economics. Dancers who don't do FS or extras generally have decided that they make enough money without resorting to that and all it entails, including but not limited to the risk of disease and incurring whatever emotional impact having sex purely for money might entail. As Shailynn noted above, dancers in other countries may not have as many alternatives.
If the SCs in OPs areas are totally locked down, OP has other options. One would be to work out an OTC arrangement with one (or more) of the dancers at the local clubs. If that doesn't work out, there are always the escort sites. In either case, you just have to be willing to pay what the market demands, just like ITC.
They aren’t afraid of extras in the US, they’re just selective of who they give extras to because they have more monetary options. If they gave dealt their bodies to everyone, then they’d have to deal with significant emotional and psychological windfalls/risks. So they have to discern who’s worth it and why it’s worth it. It’s a free market for them the same way it’s a free market for us.
In other countries, especially economically impoverished ones, they don’t have the privilege of being selective and self preservation comes before any detriments that might emanate from sex work. The median monthly salary in Mexico is $1,600 and it’s probably worse for women. Buying an Apple Computer and creating an OF’s account is just not an option.
Meanwhile, strippers want to know why we don't all just throw our money at them, and otherwise largely ignore them, rent a section, get drunk, and talk to our friends. Really, we should just get over our Golden Dollar Syndrome.
When I started reading the OP’s post, I expected the “one thing they won’t do” to be kissing, not fucking. I know plenty of dancers that will grind me into oblivion, let me suck their tits to my heart’s content, and some will agree to fuck OTC, but draw the line at DFK. My experience is that dancers who won’t kiss are afraid of that level of intimacy, or are more worried about mouth-to-mouth health issues. When I find the occasional dancer that will enthusiastically DFK in the club, I consider that a nice bonus to everything else!
Lots of explanations, many are tending toward the whole truth, a combination will probably be the best solution.
Personally I disagree with the "pure economics" description (though it does apply as far as this post goes). There could be plenty of other market-economics arrangements in which sex would be LESS valuable than a lot of other services that are presently offered at less expensive rates than sex. For example, rational-economically, you could be paying for her time and effort, not for which "base" you land on, nor for whether her panties come off; consequently a two song from-behind full-service experience, in which the girl simply bends over and removes her panties and the guy goes at it, might (in some settings) be rationally valued economically as less than a longer and more effort-ful six-song medium-contact lapper which requires her to change positions and move around, but allows her to keep her panties on. This alternate valuation (extended effort-ful lappers costing more than quick-and-easy full-service) is already kind-of the norm at Pompano Beach FS clubs, IME, though not necessarily 100% of the time. I'm not saying that this other pricing is required, or could be imposed immediately. Rather, I'm just making the point, that the present choices made in economic valuation here, are still at least partially subjective, leaving room for leeway.
Generally, its my hunch that we mongers should, over the aggregate, figure out how to work this subjectivity further in our favor. There are things we want, that are known to be wanted, and so will be up-priced by most intelligent providers; but there are also things that are really of very little consequence to the providers, and require little effort, and therefore we might generally convince them to down-price those things by framing it as a win-win situation. We males aren't very good at valuing ourselves, or the attention (and money) we dole out, as demonstrated in the X-Twitter video from Joey Mannnarino linked by PhredJohnson. A few simps will spoil the market for everyone else. This has collectively happened over the course of our (we participants at TUSCL) lifetimes, as providers used to hold much lower bargaining power than they presently hold. A major portion of the solution is, to de-simp most men, and to demand something I call "true feminism" from most women -- if the women are going to have the opportunity to hold legitimate places of equal power in the workplace, then they're going to have to learn to "fuck like a man," more emotionally detached and at a much lower price-point. This would be a change to overall social mores, so it takes a lot more engineering than just talking about it, though I do see hints of it coming along in the Millennial and post attitudes sometimes. Complaining about simps is one part of the solution; and realizing our bargaining power (girls who need to pay the rent, f.e., won't take "no" for an answer); and not valuing the specific act of insertion-of-dick so highly as we presently do merely because it's something presently restricted. If the DeBoers cartel hadn't cornered the diamond market then those particular stones, which are less rare than many others, would not be the highest-priced ones. We're fighting, essentially, against a slow-moving cartel, call it the GPS cartel. No one girl has exclusive rights to pussy distribution, though she instinctively manipulates males on the basis of that assumption whenever she has the opportunity (social conditioning? biological imperative? I think it's mostly the former).
Just some discussion of the "rational economic indicators" here. TLDR -- strippers aren't rational, don't let them force you to be just because that's what every simp currently does.
Another thought. Squarecastle points out that many Mexican providers simply don't have better options of quasi-sex-work on the internet. ("Buying an Apple Computer and creating an OF’s account is just not an option. ") This seems to me to be an excellent cross-border business opportunity. What would it take, for two or three sensible US investors, to set up internet-cafe-style businesses in a few Mexican cities? The setting would be multiple small office type rooms with full-privacy, each with a laptop-type good internet connection. You let the girls come in at regular hours to do their OnlyFans shows, they rent the computer access from you. Don't even try to control their internet presence or try to supervise the filming; just let them run it the way any average suburban US girl would do it, except they don't ultimately own the computer or pay for internet connection. Seem plausible? One of you mongers with good Spanish and south-of-the-border experience should get on that!
I didn't read the whole thread, but to book guy's last point. There are such places in Columbia and likely other areas. An "investor" gets a couple apartments and rents out rooms for exactly this purpose. From what I understand some of the situations are less investor and more pimp, but many are mutually beneficial.
And the point I'll make is that not all strippers are afraid of extras. I realize south Florida isn't the norm, but around here extras are basically the norm. It's more the reverse, many of our strippers aren't interested in bothering with dances in a lot of clubs. They're at the club to do rooms and find OTC partners.
This cant be a real question. And I don't think most strippers are afraid of extras they just don't wanna do them like idk. I would think the loudest girls bitching about extras are exactly the ones doing the most. That's been my experience for years of on and off dancing I've done.
What I don't get is the longtime dancer girls who are either legit offended or pretend to be offended that a guy asks them how much he can pay her for sex. Like how can u even be mad at that?
Like if I helpfully suggest a teacher doesn't show up next week for class so they can take it easy and rest up are they gonna be offended I wanna get out of class? Nah lol. U dunno if u don't try lmao.
Same way I can go up to a dude like "I wanna molest you in the back" like he can just say no and we move on. Idk why people make such a big deal outta nothing.
Something the OP here hasn't considered is that extras are ILLEGAL. Even in places like Florida and Seattle, where extras are more common, you can still be arrested for prostitution. Fortunately in those places, LE tends to look the other way, but in most of the country, a dancer is taking a serious risk of arrest if they offer extras.
💲 ☀️ They Might Want/Need More $ $ $ Offer, Strip Club Rules, Cameras, STD'S, Or Savin' Their Sugar Daddy. I'm Happy With Just Good Contact, Or Chillin' Like A Villin' In The Club ⚡
Youre going to the wrong clubs, or it could be the vibes youre giving off or more.
The reason for strippers not often offering extras, doesnt really have to do with them having other monetary options. Thats not actually the case. Any dancer who is capable of selling dances to people, is absolutely able to make much more money from either offering extras, or from scamming. So some dancers will offer extras, some will scam, and some will remain honest but just stick to no extras.
One thing you may want to consider, extras may not be what you think they are. Theres dancers and escorts who may offer “extras” like a condom blowjob or a handjob. I don’t know about you, but those arent extras I would ever be willing to pay for. I might take those things for free if its the end of the night, and i wont be seeing any other dancers/have no plans to see anyone.
Some or even many of these dancers have boyfriends or husbands. That aspect alone, will lead to different outcomes. Even if their man is a pimp and allows them to offer extras for money, its going to be very specific and limited extras that may not be worth it for many people.
If they dont have a man, theres still major risks involved.
Theres the legal aspects of soliciting/prostitution. They cant just go around advertising extras or openly discussing them with every customer.
Theres the safety aspects/risks involved if they are meeting a customer outside the club.
Theres also the societal/social aspects to it. Society still sees prostitutes as being lower on the totem pole than strippers. So they face increased social embarrassment if they are to openly advertise being a hoe.
If you want uncovered extras, theres potential disease concerns as well with those.
In the club, theres club rules/potential cameras or risk of being fired.
last commentThe other countries you’ve visited, I’d imagine those “strippers” don’t have that option.
As mentioned above too, sex is such a “taboo” compared to other countries. It’s been mentioned before by people in other counties when watching American television, “why does America have such a hard time with nudity and sex but is obsessed with sensationalizing violence so much?”
Hey don’t get me wrong I’m all for US cities having brothels available like a lot of other counties!!!
But your question is indicative of a broader societal shift in power dynamics between men and women, where women seem to have all the choice and power when it comes to sex.
The reason for _that_ is because the vast majority of men have simped themselves into uselessness. Your own wording above shows how you view sex as HER giving YOU something. And that attitude, in a nutshell, is the answer to your question.
Put yourself in her shoes. If you were a 7 female, and you had a third to half of all men check you out when you went to the grocery store, how compelled would you feel to oblige any of them in any way? Many women think of men as almost disposable, despite their biological leaning to be submissive to and dominated by men. Modern women have been told that by virtue of being a women, they're outstanding. You have 5's and 6's who are overweight, average looking, have no skills, can't hold an intelligent conversation, but who have been told they're 10s, because ... well, just because.
A lot of this lies squarely at the foot of many modern males, who have been emasculated and shamed into being less masculine, which renders them less attractive to most women, regardless of what those women say. They've been told they're not valuable, and their self confidence is deflated. So, they stumble all over themselves and each other to get a whiff of pussy, if they're ever lucky enough to be in that position. It's their fault for letting this happen to them.
So in a nutshell, she has a lot of choices, and you have few choices. She, like any other human, looks out for her self interests, and is not in the business of doing herself a disservice for your benefit. So, she has no motivation to entertain those she's not really interested in. Other men who she can choose from will have money for her, and she'll go with them.
If the SCs in OPs areas are totally locked down, OP has other options. One would be to work out an OTC arrangement with one (or more) of the dancers at the local clubs. If that doesn't work out, there are always the escort sites. In either case, you just have to be willing to pay what the market demands, just like ITC.
In other countries, especially economically impoverished ones, they don’t have the privilege of being selective and self preservation comes before any detriments that might emanate from sex work. The median monthly salary in Mexico is $1,600 and it’s probably worse for women. Buying an Apple Computer and creating an OF’s account is just not an option.
*backs out of thread slowly*
Personally I disagree with the "pure economics" description (though it does apply as far as this post goes). There could be plenty of other market-economics arrangements in which sex would be LESS valuable than a lot of other services that are presently offered at less expensive rates than sex. For example, rational-economically, you could be paying for her time and effort, not for which "base" you land on, nor for whether her panties come off; consequently a two song from-behind full-service experience, in which the girl simply bends over and removes her panties and the guy goes at it, might (in some settings) be rationally valued economically as less than a longer and more effort-ful six-song medium-contact lapper which requires her to change positions and move around, but allows her to keep her panties on. This alternate valuation (extended effort-ful lappers costing more than quick-and-easy full-service) is already kind-of the norm at Pompano Beach FS clubs, IME, though not necessarily 100% of the time. I'm not saying that this other pricing is required, or could be imposed immediately. Rather, I'm just making the point, that the present choices made in economic valuation here, are still at least partially subjective, leaving room for leeway.
Generally, its my hunch that we mongers should, over the aggregate, figure out how to work this subjectivity further in our favor. There are things we want, that are known to be wanted, and so will be up-priced by most intelligent providers; but there are also things that are really of very little consequence to the providers, and require little effort, and therefore we might generally convince them to down-price those things by framing it as a win-win situation. We males aren't very good at valuing ourselves, or the attention (and money) we dole out, as demonstrated in the X-Twitter video from Joey Mannnarino linked by PhredJohnson. A few simps will spoil the market for everyone else. This has collectively happened over the course of our (we participants at TUSCL) lifetimes, as providers used to hold much lower bargaining power than they presently hold. A major portion of the solution is, to de-simp most men, and to demand something I call "true feminism" from most women -- if the women are going to have the opportunity to hold legitimate places of equal power in the workplace, then they're going to have to learn to "fuck like a man," more emotionally detached and at a much lower price-point. This would be a change to overall social mores, so it takes a lot more engineering than just talking about it, though I do see hints of it coming along in the Millennial and post attitudes sometimes. Complaining about simps is one part of the solution; and realizing our bargaining power (girls who need to pay the rent, f.e., won't take "no" for an answer); and not valuing the specific act of insertion-of-dick so highly as we presently do merely because it's something presently restricted. If the DeBoers cartel hadn't cornered the diamond market then those particular stones, which are less rare than many others, would not be the highest-priced ones. We're fighting, essentially, against a slow-moving cartel, call it the GPS cartel. No one girl has exclusive rights to pussy distribution, though she instinctively manipulates males on the basis of that assumption whenever she has the opportunity (social conditioning? biological imperative? I think it's mostly the former).
Just some discussion of the "rational economic indicators" here. TLDR -- strippers aren't rational, don't let them force you to be just because that's what every simp currently does.
And the point I'll make is that not all strippers are afraid of extras. I realize south Florida isn't the norm, but around here extras are basically the norm. It's more the reverse, many of our strippers aren't interested in bothering with dances in a lot of clubs. They're at the club to do rooms and find OTC partners.
Fwiw out here in Seattle there are plenty of extras.
Like if I helpfully suggest a teacher doesn't show up next week for class so they can take it easy and rest up are they gonna be offended I wanna get out of class? Nah lol. U dunno if u don't try lmao.
Same way I can go up to a dude like "I wanna molest you in the back" like he can just say no and we move on. Idk why people make such a big deal outta nothing.
The reason for strippers not often offering extras, doesnt really have to do with them having other monetary options. Thats not actually the case. Any dancer who is capable of selling dances to people, is absolutely able to make much more money from either offering extras, or from scamming. So some dancers will offer extras, some will scam, and some will remain honest but just stick to no extras.
One thing you may want to consider, extras may not be what you think they are. Theres dancers and escorts who may offer “extras” like a condom blowjob or a handjob. I don’t know about you, but those arent extras I would ever be willing to pay for. I might take those things for free if its the end of the night, and i wont be seeing any other dancers/have no plans to see anyone.
Some or even many of these dancers have boyfriends or husbands. That aspect alone, will lead to different outcomes. Even if their man is a pimp and allows them to offer extras for money, its going to be very specific and limited extras that may not be worth it for many people.
If they dont have a man, theres still major risks involved.
Theres the legal aspects of soliciting/prostitution. They cant just go around advertising extras or openly discussing them with every customer.
Theres the safety aspects/risks involved if they are meeting a customer outside the club.
Theres also the societal/social aspects to it. Society still sees prostitutes as being lower on the totem pole than strippers. So they face increased social embarrassment if they are to openly advertise being a hoe.
If you want uncovered extras, theres potential disease concerns as well with those.
In the club, theres club rules/potential cameras or risk of being fired.