
I'm a complete newbie. I want to go to a stirp club and get a lap dance. Where I live touching is off limits, but a few reviews here say you might get lucky. Lets say you hit the jackpot and get offered extras. Is it a trap? What are the odds you get in trouble?
last commentNow if the club is very restrictive and the bouncers catch you doing extras you'll probably get thrown out of the club. Don't try to fight the 300 lb gorilla when he comes to toss you or you will get in some real trouble.
It's a big plus over places like massage parlors where they arrest customers AND employees during a bust. Even the owner of the Patriots got caught up in one of those stings!
As for STDs, you have to be careful in any social arena you dabble in. Most sex workers are cleaner than their civilian counterparts because their livelihood depends on being clean. Yes be careful, but the odds of getting a serious STD in a sc are actually quite low in comparison with say taking a girl home from a nightclub. Also, one common myth is that if a girl is providing you with extras, she is with everyone else. This is also false. Most high end dancers who provide extras are actually quite selective with who they do what with. Are you the only guy, no. Does she do the same thing with every single guy, probably not. Do they charge every one commensurately, I’ve been doing this long enough that they absolutely don’t. They’re human beings with their own set of standards and internal biases. Just go there, tip well, and have fun. There’s nothing to be nervous about.
I think in most places its very unlikely to be a trap. However, in many areas it may be a scam. The likelihood of a dancer suggesting or outright promising extras with zero intent of providing them are exponentially higher than the likelihood of any sort of other issue. Around here in south Florida, that's certainly the case.
I've never personally been caught fucking a stripper in a club, but I've seen a few guys cross lines and get thrown out. From what I could see, there was some embarrassment and discomfort as the bouncers escorted them out of the dance area and club. But I've never seen nor heard of a customer encountering legal trouble over it. Although it is certainly possible the club and/or dancer could initiate contact with the cops, I'd have to guess its in neither of their best interest unless you're sexually assaulting the girl or something. A dancer willingly engaging in more explicit acts than the club management will tolerate is almost certainly going to just result in the customer getting kicked out and maybe banned and the dancer fired or at least sent home for the day or suspended. A sting operation targeting customers seems unlikely too.