
Comments by NJBalla

  • discussion comment
    19 days ago
    New York
    Would you let Kamala Harris give you a LD
    plenty of AOC's at any strip club
  • review comment
    23 days ago
    Where did they come from?
    HItching post could be pretty competitive for a dancer and customers expect a lot more mileage. but who knows latinas like the beach in the summer and this spot is closer to the shore than paterson
  • discussion comment
    24 days ago
    What type of music to they typically play?
    If your decision on a club is based on music consider yourself lucky. I prefer clubs with smokeshows who provide a lot
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    In NJ. Goes to Pa for BJ.
    One of the most pathetic sites at a club
    Well imagine the sight of a poor monger at the ATM while a girl is sitting nearby with her hands crossed waiting for her money. Thats the sign of a poor monger who was upselled in the VIP
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    New Jersey
    Still Closed in mid August
    *shurgs* Just go to 5th avenue in paterson. A lot of the brazilians I know hated this place BTW. Very dangerous concerning clients and many arent legal so providing everything out in the open wasnt worth getting locked up and not being able to pick up the kid from the babysitter/ A few that dance there can be found at George and I. Newark police dont poke around because the club doesnt offer dances so the club can be very dead. Im not a big fan of that place. Its more of a place for brazilian day laborers to release the poison with a MILF. but the 1 or 2 times i visited it looked like every brazilian offered car dates. The girls make most of thier money off of drinks so if you want to see an old regular get your google translate ready to ask for a car date before she asks for drink #4.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    *and always make sure
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    The only gurantee it seems like is market volatily will never go away. Doom and gloom will always lead the airways akin to if it bleeds it leads. Blockbuster job reports and the market is fearful the fed will keep rates locked. Market crash and fed drops interest rates but people are fearful of a recession.I say fuck it. Limit your time in front of a computer, write down your goals, save a little, and dont always make sure to have a young latina bounce on your lap to keep things in perspective.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Men’s Haggar Cool 18 Pro pants and trial run in Vegas
    *thrown out dress codes
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    Men’s Haggar Cool 18 Pro pants and trial run in Vegas
    There's probably at least 40 threads on optimal strip club attire. Haggar pants are better than jeans or dress clothes, but after quarantine many establishments have thrown out dress clothes. Buy a pair of black workout pants on amazon. You will enjoy the experience, the girl will too, and if you walk into a club with workout pants like that is pretty much a green light to everyone working that you know your shit. Walk into the club with a pair of tight fitting jeans or in a suit screams newbie. My preferred pants are the ones below. https://www.amazon.com/CENFOR-Sweatpant-Athletic-Training-XL/dp/B07LF9WJ9L/ref=sr_1_35?crid=23RBPS3P6LBU8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Dh51tjRRnaewGLVbJOFxjpT8LYvzB4q7MOYOPuiZZg92TH25sNXKLr_SPrtnl_hbDnjvzZYegPHpfwTgC2tu9t0Bkxvkku9YNR3dAvg1yrIAUOXwboKMptURHro9yf-ot03xF2QOcWjOA3A51B9zvkE1EJ-s4BysS8GDqNgad6Ef7YcUehqGJTsA_s_dUizEqYjVaZ2TRdkx8bESd3KMsUcO4SWmlPhWDpRrxKf775tR58KeWdTe6tjotnETPr4sIYIfm108bVRFruGDVH1RW3T3bZMNGwlLc4NNIfnpI4c.V672UXmZZ9qJoR6g4ZyKDRYSW8FeQzz1FK74O-rGB3o&dib_tag=se&keywords=black+gym+pants&qid=1722390808&sprefix=black+gym+pants%2Caps%2C90&sr=8-35
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    New York
    Club is slow: Dancers fault? Or the current times?
    *and if your idea is hoping to blame strip club occupancy on women lets get real. Strippers have so many options and they work in this industry because they want quick cash. If they arent getting money from the club they will find other options fairly quickly. The girls who work in strip clubs are maybe 5% at most of the female companionship industry.
  • discussion comment
    a month ago
    New York
    Club is slow: Dancers fault? Or the current times?
    Female companionship is the oldest industry and will last forever. I think its silly to consider strip clubs being a barometer for how the economy is doing. Times change. For example, when quarantine happened many clubs had to shut down and many guys learned of alternative options. When quarantine was over some guys returned full time, some continue to explore thier other options, and some found going back to getting a grind in a wooden stall to be barbaric in comparison to lets say a 30 minute romp on a hotel bed. Your logic would be like saying because the office buildings occupancy rate dropped after COVID the economy is shit when so many work remote.
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Milf lover and newbie nerd
    ITC full service
    ITC used to be fun when i was a newbie,then you learn they are better options for lower prices and you feel like an idiot. But to each thier own. Having someone grind on my lap for more than $100 these days feels silly as well
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    If thats late 30s Aline she used to work at Showplace in Dover when she was younger. That should tell you all you need to know lol
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Got A Phone Number
    Dont overthink it. Some of my biggest regrets were not following up on dancers who showed interest. Even met a few that provided everything on the menu. Nothing like leasing before you buy. Every woman is a year or 2 away from closing up shop and settling for a guy who is not much to look at, doesnt have the best career but treats her right and is loyal. Might as well be you.....
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    New York
    Trump Shot at Rally in Pennsylvania
    Country being polarized and social media empowering everyone to believe they can make a change alone. Sad to see. Fox, CNN, MSNBC hoping this continues to happen. Everyone is glued to the TV's tonight
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    You can go back in time to any era...
    I may have been in the duke area in the scandal years. Scandal hit the university hard but that didnt hold me back from a spring break trip to the DR
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Playhouse Lounge - Why a Disproportionate Number of Posts?
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    New York
    The Dominicans are Ruining a Formally Good Brazilian Bar
    Yeah the best dancer at this bar in my opinion is dominican and as sarsta has said one of the bartenders is dominican. I think the owners is actually brazilian (frizzy haired blonde). Dominicans get a bad rap because some can speak english and are more americanized. Brazilians used to be more humble and gratious. But you cant stereotype anyone anymore. The brazilians are getting just as americanized as the dominicans these days
  • review comment
    2 months ago
    New York
    VIP, Know what to expect
    My guess based on the reviews on 2024 is there had to be a raid or perhaps police finally gave the managers a talking to. Most guys in north jersey who use sites sites like this have learned there are much safer, discreet, and clean options available. Recommend a 15 minute romp in newark airport hotel for 100 than driving your way to irvington dealing with the theatrics and having to wash the smell of black and milds off of you
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    You can go back in time to any era...
    I honestly miss quarantine. Would go back to that era in a heartbeat without the widespread dying of course. Loved that everyone kept to themselves, money went a long way, work was remote, and we appreciated the little things. Now everyone you meet in public wants to know your lifestory and share, deals are hard to find, and way too many shitty options out there
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Why I prefer Strip club extras
    IF you like the hunt, do want to peruse sites for research, or dont want the walk of shame in and out of hotels that strip clubs are easier. But sex on a bed is always more fun than a cubicle or leather chair
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Why I prefer Strip club extras
    Yeah stop treating cops like idiots. They know the clubs, hotels, parlors etc that offer extras. The people who work at hotels all know the girls and clients too. They say if it wasnt for guys looking to cheat on thier wives whether it be a hookup or seeing a provider many hotels would be closed
  • discussion comment
    2 months ago
    Taking a stripper on a trip - Dumb idea?
    No offense to this board, but its probably not the place to ask this question. There is a huge market of girls who routinely fly with clients to exotic locations and sometimes clients fly them to a thier home location to spend a weeked. Seach #fmyty on twitter if you want to head down that rabbit hole for examples. I just wouldnt pay anything in advance and as other said make sure she has a passport
  • discussion comment
    3 months ago
    Michelle Rodriguez
    Lol, noone has said she is clearly a dyke. Maybe she would be fun in a threesome but she'd probably be more interested in the girl than I was
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Wednesday Night Post-up
    Roxxies is dirty not because of the mileage. its literally dirty. They have a bouncer to keeps things PG. But if low mileage banter with ruskies is your thing thats the bar for you