One of the most pathetic things I've ever seen at a strip club isn't a nasty, flabby ass. It was a fellow monger hitting the ATM three times in a little more than an hour. He didn't look rich. Maybe the opposite, which made it all the more pathetic.
If you've hit the ATM in a club three or more times in one night, fess up. No judgment. Well ... no additional judgment.
I don't know about your guy, but I always walk into a club prepared to spend significantly more than I usually do, in case I get an offer that's too good to refuse. I also take care not to look rich. On the evidence, the only thing that keeps me from meeting your test for pathetic is that I couldn't explain an ATM charge.
Well imagine the sight of a poor monger at the ATM while a girl is sitting nearby with her hands crossed waiting for her money. Thats the sign of a poor monger who was upselled in the VIP
Did it three times one night a few years ago. Withdrawals were capped at $200 per transaction IIRC. Never did it again. On top of everything else, you don't know how the site will be described on your bank statement.
Yeah, as Muddy stated.....that's a "crack-monger", he can't stop.
Only one time in my history have I hit the club machine: it was in New Orleans post Hurricane Rita (I remember the lobby of the hotel on Bourbon still had fans blowing in the lobby). I got so fucked up that I got "pulled" into an AA club (no longer there) and did some dances. I pull out my wallet.....I had $23 bucks! She waltzed me right over to their machine, and I barely cranked out my PIN.
I've never hit an ATM at a strip club and probably never will. A couple times I've been really tempted to leave the club to hit an ATM and come back (paying another cover) but haven't been that pathetic yet.
As a general rule, I try to get a certain amount of money from outside the club ATMs (lower rates under $4). I may end up using the ATM in the club if things get REALLY GOOD, but overall I pay less than the ridiculous 10-15% rates per transaction.
Luckily I’ve never done this, but even worse is when I’ve witnessed the dancer walking the customer over to the ATM and hovering over the PL while he’s getting the funds
I have hit an ATM three times in one night while clubbing, but never a strip club ATM more than once in a visit. And that's a rarity. I can actually remember the last time I used an ATM at a strip club. It was Follies in Atlanta and I think they charged a percentage of the amount withdrawn as the fee...something like 8%.
The girl the money got spent on was Valentine. I'd only taken enough for one VIP room (and already had an intense session with an eager Latina) but couldn't pass up a round with her. Worth every dollar I spent.
The only thing that sight says to me is that either the guy lacks willpower or doesn't give two shits about the ATM fee. Neither is more probable in my opinion.
Personally, I rarely hit the ATM at the club, but that's only because I have the foresight to bring cash with me. On a few occasions I've had so much fun in a room with a girl I've decided to go again that same day, or I've met a new girl and wanted to spend some time with her to be sure to get her attention the next time I went in. I don't always have the cash on hand for that, so I'll use the ATM. I've never had or wanted to go back to the in-club ATM more than once in the same visit though.
Generically, looking rich and being rich are two very different things, especially around here in south Florida. We have both lots of lower class over extending to looks rich and truly wealthy masquerading as blue collar. I wouldn't make assumptions on wealth based on casual appearances.
^ I don't bring my cards into the club. They're locked up in my car. That used to be to protect myself from bad decisions, but more out of habit now. I also had a buddy get his CC info lifted via an RFID sniffer device in the club. So, I'm a little concerned about that.
I'm glad they're in the car, though. There was exactly one time when I made a math error and I did have to use the club ATM.
^Ishmael thats why you can purchase a protective sleeve that prevents the RFID sniffer device from stealing any info.
But seriously how often does someone have one of those devices in a club? Youre talking 1 in a million maybe even 1 in a billion chance… its the equivalent of not stepping out into the sunlight for fear of radiation from the sun or something… and those rfid scanners can be anywhere in public.. not just clubs
Forgive me Father for I have sinned …..I’ve done it a few times ( but only 2 hits to the ATM) My time Is limited, I can afford the fee, and I want what I want when I want it. But yeah it is stupid and a lack of self control for sure.
Isn't it like rule #1, to never use a CC or ATM ITC? IDK about "pathetic" but watching a guy in his boxers trying to get cash out of an ATM sure tells you something.
I don't recall ever seeing someone hit the ATM three or more times at a strip club, but I did see a guy hit the ATM nine times in the Poker Room at Foxwoods. It was good having that guy at my table...
having less than optimal cash on hand is a rookie move. If you get caught in the moment, ask the girl about a cashapp. It happened to me in my keywest review after blowing cash all day long having fun buying drinks and I took the $10 hit in stride.
I have never used a strip club ATM because I don’t have a card for that. But there have been many times where I’ve run out of cash and bought more VIP rooms on my credit card unfortunately.
In my experience. They limit withdrawals to low amounts and some limit the number of withdrawals. The worst part is the fee. And the stripper hoes who gather around you while at the ATM.
last commentOnly one time in my history have I hit the club machine: it was in New Orleans post Hurricane Rita (I remember the lobby of the hotel on Bourbon still had fans blowing in the lobby). I got so fucked up that I got "pulled" into an AA club (no longer there) and did some dances. I pull out my wallet.....I had $23 bucks! She waltzed me right over to their machine, and I barely cranked out my PIN.
I watched a guy at Follies make 5 or 6 trips to the ATM.
The girl the money got spent on was Valentine. I'd only taken enough for one VIP room (and already had an intense session with an eager Latina) but couldn't pass up a round with her. Worth every dollar I spent.
1. After being screwed by the ATM, the customer immediately leaves because they're already satisfied...
2. Customers have the urge to smoke a cigarette right after using the ATM...
3. The ATM is located in its own VIP room, complete with a curtain...
4. The ATM dispenses a bottle of champagne along with the cash...
5. The highest earner in the club is the ATM...
Okay, that's about all the ATM fee humor I can muster right now. Please feel free to add to the list... :)
Personally, I rarely hit the ATM at the club, but that's only because I have the foresight to bring cash with me. On a few occasions I've had so much fun in a room with a girl I've decided to go again that same day, or I've met a new girl and wanted to spend some time with her to be sure to get her attention the next time I went in. I don't always have the cash on hand for that, so I'll use the ATM. I've never had or wanted to go back to the in-club ATM more than once in the same visit though.
Generically, looking rich and being rich are two very different things, especially around here in south Florida. We have both lots of lower class over extending to looks rich and truly wealthy masquerading as blue collar. I wouldn't make assumptions on wealth based on casual appearances.
I'm glad they're in the car, though. There was exactly one time when I made a math error and I did have to use the club ATM.
6. The waitress asks if you'd like to buy the ATM a drink.
But seriously how often does someone have one of those devices in a club? Youre talking 1 in a million maybe even 1 in a billion chance… its the equivalent of not stepping out into the sunlight for fear of radiation from the sun or something… and those rfid scanners can be anywhere in public.. not just clubs
My time Is limited, I can afford the fee, and I want what I want when I want it. But yeah it is stupid and a lack of self control for sure.
Same here, not in a club or anywhere else.
Makes you sound . . .
Stripper hoe is an appropriate term for what many on tuscl seek out at stripper hoes clubs lulz