I can't believe.....

avatar for jaybud999
....that Matt Gaetz withdrew?! He was the perfect fit to really upend the corrupt justice department. He is simply an expert at knowing what corruption looks like! Unbelievable.

Plus, president elect Trump has great vision. Gaetz was clearly chosen to get this country turned around!

Congratulations on the win(s), I look forward to seeing the great progress this upcoming administration gets done.

I'm going to go make an omelet now, since the economy is now better. And, I'll wash it down with some good, clean water.


last comment
avatar for drewcareypnw
4 months ago
avatar for skibum609
4 months ago
Watching progressive males pee themselves like little girls over Trump kicking their ass and America telling them to go fuck themselves has made 2024 epic.
avatar for twentyfive
4 months ago
What this episode shows, is that you guys don't have the mandate you thought, careful now, don't get too far out in front of your skis.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 months ago
^ This was the mandate...a GOP trifecta. Democrats on TUSCL have mysteriously found a love for bipartisanship and states' rights, when they said Biden got a "mandate" with a 50/50 Senate last time....hmmmm.

Gaetz is and was a distraction. Told you all it was a way to get Dems to shoot their wad and ease the way for other nominees. A bunch of maroons here act like Gaetz withdrawing was some huge victory. Goes to show how desperate you all are.
avatar for twentyfive
4 months ago
^ A 1.5% win in the popular vote, hardly supports a mandate, your guy won the election with the Electoral College, yes he is the POTUS, but you still need a consensus to govern, so like I said don't get too far out in front of your skis.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 months ago
^ In which case "mandates" are a thing of the past. If Dems want "consensus" they better shelve the #resistance garbage from the first term.

Gaetz' withdrawal was not some Democratic victory except for those who have been playing tic-tac-toe while Republicans are playing chess.
avatar for twentyfive
4 months ago
^ You're playing this like it's some kind of a false flag operation, your guy isn't that smart, nor is he that tactical, if he doesn't listen to his own people, this will be a win for the idiots, that would like nothing better than to tie things up so that nothing can get accomplished, he only has two years until the midterms, and the extremists can tie his agenda in knots for those two years and once the midterms are over, he becomes a lame duck, just like Biden.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 months ago
^ That's your speculation without evidence, Trump showed a lot of craftiness in his campaign. Now Pam Bondi is all but a shoo in and people aren't talking about RFK anymore.

Not having Democrats in power is enough of a win for me. Pendulum always swings so taking credit for that is like taking credit for the sun rising in the east.
avatar for twentyfive
4 months ago
^ you’re the only one taking credit for the sun rising in the east, I raised the point of Gaetz being a plant to draw fire two weeks before you. All I’m saying is not to get cocky, there’s nothing here that you’re going to get for free.
avatar for rickdugan
4 months ago
@25: The electoral college element matters because it shows that a diverse group of people supported Trump. The liberal paradises of CA and NY alone, with their large urban bases, were responsible for over 18% of the popular vote for Harris. She failed to appeal to a broader base and even lost significant ground in NY with black and Latino voters.

So I do believe that he has something of a mandate. But I also agree that he shouldn't overplay his hand. If Trump blows shit up now, we'll just be handing the reign back to the same retards that gave us runaway inflation and boys in girls locker rooms 4 years from now.

Gaetz was a shitty choice for AG and a poor start IMO. I get the loyalty angle, but I mean seriously now. His replacement pick is a much better choice, though Bondi should have been his first option, no the backup.

We'll see how this all plays out. It should be interesting.
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 months ago
@rick - Agree on all counts. "You don't have a mandate" is subjective, a hedge from someone who lost saying "you still need us!" The American people want Trump and Republican leadership. The only thing that would explicitly give him power is a filibuster proof majority (ha, the filibuster, another Democratic bugbear they've suddenly found a liking for).
avatar for twentyfive
4 months ago
You basically are saying exactly what I said
He needs to make choices that can get confirmed, it’s not just me saying it’s what’s happening, if he squanders the political capital he’s picked up by winning, it won’t come back, the senators are warning him that they can’t be pushed the same way as the congressmen.
avatar for mogul1985
4 months ago
Trump is building a Pirate Ship with a very diverse crew based on merit, not Woke/DEI and part of the DC Inner-Circle Good Ole Boys crowd.

Look at the change in the Popular vote in die-hard Dem states like NY & CA. Trump held rallies there, and gained ground for the GOP POTUS margin. He went to the Lions' Dens with rallies and pods and interviews.

Trump has 2 years, and he needs Congress' support, to do a lot of what he said he would do. The Deep State needs to be exposed and dealt with. It won't go away in 2, 4, 8, 12 years, however, if the Dems keep with their planks, Trump's Pirate Ship will help them Walk The Plank.

Get these wars throttled down and stopped;

Start ship out the criminal illegals by the train load;

Get The Wall and associated security measures on Warp Speed;
use tariffs as negotiating tools;

Bring back Made In America via the 15% corporate tax deal that will increase manufacturing wages and employment;

Off-set the 25% inflation with higher wages;

Pebble SMRs;

Lock down his soon expiring tax cuts with new additions;

Deal with sanctuary cities via police funding the fed provides;

DOGE - Vivek and Elon are not on the Gov't Money Gravy Train and will SHAME those who continue to support the 4th Branch of Gov't - Bureaucracy;

Cybercurrency, KILL FEDCOIN;

Giddy-up on neutering the Dept of Ed that Carter established and has moved us to the most expensive per student and to like #32 globally;

Get HR 2 from May 2023 voted and passed in the Senate;

Get the Save Act passed, over 50% of Americans have some level of distrust with voting, and Casey/PA sure didn't help;

If he can get these things going, not finalized, there will be a strong chance the GOP numbers in Congress will increase. Immigration, children, economy and wages are what Americans care about.
avatar for skibum609
4 months ago
Kamala Harris was the standard bearer for woke policies. Trump the standard bearer for scumbags. The scumbag defeated the wokester. Game, set, match, mandate.
avatar for Iknowbetter
4 months ago
It seems like Trump is going out of his way to appoint politically unsophisticated individuals outside of the political mainstream (with the possible exception of Rubio) to serve as cannon fodder to provide cover for unpopular or extremist policies. These will most likely be very short tenured appointments (although hopefully longer than Gaetz) by mostly political novices who don’t realize that getting too close to Trump usually ends badly (not quite as badly as getting too close to the Clintons).
avatar for JimGassagain
4 months ago
The piggiest of all nominations backed out???


I mean….Vegan!!
avatar for drewcareypnw
4 months ago
"Trump is building a Pirate Ship with a very diverse crew based on merit"

...and Gaetz was the first little cabin boy to walk the plank. No seat in the house or the cabinet. Kerplunk!

It's nice to know the GOP has some standards. Though I will say this: it's bs for Gaetz to get shit for fucking a sugar baby. 1/4 of American men have paid for sex. It's really not a big deal. He also didn't know her age, and she was close to the minimum age anyway. A dude paying a woman for sex, her lying about her age, and then labeling him a "pedo" is thin logic.

Gaetz is however a total piece of shit for his gadfly useless stage antics politics, and was massively unqualified to do what is a very serious and difficult job. The GOP powers that be saw through this and said... "um maybe not anal on the first date, Don".

I'm sure the Orange Turd thought "what the fuck, let's send Gaetz's name in, I owe him for stumping for me and we can see how hard the GOP are going to roll over for me". It's not a Manchurian Candidate situation, it's not a master stroke. It's called Positional Bargaining, where I go high and see how low you come back.

The new nominee is another right wing turd, but at least she has a passing familiarity with the job. There are degrees of "burn it down".
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 months ago
^ "1/4 of American men have paid for sex."

You mean 1/4 admit to it.

You're contradicting yourself if you said Gaetz walked the plank but was part of Trump’s positional bargaining.
avatar for skibum609
4 months ago
For the first time since President Bush, we will have an actual, competent Attorney General.
avatar for drewcareypnw
4 months ago
@puddy, I meant that in the sense that Gaetz and plank walkers in general walk unwillingly. Can you elaborate on how you see that as contradictory?
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
4 months ago
@drew - it was either a tactical move, or it wasn't a tactical move. I think it was...Gaetz (aka Butt-head) had no qualifications for the role other than a law degree. I'm a conservative Republican but am still uncomfortable with how he's practically sucked the skin off of Trump's dick. Knowing how Trump operates, sees himself as a savvy negotiator, it sounds like the explanation that makes the most sense. If Trump were 100% behind him, I think he could have gotten the role...the GOP is firmly united behind Trump now.

Leftists act like they've won a scalp here. (Here's Amanda Marcotte in Salon being even more of a stupid bitch than usual.) https://www.salon.com/2024/11/…

But they really didn't. They habitually underestimate Trump.

But I'm happy how it's shaking out, Bondi is infinitely more qualified for the role.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago
Gaetz was basically going to execute what Trump said he wanted to see happen at the DOJ during the campaign, so can't really fault Gaetz for that. Wouldn't make sense for us to fault him for being a fellow PL. Since there hasn't been so much as a civil suit brought against him on behalf of any minor girl, have to take all that with a grain of salt.
avatar for mogul1985
4 months ago
What DC has been doing for many decades is a joke with Taxpayers' money, regulations and politicians getting wealthy. What I do know is Harris would have just been Obama/Biden 3.0 and Biden was Obama 2.0. Sometimes a little revolution is good for the a country.

Our current gov't is a bloated mess, and Trump will serve up "one small mint" : https://www.youtube.com/watch?…
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 months ago
He's got no paternity suits. Apparently, he's an old hand at not waiting to long to make a quick withdrawal.
avatar for jaybud999
4 months ago

You think Bondi has better qualifications than Garland?! Let's pretend this is an apolitical discussion on two attorneys. All you have is the resume. You're telling me that Bondi stands out over Garland?

Da fuck kind of attorney are you?
avatar for mogul1985
4 months ago
Had Garland released the Crypt Keeper's unedited tape and transcript it would have gone a long ways for him. He was pissed off at anything GOP, and Trump, for not getting on the SC. He had a lot of documented meetings, as were also at the WH, with local DAs that were going after Trump, and the 3rd guy at the DoJ quit to work with Bragg. "Show me the man, I'll show you the crime." Very Stalinesque.

The DoJ has had very questionable motives and actions the past 4 years, especially classifying parents who didn't agree with school boards and investigating Catholics as "American Terrorists" plus the raids they had on Trump associates with CNN in-tow.
avatar for mogul1985
4 months ago
When Dems freak out over an AG like Bondi, you know they had to change their underwear. Good luck finding any serious dirt on her.
avatar for twentyfive
4 months ago
The pick of Bondi is really a shot at DeSantis, don't think that Trump forgot about that little inter party feud, from last year.
I doubt he actually cares about her qualifications.
avatar for skibum609
4 months ago
^Unlike his predecessor he understands what the word qualifications means.
avatar for twentyfive
4 months ago
^ If by qualified you mean a rubber stamp, sure, that's what she did for DeSantis.
avatar for skibum609
4 months ago
^Very bigoted and misogynistic comment. Before you bleat something infantile why don't you check out her record as a prosecutor, it's the opposite of Harris' unmitigated record of failure and her 8 years as Attorney General. Democrats are just so pathetically childish.
avatar for twentyfive
4 months ago
^ How about you check out her record, what the fuck does Harris's record have to do with Bondi, in all honesty your comment is stupid, even you know how stupid your remarks are.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 months ago
Bondi is more likely to be able to seek indictments against Trump's political opponents, without getting laughed out of court. Wouldn't give me much heartburn to see Pelosi or (either) Clinton indicted. Nothing bad about making politicians more reluctant to be shady. Hopefully we're not going to see the cast of Saturday Night live indicted or targeted for IRS audits.
avatar for skibum609
3 months ago
^^You are a fucking asshole and a little bitch. You make stupid seem like a compliment when applied to you. You are worse then a little girl when it comes to crying.
avatar for twentyfive
3 months ago
^ is that drivel directed at me ?
Get the fuck outta here
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 months ago
There was a video posted on X regarding Gaetz. He was going after insider traders including people on the right. Supposedly he also didnt take money from AIPAC? And was one of the few who spoke up against the anti semitism bill. Those are all reasons why he suddenly dropped out. He definitely was a good choice for AG.
avatar for NJBalla
3 months ago
If you really support Gaetz get a few of your friends and pay $500 for him to record a cameo video as a present. Wonder how many of his "supporters" on this thread would actually pony up instead of beating thier gums

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