Playhouse Lounge - Why a Disproportionate Number of Posts?

It has just occurred to me that PL has quite a higher number of both Discussion and Review posts.
Got me to wondering why....
1 - South Jersey / Philly is populated by a disproportionate number of demented perverts?
2 - The nature of VIP room activities lends itself well to the TUSCL crowd's interests?
3 - The consistency and high customer service qualities of the ladies has created a loyal fan base?
last commentYes
lol. I’ve noticed the same thing and have been thinking of creating a similar post.
There’s a lot of “Do you know where [insert dancer name here] works now? She used to be at [insert club name here].” by new/unfamiliar names making me believe it’s the same stalker.
Who didn’t bother to read the FAQ’s btw.
All of the above.
It seems like Playhouse has taken Follies place as TUSCL's favorite club.
It is now the most reviewed club. I'm not sure I would consider it TUSCL's favorite club. I know I don't. The two clubs couldn't be more different. Handjobs from grannies v. FS from barely legals.
^Ha ha - yeah - I’ll take FS from barely legals
The ladies that are grannies to some, are peers of many PLs.