Sad to see but the days of hearing frank sinatra in bars from fresh off the boat brazilians plummeted during COVID. Most hobbyists and girls have moved on to agencies, hotels, or indy work.
Kind of inevitable based on the changes to the “Lap dance booths” over the last several years. I bet the girls will be marketing themselves heavily for OTC work before they close.
This bar has been circling the drain for awhile now, but it still saddens me to see yet another club close for good. I know a lot of this is COVID after effects, but a changing culture as well. I feel many clubs have never been the same since 2008 and I feel the caliber of clubs and dancers was a different world in the 2000s, but maybe some of that is nostalgia. Its also a really small place for an Irish pub/restaurant.
Along the lines of the Kayla question ^^, We have a responsibility now to go there once more before it closes, and get as much intel as possible as to where the girls are planning on going / what they're planning on doing. Post back here or start a new RAB: Where are they now thread.
Heard today that last day will probably be even sooner. Most likely one day next week. Heard owner doesn’t want to renew insurance since closing following week.
last commentNorthwest Jersey loses another go go bar, not too many left.