A Poll (Pole?) of Sorts

avatar for albertfromwerther
It seems that a number of the veteran club-goers on this board have settled into regular attendance of a few clubs while keeping alive the constant desire for new women and locales.

My question is: how do you rate the comfort of a familiar club relative to the thrill and novelty of a new club? Do you always prefer a known quantity? Is there still a rush associated with the unknown?

I suppose the same question can be applied to ATFs v. New dancers as well.

Any input from those more experienced is appreciated.


last comment
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
To me Da juiceman my local clubs even if suckass mean the world to me and is wear I do the most of my clubing and finding ATF......its like having a good marriage with one sexy lady....but like me and most men we need that thrill of the chase and adventure and this is wear driving out of town comes in and finding other clubs that will do thangs the lady at the house want do....lol......so you see one is for comfurt and the other is for adventure.....we must have both its a ying and yang princable.....and as with all thangs do all this with moderation making sure you take good care of the self first then the others for in taking care of yourself you have cared for the others....we cannot feed others without first feeding ourselvs .
avatar for lotush
12 years ago
I like my familiar club because even though I have an ATF I like chatting with the other girls I know, and I do get occasional dances from all of them. I'd only go to a new club if I was in a different city, or wanted extras that my club isn't known for.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
If it ain't broke, don't fuck with it. Same is true of strip clubs. At least for me. I have a good thing going at my two favorite clubs. It has taken my 15 years to get where I am in these two clubs. No reason to look any further. There are always new girls coming into the clubs. So there is always new horizons

Now a road trip once in awhile never hurt anyone.
avatar for gsv
12 years ago
Sometimes it is nice to check out new places, but the problem is when you go to a place that is hit or miss in the first place. You might check it out on a crappy night and then end up thinking it's a horrible place.

I was at supposedly one of the "best" clubs in queens the other day and had to wit two hours to even see some real dancing going on stage. most ghetto place ever, don't even know why it has the reviews it does. regardless, it has its charm, and i will probably go again just to try my luck, but i dont know, something does not really sit well with me about the place.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
As with many things, especially when it comes to women, it is often a matter of personal preference/taste.

Some guys desire and/or are actively seeking an ATF “relationship”.

For me, I love novelty. I like to experience new clubs and new dancers – this gets me more excited than going to a club which I am already familiar with.

I also love variety. In my 13 years of regular SCing – I don’t recall ever going back to a club looking or hoping to find a specific dancer; although I have had many good times on specific visits with specific dancers – it’s just that once I’ve experienced a particular dancer, and I am ready for something new/different.

I also tend to rotate b/w 10 to 12 different SCs in my area in order to get that “new club” feel per se.

Not saying that my way is the best way – just my preference.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
To add to my previous comment.

It is risky to try out a new/unknown club. When I try out a new club, I treat it as a recon mission – if the club sucks or is not to my liking, then I leave and go to a SC I am already familiar with – whenever I try out a new club, I go with the mindset of hitting multiple clubs on that night/day if the visit to the unknown club is a bad one.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
DON'T want constant variety and change. IMO it is a MAJOR waste of time & money to try out new and UNFAMILIAR dancers. Give my a ATF!!!
avatar for 3LeggedMan
12 years ago
I have 2 "regular" clubs that I enjoy greatly. Any desire for variety is satisfied by choosing a different dancer. But in reality I tend to keep visiting my same favorites.
avatar for scatterbrain
12 years ago
Since I travel often, I lean toward the "thrill of the chase", always on the look out for new talent. I don't think I'm a regular at any particular club.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“… Since I travel often …”

Hey scatter – I noticed you were down in my neck of the woods recently when you visited and reviewed Deans Gold in Miami.

I actually visited Deans last Fr. night and was reading your review before I went (I will be posting my review later today).
avatar for GoVikings
12 years ago
I'm with Papi. I like variety more than going to the same ol couple clubs over and over again. The problem is, in my area, there are only 7 clubs to pick from. Of those 7, there are only 3 or 4 that I really, really like.

I don't travel but a few times a year, so unfortunately I don't get to check out a lot of clubs. :( Hopefully that'll change in the future, but for now, that's how it is.

Papi, I'm eager to check out those clubs in Miami - I'd go crazy in a club full of Latinas to pick from- you'd have to restrain me. :)
avatar for Lionshare
12 years ago
I'm new to the game, but im my short month of clubbing I have found that it is best to go with the sure thing. I have done Tootsies Miami 3 time (more reviews pending) & a fee places here in WPB. I have found that I hace way more success and satisfaction at Tootsies. It would be foolish to say that I already hace an ATF, but I do have a dancer that I really enjoyed. I would visit her every other day if I could. Luckily Its a bit of a drive to visit so that keeps my money in my pocket. Really hacent had many good experiebces club hopping here in West Palm Beach.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
12 years ago
“… I'd go crazy in a club full of Latinas to pick from- you'd have to restrain me. :) …”

LOL – I think most of us have problems restraining ourselves often times when SCing.

For me, my weakness is the “chocolate”. As I’ve posted before, good contact dances in Miami can be had for as low as $5 in the Miami black dives. Often times I’ll spend 2x in total in the $5/dance black clubs than I do in the $20/$25/dance non-black clubs.

I do hope you make down here – Miami has a lot to offer a young guy like yourself!
avatar for canny
12 years ago
It's easier and more relaxed where I'm a regular. When the bouncers say hi to me, the bartenders greet me by name and give me my regular drink, etc. Plus when I know a few dancers they introduce me to the new ones.
avatar for Ironcat
12 years ago
Yeah, I like the "home field advantage" of my regular club. Withe the older dancers you establish a sense of trust that you are not LE so the dances get better the more they see you. With new dancers I let them know I have been going to the club since it opened and they are less likely to try and scam you. They also know that you won't likely settle for air dances in the couch room.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
New club = road trip
avatar for Dolfan
12 years ago
I prefer the to stick to my favorite clubs. I tend to stick with a favorite dancers too. That's not to say I don't stop at other clubs periodically, or that a new dancer doesn't tickle my fancy at my favorite club from time to time.

Strip clubbing is a source of balance. When things are boring a new stripper on a Wednesday afternoon can provide a chance of pace. In much the same way a familiar touch of a favorite can provide a welcome calm in the storm.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
I have a very short attention span and deliberately rotate through a dozen or more clubs in search of the next new hottie. While I will occasionally dance with the same girls, I crave newness. I tried the ATF thing a while back and it doesn't work for me.
avatar for rl27
12 years ago
I like both, and when out of town I always try to sample to clubs in the area. However since most of my time is spent locally, and new clubs rarely show up in the area, I'll stick with a club which has friendly staff and friendly dancers, and dancers who meet my criteria to become current favorites.

When out of town I'll go to a club with great reviews, and tend to sample a lot more dancers, and then once I find one that I really like will spend a lot more than my typical budget, especially if the dances are a lot more explicit than in Ohio.

At local clubs I typically see only favorites and only sample new dancers either when one in particular really stands out, or none of my favorites are there.

I have have also been known to follow dancers around as they switch clubs in the area, especially if several of my favorites all leave to a new club. Often a big exodus of dancers means the club has gotten bad for both customers and dancers.

When I first started visiting clubs in my local area, Columbus Gold was my first real favorite club since it was the only big club in the area with hot women and good contact, and Private Dancer, which while no contact had really pretty nude dancers at the time, often hotter than what you would see at other clubs.

Later when new clubs came around and the hot dancers moved on to the newer clubs, I stopped going to Private Dancer. When the management at CG got stupid I stopped going there, and went to other clubs that have come and gone over the years, such as various incarnations of Excalibur, Olympus, Vanity and the Doll House.

The one club that has been mostly constant from opening day has been Kahoots. There was a two year period where I avoided Kahoots due to the management letting the dancers get a bit too catty with each other, but the owners eventually replaced the managers and it got back to being good.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
I like variety, but there are a limited number of clubs in my area, and most of them are bikini/pastie places I find to be a waste of time, plus I am not loaded with cash, so I tend to settle for one of 3 clubs within an hour of home. It's nice to have some familiarity, but as they say, familiarity breeds contempt. I've been going less frequently within the last couple years, although part of that is health issues, some of which is simply me just not being up for it on a given night, but some of that is the fact the clubs I visit I tend to be overly familiar with.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
I don't get attached to clubs only to dancers. If a fav changes clubs, I'll go and see her in her new club. I can't remember ever getting bored with a fav, they either move or stop dancing. And then I miss them, depending on how well they're replaced. My long-lost wild ATF had a big, firm ass and b-cups with beautiful orange nipples. I think I went several months only getting dances from her. When she wasn't taking me for granted, nobody could beat her dances.
avatar for Clackport
12 years ago
"I don't get attached to clubs only to dancers". That is exactly how I feel.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago

sc and I are two of the older and longest SC goers on this site. I concur with with his comments. And for me, I do enjoy the road trips, but the outflow of $'s has a much larger reward in the regularly attended clubs.
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