Another question from a SC rookie: after how many LDs u can get the number of a
Austin, TX
For example, after 1 or 3 or 5 LDs, the stripper will give you her number.
If this is a rating system, what does the number of LDs mean? You're more welcomed or you're a bigger wallet with penis in her eyes?
If this is a rating system, what does the number of LDs mean? You're more welcomed or you're a bigger wallet with penis in her eyes?
To the OP; every situation is different. Take the numbers when you can. What you do with them (keep, trash, write on bathroom wall, etc) is up to you.
What are you even asking?
In fact, sometimes getting too many dances in the club (and therefore spending lots of money) will decrease your chances of any OTC action, as they're already making quite a lot of money for presumably not even putting out ITC.
Numbers are exchanged between dancers and patrons either because there's a legitimate good vibe between the two people and they wish to meet up for a specific activity, or P4P action is involved. In rare cases, you could date a dancer, but that's so rare and probably impossible for many patrons. Especially if you met the dancer in the club.
That's pretty much the nature of the game. I would not say there is a given formula to it, other than putting yourself out there and having interesting topics of discussion with dancers. For me in NYC, it helps that I have connections to lots of cool underground house music parties and some other stuff closely associated with that.
To get a dancer's number legitimately, and not just for P4P action, it's not all that different from the way you'd do so at a regular nightclub. And I am not talking getting their number so they text you when they work and beg you to come in. At this point in time I'm lucky enough that none of the dancers in my phone do that.
You're a $ sign. You're an ATM...thats all.
Some dancers don't like it if you tell them you'll call but you either lose their number or forget it. I never tell anyone I can remember their phone number anymore.
... just one more reason to consider a HOBBY phone
I've got an equal amount of "clean" and "dirty" stripper numbers, of the ones I've called (again equal split) exactly 1 has been a GV#. And she used it because she was always changing her regular number and customers got annoyed, so she went google for consistency. I've never been given a work only number.
As far as how many dances to get a number, its all over the road. In some clubs you can walk in and get them straight away as long as you don't give off a cop vibe. Others are less interested and may only offer it up after months of visits. Others aren't interested at all and won't give you their number period. Not surprisingly this also applies to normal girls who aren't strippers.
most will give you a number to get you to come back to see them
I can take out your trash?
The comment about geographical difference contributing is interesting as well. I am beginning to wonder if there really may be big cultural difference between and east and west coast which work in favor of strippers on the east coast. Especially in the NE.
Out here customers willing to put up money for OTC must be quite a rarity because when I let the girls have my number about it, more likely than not they will be the ones pestering me to do some OTC all time.
Maybe the east coast is difference though, especially the NE. I can sort of see it. The NE is the financial/political heart of the country where they dream up things like collateralized debt obligation to make money and the outlook generally seems to be more flaunt your wealth, it's a dog-eat-dog world, and our paying hookers for sex is a symbol of your status (all the more so if they are hookers who happen to work in strip clubs and don't call themselves hookers).
Out here on the west coast, culturally, it is more laid back and, at the top, more about creating a successful business with some sort of technology theme - maybe a google, maybe an amazon.
So maybe there really is more customers beating down the strippers doors on the east coast, whereas out here, if they find out that you are willing to do paid OTC they are beating down our door - some phoning us time after time about it.
I believe men in general tend to more duches and perpetrate more wacky, if not illegal and/or violent acts, than females.
Also, dealing directly with the public, no matter what type of job it is (dancing; waitress; customer service; etc.); is often the toughest part of this kind of job IMO. Also, most of custies go to the SC and interact w/ the dancers maybe once a week or less; whereas dancers have to interact with the custies on a lot more regular basis - and they interact w/ a lot more of them than custies w/ dancers – thus increasing the chances of the dancer coming across some real wackos; a-holes; etc.
Just my 2 cents.