
Comments by Club_Goer_Seattle (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Seattle Escort Takes Advantage of Trump's Misfortune
    @ beguiled: That's why I only posted the graphic she used. Sorry you ventured further!
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers keeping a bottle in their locker.
    I for one, appreciate that dancer's thriftiness and thoughtfulness. I've only had a few experiences like that in my club-going experiences where I dancer told me ahead of time, "If the waitress asks you to buy me a drink, please decline. I'd rather you spend your money on dances than on ladies' drinks."
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Blonds vs Brunettes
    @ chess: Me? Nah.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Blonds vs Brunettes
    Once I notice a dancer with big boobs, I don't usually notice her hair color. So, I'm out as far as the survey goes.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Where are all the older reviews?
    Somewhat related: If you want to read reviews of a club that has closed, you can still access that club by entering its name in the search bar with (closed) next to it. Maybe that works without the parentheses, but I've been able to get to several closed clubs in that fashion. But, you have to spell the name of the club exactly as it was spelled when it was posted. For example, I have not been able to find closed club, "Baby Dolls" in Pomona, CA It closed around 2006. That was long before my TUSCL membership. I don't even remember if it was spelled as one or two words, such as "Baby Dolls," "Babydolls Theater," or whatever. So I haven't been able to find it. Any So. Cal members know if that club was ever even listed on TUSCL?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    parents finding out you dance
    Two stories: 1. I once knew a 19-year old dancer once who was stripping while still living at home with her parents. She told them that she had a job in a medical office. That was a convenient coverup because she purposely worked the day shift at her club and at hours similar to those of a white collar worker in an office job. One day while doing her own laundry at home, a dainty red thong happened to fall out of the laundry basket, Fortunately, she saw it right away and picked it up. But she said that if she hadn't seen it, and her mother found it, her mother knew that wasn't her normal underwear. She didn't even want to think about the questions that may have followed! 2. Another dancer I knew, had told me that her mother knew she was a dancer, but her father didn't! How the wife kept that from the husband is amazing to me.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Breasts of steel.....
    It sounds as if 2005 was the last year she did anything on camera. That was an Australian TV show. See the "Recent Years" section of: http://www.boobpedia.com/boobs/Cassandra_Peterson
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    North Carolina
    I just got a PM from Art's brother. Many of you that PMd with Art may get one also. His brother seems to be working his way through a list. I note that from this thread Magicrat, Corvus, and Jackslash have already received the same. More of you may as well.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    North Carolina
    I haven't posted on TUSCL much in the past year or so. I'm not in the "game" much anymore, so I have nothing new to write about. However, I was alerted by another TUSCL member of this thread. I too, and truly sorry to read of Art's passing. Like many of you, he and I messaged a lot. And we talked about a great variety of things, and very little about strip clubs. We discussed dogs, a lot. Also, cooking. He gave me a few cooking lessons and some simple recipes, as I explained to him I'm "culinarily-challenged." I was curious about his work, hobbies, lifestyle, Canada in general. And he told me a lot. He knew that his life would be short after a medical condition developed (he didn't say what), that he probably acquired from years of work in the petroleum industry when he wasn't knowledgeable enough to protect himself from hazardous substances. He mentioned several family members lived into their 90's, but that he knew from his recent diagnosis, he didn't expect to make it much longer. Certainly, not even into his 70's. Jackslash, I believe your knowledge of his age, 66, is correct. That's what I recall. I last messaged with him on October 21, 2015, and although he had a live-in caregiver by then, his spirit seemed like his usual self. But, if you look at his last review, on November 11, 2015, he mentioned that he had to use a walker, by then. His first experience with a strip club was in a club near Seattle, two miles from where I live. It's closed now and the building demolished. Being so close, I went there often. I'll think of Art now, when I pass by the site of that club.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Tattoos and Piercings on Dancers
    Anon: I'm enjoying your newly found presence on TUSCL. I hope you enjoyed rooting for the Seahawks this past Sunday. Will you root for them again this Sunday?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    OT: I need a favor from my fellow TUSCLers
    I voted too. I wonder if Londonguy noticed your use of "BBC."
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Jayne Mansfield before she was famous.....
    For a couple of nice links about her, see: 1. http://www.boobpedia.com/boobs/Jayne_Mansfield 2. http://www.playboywiki.com/Jayne+Mansfield
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    My main requirement is that a dancer's ass has to be smaller than her boobs.
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    9 years ago
    What happens when porn audio is played on the intercom at a Target store...
    Not just oohs and ahs, but explicit reference to certain body parts. Hilarious! (But then, I'm not a parent.)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    She wants me to buy her dinner first before OTC negotiations begin
    I had a standard routine of taking dancers to dinner before I'd ask them for more intimate OTC activities. It was my idea. Not there's. It worked great. Made them feel at ease before going into full OTC. Why are you reluctant?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Commenting Upon Ancient Threads
    I know what you're thinking. I'm sometimes surprised too. I have accidentally uncovered discussions that I'd like to respond to, only to discover that they're so old that no one else would likely revisit them and subsequently read my comment. So, I don't usually comment on old threads. One way of discovering old threads is by looking up certain members that I know I haven't seen posted anything in a while. I look up their list of comments, see an interesting subject, but then realize it's so old that no else is likely to comment further. Another method of finding old threads is by selecting the "Last Comment" option in the "Sort Discussions" button. That will sometimes start a new series of comments on an old thread.
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    9 years ago
    North Carolina
    Ignore Button
    I learned an interesting trick recently from knowing about TUSCL's "Ignore List" feature. On my cell phone, I have been getting a fair amount of robo calls within the past year. I finally noticed that some of them are calling more than once. I don't answer any calls whose number I don't recognize. If it was a legit call, the caller would have left a message. None of these leaves messages. So, I've created a group category in my phone labeled "Ignore List," but more importantly I set that list to a different ring tone than the rest of my numbers. So, when I hear that ring tone, I know it's just a repeat call from an unwanted caller.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Googling someone's phone number
    @ Aaron: No. I wasn't that interested in her anyway, and I recall that was the only time I ever saw her. She must have gotten the legit job she was looking for, and quit dancing. That was maybe four years ago, and I haven't seen her since. I just recalled another dancer Google search I once did. A local dancer-turned-web cam-actress had set up an LLC for her web cam business. I Googled her web cam screen name, just hoping to find videos of her, which I did, but also found a complete profile of her LLC, which included her home address. Sheesh! Couldn't she have thought to put the LLC in a name that people wouldn't think of to Google?
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Googling someone's phone number
    I too, usually Google a dancer's phone number when I get one. Usually nothing interesting shows up. I have had just a couple of past escort ads show. The most interesting was a dancer who was looking for a legit job. By Googling her phone number, her resume came up with lots of personal information--including where she lived, which was exactly where she told me, next to a prominent local business. Also, enter a phone number (or email address) into Facebook. If they've used that number/address as their registration, their Facebook account will show up. Just a couple of the many dancer research tricks of the trade I've learned.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Best Seattle Club?
    I should have clarified in the above, that cameras have been removed from the LAP DANCE AREAS in the local Deja Vu clubs. They still have them over areas in the clubs where money is handled, and the building exterior.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Best Seattle Club?
    1. Thanks for a couple of you above for the kudos on Seattle clubs, but I really don't get around much anymore to the 15 different clubs in the region: Mostly just the three northeast Seattle clubs -- Deja Vu, Lake Forest Park, Dreamgirls at Ricks, and Pandora's. And I really don't go very often either. Hence, my knowledge about the local clubs isn't as much, nor as recent as it once was. So, if any of you or others care to comment from time to time (or PM me) on your recent discoveries, I'd appreciate it. 2. @TT: A Deja Vu, Lake Forest Park manager, posted on her club Facebook account about a year ago that cameras have been removed from all Puget Sound Region Deja Vu-owned clubs. And, I can believe it. At some of the clubs, dancers are openly going fully topless in the VIP rooms, whereas legally, they're supposed to keep their tops on (but many would at least flash). And I haven't noticed much of managers circulating in the VIP rooms since then. (The cameras were installed for a specific purpose at the time, but were no longer needed, according to that manager's post on her Facebook page.) Anyone interested in those details is welcome to PM me. If anyone else has details on managers perusing the VIP rooms, I'd appreciate knowing which clubs and days/nights you've observed that.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Strippers that post on Backpage
    I have noticed some here in the Puget Sound Region. I can tell only because I already knew that they were escorting (just two former dancers I know) or I can easily discern a strip club dressing room in the background of their photos. In the latter situation, most cases I don't know if they're currently dancing. Those dressing room photos could have dated to when they *were* dancing.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Lots Going On
    Please don't remind me of the baseball playoffs.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Bringing a Stripper Home
    I must be the only one that has had great success in "bringing strippers home." I've had lots of them to my condo. However, I plan their time at my house so that they are only in my master bedroom/bath (as their dressing room), or in the living room which I consider the "VIP room" while their here. My place is small enough that I can keep the doors closed to two other rooms they could possibly walk into en route from the dressing room to the VIP room. And, I can easily see those two doors while I'm seated on the VIP room sofa awaiting their appearance. I remove anything of value or interest (not much, anyway) from my bedroom before they arrive. My only concern might be my neighbors seeing all these young, voluptuous, pretty girls coming to my house, because my nighbors don't know what I'm up to. However, I feel that's the least of my concerns. I feel I've had success in doing this, because I usually have gotten to know them pretty well before they come to my place. That has usually been in the form of dinner or lunch out, before OTC at my house. That could be weeks or months in the making.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Best Seattle Club?
    If you'll read my bio, you'll see I'm from the Puget Sound Region. But I haven't been very active the past couple of years. You've reviewed six of the fifteen current Puget Sound Region clubs to date. Two of them twice. What's your opinion so far as to the best club(s)? My local club-going has been limited in the past couple of years. I mainly go to just a couple of north Seattle clubs to see particular dancers. I don't get around to many of the others, anymore. You haven't reviewed Pandora's yet. Have you tried it? It's the best known club for extras. That would be the "quantity" portion of the equation. Along with Sands, another extras club, which you have reviewed is quite known for extras too. More so on the day shift: However, its customers don't seem to want to share information for some reason. For the "quality" side of the equation, I like the downtown Seattle clubs: Little Darlings, which you have reviewed, and Deja Vu, Seattle, which you haven't reviewed. Even though the eight Deja Vu clubs in the region are known for minimal mileage, Club SinRock is the strictest. It has cameras over the lap dance areas, and they are definitely monitored. Since I can't get around to as many clubs as I used to, how about you doing some current scouting and let us know later on what you think about Seattle/Puget Sound Region clubs? You're off to a good start so far. We look forward to hearing from you!