I agree both on the blondes with big boobs and the brunettes with big asses. I cycle between the two every six months or so, in the middle of the blonde cycle right now
Papi, you ask a question that I believe requires, yes requires, a major research effort on the part of TUSCL'ers everywhere. We must go forth and scour strip clubs across the country, hell, across the world and determine the correct answer to your inquiry.
Good point lo paw. In the interest of science we will also need to sort out the natural boobs vs store bought. This may very well require hours of hands on research. Im prepared to do my part to answer this important question.
Depends if you include fake blondes and fake boobies, too. If so, then yes. Otherwise it's a draw or an edge to the blondes. I do agree with the brunettes and gorgeous asses. True there.
however........i like brunettes more
I'll do my part!
One question - do you count only real blondes, or bottle blonds too?