
Comments by jerikson40 (page 60)

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    12 years ago
    Fair Rate
    First of all, paying $25 for a lap dance is crazy. Unless the chicks are insanely hot. And even then... Now, in the club I go to, the girls start out stroking your boner when they sit down next to you. Free. Customer service. And the laps are $10 each. And generally, by about the 3rd song, you have a hot girl going wild on you. And about that time I'm ready to splooge. And if I give her a two song tip, I'm outta there and happy for half of what you paid without tip. You guys who allow clubs to manipulate you into paying that kind of money for laps should be ashamed. A-SHAMED !!!! And you guys who are actually proud you paid a lot of money for some pussy should hang your heads and go stand in the corner. When you encounter a club that charges big money for this stuff, just turn around and walk out. $10 laps should be industry standard. And this $25 bullshit is just ridiculous. When you normally get $20 bills out of the ATM, charging $25 is just to suck money out of you. Many guys won't hassle the additional $5 or whatever and just let her have it. Bullshit. $10 laps, you've got a stack of $20's in your pocket, nice and clean.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Mileage Trends
    "Most mileage I've ever seen is Providence, Rhode Island." I suspect that may say more about you than it does about Providence, Rhode Island.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Mileage Trends
    "Maybe, just read the tuscl reviews of Toronto area clubs? Yeah, right, I'll read every fucking review of every fucking club in the US and Canada to provide input to a fucking thread on TUSCL. Geezus, dude, are you always such an a-hole??
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Mileage Trends
    Okay, to clarify a bit... I did a quick search, and it appears that the areas around Toronto have very tough restrictions on contact between strippers and customers. Here's an article from October: http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/cityhallpolitics/article/1271810--toronto-strip-clubs-will-council-loosen-the-rules But apparently, according to Art, nobody is paying much attention?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Mileage Trends
    Ahh...okay... When you said "no more high mileage clubs" I thought you meant "no longer any high mileage clubs". Okay, so basically you're saying the Toronto area is a mileage capital, and there were no crackdowns in recent memory? Okay, it's erased from my list.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Mileage Trends
    Okay, Art, you're going to have to speak more clearly. From the sound of it you're saying Toronto isn't dead mileage wise, but then you tell me about all the dead clubs. Where are all the high mileage clubs in or around Toronto???
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Mileage Trends
    I'm thinking names like Brass Rail, Sundowner, Landing Strip, and clubs in the Niagara Falls area. Maybe that's not Toronto, but I was sure that years ago they were mileage capitals, but there was some sort of crackdown or something???
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Mileage Trends
    "About Toronto, you sir, are talking out of your ass." Yes, I am. I could have sworn I read some stuff saying that Toronto was a shadow of its former self mileage-wise. Ten or 20 years ago I recall some super mileage spots, and then I could have sworn that all changed in the last 10 or so years. But I could be all screwed up on that. Or maybe I was thinking Vancouver? But I'm pretty sure it was Toronto. Am I totally screwed up on that, or did things change drastically in Toronto in the last 10 years?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Best Strip Club Music
    Anything that isn't country is okay. Really. You know the saying "If it's country, it ain't music". Now, to get serious... The music I really want in strip clubs is the music you never hear. You want music that enhances the sexual, erotic, hot atmosphere. You want slow, grinding, funky, nasty, sex music. Now rap, funk, rock, whatever, is all fine. I love it. But for a strip club you need sex music. Music to fuck by. Music to get jacked off by. I have this vision of a strip club with (of course) insanely hot girls, all dressed up in super tight, slutty ankle-length gowns. Tube dresses I think they're called. The fabric is so tight and thin and almost see-thru that you can see the outline of their nipples. They all look like the hottest 1950's glamorous sex kittens. The lights go down, and the DJ starts playing Led Zeppelin's "Kashmir". The whole fucking place shakes with John Bonham's drum beat. Spotlights on the stage, and one by one the hottest strippers on the planet slink out onto the stage, slowly dancing and teasing and just oozing hot sex. They dance and pose for a bit on stage, giving the whole audience boners, then one by one make their way to the floor and give each guy in the audience a super hot lap dance. The whole room turns into a super high mileage lap dance room, everyone getting sucked and jerked and fucked. That's what strip club music should be. Instead it's some throwaway crap that merely gives dancers something to dance to.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Mileage Trends
    I think it probably comes down to a handful of cities which, even though they have tough laws restricting mileage, turn the other way, and you can find some very high mileage in a FEW clubs in those cities. Cities like LA/Industry, Detroit, Miami, Houston, Phoenix, and maybe a few others. But if you actually counted the high mileage clubs in those cities, the grand total in the US would be pretty pathetic. Probably less than a half dozen in the LA area, maybe few in Phoenix, and maybe a few in each of the others.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Mileage Trends
    "Mileage is off the charts in many areas and going strong." Easy to say, but, like, where? I gave some examples where, I think, it's been curtailed a lot. Now I agree in LA there's some clubs with crazy mileage. VIP's have been introduced, which can mean some huge mileage. But to add to my list, looks like Arlington Texas has been shut down, and I know San Diego is pretty much zero mileage, and unless you're a REALLY big spender the high mileage clubs in Vegas are no longer high mileage. Yeah, Phoenix has some high mileage exceptions. Oh, and I almost forgot Tucson. Hell, that place used to be excellent mileage, now it's pretty much dead. I don't know, I'm trying to see where, in general, the mileage has improved, but all I see is examples where it's been shut down.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Baby Dolls - Dallas
    Damn. I was hoping that my experience was typical in terms of mileage, but I guess not. Although it wasn't super high, for a girl that hot it was real surprising. Actually, I feel a bit relieved. I was kind of considering moving to Dallas for a brief moment.......
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Baby Dolls - Dallas
    Only two things I really care about in a club: Hot girls, high mileage. All the rest is fluff. If a club has extra hot girls giving surprisingly high contact dances, it's my kind of club. And Baby Dolls has that. I'm not interested in full service, just a lapdance where a hot stripper will grind you and use her hands to stroke you and TRY to get you off. I visited BD recently for the first time, on my way back from a trip to the east coast. And I was very impressed. The girls are, in general, hotter than I'm used to in the LA area clubs I visit. And the mileage was surprisingly high for dancers who look like that. I had a blonde, who I'd rate as close to a 9, give me an awesome dance and ultimately made me cum. She was trying to get me off. Usually you don't see that with dancers that hot. And from what I saw, other similarly hot dancers were giving similar mileage. Now maybe I just got lucky, and yeah, it was my first time, but if that's typical then it surely has to be one of the top clubs around.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    For anyone who has been visiting strip clubs over 10 years, do you think some da
    Back in, say, the late 80's, early 90's, when I first ventured into strip clubs I saw some absolutely stunning, jaw dropping strippers. In fact, when I think of the hottest strippers I've ever seen in person, it's, without a doubt, strippers I saw in the 90's. And today, with maybe one or two exceptions, it's very, very rare that I see drop dead gorgeous strippers. Does that mean anything? Maybe not. The clubs I visited back then were low mileage clubs, since I hadn't even heard of, or considered, high mileage clubs. Nowadays I frequent, almost exclusively, high mileage clubs. My gut tells me that, nowadays, hotter girls are less likely to be strippers, and it's a job that's relegated to the less attractive girls. And I think part of that is a belief that women in general, at least in LA, are less concerned with making an effort to maintain their looks, so there are less hot girls to go around. Women just want to be comfortable, don't really give a rip whether they look good or not, and are just freakin' lazy. They're more likely to be overweight, and not take care of themselves, and be far more self absorbed, and think they're "too good" to be strippers. And they just have a "fuck it" attitude. I don't think that was the case years ago. At least not to the same extent. I could be way wrong, but that's just the sense I have.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Increase in Services, odd development
    Hey, wait a minute... This thread was from July !!! What's the deal?? Any way, regarding the part about the hotter dancers giving it up, that goes against every rule we were taught as kids. The hotter the girl, the lower the mileage. That's like a basic rule of humanity. Unfortunately. However, on a recent trip to Baby Doll's in Dallas that rule was significantly bent to my advantage. So it does happen a few times in one's lifetime.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Increase in Services, odd development
    I dunno. I've given up trying to make sense of what goes on in strip clubs. I used to think that a bad economy would mean girls working harder, but I see the opposite. And as someone here pointed out, "bad economy" is really a relative term. "Bad" in terms of the media might mean a few percentage difference in unemployment, which in real world terms might be barely noticeable in your area. I think more likely there is a phenomenon like inno123 mentioned, and that is not enough funding for local LE's around the country, which I think is really a big factor in many areas. Some towns/cities are REALLY hurting. And busting strip clubs, which has always been a fairly low priority task in my experience, becomes virtually zero priority. But who knows, maybe it's just a phenomenon related to your clubs, or maybe it's just you. Or maybe the club owner developed an understanding with the local mayor or police chief. Who knows? I'd like to think that our society is far more approving of girls jacking off and fucking strangers, and the dancers are more comfortable doing it, but unfortunately I really doubt it. In fact, I feel that society is getting less and less tolerant of that kind of stuff as women become bigger players in local politics. I've seen many/most of the mileage capitals (Tampa, Phoenix, NY, Seattle, etc.) over the last 20 years clamp down on naughty strip club activities and develop/enforce 6 foot rules, etc. Although it seems that in the last few years a blind eye is being turned to the new, stricter laws in many of those areas.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dancer Turned On?
    Okay, I understand that women are vastly different from men in this area. Guys can cum from interacting with someone without any emotional considerations whatsoever, while in general women only "give it up" sexually and emotionally for someone they feel something for. And yeah, there are excepts for women. Not all are the same. That being said, I've had quite a few dances with strippers who I've clearly felt were being, shall we say, "self centered" in their dances. By that I mean this: I have a cock that is a little larger than average. And whenever I go to a club for lap dances I'm almost always hard as a rock due to the vitamin v. What can I say, I just like the stuff. And I'm always wearing real short shorts that are soft, etc., giving dancers super easy access. Now, that being said, on many occasions I've had dancers who clearly act like they are using the lap dance to solely use my dick as their personal dildo. It's like they are totally ignoring me and my pleasure, and instead are completely focused on adjusting that dick against their cooch just right and riding it so they get off. To the point where I feel like saying "Um, excuse me, but HELLO, are you guys done yet?" Now, my explanation has always been that these are girls in very high mileage clubs who, by definition, must enjoy the high mileage part or else they would be working at Spearmint Rhino or some other big buck, low mileage joint. Which means they get off, to some extent, having meaningless sexual encounters with strangers. Maybe I'm wrong. But I can't see why some chick would fake something like that (ie, ignoring me, and acting like she's getting herself off on my dick). Hell, it's certainly not to make her customer happy, since it pisses me off and usually means she won't be dancing for me anymore.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    And with all due respect to those who are "father figures" for some dancers, I hope you'll understand if I don't put a whole lot of weight in your experiences. Guys who desperately WANT the girls to like them, and be nice, and be honest, and to be sweet, probably aren't the best source for unbiased, objective input. Personally, I don't give a crap about who or what the girls are. But I know enough about women to know that there is some merit to many of the stereotypes.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Who does this???
    "Who goes back and looks up EIGHT YEAR OLD topics? Man, must have a lot of time on their hands." Yeah, like someone who's been on this board since 2000, and has done 7,281 comments. A lot of time on your hands, right Clubber?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    "Generalities are are misleading and don't really hold up too well in all cases." Wow, that's some good insight. Maybe because THAT'S WHAT A GENERALITY IS !!! Geezus, people, don't freak because someone categorizes general traits of a population. USUALLY it is a reasonably legitimate summary. And if you can't understand that OF COURSE IT DOESN'T APPLY TO EVERYONE, then I suggest you try real hard and do some re-thinking. Marketing people do it all the time. They figure out who buys their product, and then they figure out what, IN GENERAL, those types of people like and dislike. And IN GENERAL usually means a MAJORITY. And what does that mean? More than 50%. Politicians do the exact same thing. Because it's useful, and it works, and it's legitimate. Most stereotypes have some truth in them. If you don't like that, then I'm sorry, but it's GENERALLY true. Most women wouldn't be caught dead stripping. MOST women. And those who do GENERALLY are fighting some sort of demons to get them to a place where they do it. NOT ALL, but MOST. I'm sorry if that upsets you, but deal with it. And we can come up with a very, very long list of stereotypes that are generally true. Whether you like them or not is irrelevant. I'm a guy. And I know a lot of stereotypes about men that aren't flattering, but I know damn well they're mostly true. Maybe they don't apply to me, maybe they do. But I'm also man enough to admit my faults and accept them, rather than freaking out when someone criticizes me. If you're really a well adjusted stripper, congratulations. But learn to deal with the fact that MAYBE (and I'm not saying it's generally true, because I've never done a study) you just might not be representative of the average stripper out there.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    "Hey, watch my stuff".
    "If I suspect that a hot dancer prefers butchier women, I'll sometimes butch it up." Interesting. I've never really understood that whole dynamic going on there. If a girl prefers butchier women, is it because they actually, deep down, really prefer a masculine man, but for whatever reason can't stand guys because they're gross or whatever? But if the guys weren't so gross, or didn't treat them so bad, they'd actually be dating guys instead?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Lack Of Stage Tipping
    And another thing... In my experience the only clubs where the dancers are even polite about getting tips are the black clubs, where they come by and thank each guy who tips them, individually. Now that is how they should do things. But in most other clubs, they don't even glance your way, they just grab the bills and stuff them in their whatever. Fuck that. You get a tip from us for just doing your freakin' job, at LEAST be a little polite and appreciative, instead of a greedy bitch who thinks we owe her for some reason.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Hottest Black Club in the US
    Hah!! Funny you should mention Vic's. I just returned from a trip to the east coast and was assembling some reviews on the clubs I visited. Vics was right up there with the best. Pretty crazy.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Do All Strippers Lie? Or is it all women?
    "Jerikson, assuming for a second what you say is accurate. Do you really think men, in general, are any different?" Why does it matter? Would you feel better if I said men are worse? Okay, men are worse. But that wasn't what we were talking about.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Do All Strippers Lie? Or is it all women?
    sclvr, of course you're free to dismiss what I said as a mere tirade and based on nothing but inner resentment... However, let me suggest that, while I probably went over board, there is a lot of truth in what I say. And while you'll probably never hear a woman admit any of it publicly, in a quiet moment of honesty most would say, "yeah, can't argue with that". Not all women, but a surprising majority, IMO.