
Comments by jerikson40 (page 35)

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    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    Universal Hot / Crazy Matrix
    Absolutely fucking HILARIOUS !!! And true. The unicorn thing was incredible.
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    10 years ago
    What would you do?
    "...it is that you cannot change a person's core personality. They may be able to change for a little while, especially when they are lonely or seeking comfort or when things are new and exciting, but over time they will always revert back to their norms." Absolutely true. And when things get tough, people will seek comfort in that which they know will give them comfort, even if it's not what they really want. Words to live by and remember.
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    10 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    OT: Men pissing on toilet seats in public restrooms with urinals
    I agree. Now in some parts of Asia, you will find that in public (and private) restrooms they intentionally remove the toilet seats. Yes, you heard me correctly, they REMOVE the seats. Apparently in some places squatting is preferred to sitting. It's one of those head-scratchers I will never fully understand. So if you want nasty, the mind reels at that entire situation. Personally, if I need to raise the toilet seat, my foot is the only thing that is allowed to touch it. Feet work great to flip the seat up. Now I wouldn't call the people who refuse to touch public toilet seats as pansies though. The stuff you might find on those seats could probably kill a good portion of a major city.
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    10 years ago
    Bachelorette buzzkill
    Lopaw sez: "Dancers are there to work and make money regardless of their sexual orientation. They don't give a fuck about you - just the contents of your wallet......" Wow. That's harsh. And for some reason, when I say something that is almost verbatim what Lopaw says, I'm a buzzkill and raining on people's parades and an asswhole and every other name that people can think of. But when she says it it's fine... Yeah, I get it..
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Hitting SCs w/ a dancer ?
    "Do you, or would you, enjoy visiting a SC w/ a dancer?" I'm not sure I understand why you'd do that... Hold on, I'm scratching my head... If I'm taking a girl on a date, why go to a strip club? Usually, the girl would get jealous that I'm oogling other women. Not good. And I can't enjoy oogling other women, I need to pay attention to my date. I dunno, I'm drawing a blank on this one.
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    10 years ago
    Bachelorette buzzkill
    Personally, and I'm sorry to Lopaw for raining on her parade, but I feel uncomfortable with women customers. Not as bad with just a couple coming in, but a bachelorette party instantly means I'm leaving. And if I ever did see a single woman customer sitting next to me, I'd feel uncomfortable. Feel free to call me whatever name you'd like, but I think many guys feel the same way. Strip clubs are for men. And I don't like when women feel they need to come in to male establishments, for whatever reason. To prove equality, to find out "what those nasty men are doing", or whatever. Sometimes guys just want to be alone to oogle girls and have fun. So let us. Don't rain on our parades.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    And Rick sez: "With that, I am done with this thread. I have neither the bandwidth nor the interest in reading any more of this tortured logic." Right. That's how you guys handle it. You run out of ammunition, have nothing else to say, and claim you've lost the "bandwidth and the interest" and walk away. Grown adults, acting like fucking children, and proud of it. Sorry, but there's a point at which my objectivity gets replaced by frustration and disgust, and I've reached it. You guys should be fucking ashamed.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    "But that feeling of nausea is not the same as the rage I feel at the thought of someone abusing a child, or the loathing and outrage I have for someone who senselessly murders an innocent human being" Rick, are you aware of the term "analogy"? It's when you use an example to make the understand of a point clearer. Sometimes the example is easier to understand than the direct issue being discussed. I used an analogy of murder and pedophilia because it is very clear and unambiguous in peoples' minds. Homosexuality may not be. However, my point is that for many people, their reactions are SIMILAR. NOT IDENTICAL. SIMILAR. Perhaps to a significantly lesser degree, but similar enough that people might tend to classify the behaviors in the same, or reasonably similar category. Geezus, you guys are draining every ounce of energy I have. Look, I explained every single aspect of my thought process on this, including every single feeling and perspective I have regarding homosexuality. Nobody else has done that, you merely take pot shots. Rick, you admit your response to gay sex is repulsion. Fine. So maybe you can drop your dislike for me, and man up, and say "hey, maybe he has a point. I dislike him for all the times he's criticized me for how I have my nose up strippers' butts, but maybe I can separate that from the discussion and man up and discuss the issues, instead of calling him names and saying he's fucking passive aggressive or whatever bullshit I can come up with" Is that possible? Well, probably not, cuz, well, that's how some people are. Geezus.
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    10 years ago
    Remember the episode of Gilligan's Island......
    "No joke. I'm not the only person who finds her attractive" Yeah, but that website (Bruce Pena?) also finds Shirley Jones, Eve Plumb, Florence Henderson, Loretta Swit, and Sally Struthers hot. How can anyone take that guy seriously?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    And by the way, if distaste for gay sex really is learned, then why wouldn't I have the SAME negative, learned distaste for female gay sex?? Why would someone, or society, teach me that only male gay sex is bad? Hmmm....
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    Oh, and Jester, I forgot... You did have a very good point about distaste for lesbian sex. You're absolutely right, the same feelings do NOT exist, for me at least, with lesbian sex. It doesn't turn me on like it does with some guys, but it certainly doesn't disgust me physically. My reaction is pretty ambivalent, except of course if the girls are super hot. So yes, the reason why males might have severe reactions to male gay sex, but not female gay sex, isn't real clear. Maybe males don't NEED an internal rule about gay female sex, only about sex with other males. Anyway, it's an interesting point.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    And by the way, I am not supporting the point about gay sex leading to decline in population. That was originally raised by FarmerArt in another thread about immigration being a way to fix what seemed to be a grave concern he had about declining world population growth. He really seemed to be concerned about it, so I'm only suggesting that a rise in gay sex, without some obvious medical measures to counter the resulting population declines, seems to be far more critical to his concerns. He was talking in terms of many hundreds or thousands of years, and this would be on the order of generations.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    Jester, is that you??? Wow, I'm absolutely amazed !!! Bravo !!! Very impressed. You wrote something intelligent, clear, and some of it even has me rethinking some things !!! The whole thing about it being normal in other cultures, if true, makes me wonder why some people have a negative physical reaction...you must agree, it's difficult if not impossible to teach people to have severe physical reactions to things unless you go to a LOT of effort to apply extreme psychological influences. Personally, I don't recall ever having anyone even suggest to me, much less make a concerted effort, to make me react negatively to homosexuality like that. So I'm having a tough time with your premise about most behaviors being learned. I guarantee nobody told me to feel like vomiting at the thought of some guy boning a mule. And also, if it was "prevalent" in a culture, does that mean it is ultimately good for society? There are many heroin users in our society. Does that imply it's a good thing? While we'll probably never agree, and you'll always be convinced I'm nothing more than a repressed homophobe or whatever, I have gained a bit of respect for you.
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    10 years ago
    my atf looks a lot like this bitch but with red hair
    I'm totally not into the blonde chick. However, I fully support this guys right to produce music videos featuring hot, scantily clad wimmenz. Damn, you could see her nipples in that fishnet bathing suit. I love that.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    And by the way, for those who want to think that there are no rational reasons why someone might consider homosexuality to be somewhat detrimental, here are some things to consider: If everyone practiced only gay sex, the population of the earth would quickly spiral to zero in a generation. Obvious, but still a reasonable issue to consider. So merely for the perpetuation of the population, you want some limits on practices that might affect society's future like that. It sounds like FarmerArt has studied this far more than me, so I'll defer to him for more information. Many people believe that children grow best with a male and female parent. Now that doesn't assure the child will do well, but to many it's a fairly obvious prerequisite. Now some will say that single parents or gay parents do fine, and the kids turn out okay, and to some extent that's true. But for society as a whole, is it the best thing in the long term? Are there some long term negative effects we aren't fully aware of yet? Reasonable people will disagree. To me personally, I feel that the second is quite legitimate and deserves some consideration. It may take generations before the long term effects of single and gay parents is fully understood, but I think we should be cautious. Kids have a tough enough time, and if we start them with some negative psychological stuff to deal with on top of it, we might regret it later. But it really does concern me.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    "Well, there's a reason God did not make Adam and Eve gay. It would have defeated His purpose!" Yeah, and famerart's impending fear of the world population spiraling to zero would come a whole lot quicker. Why isn't he weighing in on this???
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    Damn I love that video joker....
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    And just for the record, my feelings about the practice of homosexuality are somewhat ambivalent. I do have an internal reaction when I see men kissing. It makes my skin crawl, and I think "EEeewwww". I'm sorry, but I've always been like that. I never learned that physical response. If anything, I've learned somewhat to suppress it. And the thought, or the sight, of a guy boning another guy up the butt sickens me. Again, not learned by anyone or anything, it just does. And being around guys for my entire life, I think it's safe to say that many males have a similar response. I also think some have suppressed that to some degree. But otherwise, I'm fairly ambivalent, and what consenting adults do is pretty much fine with me. I also support the legalization of prostitution for the same reason. However, if someone were to show to me that those feelings I have are due to some cosmic law that ultimately homosexuality is bad for society, then I'll say, yeah, I can see that.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    Mr. Dugan, congratulations for being the only one to forumlate an intelligent response to what I've said. Honestly, I very much respect you for that. Thank you. Aside from the fact that some of your response was a personal attack, including name calling (jerkoff40) and your personal characterizations of me and my motives (even though you've never met me), you do have some fairly intelligent thought in there. Now, you seem to think that it's relevant that there are legal reasons why there cannot be laws against homosexuality. How is that relevant? The core issue here is "if some people's core principles, which they were given at birth (just like you and me), cause them to react to something as being wrong, why mock them?" That is the issue I've been addressing. You also present your belief that "many people do NOT have as visceral a reaction to gays as they do to murderers and pedophiles." Fine. I tend to agree that's probably true. But is that a majority? Is that a large segment of the population? And where is your proof? I suspect that is an issue that may never be resolved clearly. I tend to think that a large portion of the population feels that way, large enough to at least deserve some respect. History of many cultures in the past seems to promote the belief that there is some negative aspects to the practice of homosexuality. Is it because they're all stupid homophobes? I find that hard to believe. It's really unfortunate that you too jump to the name calling and characterizations in your discussions. I assumed you were an older guy, and presumably more mature. Maybe in the future you can tap the brakes on that a bit, huh? Just a thought.
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    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    Jester, honestly, do you really expect to have any credibility at all if you only throw out these one line statements of what you believe, with no supporting reasoning whatsoever? Come on, at least you can put together SOMETHING to support your beliefs...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    The Correlation Between Political Ideology and Strip Club Quality
    Interesting... In SoCal, the three main mileage cities are Anaheim (presumably conservative Orange County), City of Industry (pro-business since it only has businesses and a few residents), and Gardena (black, presumably liberal). Oh, and Upland, which is conservative, mostly families and retired folks. Who knows? I'm guessing it's really a function of who complains about strip clubs, and which businesses can influence the politicians to leave them alone. If there happen to be a lot of people in a strip club neighborhood who complain about presumed nasty activities, the cops have to respond. Usually. San Francisco used to be a mileage capital, now it's pretty dead. And it's super liberal. I think it's mainly about the political climate at the time and the attitudes of the residents.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    the speed force!
    OT: Hearts vs Minds
    "Can you see the "some dude pukes reaction" is totally an emotional reaction?" Of course it is. But I think you're missing the point. Think about this: For everything you think is "right" or "wrong", how do you KNOW it's right or wrong? How do you know that murder is wrong? And don't tell me because it hurts someone. How do you know that hurting someone is wrong? The answer is that every one of us was born imprinted with a basic set of rules for living. We all know that hurting someone is wrong. And we can all imagine a world that didn't know about that rule. And furthermore, we are imprinted with not only a knowledge of right and wrong, but to seal the deal we all have internal, physical reactions to some things that make us absolutely sure something is wrong. If you see someone being murdered and dismembered, how do you react? You have an intense physical reaction of horror, shock, disgust, vomiting etc. If there was any doubt about that being wrong, your intense physical reaction gave you no doubt whatsoever. And that's my point. For some things we have a natural physical reaction that tells us "this is wrong". We were born with that reaction, it's natural, we never learned it. And we all look at each other and nod your heads, "Yeah, that's definitely bad", and make laws against murder. How do you explain why it's bad? Well, because it is. It's obvious. We just know. Now, we all have many emotions. But the point I was trying to make is that when discussing issues, with points and counter points, it works best if you can put those emotions aside and focus on the issues. And if the issue is whether it is reasonable for some people to find some sexual practices abhorrent IF they have an imprinted physical reaction of "it's wrong", then it seems like a fairly simple discussion, void of the need for emotion. If Joe Blow "knows" something is wrong in the same way that you "know" pedophilia is wrong, then why dismiss Joe Blow as sub-human? I'm not saying Joe Blow is right, I'm just saying if his core principles, which he was given at birth (just like you and me), cause him to react to something as being wrong, why mock the guy? That's what tolerance is about. Trying to understand people like Joe Blow. Now, if you later find out that Joe is actually some KKK asshole whose core principles are some twisted version of right and wrong that were developed from too many kegs of beer and intermarriage within his family, then obviously you can dismiss him as being an imbecile and not worthy of recognition. But if large segments of the population have an internal knowledge that something is "wrong", at least respect their beliefs. And if they are in error for some reason, discuss with them and show they why they are in error.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Women's Voices
    Regarding different nationalities and the voices... Yeah I love British chicks and their accents, though I'm not sure I'd call them sexy. Yeah, maybe. Now generally Asian chicks tend to sound annoying when talking their native language. Vietnamese, Thai, Filipino...just loud and chattery...aame with Chinese and Japanese. Now German chicks, if you like a little deep throaty sound, damn, they got it. I mentioned a chick named Aileen Taylor, who is world class smokin hot. Just listen to some of her videos...damn
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Another weird one
    "duh" Oh, so I guess it was supposed to be funny or something? Oh, okay. Yeah, that's funny.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Another weird one
    "But choice number two wants you to deposit part of the money into a bank account in her sister's name, to hold for her as college money for when she gets too old for sex work. Which stripper do you pick?" I guess I'm totally missing the point. Two strippers, your favorite and another, both charge the same, but the second, less desirable one, has conditions on how she gets paid...is that about right? Why are you even asking? Go for the best one who has no conditions.