
Women's Voices

avatar for farmerart

Women's voices fascinate me. On my vacation in England I was attended by a waitress with the husky, throaty voice that really turns me on. Combined with the girl's accent(south west England) I was soon sporting a chubby solely from the sound of this young woman's voice. Toronto sweetie with her similar voice (with a bit of gravel thrown in) and Hungarian accent had the exact same effect on me.

I don't care for the higher pitched female voices and certainly not the squeaky 'little girl' voices.

What say you other horndogs?


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avatar for san_jose_guy
10 yrs ago

I like them all. You've just got to learn to play them a little bit. Throw in your own voice and make music with them. Do this in conversation to make it become more intimate, and do it when you're working he on her back.


avatar for looneylarry
10 yrs ago

Unfortunately, too many sound like chain smokers. . .because they are.

avatar for shailynn
10 yrs ago

So you're saying you like a little raspiness in your girls voices. Doesn't do much for me but I have a lot of friends who feel the same way as you.

Yes the British accent is hot. I remember in college I had this job where I talked to some woman a lot in a sister office in England. Sexiest voice ever, I had no idea what she looked like, age, etc and our conversations never really allowed those type of questions to be brought up...

Anyway I also love southern accents...

One that doesn't do anything for me is Midwestern accents and I tend to spend a lot of time in Midwestern clubs (Ohio to Indiana seems to be a good blueprint for this accent). New York/New Jersey accents tend to but anywhere from cute to horrible tends to depend on the girl. I just spent a week on vacation surrounded by New Jersey and New Yorkers and that accent is about to drive me nuts.

avatar for jester214
10 yrs ago

There's an actress on TV, some show about alien invasion on cable, and she has a voice that I find very hot. Aside from her and a few foreign accents, I really can't say I'm into voices.

avatar for jerikson40
10 yrs ago

Black chicks.


'Day so nasty..."oooo, damn baby you got you some big ol' dick....you KNOW I'll make you cum baby"

Yeah, I love their voices...

avatar for tumblingdice
10 yrs ago

^^^^Total flock of fags.

avatar for SlickSpic
10 yrs ago

British accents don't do much for me. Overrated. I'd rather listen to the voices in my head. They're far more interesting.

avatar for mikeya02
10 yrs ago

Betty Boop sounded hot and cute. Except for a few, I like them all.

avatar for SlickSpic
10 yrs ago

I do agree with Jerrikson-A hot, sultry Black voice is amazing. Listen to Beyonce sing Naughty Girl.

avatar for shadowcat
10 yrs ago

I dunno. I can they talk with a mouth full of my dick? :)

avatar for sclvr5005
10 yrs ago

Anything except a high pitched Betty Boop or a Fran Drescher soundalike is OK by me.

avatar for joker44
10 yrs ago

"I don't care for the higher pitched female voices and certainly not the squeaky 'little girl' voices."

Ditto, though there was one exception. A 30s something stacked blonde. She had a mid-upper register voice but not squeaky. We always had a great time together whether talking [& laughing] or LDing.

Still, whenever she first spoke to me on each new club visit I'd be surprised at how high her voice was pitched; just didn't match her looks.

In between visits I'd 'edited out' the memory of her voice, lol.

Squeaky or very high pitched voices are an instant turnoff; lower register female voices are a turn on if accompanied by the right words and inflection.

avatar for ATACdawg
10 yrs ago

Speaking of Betty Boop, does anyone else remember the episode (no, I'm not trying to revive that thread!) where she was shown as a topless hula dancer? It was indelibly burned into my 10-year old mind! I only saw that episode once. I'm betting that some poor s.o.b. who showed it without previously viewing it was made to eat the film so that it would never show up again.

avatar for crazyjoe
10 yrs ago

I agree with 5005 except if her voice is tok deep and manly it is a total boner killer for me

avatar for DandyDan
10 yrs ago

The one thing that annoys me about some strippers is they seem to intentionally go for little girl voices sometimes. Those are the type I almost never go for. But then again, too deep sounds too manly.

I admit to being a sucker for the British accent. One incident one of my friends will never let me forget is I was here in Omaha and one of my friends was in town for the weekend and he wanted steak, which I suppose is only natural, considering the number of slaughterhouses still in Omaha. Anyway, I see the waitress coming and she looks grotesque, kinda chunky. She then opens her mouth and out comes this British accent, which just threw me off. From that point on, I wanted to ask her out, but of course, it never happened.

Also, the receptionist at one of the doctors I have to see periodically is English and has a great love for Liverpool (the soccer club). Which I suppose is better than loving Manchester United.

avatar for jerikson40
10 yrs ago

Regarding different nationalities and the voices...

Yeah I love British chicks and their accents, though I'm not sure I'd call them sexy. Yeah, maybe.

Now generally Asian chicks tend to sound annoying when talking their native language. Vietnamese, Thai, Filipino...just loud and chattery...aame with Chinese and Japanese.

Now German chicks, if you like a little deep throaty sound, damn, they got it. I mentioned a chick named Aileen Taylor, who is world class smokin hot. Just listen to some of her videos...damn

avatar for motorhead
10 yrs ago

Well East coast girls are hip

I really dig those Jersey Shore accents

And the Southern girls with the way they talk

They knock me out when I'm down there

The Mid-West farmer's daughters are plain like the girls

And the Northern girls are great

Minnesota accents are the best

Ya sure, you betcha

But California accents are like

aaaaawesome dude

avatar for ATACdawg
10 yrs ago

Moto: apologize to the Beach Boys. Please! ;)

avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
10 yrs ago

I like West African accents. A very pleasant sound to listen to.

avatar for ndnman
10 yrs ago

I used to work with a Brazilian girl who spoke portuguese as well as english. She had a slight accent that was so hot. And she was gorgeous as fuck also. Best part was when she was talking to family on the phone. I don't know or cared what she was talking about, but that was sexy as hell. Go Brazil!

avatar for SlickSpic
10 yrs ago

I like mute chicks that sign really slutty.

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